Uses of Interface
Packages that use FeatureStructure
Common Analysis System(CAS) Interfaces
Implementation and Low-Level API for the CAS Interfaces.
Text Common Annotation System (TCAS) Interfaces.
This package contains the editor classes.
uimaFIT annotations used for dependency injection.
Interfaces for accessing the JCAS.
JCAS model for built-in CAS types
Provides the classes that support the Java Cas Model (JCM).
Utility classes and interfaces used by UIMA components.
Uses of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.cas
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas with type parameters of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
ArrayFS<E extends FeatureStructure>
Feature structure array interface.interface
FSIndex<T extends FeatureStructure>
Feature structure index access interface.interface
FSIterator<T extends FeatureStructure>
Iterator over feature structures.interface
SelectFSs<T extends FeatureStructure>
Collection of builder style methods to specify selection of FSs from indexes Documentation is in a chapter in the UIMA Version 3 User's Guide.Subinterfaces of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.casModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Annotation Base API.interface
ArrayFS<E extends FeatureStructure>
Feature structure array interface.interface
Boolean array interface.interface
Byte array interface.interface
Common parts of the Array interfaces.interface
Double array interface.interface
Interface for CAS float arrays.interface
Interface for CAS int arrays.interface
Long array interface.interface
Short array interface.interface
Interface for "Subject of Analysis" (Sofa) feature structures.interface
String array interface.Methods in org.apache.uima.cas with type parameters of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescription<T extends FeatureStructure>
(T fs) Add a feature structure to all appropriate indexes in the repository.<T extends FeatureStructure>
(T[] src, int srcOffset, int destOffset, int length) Copy the contents of an external array into this array.<U extends FeatureStructure>
(int srcOffset, U[] dest, int destOffset, int length) Copy the contents of the array fromstart
to the destinationdestArray
with destination offsetdestOffset
.<T extends FeatureStructure>
FSIterator<T> CAS.createFilteredIterator
(FSIterator<T> it, FSMatchConstraint cons) Create an iterator over structures satisfying a given constraint.<T extends FeatureStructure>
TCreate a new FeatureStructure.default <T extends FeatureStructure>
FSArray<T> CAS.emptyFSArray()
default <T extends FeatureStructure>
FSArray<T> CAS.emptyFSArray
(Type type) <T extends FeatureStructure>
ListIterator<T> CAS.fs2listIterator
(FSIterator<T> it) Wrap a standard JavaListIterator
around an FSListIterator.<U extends FeatureStructure>
(int i) Get the i-th feature structure from the array.default <T extends FeatureStructure>
FSIterator<T> FSIndexRepository.getAllIndexedFS
(Class<T> clazz) Gets an FSIterator over all indexed (in this view) FeatureStructures of the specified Type (and any of its subtypes).<T extends FeatureStructure>
FSIterator<T> FSIndexRepository.getAllIndexedFS
(Type aType) Gets an iterator over all indexed (in this View) FeatureStructures of the specified Type (and any of its subtypes).<T extends FeatureStructure>
FSIndex<T> Retrieve an index according to a label.<T extends FeatureStructure>
FSIndex<T> Retrieve an index according to a label and a type.<T extends FeatureStructure>
Iterator<FSIndex<T>> FSIndexRepository.getIndexes()
Get all indexes in this repository.<T extends FeatureStructure>
Iterator<LowLevelIndex<T>> FSIndexRepository.ll_getIndexes()
Get all indexes in this repository as low level indexes<T extends FeatureStructure>
(T fs) Remove a feature structure from all indexes in the repository.static <U extends FeatureStructure>
SelectFSs<U> Use this static method to capture the generic argumentMethods in org.apache.uima.cas that return FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionT[]
(Feature feat) Get a feature value.FeaturePath.getFSValue
(FeatureStructure fs) Returns the FeatureStructure of a FeatureStructure valued feature path.SofaFS.getLocalFSData()
Get the Local Subject of Analysis returns null if not previously set.CAS.getSofaDataArray()
Get the Sofa data array.ArrayFS.toArray()
Creates a new array the this array is copied to.Methods in org.apache.uima.cas with parameters of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(FeatureStructure fs) Add a feature structure to all appropriate indexes in the repository associated with this CAS
(FeatureStructure fs1, FeatureStructure fs2) Compare two feature structures according to the ordering relation of the index.boolean
(FeatureStructure fs) Check if the index contains an element equal to the given feature structure according to the comparators defined for this index.<T extends FeatureStructure>
(T[] src, int srcOffset, int destOffset, int length) Copy the contents of an external array into this array.<U extends FeatureStructure>
(int srcOffset, U[] dest, int destOffset, int length) Copy the contents of the array fromstart
to the destinationdestArray
with destination offsetdestOffset
(FeatureStructure fs) Find an entry in the index "equal to" the given feature structure according to the comparators specified for this index.SelectFSs.get
(FeatureStructure fs) Positions to the fs using moveTo(fs).SelectFSs.get
(FeatureStructure fs, int offset) Positions to the fs using moveTo(fs), followed by a shifted(offset).FeaturePath.getBooleanValue
(FeatureStructure fs) Returns the Boolean value of a boolean valued feature path.FeaturePath.getByteValue
(FeatureStructure fs) Returns the Byte value of a byte valued feature path.FeaturePath.getDoubleValue
(FeatureStructure fs) Returns the Double value of a double valued feature path.FeaturePath.getFloatValue
(FeatureStructure fs) Returns the Float value of a float valued feature path.FeaturePath.getFSValue
(FeatureStructure fs) Returns the FeatureStructure of a FeatureStructure valued feature path.FeaturePath.getIntValue
(FeatureStructure fs) Returns the Integer value of an integer valued feature path.FeaturePath.getLongValue
(FeatureStructure fs) Returns the Long value of a long valued feature path.FeaturePath.getShortValue
(FeatureStructure fs) Returns the Short value of a short valued feature path.FeaturePath.getStringValue
(FeatureStructure fs) Returns the String value of a string valued feature path.FeaturePath.getTypClass
(FeatureStructure fs) Deprecated.use getTypeClass (spelling fix)FeaturePath.getType
(FeatureStructure fs) Returns the type of the feature path.FeaturePath.getTypeClass
(FeatureStructure fs) Returns the type class of the feature path.FeaturePath.getValueAsString
(FeatureStructure fs) Returns the feature path value as string for the given FeatureStructure.boolean
(FeatureStructure fs) Test if a FeatureStructure in a CAS represented by thisMarker
existed before the mark was set, and has been modified. isModified(fs) == true implies that isNew(fs) == false.boolean
(FeatureStructure fs) default FSIterator
<T> FSIndex.iterator
(FeatureStructure fs) Return an iterator over the index.boolean
(FeatureStructure fs) Match against feature structures.void
(FeatureStructure fs) Move the iterator to the first Feature Structure that matches thefs
(FeatureStructure fs) Remove a feature structure from all indexes in the repository associated with this CAS View.void
(Feature feat, FeatureStructure fs) Set a feature value to another FS.void
(FeatureStructure aFS) Set the Local Subject of Analysis to be a predefined ArrayFS.void
(FeatureStructure array, String mime) Set the Sofa data as an ArrayFS.SelectFSs.single
(FeatureStructure fs) Positions to the fs using moveTo(fs).SelectFSs.single
(FeatureStructure fs, int offset) Positions to the fs using moveTo(fs), followed by a shifted(offset).SelectFSs.singleOrNull
(FeatureStructure fs) Positions to the fs using moveTo(fs).SelectFSs.singleOrNull
(FeatureStructure fs, int offset) Positions to the fs using moveTo(fs), followed by a shifted(offset).SelectFSs.startAt
(FeatureStructure fs) Starting Position specification - For ordered sources, specifies which FS to start at.SelectFSs.startAt
(FeatureStructure fs, int shift) Starting Position specification - A combination of startAt followed by a shift Requires an ordered index not necessarily AnnotationIndex, not necessarily sorted This versions avoids a runtime cast check. -
Uses of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.cas.admin
Methods in org.apache.uima.cas.admin with parameters of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
(FeatureStructure fs1, FeatureStructure fs2) Compare two Feature Structure's types -
Uses of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.cas.impl
Classes in org.apache.uima.cas.impl with type parameters of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
CopyOnWriteIndexPart<T extends FeatureStructure>
common APIs supporting the copy on write aspect of index partsinterface
FSGenerator<T extends FeatureStructure>
Deprecated.unused in v3, only present to avoid compile errors in unused v2 classesclass
FsIndex_bag<T extends FeatureStructure>
Used for UIMA FS Bag Indexes Uses ObjHashSet to hold instances of FeatureStructuresclass
FsIndex_flat<T extends FeatureStructure>
Common part of flattened indexes, used for both snapshot iterators and flattened sorted indexes built from passed in instance of FsIndex_iicpfinal class
FsIndex_set_sorted<T extends FeatureStructure>
Common index impl for set and sorted indexes.class
FsIndex_singletype<T extends FeatureStructure>
The common (among all index kinds - set, sorted, bag) info for an index over 1 type (excluding subtypes) SubClasses FsIndex_bag, FsIndex_flat, FsIndex_set_sorted, define the actual index repository for each kind.class
FsIndex_snapshot<T extends FeatureStructure>
Implementation of light-weight wrapper of normal indexes, which support special kinds of iterators base on the setting of IteratorExtraFunctionclass
FsIterator_multiple_indexes<T extends FeatureStructure>
Common code for both aggregation of indexes (e.g. select, iterating over multiple views) aggregation of indexes in type/subtype hierarchy Supports creating corresponding iterators just for the non-empty ones Supports reinit - evaluating when one or more formerly empty indexes is no longer empty, and recalculating the iterator set Supports move-to-leftmost when typeOrdering is to be ignored -- when no typeorder key -- when typeorder key, but select framework requests no typeordering for move to leftmostclass
FsIterator_singletype<T extends FeatureStructure>
FsIterator_subtypes_ordered<T extends FeatureStructure>
Performs an ordered iteration among a set of iterators, each one corresponding to the type or subtype of the uppermost type.class
FsIterator_subtypes_snapshot<T extends FeatureStructure>
FSIteratorImplBase<T extends FeatureStructure>
Version 2 compatibility only, not used internally in version 3 Base class for FSIterator implementations.class
LLUnambiguousIteratorImpl<T extends FeatureStructure>
Implements a low level ambiguous or unambiguous iterator over some type T which doesn't need to be a subtype of Annotation. - This iterator skips types which are not Annotation or a subtype of Annotation.interface
LowLevelIndex<T extends FeatureStructure>
Low-level FS index object.interface
LowLevelIterator<T extends FeatureStructure>
Low-level FS iterator.class
LowLevelIterator_empty<T extends FeatureStructure>
An empty Low-level FS iteratorclass
SelectFSs_impl<T extends FeatureStructure>
Collection of builder style methods to specify selection of FSs from indexes shift handled in this routine Comment codes: AI = implies AnnotationIndex Iterator varieties and impl bounded?Subinterfaces of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.cas.implModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Deprecated.use AnnotationBase insteadinterface
Deprecated.use Annotation insteadinterface
Deprecated.use BooleanArray insteadinterface
Deprecated.use ByteArray insteadinterface
Deprecated.use DoubleArray insteadinterface
Deprecated.use TOP insteadinterface
Deprecated.use FloatArray insteadinterface
Deprecated.use IntegerArray insteadinterface
Deprecated.use LongArray insteadinterface
Deprecated.use ShortArray insteadinterface
Deprecated.use Sofa insteadinterface
Deprecated.use StringArray insteadClasses in org.apache.uima.cas.impl that implement FeatureStructureModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Feature structure implementation (for non JCas and JCas) Each FS has - int data - used for boolean, byte, short, int, long, float, double data -- long and double use 2 int slots - may be null if all slots are in JCas cover objects as fields - ref data - used for references to other Java objects, such as -- strings -- other feature structures -- arbitrary Java Objects - may be null if all slots are in JCas cover objects as fields - an id: an incrementing integer, starting at 1, per CAS, of all FSs created for that CAS - a ref to the casView where this FS was created - a ref to the TypeImpl for this class -- can't be static - may be multiple type systems in useFields in org.apache.uima.cas.impl with type parameters of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final LowLevelIterator
<FeatureStructure> LowLevelIterator.FS_ITERATOR_LOW_LEVEL_EMPTY
an empty iteratorDebugFSLogicalStructure.IndexInfo.fsIndex
Methods in org.apache.uima.cas.impl with type parameters of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescription<T extends FeatureStructure>
(T fs) <T extends FeatureStructure>
FSIterator<T> CASImpl.createFilteredIterator
(FSIterator<T> it, FSMatchConstraint cons) <T extends FeatureStructure>
TCreate the appropriate Feature Structure Java instance - from whatever the generator for this type specifies.<T extends FeatureStructure>
(FSIndexComparator comp, String label, int indexType) This is public only until the xml specifier format supports specifying index kinds (set, bag etc.).<T extends FeatureStructure>
FSArray<T> CASImpl.emptyFSArray()
<T extends FeatureStructure>
FSArray<T> CASImpl.emptyFSArray
(Type type) <T extends FeatureStructure>
ListIterator<T> CASImpl.fs2listIterator
(FSIterator<T> it) <T extends FeatureStructure>
LowLevelIterator<T> FSIndexRepositoryImpl.getAllIndexedFS
(Type type) <T extends FeatureStructure>
LowLevelIndex<T> <T extends FeatureStructure>
FSIndex<T> <T extends FeatureStructure>
org.apache.uima.cas.impl.FsIndex_iicp<T> FSIndexRepositoryImpl.getIndexBySpec
(int typeCode, int indexingStrategy, FSIndexComparatorImpl comp) Get the FsIndex_iicp for a given typeCode, indexingStrategy, and comparator (type ignored)<T extends FeatureStructure>
Iterator<String> FSIndexRepositoryImpl.getLabels
(FSIndexComparator comp) Get the labels for a specific comparator.<T extends FeatureStructure>
LowLevelIterator<T> FSIndexRepositoryImpl.ll_getAllIndexedFS
(Type type) <T extends FeatureStructure>
LowLevelIndex<T> FSIndexRepositoryImpl.ll_getIndex
(String indexName) <T extends FeatureStructure>
LowLevelIndex<T> FSIndexRepositoryImpl.ll_getIndex
(String indexName, int typeCode) <T extends FeatureStructure>
LowLevelIndex<T> LowLevelIndexRepository.ll_getIndex
(String indexName) Get an index by its name.<T extends FeatureStructure>
LowLevelIndex<T> LowLevelIndexRepository.ll_getIndex
(String indexName, int typeCode) Get an index by a name and type.Methods in org.apache.uima.cas.impl that return FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionT[]
static FeatureStructure[]
(AnnotationFS fs) final FeatureStructure
(FSArray array, int i) CASImpl.getSofaDataArray()
Methods in org.apache.uima.cas.impl with parameters of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(int adjOffset, FeatureStructure v) Nc - no check, Wj = with journaling if neededvoid
(FeatureStructure fs) protected final void
(FeatureStructure fs, String operation) void
(FeatureStructure fs)
(FeatureStructure fs1, FeatureStructure fs2) Compare two
(FeatureStructure fs1, FeatureStructure fs2) Override the super impl which uses
(FeatureStructure fs1, FeatureStructure fs2) int
(FeatureStructure o1, FeatureStructure o2) abstract int
(FeatureStructure o1, FeatureStructure o2) This is required to avoid compilation error (but not in Eclipse) due to ambiguous interface inheritance from both FeatureStructure and Comparatorint
(FeatureStructure o1, FeatureStructure o2) int
(FeatureStructure fs1, FeatureStructure fs2) int
(FeatureStructure fs1, FeatureStructure fs2) boolean
(FeatureStructure fs) boolean
(FeatureStructure fs) boolean
(FeatureStructure templateKey) boolean
(FeatureStructure fs) int
(T[] target, int startingIndexInTarget) Copy FS refs to target from this index partFsIndex_bag.find
(FeatureStructure fs) This is a silly method for bag indexes in V3, since dupl add to indexes is not allowed.FsIndex_flat.find
(FeatureStructure fs) FsIndex_set_sorted.find
(FeatureStructure templateKey) find any arbitrary matching FS two comparators: cp, and cpx (has extra id comparing) First find an FS in the index that's the smallest that's GE to key using cpx - if none found, then all of the entries in the index are LessThan the key (using cpx); but one might be equal using cp -- if one or more would be equal using cp, it would be because the only reason for the inequality using cpx was due to the _id miscompare.FsIndex_snapshot.find
(FeatureStructure fs) static Object
(FeatureStructure fs) static Object
(FeatureStructure fs) SelectFSs_impl.get
(FeatureStructure fs) SelectFSs_impl.get
(FeatureStructure fs, int offset) static Object
(FeatureStructure fs) static Object
(FeatureStructure fs) boolean
(FeatureStructure fs) boolean
(FeatureStructure fs) boolean
(FeatureStructure fs) FsIndex_singletype.iterator
(FeatureStructure initialPositionFs) final int
(FeatureStructure fs) Safety - any time the low level API to a FS is requested, hold on to that FS until CAS reset to mimic how v2
(FeatureStructure fsImpl) Get the low-level reference from an existing FS object.boolean
(FeatureStructure fs) default void
(FeatureStructure fs) void
(FeatureStructure fs) void
(FeatureStructure fs) void
(FeatureStructure fs) void
(FeatureStructure fs) Internal use same as moveTo(fs), but won't reset to use current contents of index if index has changedvoid
(FeatureStructure fs) void
(FeatureStructure fs) void
(FeatureStructure fs) void
(Feature feat, FeatureStructure v) void
(FeatureStructure... fss) Test case usevoid
(FeatureStructure array, String mime) SelectFSs_impl.single
(FeatureStructure fs) SelectFSs_impl.single
(FeatureStructure fs, int offset) SelectFSs_impl.singleOrNull
(FeatureStructure fs) SelectFSs_impl.singleOrNull
(FeatureStructure fs, int offset) SelectFSs_impl.startAt
(FeatureStructure fs) SelectFSs_impl.startAt
(FeatureStructure fs, int offset) static Object
(FeatureStructure fs) Constructors in org.apache.uima.cas.impl with parameters of type FeatureStructureModifierConstructorDescriptionFsIterator_subtypes_snapshot
(T[] snapshot, LowLevelIndex<T> index, boolean is_unordered, Comparator<TOP> comparatorMaybeNoTypeWithoutId) Alternative source iterator, 1st arg is different (not an "index", just an array) - altSources are unordered, and NoType is ignored - also supports backwards iterators, these are ordered (Maybe fix this in the future - this is not necessarily required)SelectFSs_impl
(FeatureStructure[] source, CAS cas) -
Uses of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.cas.text
Subinterfaces of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.cas.textModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Interface for Annotation Feature Structures. -
Uses of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.caseditor.editor
Methods in org.apache.uima.caseditor.editor that return FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionArrayValue.getFeatureStructure()
Gets the feature structure.FeatureValue.getFeatureStructure()
Gets the feature structure.ModelFeatureStructure.getStructre()
Gets the
Retrieves the next element.Methods in org.apache.uima.caseditor.editor that return types with arguments of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionFeatureStructureSelection.toList()
Retrieves a list ofFeatureStructure
objects.Methods in org.apache.uima.caseditor.editor with parameters of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(FeatureStructure newAnnotation) Forwards the call.void
(FeatureStructure newFeatureStructure) This method is called if anFeatureStructure
is added.void
(FeatureStructure annotation) Adds the given annotation to theCAS
(FeatureStructure structure) Adds aFeatureStructure
to the document.protected void
(FeatureStructure annotation) Sends an added message to registered listeners.protected void
(FeatureStructure annotation) Sends a removed message to registered listeners.protected void
(FeatureStructure annotation) Sends an updated message to registered listeners.void
(FeatureStructure deletedAnnotation) Forwards the call.void
(FeatureStructure deletedFeatureStructure) This method is called if anFeatureStructure
is removed.void
(FeatureStructure annotation) Removes the annotations from theCAS
(FeatureStructure structure) Removes anFeatureStructure
from the Document.void
(FeatureStructure annotation) Notifies clients about the changed annotation.void
(FeatureStructure structure) Updates the givenFeatureStructure
(FeatureStructure annotation) Forwards the call.void
(FeatureStructure featureStructure) This method is called if theFeatureStructure
changed.Method parameters in org.apache.uima.caseditor.editor with type arguments of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Collection<FeatureStructure> structures) Add notification.void
(Collection<FeatureStructure> newFeatureStructure) void
(Collection<FeatureStructure> newFeatureStructure) This method is called if multipleFeatureStructure
s are added.void
(Collection<? extends FeatureStructure> annotations) void
(Collection<? extends FeatureStructure> structures) Adds theFeatureStructure
s.protected void
(Collection<? extends FeatureStructure> annotations) Sends an added message to registered listeners.protected void
(Collection<? extends FeatureStructure> annotations) Sends a removed message to registered listeners.protected void
(Collection<? extends FeatureStructure> annotations) Sends an updated message to registered listeners.void
(Collection<FeatureStructure> structures) Remove notification.void
(Collection<FeatureStructure> deletedFeatureStructure) void
(Collection<FeatureStructure> deletedFeatureStructure) This method is called if multipleFeatureStructure
s are removed.void
(Collection<? extends FeatureStructure> annotationsToRemove) Removes the given annotations from theCAS
(Collection<? extends FeatureStructure> structuresToRemove) Removes the givenFeatureStructure
(Collection<FeatureStructure> structures) Update notification.void
(Collection<FeatureStructure> featureStructure) void
(Collection<FeatureStructure> featureStructure) This method is called if theFeatureStructure
s changed.void
(Collection<? extends FeatureStructure> annotations) Notifies clients about the changed annotation.void
(Collection<? extends FeatureStructure> structures) Updates the givenFeatureStructure
s.Constructors in org.apache.uima.caseditor.editor with parameters of type FeatureStructureModifierConstructorDescriptionArrayValue
(FeatureStructure arrayFS, int slot) Instantiates a new array value.FeatureValue
(ICasDocument document, FeatureStructure structure, Feature feature) Initializes a new instance.ModelFeatureStructure
(ICasDocument document, FeatureStructure featureStructre) Initializes a new instance. -
Uses of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.caseditor.editor.context
Methods in org.apache.uima.caseditor.editor.context with parameters of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(FeatureStructure structure) Display this feature structure. -
Uses of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.caseditor.editor.util
Methods in org.apache.uima.caseditor.editor.util that return types with arguments of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Collection
<FeatureStructure> UimaUtil.cast
(Collection<AnnotationFS> annotations) Casts aFeatureStructure
collection to anAnnotationFS
collection.Methods in org.apache.uima.caseditor.editor.util with parameters of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Object
(FeatureStructure structure, Feature feature) Retrieves the primitive value.boolean
(FeatureStructure featureStructure) Checks if the given FeatureStructure is inside the a containing annotation.boolean
(FeatureStructure candidateFS) Checks if the givenFeatureStructure
matches this constraint.Constructor parameters in org.apache.uima.caseditor.editor.util with type arguments of type FeatureStructureModifierConstructorDescriptionAnnotationSelection
(Collection<FeatureStructure> structures) Initializes the current instance. -
Uses of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.collection.impl.cpm.engine
Methods in org.apache.uima.collection.impl.cpm.engine that return FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic FeatureStructure
Returns a Feature Structure of a given type. -
Uses of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.examples
Classes in org.apache.uima.examples that implement FeatureStructureModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Stores detailed information about the original source document from which the current CAS was initialized. -
Uses of FeatureStructure in
Classes in that implement FeatureStructureModifier and TypeClassDescriptionstatic final class
Indicates that no type has been set. -
Uses of FeatureStructure in
Classes in that implement FeatureStructureModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Updated by JCasGen Fri Nov 22 17:01:30 CET 2024 XML source: /Users/bluefire/git/uima-uimaj-release/uimafit-examples/target/jcasgen/typesystem.xmlclass
Updated by JCasGen Fri Nov 22 17:01:30 CET 2024 XML source: /Users/bluefire/git/uima-uimaj-release/uimafit-examples/target/jcasgen/typesystem.xmlclass
Updated by JCasGen Fri Nov 22 17:01:30 CET 2024 XML source: /Users/bluefire/git/uima-uimaj-release/uimafit-examples/target/jcasgen/typesystem.xmlclass
Updated by JCasGen Fri Nov 22 17:01:30 CET 2024 XML source: /Users/bluefire/git/uima-uimaj-release/uimafit-examples/target/jcasgen/typesystem.xmlclass
Updated by JCasGen Fri Nov 22 17:01:30 CET 2024 XML source: /Users/bluefire/git/uima-uimaj-release/uimafit-examples/target/jcasgen/typesystem.xmlclass
Updated by JCasGen Fri Nov 22 17:01:30 CET 2024 XML source: /Users/bluefire/git/uima-uimaj-release/uimafit-examples/target/jcasgen/typesystem.xmlclass
Updated by JCasGen Fri Nov 22 17:01:30 CET 2024 XML source: /Users/bluefire/git/uima-uimaj-release/uimafit-examples/target/jcasgen/typesystem.xml -
Uses of FeatureStructure in
Classes in that implement FeatureStructureModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Updated by JCasGen Fri Nov 22 17:01:30 CET 2024 XML source: /Users/bluefire/git/uima-uimaj-release/uimafit-examples/target/jcasgen/typesystem.xmlclass
Updated by JCasGen Fri Nov 22 17:01:30 CET 2024 XML source: /Users/bluefire/git/uima-uimaj-release/uimafit-examples/target/jcasgen/typesystem.xml -
Uses of FeatureStructure in
Classes in that implement FeatureStructureModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Updated by JCasGen Fri Nov 22 17:01:19 CET 2024 XML source: /Users/bluefire/git/uima-uimaj-release/uimafit-core/target/jcasgen/typesystem.xmlclass
Updated by JCasGen Fri Nov 22 17:01:19 CET 2024 XML source: /Users/bluefire/git/uima-uimaj-release/uimafit-core/target/jcasgen/typesystem.xmlclass
Updated by JCasGen Fri Nov 22 17:01:19 CET 2024 XML source: /Users/bluefire/git/uima-uimaj-release/uimafit-core/target/jcasgen/typesystem.xml -
Uses of FeatureStructure in
Methods in with type parameters of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T extends FeatureStructure>
List<T> Convert anArrayFS
to aCollection
.static <T extends FeatureStructure>
List<T> Fetch all annotations of the given type or its sub-types from the given FS array.static <T extends FeatureStructure>
Collection<T> FSCollectionFactory.create
(FSIterator<T> aIterator) Convert anFSIterator
to aCollection
.static <T extends FeatureStructure>
ArrayFS<T> FSCollectionFactory.createArrayFS
(CAS aCas, Collection<T> aCollection) static <T extends FeatureStructure>
ArrayFS<T> FSCollectionFactory.createArrayFS
(CAS aCas, T... aArray) static <T extends FeatureStructure>
(CAS aCas, float... aValues) static <T extends FeatureStructure>
(CAS aCas, Collection<Float> aValues) static <T extends FeatureStructure>
FSArray<T> FSCollectionFactory.createFSArray
(JCas aJCas, Collection<T> aCollection) static <T extends FeatureStructure>
FSArray<T> FSCollectionFactory.createFSArray
(JCas aJCas, T... aArray) static <T extends FeatureStructure>
(CAS aCas, int... aValues) static <T extends FeatureStructure>
(CAS aCas, Collection<Integer> aValues) static <T extends FeatureStructure>
(CAS aCas, String... aValues) static <T extends FeatureStructure>
(CAS aCas, Collection<String> aValues) static <T extends FeatureStructure>
FSArray<T> static <T extends FeatureStructure>
FSArray<T> FSCollectionFactory.fillArray
(FSArray<T> aArray, FeatureStructure... aValues) static <T extends FeatureStructure>
ArrayFS<T> FSCollectionFactory.fillArrayFS
(ArrayFS<T> aArrayFs, Iterable<? extends T> aCollection) static <T extends FeatureStructure>
ArrayFS<T> FSCollectionFactory.fillArrayFS
(ArrayFS<T> aArrayFs, FeatureStructure... aArray) static <T extends FeatureStructure>
Iterator<T> CasUtil.iteratorFS
(CAS cas, Type type)
static <T extends FeatureStructure>
Methods in that return FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic FeatureStructure
(CAS cas, Type type) Get the single instance of the specified type from the CAS.Methods in that return types with arguments of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic List
static Collection
<FeatureStructure> CasUtil.selectAllFS
(CAS aCas) Convenience method to iterator over all features structures.static List
<FeatureStructure> Convenience method to iterator over all feature structures of a given type.Methods in with parameters of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic <T extends FeatureStructure>
ArrayFS<T> FSCollectionFactory.createArrayFS
(CAS aCas, T... aArray) static <T extends FeatureStructure>
FSArray<T> FSCollectionFactory.createFSArray
(JCas aJCas, T... aArray) static <T extends FeatureStructure>
FSArray<T> FSCollectionFactory.fillArray
(FSArray<T> aArray, FeatureStructure... aValues) static <T extends FeatureStructure>
ArrayFS<T> FSCollectionFactory.fillArrayFS
(ArrayFS<T> aArrayFs, FeatureStructure... aArray) static <T> T
(FeatureStructure aFS, String aFeature, Class<T> aClazz) static <T> T
(FeatureStructure aFS, Feature aFeature, Class<T> aClazz) static boolean
(FeatureStructure aFS, String aFeature) static boolean
(FeatureStructure aFS, String aFeature) static boolean
(FeatureStructure aFS, Feature feat) static void
(FeatureStructure aFS, String aFeature, boolean... aValue) static void
(FeatureStructure aFS, String aFeature, byte... aValue) static void
(FeatureStructure aFS, String aFeature, double... aValue) static void
(FeatureStructure aFS, String aFeature, float... aValue) static void
(FeatureStructure aFS, String aFeature, int... aValue) static void
(FeatureStructure aFS, String aFeature, long... aValue) static void
(FeatureStructure aFS, String aFeature, short... aValue) static void
(FeatureStructure aFS, String aFeature, String... aValue) static void
(FeatureStructure aFS, String aFeature, Collection aValue) static void
(FeatureStructure aFS, String aFeature, FeatureStructure... aValue) static void
(FeatureStructure aFS, Feature feat, boolean... aValue) static void
(FeatureStructure aFS, Feature feat, byte... aValue) static void
(FeatureStructure aFS, Feature feat, double... aValue) static void
(FeatureStructure aFS, Feature feat, float... aValue) static void
(FeatureStructure aFS, Feature feat, int... aValue) static void
(FeatureStructure aFS, Feature feat, long... aValue) static void
(FeatureStructure aFS, Feature feat, short... aValue) static void
(FeatureStructure aFS, Feature feat, String... aValue) static void
(FeatureStructure aFS, Feature feat, Collection aValue) static void
(FeatureStructure aFS, Feature feat, FeatureStructure... aValue) -
Uses of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.internal.util
Classes in org.apache.uima.internal.util with type parameters of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
ComparableFSIterator<F extends FeatureStructure>
Interface for a comparable FSIterator.class
CopyOnWriteObjHashSet<T extends FeatureStructure>
implements ObjHashSet partially, for iterator useclass
CopyOnWriteOrderedFsSet_array<T extends FeatureStructure>
implements OrderedFsSet_array partially, for iterator useclass
OrderedFsSet_array<T extends FeatureStructure>
This one is being used, the other one (ending in 2) may be put back into service for large sizes, later. (7/2017) A set of FSs, ordered using a comparator Not thread-safe, use on single thread only Use: set-sorted indexes in UIMA Entries kept in order in 1 big TOP[] have ensureCapacity - grows by doubling up to multiplication-limit point, then by addition Adds optimized: - maintain high mark, if >, add to end shifting optimization: for removes: shift space to back or front, whichever is closer for adds: shift space from back or front, whichever is closerFields in org.apache.uima.internal.util declared as FeatureStructureMethods in org.apache.uima.internal.util with parameters of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
(T[] target, int startingIndexInTarget) int
(T[] target, int startingIndexInTarget) int
(FeatureStructure fs) if the fs is in the set, the iterator should return it. if not, return -1 (makes iterator invalid)int
(FeatureStructure fs) if the fs is in the set, the iterator should return it. if not, return -1 (makes iterator invalid) -
Uses of FeatureStructure in
Classes in that implement FeatureStructureModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Updated by JCasGen Fri Nov 22 17:03:35 CET 2024 XML source: /Users/bluefire/git/uima-uimaj-release/uimaj-it-pear-with-typesystem/target/jcasgen/typesystem.xmlclass
Updated by JCasGen Fri Nov 22 17:03:35 CET 2024 XML source: /Users/bluefire/git/uima-uimaj-release/uimaj-it-pear-with-typesystem/target/jcasgen/typesystem.xmlclass
Updated by JCasGen Fri Nov 22 17:03:35 CET 2024 XML source: /Users/bluefire/git/uima-uimaj-release/uimaj-it-pear-with-typesystem/target/jcasgen/typesystem.xml -
Uses of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.jcas
Methods in org.apache.uima.jcas with type parameters of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescription<T extends FeatureStructure>
FSIterator<T> JCas.createFilteredIterator
(FSIterator<T> it, FSMatchConstraint cons) Create an iterator over structures satisfying a given constraint.<T extends FeatureStructure>
ListIterator<T> JCas.fs2listIterator
(FSIterator<T> it) Wrap a standard JavaListIterator
around an FSListIterator.Methods in org.apache.uima.jcas that return FeatureStructureMethods in org.apache.uima.jcas with parameters of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(FeatureStructure fs) Add a feature structure to all appropriate indexes in the repository associated with this CAS View.default void
(int casAddr, FeatureStructure fs) Deprecated.void
(FeatureStructure fs) Remove a feature structure from all indexes in the repository associated with this CAS View.void
(FeatureStructure array, String mime) Set the Sofa data as an ArrayFS.Method parameters in org.apache.uima.jcas with type arguments of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionJCas.getCasType
(Class<? extends FeatureStructure> clazz) Return the UIMA Type object corresponding to this JCas's JCas cover class (Note: different JCas's, with different type systems, may share the same cover class impl) -
Uses of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.jcas.cas
Classes in org.apache.uima.jcas.cas with type parameters of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
ArrayFSImpl<E extends FeatureStructure>
Deprecated.use FSArray insteadfinal class
FSArray<T extends FeatureStructure>
Java Class model for Cas FSArray type extends FeatureStructure for backwards compatibility when using FSArray with no typing.interface
SelectViaCopyToArray<T extends FeatureStructure>
Classes which provide a toArrayForSelect() method that returns a FeatureStructure[] can implement this to enable the class to be used as a "select" source T extends FeatureStructure because FSArray with no typing needs to default to FeatureStructure for backwards compatibilitySubinterfaces of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.jcas.casModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
ArrayFSImpl<E extends FeatureStructure>
Deprecated.use FSArray insteadinterface
This class is the super class of list nodes (both empty and non empty)interface
This interface is implemented by arrays of non-FeatureStructure components boolean, byte, short, int, long, float, double, String, JavaObject Internal Use Only.interface
a marker interface for empty listsinterface
a marker interface for nonempty listsClasses in org.apache.uima.jcas.cas that implement FeatureStructureModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
the JCas class model for the CAS type class
JCas class model for BooleanArrayfinal class
JCas class model for ByteArrayfinal class
JCas class model for DoubleArrayclass
EmptyFSList<T extends TOP>
final class
Java Cas model for Cas FloatArray.class
final class
FSArray<T extends FeatureStructure>
Java Class model for Cas FSArray type extends FeatureStructure for backwards compatibility when using FSArray with no typing.class
FSArrayList<T extends TOP>
An ArrayList type containing Feature Structures, for UIMA Has all the methods of List Implements the select(...)class
a hash set of Feature Structures Is Pear aware - stores non-pear versions but may return pear version in pear contexts Updated by JCasGen Fri Jan 20 11:55:59 EST 2017 XML source: C:/au/svnCheckouts/branches/uimaj/v3-alpha/uimaj-types/src/main/descriptors/java_object_type_descriptors.xmlclass
FSLinkedHashSet<T extends TOP>
a hash set of Feature Structures Is Pear aware - stores non-pear versions but may return pear version in pear contexts Updated by JCasGen Fri Jan 20 11:55:59 EST 2017 XML source: C:/au/svnCheckouts/branches/uimaj/v3-alpha/uimaj-types/src/main/descriptors/java_object_type_descriptors.xmlclass
T extends TOP, v2 already mandated TOP for set/getclass
A map from ints to Feature Structures Is Pear aware - stores non-pear versions but may return pear version in pear contextsfinal class
The Java Class model corresponding to the Cas IntegerArray_JCasImpl type.class
An ArrayList type containing ints, for UIMA - implements a subset of the List API, Iterable<Integer>, IntListIteratorclass
final class
JCas class model for LongArrayclass
NonEmptyFSList<T extends TOP>
final class
JCas class model for ShortArrayclass
final class
JCas class model for StringArrayclass
The JCas Class model corresponding to the Cas TOP type.Methods in org.apache.uima.jcas.cas with type parameters of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescription<U extends FeatureStructure>
(U[] src, int srcPos, int destPos, int length) <E extends FeatureStructure>
(E[] src, int srcPos, int destPos, int length) Copy from array.<U extends FeatureStructure>
(int srcPos, U[] dest, int destPos, int length) <E extends FeatureStructure>
(int srcPos, E[] dest, int destPos, int length) Copy to array.static <U extends FeatureStructure>
FSArray<U> FSArray.create
(JCas jcas, FeatureStructure[] a) Convenience - create a FSArray from an existing FeatureStructure[]static <E extends TOP,
F extends FeatureStructure>
FSArrayList<E> Convenience - create a FSArrayList from an existing Array.static <U extends TOP,
E extends FeatureStructure>
FSList<U> Create an FSList from an existing array of Feature Structures<U extends FeatureStructure>
(int i) return the indexed value from the corresponding Cas FSArray as a Java Model object.Methods in org.apache.uima.jcas.cas that return FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionFSArray._toArrayForSelect()
Methods in org.apache.uima.jcas.cas with parameters of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescription<U extends FeatureStructure>
(U[] src, int srcPos, int destPos, int length) <E extends FeatureStructure>
(E[] src, int srcPos, int destPos, int length) Copy from array.<U extends FeatureStructure>
(int srcPos, U[] dest, int destPos, int length) <E extends FeatureStructure>
(int srcPos, E[] dest, int destPos, int length) Copy to array.static <U extends FeatureStructure>
FSArray<U> FSArray.create
(JCas jcas, FeatureStructure[] a) Convenience - create a FSArray from an existing FeatureStructure[]static <E extends TOP,
F extends FeatureStructure>
FSArrayList<E> Convenience - create a FSArrayList from an existing Array.static <U extends TOP,
E extends FeatureStructure>
FSList<U> Create an FSList from an existing array of Feature Structuresvoid
(Feature feat, FeatureStructure v) void
(Feature feat, FeatureStructure fs) void
(FeatureStructure aFS) void
(FeatureStructure aFS, String mimeType) -
Uses of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.jcas.impl
Methods in org.apache.uima.jcas.impl with type parameters of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescription<T extends FeatureStructure>
FSIterator<T> JCasImpl.createFilteredIterator
(FSIterator<T> it, FSMatchConstraint constraint) <T extends FeatureStructure>
ListIterator<T> JCasImpl.fs2listIterator
(FSIterator<T> it) Methods in org.apache.uima.jcas.impl that return FeatureStructureMethods in org.apache.uima.jcas.impl with parameters of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(FeatureStructure instance) void
(FeatureStructure instance) void
(FeatureStructure array, String mime) Method parameters in org.apache.uima.jcas.impl with type arguments of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionJCasImpl.getCasType
(Class<? extends FeatureStructure> clazz) Return the UIMA Type object corresponding to this JCas's JCas cover class (Note: different JCas's, with different type systems, may share the same cover class impl) -
Uses of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.jcas.tcas
Classes in org.apache.uima.jcas.tcas that implement FeatureStructureModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
the JCas class model for the CAS type uima.cas.Annotation.class
The JCas class definition for the CASDocumentAnnotation
type. -
Uses of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.util
Methods in org.apache.uima.util with type parameters of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescription<T extends FeatureStructure>
(T aFS) Copy 1 feature structure from the originalSrcCas to a new Cas.Methods in org.apache.uima.util that return FeatureStructureMethods in org.apache.uima.util with parameters of type FeatureStructureModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(FeatureStructure aFS) Note: if lenient is in effect, this method will return false for FSs which are not copied because the target doesn't have that type.