Package org.apache.uima.caseditor.editor
package org.apache.uima.caseditor.editor
This package contains the editor classes.
ClassDescriptionThis listener listens only for
change events.Abstract base class for document implementations.An editor to annotate text.TheAnnotationEditor
action contributor.The Class AnnotationEditorPreferenceConstants.The Class AnnotationEditorPreferenceInitializer.Preference page to manage preferences for the Annotation Editor.Base view for views which show information about theCAS
opened in the editor.TODO: add javadoc here.TheAnnotationStyle
describes the look of an certain annotation type in theAnnotationEditor
.The styles that can be used to draw an annotation.Annotation Style Change Listener base class which converts annotation style change events from a Preference Store to AnnotationStyle object change events.The Class ArrayValue.Provides theICasDocument
for theAnnotationEditor
.The Class ElementInfo.A generalRuntimeException
which is thrown if something unexpected happens.Base class for views which show information about theCAS
opened in the editor.The Class CasEditorViewPage.TODO: add javadoc here.This document implementation is based on an uima cas object.The Class FeatureStructureSelection.Iterates over all selectedFeatureStructure
s.The Class FeatureValue.An Action to open the Find/Annotate Dialog.The listener interface for receiving IAnnotationEditorModify events.The listener interface for receiving IAnnotationStyle events.TheICasDocument
represents texts with meta information.This interface is used to notifies clients aboutFeatureStructure
changes.A Cas Editor is an extension to theIEditorPart
interface and is responsible to view and edit aCAS
object.The listener interface for receiving ICasEditorInput events.The Interface ICustomInformationControlContentHandler.The listener interface for receiving IEditorSelection events.TODO: set feature value to null delete feature value structure create feature value structure.The Class SubPageSite.