Interface ResourceManager

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface ResourceManager

A ResourceManager holds a collection of Resource objects, each registered under a specified key.

Method Summary
 CasManager getCasManager()
          Gets the CasManager, which manages the creation and pooling of CASes.
 String getDataPath()
          Gets the data path used to resolve relative paths.
 ClassLoader getExtensionClassLoader()
          Returns the UIMA extension class loader.
 Map<String,XMLizable> getImportCache()
          Gets a cache of imported descriptors, so that the parsed objects can be reused if the same URL is imported more than once.
 Object getResource(String aName)
          Gets the Resource that has been registered under the specified name.
 Object getResource(String aName, String[] aParams)
          Gets an instance of a parameterized Resource.
 InputStream getResourceAsStream(String aKey)
          Retrieves an InputStream for reading from the named resource.
 InputStream getResourceAsStream(String aKey, String[] aParams)
          Retrieves an InputStream for reading from the named resource.
 Class<? extends Resource> getResourceClass(String aName)
          Gets the Class of the Resource that will be returned by a call to getResource(String) or getResource(String,String[]).
 URL getResourceURL(String aKey)
          Retrieves the URL to the named resource.
 URL getResourceURL(String aKey, String[] aParams)
          Retrieves the URL to the named resource.
 void initializeExternalResources(ResourceManagerConfiguration aConfiguration, String aQualifiedContextName, Map<String,Object> aAdditionalParams)
          Initializes all external resources declared in a ResourceCreationSpecifier.
 void resolveAndValidateResourceDependencies(ExternalResourceDependency[] aDependencies, String aQualifiedContextName)
          Resolves a component's external resource dependencies using this resource manager.
 URL resolveRelativePath(String aRelativePath)
          Attempts to resolve a relative path to an absolute path using the same mechanism that the ResourceManager uses to find resources -- a lookup in the datapath followed by a lookup in the classpath.
 void setCasManager(CasManager aCasManager)
          Sets the CasManager, which manages the creation and pooling of CASes.
 void setDataPath(String aPath)
          Sets the data path used to resolve relative paths.
 void setExtensionClassPath(ClassLoader parent, String classpath, boolean resolveResource)
          Sets the classpath for the UIMA extension ClassLoader and specifies if the extension ClassLoader should also be used to resolve resources.
 void setExtensionClassPath(String classpath, boolean resolveResource)
          Sets the classpath for the UIMA extension ClassLoader and specifies if the extension ClassLoader should also be used to resolve resources.

Method Detail


String getDataPath()
Gets the data path used to resolve relative paths. More than one directory may be specified by separating them with the System path.separator character (; on windows, : on UNIX).

the data path


void setDataPath(String aPath)
                 throws MalformedURLException
Sets the data path used to resolve relative paths. More than one directory may be specified by separating them with the System path.separator character (; on windows, : on UNIX). The elements of this path may be URLs or File paths.

aPath - the data path
MalformedURLException - if an element of the path is neither a valid URL or a valid file path


URL resolveRelativePath(String aRelativePath)
                        throws MalformedURLException
Attempts to resolve a relative path to an absolute path using the same mechanism that the ResourceManager uses to find resources -- a lookup in the datapath followed by a lookup in the classpath.

aRelativePath - a relative URL or file path
the absolute URL of an actual file in the datapath or classpath, null if no file matching aRelativePath is found.


Object getResource(String aName)
                   throws ResourceAccessException
Gets the Resource that has been registered under the specified name.

aName - the name of the resource to retrieve
the Resource registered under aName, null if none exists.
ResourceInitializationException - if the requested resource could not be initialized. A common cause is that it requires parameters and the getResource(String,String[]) method should have been called instead of this method.


Object getResource(String aName,
                   String[] aParams)
                   throws ResourceAccessException
Gets an instance of a parameterized Resource. An example of a parameterized Resource is a dictionary whose data depends on a specified language identifier.

aName - the name of the resource to retrieve
aParams - the parameters determining which particular instance is returned
the requested Resource, null if there is no resource registered under the name aName.
ResourceInitializationException - if there is a resource registered under aName but it could not be instantiated for the specified parameters.


Class<? extends Resource> getResourceClass(String aName)
Gets the Class of the Resource that will be returned by a call to getResource(String) or getResource(String,String[]).

aName - the name of a resource
the Class for the resource named aName, null if there is no resource registered under that name.


URL getResourceURL(String aKey)
                   throws ResourceAccessException
Retrieves the URL to the named resource. This can be used, for example, to locate configuration or authority files.

aKey - the key by which the resource is identified. If this key was declared in the <externalResourceDependencies> section of the descriptor, then the resource manager is used to locate the resource. If not, the key is assumed to be the resource name and is looked up in the data path or in the class path using ClassLoader.getResource(String).
the URL at which the named resource is located, null if the named resource could not be found.
ResourceAccessException - if a failure occurs in accessing the resource


InputStream getResourceAsStream(String aKey)
                                throws ResourceAccessException
Retrieves an InputStream for reading from the named resource. This can be used, for example, to read configuration or authority files.

aKey - the key by which the resource is identified. If this key was declared in the <externalResourceDependencies> section of the annotator's descriptor, then the resource manager is used to locate the resource. If not, the key is assumed to be the resource name and is looked up in the data path or in the class path using ClassLoader.getResource(String).
an InputStream for reading from the named resource, null if the named resource could not be found. It is the caller's responsibility to close this stream once it is no longer needed.
ResourceAccessException - if a failure occurs in accessing the resource


URL getResourceURL(String aKey,
                   String[] aParams)
                   throws ResourceAccessException
Retrieves the URL to the named resource. This can be used, for example, to locate configuration or authority files. This version of this method takes an array of parameters used to further identify the resource. This can be used, for example, with resources that vary depending on the language of the document being analyzed.

aKey - the key by which the resource is identified. If this key was declared in the <externalResourceDependencies> section of the annotator's descriptor, then the resource manager is used to locate the resource. If not, the key is assumed to be the resource name and is looked up in the data path or in the class path using ClassLoader.getResource(String).
aParams - parameters used to further identify the resource
the URL at which the named resource is located, null if the named resource could not be found.
ResourceAccessException - if a failure occurs in accessing the resource


InputStream getResourceAsStream(String aKey,
                                String[] aParams)
                                throws ResourceAccessException
Retrieves an InputStream for reading from the named resource. This can be used, for example, to read configuration or authority files. This version of this method takes an array of parameters used to further identify the resource. This can be used, for example, with resources that vary depending on the language of the document being analyzed.

aKey - the key by which the resource is identified. If this key was declared in the <externalResourceDependencies> section of the annotator's descriptor, then the resource manager is used to locate the resource. If not, the key is assumed to be the resource name and is looked up in the data path or in the class path using ClassLoader.getResource(String).
aParams - parameters used to further identify the resource
an InputStream for reading from the named resource, null if the named resource could not be found. It is the caller's responsibility to close this stream once it is no longer needed.
ResourceAccessException - if a failure occurs in accessing the resource


void initializeExternalResources(ResourceManagerConfiguration aConfiguration,
                                 String aQualifiedContextName,
                                 Map<String,Object> aAdditionalParams)
                                 throws ResourceInitializationException
Initializes all external resources declared in a ResourceCreationSpecifier.

aConfiguration - the ResourceManagerConfiguration containing resource declarations and bindings
aQualifiedContextName - qualified name of UimaContext for the component (e.g. analysis engine) that is declaring these external resources
aAdditionalParams - additional parameters to be passed to resource initialize methods
ResourceInitializationException - if an initialization failure occurs


void resolveAndValidateResourceDependencies(ExternalResourceDependency[] aDependencies,
                                            String aQualifiedContextName)
                                            throws ResourceInitializationException
Resolves a component's external resource dependencies using this resource manager. Throws an exception if any required dependencies are not satisfied.

aDependencies - declarations of a component's dependencies on external resources
aQualifiedContextName - qualified name of UimaContext for the component (e.g. analysis engine) that is declaring these dependencies
ResourceInitializationException - if a required dependency is not satisfied


void setExtensionClassPath(String classpath,
                           boolean resolveResource)
                           throws MalformedURLException
Sets the classpath for the UIMA extension ClassLoader and specifies if the extension ClassLoader should also be used to resolve resources.

classpath - extension ClassLoader classpath
resolveResource - if true ClassLoad resolves resources
MalformedURLException - if a malformed URL has occurred in the classpath string.


void setExtensionClassPath(ClassLoader parent,
                           String classpath,
                           boolean resolveResource)
                           throws MalformedURLException
Sets the classpath for the UIMA extension ClassLoader and specifies if the extension ClassLoader should also be used to resolve resources. Also allows a parent ClassLoader to be specified.

parent - parent ClassLoader for the extension ClassLoader
classpath - extension ClassLoader classpath
resolveResource - if true ClassLoad resolves resources
MalformedURLException - if a malformed URL has occurred in the classpath string.


ClassLoader getExtensionClassLoader()
Returns the UIMA extension class loader.

ClassLoader - returns the UIMA extension class loader of null if it is not available.


CasManager getCasManager()
Gets the CasManager, which manages the creation and pooling of CASes.


void setCasManager(CasManager aCasManager)
Sets the CasManager, which manages the creation and pooling of CASes. This method does not normally need to be called by an application. It allows a custom CAS Manager implementation to be substituted for the default one, which may be useful when embedding UIMA in other middleware where a different CAS Manager implementation may be desired.

This method can only be called once, and must be called before creating any AnalysisEngines that use this ResourceManager. An Exception will be thrown if this method is called twice or is called after getCasManager() has already been called (which happens during AE initialization).

aCasManager - CAS Manager instance to plug in


Map<String,XMLizable> getImportCache()
Gets a cache of imported descriptors, so that the parsed objects can be reused if the same URL is imported more than once.

A map from absolute URL to the XMLizable object that was parsed from thar URL

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