Class CasPool

  extended by org.apache.uima.util.CasPool

public class CasPool
extends Object

This class represents a simple pool of CAS instances. This is useful for multithreaded applications, where there is a need for multiple CASes to be processed simultaneously. Because CAS creation is expensive, it is a good idea to create a pool of reusable CAS instances at initialization time, rather than creating a new CAS each time one is needed.

Clients check-out CAS instances from the pool using the getCas() method and check-in CAS instances using the releaseCas(CAS) method.

Constructor Summary
CasPool(int aNumInstances, AnalysisEngine aAnalysisEngine)
          Creates a new CasPool
CasPool(int aNumInstances, CasDefinition aCasDefinition, Properties aPerformanceTuningSettings)
          Creates a new CasPool.
CasPool(int aNumInstances, CasManager aCasManager, Properties aPerformanceTuningSettings)
          Creates a new CasPool
CasPool(int aNumInstances, Collection<? extends ProcessingResourceMetaData> aCollectionOfProcessingResourceMetaData, Properties aPerformanceTuningSettings, ResourceManager aResourceManager)
          Creates a new CasPool
CasPool(int aNumInstances, ProcessingResourceMetaData aMetaData)
          Creates a new CasPool
CasPool(int aNumInstances, ProcessingResourceMetaData aMetaData, ResourceManager aResourceManager)
          Creates a new CasPool
Method Summary
protected  Vector<CAS> getAllInstances()
 CAS getCas()
          Checks out a CAS from the pool.
 CAS getCas(long aTimeout)
          Checks out a CAS from the pool.
protected  Vector<CAS> getFreeInstances()
 int getNumAvailable()
          Gets the number of CASes currently available in this pool.
 int getSize()
          Gets the size of this pool (the total number of CAS instances that it can hold).
 void releaseCas(CAS aCas)
          Checks in a CAS to the pool.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CasPool(int aNumInstances,
               Collection<? extends ProcessingResourceMetaData> aCollectionOfProcessingResourceMetaData,
               Properties aPerformanceTuningSettings,
               ResourceManager aResourceManager)
        throws ResourceInitializationException
Creates a new CasPool

aNumInstances - the number of CAS instances in the pool
aCollectionOfProcessingResourceMetaData - a collection of ProcessingResourceMetaData objects.
aPerformanceTuningSettings - Properties object containing framework performance tuning settings using key names defined on UIMAFramework interface
aResourceManager - the resource manager to use to resolve import declarations within the metadata
ResourceInitializationException - if the CAS instances could not be created


public CasPool(int aNumInstances,
               AnalysisEngine aAnalysisEngine)
        throws ResourceInitializationException
Creates a new CasPool

aNumInstances - the number of CAS instances in the pool
aAnalysisEngine - the analysis engine that will create the CAS instances and which will later be used to process them
ResourceInitializationException - if the CAS instances could not be created


public CasPool(int aNumInstances,
               ProcessingResourceMetaData aMetaData)
        throws ResourceInitializationException
Creates a new CasPool

aNumInstances - the number of CAS instances in the pool
aMetaData - metadata that includes the type system for the CAS
ResourceInitializationException - if the CAS instances could not be created


public CasPool(int aNumInstances,
               ProcessingResourceMetaData aMetaData,
               ResourceManager aResourceManager)
        throws ResourceInitializationException
Creates a new CasPool

aNumInstances - the number of CAS instances in the pool
aMetaData - metadata that includes the type system for the CAS
ResourceInitializationException - if the CAS instances could not be created


public CasPool(int aNumInstances,
               CasDefinition aCasDefinition,
               Properties aPerformanceTuningSettings)
        throws ResourceInitializationException
Creates a new CasPool. TODO: do we need this method AND the one that takes a CasManager?

aNumInstances - the number of CAS instances in the pool
aCasDefinition - the Cas definition, which includes the type system, type priorities, and indexes for the CASes in the pool.
aPerformanceTuningSettings - Properties object containing framework performance tuning settings using key names defined on UIMAFramework interface


public CasPool(int aNumInstances,
               CasManager aCasManager,
               Properties aPerformanceTuningSettings)
        throws ResourceInitializationException
Creates a new CasPool

aNumInstances - the number of CAS instances in the pool
aCasManager - CAS Manager that will be used to create the CAS. The CAS Manager holds the CAS Definition. Also all CASes created from the same CAS Manager will share identical TypeSystem objects.
aPerformanceTuningSettings - Properties object containing framework performance tuning settings using key names defined on UIMAFramework interface
Method Detail


public CAS getCas()
Checks out a CAS from the pool.

a CAS instance. Returns null if none are available (in which case the client may Object.wait() on this object in order to be notified when an instance becomes available).


public void releaseCas(CAS aCas)
Checks in a CAS to the pool. This automatically calls the CAS.reset() method, to ensure that when the CAS is later retrieved from the pool it will be ready to use. Also notifies other Threads that may be waiting for an instance to become available.

aCas - the Cas to release


public CAS getCas(long aTimeout)
Checks out a CAS from the pool. If none is currently available, wait for the specified amount of time for one to be checked in.

aTimeout - the time to wait in milliseconds. A value of <=0 will wait forever.
a CAS instance. Returns null if none are available within the specified timeout period.


public int getSize()
Gets the size of this pool (the total number of CAS instances that it can hold).

the size of this pool


public int getNumAvailable()
Gets the number of CASes currently available in this pool.

the numberof available CASes


protected Vector<CAS> getAllInstances()


protected Vector<CAS> getFreeInstances()

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