Uses of Package
Packages that use org.apache.uima.cas
Apache UIMA
The Analysis Engine interface, along with supporting interfaces and exception classes.
The Annotator Interfaces, along with supporting interfaces and exception classes.
Contains the Analysis Structure Broker (ASB) interface, along with supporting interfaces and
exception classes.
Common Analysis System(CAS) Interfaces
Implementation and Low-Level API for the CAS Interfaces.
Text Common Annotation System (TCAS) Interfaces.
This package contains the editor classes.
This package contains the feature structure view classes.
This package contains the outline classes.
This package contains the property page classes.
Classes and interfaces for collection processing.
uimaFIT-enhanced base classes for UIMA components and some simple components.
uimaFIT annotations used for dependency injection.
Factories to create different kinds of UIMA resource specifiers.
Executing UIMA pipelines.
Apache UIMA internals
Interfaces for accessing the JCAS.
JCAS model for built-in CAS types
Provides the classes that support the Java Cas Model (JCM).
Interfaces for
and ResourceSpecifiers
.Interfaces for objects that represent metadata for a Resource.
Utility classes and interfaces used by UIMA components.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uimaClassDescriptionThe base interface extended by all CAS (Common Analysis System) interfaces in the UIMA SDK.Information that a CAS needs to know about the component that's currently operating on it.Deprecated.As of v2.0, this is no longer needed.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.adapter.vinci
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.analysis_componentClassDescriptionThe base interface extended by all CAS (Common Analysis System) interfaces in the UIMA SDK.Object-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.The interface to the type system.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.analysis_engineClassDescriptionObject-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.The interface to the type system.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.annotatorClassDescriptionObject-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.Deprecated.As of v2.0, this is no longer needed.The interface to the type system.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.asb
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.asb.implClassDescriptionThe base interface extended by all CAS (Common Analysis System) interfaces in the UIMA SDK.Object-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.implClassDescriptionThe base interface extended by all CAS (Common Analysis System) interfaces in the UIMA SDK.Object-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.The interface that describes features in the type system.Deprecated.As of v2.0, this is no longer needed.The interface describing types in the type system.The interface to the type system.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.impl.compatibilityClassDescriptionThe base interface extended by all CAS (Common Analysis System) interfaces in the UIMA SDK.Object-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.service.implClassDescriptionObject-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.Exception class for package org.apache.uima.cas.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.casClassDescriptionThe base interface extended by all CAS (Common Analysis System) interfaces in the UIMA SDK.Feature structure array interface.Boolean array interface.Byte array interface.Object-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.Exception class for package org.apache.uima.cas.Represents the "owner" of a CAS.Runtime exception class for package org.apache.uima.cas.Common parts of the Array interfaces.Information that a CAS needs to know about the component that's currently operating on it.Methods to create
s for filtered iterators or other use.Double array interface.The interface that describes features in the type system.Interface for a feature path.Interface for feature structures.Deprecated.useFeaturePath
Interface for CAS float arrays.Interface for a boolean constraint.There are 4 kinds of comparators for the combinations of comparing - with or without the "id" - with or without type order (with only includes typeOrder if there is such a key included)Interface for feature structure constraints.Interface for a float constraint.Feature structure index access interface.Repository of indexes over feature structures.Interface for an integer constraint.Iterator over feature structures.Interface for feature structure matching constraints.Interface for a String constraint.Interface for type constraint.Interface for CAS int arrays.Long array interface.An object obtained from theCAS
that is used to query when FSs were created or modified with respect to the marker.Collection of builder style methods to specify selection of FSs from indexes Documentation is in a chapter in the UIMA Version 3 User's Guide.The various forms of serialization (typically of the CAS)Short array interface.Interface for "Subject of Analysis" (Sofa) feature structures.Deprecated.As of v2.0, this is no longer needed.String array interface.The interface describing types in the type system.This class may not be used.An object holding the namespace string for a type.The interface to the type system. -
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.cas.adminClassDescriptionObject-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.Exception class for package org.apache.uima.cas.The interface that describes features in the type system.Interface for feature structures.Repository of indexes over feature structures.The interface describing types in the type system.The interface to the type system.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.cas.implClassDescriptionThe base interface extended by all CAS (Common Analysis System) interfaces in the UIMA SDK.Base class from which CAS implementations should extend.Annotation Base API.Feature structure array interface.Boolean array interface.Byte array interface.Object-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.Exception class for package org.apache.uima.cas.Represents the "owner" of a CAS.Runtime exception class for package org.apache.uima.cas.Common parts of the Array interfaces.Information that a CAS needs to know about the component that's currently operating on it.Methods to create
s for filtered iterators or other use.Double array interface.The interface that describes features in the type system.Interface for a feature path.Interface for feature structures.Deprecated.useFeaturePath
Interface for CAS float arrays.Interface for a boolean constraint.There are 4 kinds of comparators for the combinations of comparing - with or without the "id" - with or without type order (with only includes typeOrder if there is such a key included)Interface for feature structure constraints.Interface for a float constraint.Feature structure index access interface.Repository of indexes over feature structures.Interface for an integer constraint.Iterator over feature structures.Interface for feature structure matching constraints.Interface for a String constraint.Interface for type constraint.Interface for CAS int arrays.Long array interface.An object obtained from theCAS
that is used to query when FSs were created or modified with respect to the marker.Collection of builder style methods to specify selection of FSs from indexes Documentation is in a chapter in the UIMA Version 3 User's Guide.The various forms of serialization (typically of the CAS)Short array interface.Interface for "Subject of Analysis" (Sofa) feature structures.Deprecated.As of v2.0, this is no longer needed.String array interface.The interface describing types in the type system.An object holding the namespace string for a type.The interface to the type system. -
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.cas.textClassDescriptionAnnotation Base API.Runtime exception class for package org.apache.uima.cas.Interface for feature structures.Feature structure index access interface.Iterator over feature structures.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.caseditor.core.model
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.caseditor.core.model.dotcorpus
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.caseditor.editorClassDescriptionObject-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.The interface that describes features in the type system.Interface for feature structures.The interface describing types in the type system.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.caseditor.editor.context
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.caseditor.editor.editviewClassDescriptionThe interface describing types in the type system.The interface to the type system.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.caseditor.editor.fsviewClassDescriptionThe interface describing types in the type system.The interface to the type system.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.caseditor.editor.outline
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.caseditor.editor.styleview
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.caseditor.editor.utilClassDescriptionThe interface that describes features in the type system.Interface for feature structures.Interface for feature structure constraints.Interface for feature structure matching constraints.The interface describing types in the type system.The interface to the type system.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.caseditor.ui.propertyClassDescriptionThe interface describing types in the type system.The interface to the type system.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.collectionClassDescriptionObject-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.The interface to the type system.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.collection.base_cpmClassDescriptionObject-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.The interface to the type system.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.collection.impl
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.collection.impl.cpm.containerClassDescriptionObject-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.The interface to the type system.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.collection.impl.cpm.container.deployer.socket
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.collection.impl.cpm.engineClassDescriptionObject-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.Interface for feature structures.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.collection.impl.cpm.utils
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.examplesClassDescriptionAnnotation Base API.Interface for feature structures.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by Base API.Interface for feature structures.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by Base API.Interface for feature structures.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by CAS (Common Analysis System) API.Exception class for package org.apache.uima.cas.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by CAS (Common Analysis System) API.Exception class for package org.apache.uima.cas.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by Base API.Interface for feature structures.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by structure array interface.Boolean array interface.Byte array interface.Object-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.Double array interface.The interface that describes features in the type system.Interface for feature structures.Interface for CAS float arrays.Iterator over feature structures.Interface for CAS int arrays.Long array interface.Short array interface.String array interface.The interface describing types in the type system.The interface to the type system.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.flowClassDescriptionThe base interface extended by all CAS (Common Analysis System) interfaces in the UIMA SDK.Object-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.The interface to the type system.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.flow.impl
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.implClassDescriptionThe base interface extended by all CAS (Common Analysis System) interfaces in the UIMA SDK.Object-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.Information that a CAS needs to know about the component that's currently operating on it.Deprecated.As of v2.0, this is no longer needed.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.internal.utilClassDescriptionInterface for feature structures.Iterator over feature structures.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by Base API.Interface for feature structures.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.jcasClassDescriptionThe base interface extended by all CAS (Common Analysis System) interfaces in the UIMA SDK.Object-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.Exception class for package org.apache.uima.cas.Runtime exception class for package org.apache.uima.cas.Common parts of the Array interfaces.Methods to create
s for filtered iterators or other use.The interface that describes features in the type system.Interface for a feature path.Interface for feature structures.Deprecated.useFeaturePath
Feature structure index access interface.Repository of indexes over feature structures.Iterator over feature structures.Interface for feature structure matching constraints.Collection of builder style methods to specify selection of FSs from indexes Documentation is in a chapter in the UIMA Version 3 User's Guide.Interface for "Subject of Analysis" (Sofa) feature structures.Deprecated.As of v2.0, this is no longer needed.The interface describing types in the type system.The interface to the type system. -
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.jcas.casClassDescriptionAnnotation Base API.Feature structure array interface.Boolean array interface.Byte array interface.Object-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.Common parts of the Array interfaces.Double array interface.The interface that describes features in the type system.Interface for feature structures.Interface for CAS float arrays.Interface for CAS int arrays.Long array interface.Collection of builder style methods to specify selection of FSs from indexes Documentation is in a chapter in the UIMA Version 3 User's Guide.Short array interface.Interface for "Subject of Analysis" (Sofa) feature structures.String array interface.The interface describing types in the type system.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.jcas.implClassDescriptionThe base interface extended by all CAS (Common Analysis System) interfaces in the UIMA SDK.Base class from which CAS implementations should extend.Object-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.Exception class for package org.apache.uima.cas.Represents the "owner" of a CAS.Runtime exception class for package org.apache.uima.cas.Methods to create
s for filtered iterators or other use.The interface that describes features in the type system.Interface for a feature path.Interface for feature structures.Deprecated.useFeaturePath
Feature structure index access interface.Repository of indexes over feature structures.Iterator over feature structures.Interface for feature structure matching constraints.Interface for "Subject of Analysis" (Sofa) feature structures.Deprecated.As of v2.0, this is no longer needed.The interface describing types in the type system.The interface to the type system. -
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.jcas.tcasClassDescriptionAnnotation Base API.Interface for feature structures.The interface describing types in the type system.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.jsonClassDescriptionObject-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.An object obtained from the
that is used to query when FSs were created or modified with respect to the marker.The interface to the type system. -
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.resourceClassDescriptionThe base interface extended by all CAS (Common Analysis System) interfaces in the UIMA SDK.Object-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.Represents the "owner" of a CAS.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.resource.implClassDescriptionThe base interface extended by all CAS (Common Analysis System) interfaces in the UIMA SDK.Object-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.Represents the "owner" of a CAS.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.resource.metadataClassDescriptionObject-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.Interface for feature structure matching constraints.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.resource.metadata.implClassDescriptionObject-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.Interface for feature structure matching constraints.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.taeconfigurator.editors
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.taeconfigurator.editors.ui.dialogs
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.taeconfigurator.modelClassDescriptionObject-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.The interface to the type system.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.test.junit_extension
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by CAS (Common Analysis System) API.The interface to the type system.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by CAS (Common Analysis System) API.Feature structure index access interface.Iterator over feature structures.The interface describing types in the type system.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by interface describing types in the type system.The interface to the type system.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by CAS (Common Analysis System) API.The interface to the type system.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by CAS (Common Analysis System) API.Exception class for package org.apache.uima.cas.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.uimacppClassDescriptionThe base interface extended by all CAS (Common Analysis System) interfaces in the UIMA SDK.Object-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.The interface to the type system.
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas used by org.apache.uima.utilClassDescriptionObject-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.Exception class for package org.apache.uima.cas.The interface that describes features in the type system.Interface for feature structures.Interface for feature structure matching constraints.The various forms of serialization (typically of the CAS)The interface describing types in the type system.The interface to the type system.