Package org.apache.uima.analysis_engine
package org.apache.uima.analysis_engine
The Analysis Engine interface, along with supporting interfaces and exception classes.
ClassDescriptionAn Analysis Engine is a component responsible for analyzing unstructured information, discovering and representing semantic content.An
contains all of the information needed to instantiate and use anAnalysisEngine
.Monitoring and management interface to an AnalysisEngine.AnAnalysisEngineProcessException
may be thrown by an Analysis Engine's process method, indicating that a failure occurred during processing.A stub that calls a remote AnalysisEngine service.Deprecated.Do not use anymore.An iterator over a collection of CASes.An iterator over a collection of JCAS objects.This exception is thrown by an Analysis Engine when it receives a request to generate results that it cannot produce.AResultSpecification
is a set of desired outputs from a Analysis Engine or Annotator.Deprecated.As of v2.0,AnalysisEngineDescription
should be used instead.Deprecated.As of v2.0,AnalysisEngine
should be used instead.A reference to a Type or Feature in the Analysis Engine's TypeSystem.