Uses of Interface

Packages that use CAS
org.apache.uima.analysis_engine The Analysis Engine interface, along with supporting interfaces and exception classes. 
org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.annotator The Annotator Interfaces, along with supporting interfaces and exception classes. 
org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.asb Contains the Analysis Structure Broker (ASB) interface, along with supporting interfaces and exception classes. 
org.apache.uima.cas Common Analysis System (CAS) Interfaces. 
org.apache.uima.cas.impl Implementation and Low-Level API for the CAS Interfaces. 
org.apache.uima.collection Classes and interfaces for collection processing. 
org.apache.uima.jcas Interfaces for accessing the JCAS. 
org.apache.uima.jcas.cas JCAS model for built-in CAS types 
org.apache.uima.resource Interfaces for Resources and ResourceSpecifiers
org.apache.uima.resource.metadata Interfaces for objects that represent metadata for a Resource. 
org.apache.uima.util Utility classes and interfaces used by UIMA components. 

Uses of CAS in org.apache.uima.analysis_component

Methods in org.apache.uima.analysis_component that return CAS
protected  CAS CasMultiplier_ImplBase.getEmptyCAS()
          Gets an empty CAS that this CAS Multiplier can then populate.

Methods in org.apache.uima.analysis_component that return types with arguments of type CAS
 Class<CAS> CasAnnotator_ImplBase.getRequiredCasInterface()
 Class<CAS> CasMultiplier_ImplBase.getRequiredCasInterface()

Methods in org.apache.uima.analysis_component with parameters of type CAS
abstract  void CasAnnotator_ImplBase.process(CAS aCAS)
          Inputs a CAS to the AnalysisComponent.
abstract  void CasMultiplier_ImplBase.process(CAS aCAS)
          This method should be overriden by subclasses.

Uses of CAS in org.apache.uima.analysis_engine

Methods in org.apache.uima.analysis_engine that return CAS
 CAS AnalysisProcessData.getCAS()
          Deprecated. Gets the Common Analysis System (CAS), from which the AnalysisEngine obtains the information to be processed, and to which the AnalysisEngine writes new annotation information.
 CAS AnalysisEngine.newCAS()
          Creates a new Common Analysis System appropriate for this Analysis Engine.
          Gets the next CAS from the iterator.

Methods in org.apache.uima.analysis_engine with parameters of type CAS
 void AnalysisEngineServiceStub.callProcess(CAS aCAS)
          Performs service call to process an entity.
 ProcessTrace AnalysisEngine.process(CAS aCAS)
          Invokes this AnalysisEngine's analysis logic.
 ProcessTrace AnalysisEngine.process(CAS aCAS, ResultSpecification aResultSpec)
          Invokes this AnalysisEngine's analysis logic.
 void AnalysisEngine.process(CAS aCAS, ResultSpecification aResultSpec, ProcessTrace aTrace)
          Invokes this AnalysisEngine's analysis logic.
 CasIterator AnalysisEngine.processAndOutputNewCASes(CAS aCAS)
          Processes a CAS, possibly producing multiple CASes as a result.

Uses of CAS in org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.annotator

Methods in org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.annotator with parameters of type CAS
 void GenericAnnotator.process(CAS aCAS, ResultSpecification aResultSpec)
          Deprecated. Invokes this annotator's analysis logic.
 void TextAnnotator.process(CAS aCAS, ResultSpecification aResultSpec)
          Deprecated. Invokes this annotator's analysis logic.

Uses of CAS in org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.asb

Methods in org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.asb with parameters of type CAS
 CasIterator ASB.process(CAS aCAS)
          Invokes the processing of the aggregate on the given input CAS.

Uses of CAS in org.apache.uima.cas

Methods in org.apache.uima.cas that return CAS
 CAS CAS.createView(String localViewName)
          Create a view and its underlying Sofa (subject of analysis).
 CAS FeatureStructure.getCAS()
          Return the CAS that this FS belongs to.
 CAS CAS.getCurrentView()
          Get the Cas view that the current component should use.
 CAS AnnotationBaseFS.getView()
          Gets the CAS view associated with the Sofa that this Annotation is over.
 CAS CAS.getView(SofaFS aSofa)
          Get the view for a Sofa (subject of analysis).
 CAS CAS.getView(String localViewName)
          Get the view for a Sofa (subject of analysis).

Methods in org.apache.uima.cas that return types with arguments of type CAS
 Iterator<CAS> CAS.getViewIterator()
          Get iterator over all views in this CAS.
 Iterator<CAS> CAS.getViewIterator(String localViewNamePrefix)
          Get iterator over all views with the given name prefix.

Uses of CAS in org.apache.uima.cas.admin

Methods in org.apache.uima.cas.admin that return CAS
 CAS CASMgr.getCAS()
          Return a non-admin version of the CAS.

Methods in org.apache.uima.cas.admin with parameters of type CAS
 void CASMgr.setCAS(CAS cas)

Uses of CAS in org.apache.uima.cas.impl

Methods in org.apache.uima.cas.impl with parameters of type CAS
static void XCASDeserializer.deserialize(InputStream aStream, CAS aCAS)
          Deserializes an XCAS from a stream.
static void XmiCasDeserializer.deserialize(InputStream aStream, CAS aCAS)
          Deserializes a CAS from XMI.
static void XCASDeserializer.deserialize(InputStream aStream, CAS aCAS, boolean aLenient)
          Deserializes an XCAS from a stream.
static void XmiCasDeserializer.deserialize(InputStream aStream, CAS aCAS, boolean aLenient)
          Deserializes a CAS from XMI.
static void XmiCasDeserializer.deserialize(InputStream aStream, CAS aCAS, boolean aLenient, XmiSerializationSharedData aSharedData)
          Deserializes a CAS from XMI.
static void XmiCasDeserializer.deserialize(InputStream aStream, CAS aCAS, boolean aLenient, XmiSerializationSharedData aSharedData, int aMergePoint)
          Deserializes a CAS from XMI.
static void XmiCasDeserializer.deserialize(InputStream aStream, CAS aCAS, boolean aLenient, XmiSerializationSharedData aSharedData, int aMergePoint, org.apache.uima.cas.impl.AllowPreexistingFS allowPreexistngFS)
          Deserializes a CAS from XMI.
 DefaultHandler XCASDeserializer.getXCASHandler(CAS cas)
          Create a default handler for deserializing an XCAS into the cas parameter.
 DefaultHandler XCASDeserializer.getXCASHandler(CAS cas, org.apache.uima.cas.impl.OutOfTypeSystemData outOfTypeSystemData)
          Create a default handler for deserializing an XCAS into the cas parameter.
 DefaultHandler XmiCasDeserializer.getXmiCasHandler(CAS cas)
          Create a default handler for deserializing a CAS from XMI.
 DefaultHandler XmiCasDeserializer.getXmiCasHandler(CAS cas, boolean lenient)
          Create a default handler for deserializing a CAS from XMI.
 DefaultHandler XmiCasDeserializer.getXmiCasHandler(CAS cas, boolean lenient, XmiSerializationSharedData sharedData)
          Create a default handler for deserializing a CAS from XMI.
 DefaultHandler XmiCasDeserializer.getXmiCasHandler(CAS cas, boolean lenient, XmiSerializationSharedData sharedData, int mergePoint)
          Create a default handler for deserializing a CAS from XMI.
 DefaultHandler XmiCasDeserializer.getXmiCasHandler(CAS cas, boolean lenient, XmiSerializationSharedData sharedData, int mergePoint, org.apache.uima.cas.impl.AllowPreexistingFS allow)
          Create a default handler for deserializing a CAS from XMI.
 void XCASSerializer.serialize(CAS cas, ContentHandler contentHandler)
          Write the CAS data to a SAX content handler.
 void XmiCasSerializer.serialize(CAS cas, ContentHandler contentHandler)
          Write the CAS data to a SAX content handler.
 void XCASSerializer.serialize(CAS cas, ContentHandler contentHandler, boolean encodeDoc)
          Write the CAS data to a SAX content handler.
 void XCASSerializer.serialize(CAS cas, ContentHandler contentHandler, boolean encodeDoc, org.apache.uima.cas.impl.OutOfTypeSystemData outOfTypeSystemData)
          Write the CAS data to a SAX content handler.
 void XmiCasSerializer.serialize(CAS cas, ContentHandler contentHandler, ErrorHandler errorHandler)
          Write the CAS data to a SAX content handler.
 void XmiCasSerializer.serialize(CAS cas, ContentHandler contentHandler, ErrorHandler errorHandler, XmiSerializationSharedData sharedData)
          Write the CAS data to a SAX content handler.
 void XmiCasSerializer.serialize(CAS cas, ContentHandler contentHandler, ErrorHandler errorHandler, XmiSerializationSharedData sharedData, Marker marker)
          Write the CAS data to a SAX content handler.
static void XCASSerializer.serialize(CAS aCAS, OutputStream aStream)
          Serializes an XCAS to a stream.
static void XmiCasSerializer.serialize(CAS aCAS, OutputStream aStream)
          Serializes a CAS to an XMI stream.
static void XCASSerializer.serialize(CAS aCAS, OutputStream aStream, boolean isFormattedOutput)
          Serializes an XCAS to a stream.
static void XmiCasSerializer.serialize(CAS aCAS, TypeSystem aTargetTypeSystem, OutputStream aStream)
          Serializes a CAS to an XMI stream.
static void XmiCasSerializer.serialize(CAS aCAS, TypeSystem aTargetTypeSystem, OutputStream aStream, boolean aPrettyPrint, XmiSerializationSharedData aSharedData)
          Serializes a CAS to an XMI stream.
static void XmiCasSerializer.serialize(CAS aCAS, TypeSystem aTargetTypeSystem, OutputStream aStream, boolean aPrettyPrint, XmiSerializationSharedData aSharedData, Marker aMarker)
          Serializes a Delta CAS to an XMI stream.

Uses of CAS in org.apache.uima.collection

Methods in org.apache.uima.collection with parameters of type CAS
 void StatusCallbackListener.entityProcessComplete(CAS aCas, EntityProcessStatus aStatus)
          Called when the processing of each entity has completed.
 void CollectionReader.getNext(CAS aCAS)
          Gets the next element of the collection.
 void CasInitializer.initializeCas(Object aObj, CAS aCAS)
          Deprecated. Reads content and metadata from an Object and initializes a CAS.
 void CasConsumer_ImplBase.processCas(CAS[] aCASes)

Uses of CAS in org.apache.uima.collection.base_cpm

Methods in org.apache.uima.collection.base_cpm with parameters of type CAS
 void CasObjectProcessor.processCas(CAS aCAS)
          Process a single CAS.
 void CasObjectProcessor.processCas(CAS[] aCASes)
          Processes multiple CASes.

Uses of CAS in org.apache.uima.flow

Methods in org.apache.uima.flow that return CAS
protected  CAS CasFlow_ImplBase.getCas()
          Gets the CAS being routed by this Flow object.

Methods in org.apache.uima.flow that return types with arguments of type CAS
 Class<CAS> CasFlowController_ImplBase.getRequiredCasInterface()

Methods in org.apache.uima.flow with parameters of type CAS
abstract  Flow CasFlowController_ImplBase.computeFlow(CAS aCAS)
          This method must be overriden by subclasses.
protected  Flow CasFlow_ImplBase.newCasProduced(CAS newCas, String producedBy)
          By default, throws an exception to indicate this this Flow object does not support new CASes being produced in the middle of the flow.
 void CasFlow_ImplBase.setCas(CAS aCAS)
          Deprecated. this is automatically done by the framework after a new flow object is created

Uses of CAS in org.apache.uima.jcas

Methods in org.apache.uima.jcas that return CAS
 CAS JCas.getCas()
          return the Cas object for this JCas instantiation

Uses of CAS in org.apache.uima.jcas.cas

Methods in org.apache.uima.jcas.cas that return CAS
 CAS AnnotationBase.getView()
 CAS AnnotationBase_Type.getView(int addr)

Uses of CAS in org.apache.uima.resource

Methods in org.apache.uima.resource that return CAS
 CAS CasManager.createNewCas(Properties aPerformanceTuningSettings)
          Create a new CAS using the CasDefinition stored in this CAS Manager.
 CAS CasManager.getCas(String aRequestorContextName)
          Gets an empty CAS.

Methods in org.apache.uima.resource with parameters of type CAS
 AbstractCas CasManager.getCasInterface(CAS cas, Class<? extends AbstractCas> requiredInterface)
          Gets a specified interface to a CAS.

Uses of CAS in org.apache.uima.resource.metadata

Methods in org.apache.uima.resource.metadata with parameters of type CAS
 boolean Precondition.evaluate(CAS aCAS)
          Determines if this precondition is satisfied by a CAS.

Uses of CAS in org.apache.uima.uimacpp

Methods in org.apache.uima.uimacpp that return CAS
protected  CAS UimacppAnalysisComponent.getEmptyCAS()

Methods in org.apache.uima.uimacpp that return types with arguments of type CAS
 Class<CAS> UimacppAnalysisComponent.getRequiredCasInterface()

Methods in org.apache.uima.uimacpp with parameters of type CAS
 void segment)
 void UimacppAnalysisComponent.process(CAS aCAS)
 void UimacppAnalysisComponent.process(CAS cas, ResultSpecification aResultSpec)
 void UimacppEngine.process(ResultSpecification rs, CAS aCas, boolean casIsEmpty)
          process the document.

Uses of CAS in org.apache.uima.util

Methods in org.apache.uima.util that return CAS
static CAS CasCreationUtils.createCas(AnalysisEngineDescription aDescription)
          Creates a new CAS instance for an Analysis Engine.
static CAS CasCreationUtils.createCas(AnalysisEngineDescription aDescription, Properties aPerformanceTuningSettings)
          Creates a new CAS instance for an Analysis Engine.
static CAS CasCreationUtils.createCas(AnalysisEngineMetaData aMetaData)
          Creates a new CAS instance.
static CAS CasCreationUtils.createCas(CasDefinition casDef, Properties performanceTuningSettings)
          Create a CAS from a CAS Definition.
static CAS CasCreationUtils.createCas(CasDefinition casDef, Properties performanceTuningSettings, TypeSystem typeSystem)
          Create a CAS from a CAS Definition, but reuse the provided TypeSystem object.
static CAS CasCreationUtils.createCas(Collection<? extends MetaDataObject> aComponentDescriptionsOrMetaData)
          Creates a new CAS instance for a collection of CAS Processors.
static CAS CasCreationUtils.createCas(Collection<? extends MetaDataObject> aComponentDescriptionsOrMetaData, Properties aPerformanceTuningSettings)
          Creates a new CAS instance for a collection of CAS Processors.
static CAS CasCreationUtils.createCas(Collection<? extends MetaDataObject> aComponentDescriptionsOrMetaData, Properties aPerformanceTuningSettings, ResourceManager aResourceManager)
          Creates a new CAS instance for a collection of CAS Processors.
static CAS CasCreationUtils.createCas(Collection<? extends MetaDataObject> aComponentDescriptionsOrMetaData, TypeSystem aTypeSystem, Properties aPerformanceTuningSettings)
          Creates a new CAS instance for a collection of CAS Processors, which.
static CAS CasCreationUtils.createCas(Collection<? extends MetaDataObject> aComponentDescriptionsOrMetaData, TypeSystem aTypeSystem, Properties aPerformanceTuningSettings, ResourceManager aResourceManager)
          Creates a new CAS instance for a collection of CAS Processors, which.
static CAS CasCreationUtils.createCas(ProcessingResourceMetaData aMetaData)
          Creates a new CAS instance.
static CAS CasCreationUtils.createCas(TypeSystemDescription aTypeSystem, TypePriorities aTypePriorities, FsIndexDescription[] aFsIndexes)
          Creates a new CAS instance.
static CAS CasCreationUtils.createCas(TypeSystemDescription aTypeSystem, TypePriorities aTypePriorities, FsIndexDescription[] aFsIndexes, Properties aPerformanceTuningSettings)
          Creates a new CAS instance.
static CAS CasCreationUtils.createCas(TypeSystemDescription aTypeSystem, TypePriorities aTypePriorities, FsIndexDescription[] aFsIndexes, Properties aPerformanceTuningSettings, ResourceManager aResourceManager)
          Creates a new CAS instance.
static CAS CasCreationUtils.createCas(TypeSystem aTypeSystem, TypePriorities aTypePriorities, FsIndexDescription[] aFsIndexes, Properties aPerformanceTuningSettings)
          Creates a new CAS instance that reuses an existing type system.
static CAS CasCreationUtils.createCas(TypeSystem aTypeSystem, TypePriorities aTypePriorities, FsIndexDescription[] aFsIndexes, Properties aPerformanceTuningSettings, ResourceManager aResourceManager)
          Creates a new CAS instance that reuses an existing type system.
 CAS CasPool.getCas()
          Checks out a CAS from the pool.
 CAS CasPool.getCas(long aTimeout)
          Checks out a CAS from the pool.

Methods in org.apache.uima.util that return types with arguments of type CAS
protected  Vector<CAS> CasPool.getAllInstances()
protected  Vector<CAS> CasPool.getFreeInstances()

Methods in org.apache.uima.util with parameters of type CAS
static void CasCopier.copyCas(CAS aSrcCas, CAS aDestCas, boolean aCopySofa)
          Does a complete deep copy of one CAS into another CAS.
 void CasCopier.copyCasView(CAS aSrcCasView, boolean aCopySofa)
          Does a deep copy of the contents of one CAS View into another CAS.
static void XmlCasDeserializer.deserialize(InputStream aStream, CAS aCAS)
          Deserializes a CAS from a standoff-XML format.
static void XmlCasDeserializer.deserialize(InputStream aStream, CAS aCAS, boolean aLenient)
          Deserializes a CAS from XMI.
 String CasToInlineXml.format(CAS aCAS)
          Formats a CAS as a String.
 String TCasFormatter.format(CAS aCAS)
          Produces a string representation of a CAS.
 String TCasToInlineXml.format(CAS aCAS)
 String CasToInlineXml.format(CAS aCAS, FSMatchConstraint aFilter)
          Formats a CAS as a String.
 String TCasFormatter.format(CAS aCAS, FSMatchConstraint aFilter)
          Produces a string representation of a CAS.
 String TCasToInlineXml.format(CAS aCAS, FSMatchConstraint aFilter)
 String CasToInlineXml.generateXML(CAS aCAS)
          Generates inline XML from a CAS.
 String TCasToInlineXml.generateXML(CAS aCAS)
          Deprecated. Generates inline XML from a CAS.
 String CasToInlineXml.generateXML(CAS aCAS, FSMatchConstraint aFilter)
          Generates inline XML from a CAS.
 String TCasToInlineXml.generateXML(CAS aCAS, FSMatchConstraint aFilter)
          Deprecated. Generates inline XML from a CAS.
static int ConsumerCasUtils.getIntFeatValue(CAS aCasView, String aTypeS, String aFeatS)
static String ConsumerCasUtils.getStringFeatValue(CAS aCasView, String aTypeS, String aFeatS)
static FeatureStructure ConsumerCasUtils.getTcasFS(CAS aCasView, String aTypeS)
 void CasPool.releaseCas(CAS aCas)
          Checks in a CAS to the pool.
static void XmlCasSerializer.serialize(CAS aCAS, OutputStream aStream)
          Serializes a CAS to XMI format and writes it to an output stream.
static void XmlCasSerializer.serialize(CAS aCAS, TypeSystem aTargetTypeSystem, OutputStream aStream)
          Serializes a CAS to XMI format and writes it to an output stream.

Constructors in org.apache.uima.util with parameters of type CAS
CasCopier(CAS aSrcCas, CAS aDestCas)
          Creates a new CasCopier that can be used to copy FeatureStructures from one CAS to another.

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