Uses of Interface
Packages that use CommonArrayFS
Common Analysis System(CAS) Interfaces
Implementation and Low-Level API for the CAS Interfaces.
Interfaces for accessing the JCAS.
JCAS model for built-in CAS types
Uses of CommonArrayFS in org.apache.uima.cas
Subinterfaces of CommonArrayFS in org.apache.uima.casModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
ArrayFS<E extends FeatureStructure>
Feature structure array interface.interface
Boolean array interface.interface
Byte array interface.interface
Double array interface.interface
Interface for CAS float arrays.interface
Interface for CAS int arrays.interface
Long array interface.interface
Short array interface.interface
String array interface.Methods in org.apache.uima.cas that return CommonArrayFSModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault <T extends TOP>
CommonArrayFS<T> CAS.emptyArray
(Class<T> clazz) Methods in org.apache.uima.cas with parameters of type CommonArrayFSModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CommonArrayFS<E> v) Copy values from another array of the same kind -
Uses of CommonArrayFS in org.apache.uima.cas.impl
Subinterfaces of CommonArrayFS in org.apache.uima.cas.implModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Deprecated.use BooleanArray insteadinterface
Deprecated.use ByteArray insteadinterface
Deprecated.use DoubleArray insteadinterface
Deprecated.use FloatArray insteadinterface
Deprecated.use IntegerArray insteadinterface
Deprecated.use LongArray insteadinterface
Deprecated.use ShortArray insteadinterface
Deprecated.use StringArray insteadMethods in org.apache.uima.cas.impl that return CommonArrayFSMethods in org.apache.uima.cas.impl with parameters of type CommonArrayFS -
Uses of CommonArrayFS in org.apache.uima.jcas
Methods in org.apache.uima.jcas that return CommonArrayFSModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondefault <T extends TOP>
(Class<T> clazz) -
Uses of CommonArrayFS in org.apache.uima.jcas.cas
Subinterfaces of CommonArrayFS in org.apache.uima.jcas.casModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
ArrayFSImpl<E extends FeatureStructure>
Deprecated.use FSArray insteadinterface
This interface is implemented by arrays of non-FeatureStructure components boolean, byte, short, int, long, float, double, String, JavaObject Internal Use Only.Classes in org.apache.uima.jcas.cas that implement CommonArrayFSModifier and TypeClassDescriptionfinal class
JCas class model for BooleanArrayfinal class
JCas class model for ByteArrayfinal class
JCas class model for DoubleArrayfinal class
Java Cas model for Cas class
FSArray<T extends FeatureStructure>
Java Class model for Cas FSArray type extends FeatureStructure for backwards compatibility when using FSArray with no typing.class
FSArrayList<T extends TOP>
An ArrayList type containing Feature Structures, for UIMA Has all the methods of List Implements the select(...)final class
The Java Class model corresponding to the Cas IntegerArray_JCasImpl type.class
An ArrayList type containing ints, for UIMA - implements a subset of the List API, Iterable<Integer>, IntListIteratorfinal class
JCas class model for LongArrayfinal class
JCas class model for ShortArrayfinal class
JCas class model for StringArrayMethods in org.apache.uima.jcas.cas with parameters of type CommonArrayFSModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(CommonArrayFS<Boolean> v) void
(CommonArrayFS<Byte> v) void
(CommonArrayFS v) void
(CommonArrayFS v) void
(CommonArrayFS<T> v) void
(CommonArrayFS v) void
(CommonArrayFS v) void
(CommonArrayFS<Integer> v) void
(CommonArrayFS v) void
(CommonArrayFS v) void
(CommonArrayFS v)