Package org.apache.uima

package org.apache.uima
Apache UIMA

This package contains:

  • The UIMAFramework class provides the primary interface point for applications.
  • Most of the error / exception indirection classes (to allow IDEs to do auto-complete looking for messages).

Internationalized Exceptions and Messages

Internationalization is handled by the static methods in I18nUtil.  These are called by the Internationalized Exceptions, but may be also used for non-exception message localization.

Exception messages are collected into classes.  These classes may be organized further into hierarchies, but the top of these extend one of the following 3 classes:

  • Exception - for checked exceptions
  • RuntimeException - for unchecked exceptions
  • SaxException - for exceptions thrown during Sax related callbacks requiring SaxExceptions be thrown

Common code for getting a localized message from arguments and message key and resource bundle are put in the interface I18nExceptionI as default methods. Using default methods allows shared methods to be used with different superclass chains.

The individual classes:

  • hold static public MSG_NAME = "prop-file-key-name" values, allow IDE search via completion, allows renaming via Eclipse refactorization
  • Classes collect messages for some sub-section of the code
  • Super class structure can supply common resource bundles
  • Class
    A type of ResourceFactory that produces resources by delegating to other Resource Factories.
    Some constants used by the UIMA framework.
    Like InternationalizedException, but is an interface with default methods.
    The InternationalizedException class adds internationalization support to the standard functionality provided by java.lang.Exception.
    The InternationalizedRuntimeException class adds internationalization support to the standard functionality provided by java.lang.RuntimeException.
    To become package private in org.apache.uima.jcas.cas or possibly removed.
    A ResourceFactory is used to acquire instances of Resources.
    A factory used to create ResourceSpecifier instances and instances of other objects needed to compose ResourceSpecifiers.
    Thrown to indicate that a method has been passed an illegal or inappropriate argument.
    Signals that a method has been invoked at an illegal or inappropriate time.
    Thrown to indicate that the requested operation is not supported.
    Provides access to external resources (other than the CAS).
    Admin interface to the UIMA Context.
    This class holds the UimaContext for the current thread, or a parent thread.
    This is the superclass for all checked exceptions in UIMA.
    This is an application's main interface point to the UIMA Framework.
    This is the superclass for all unchecked exceptions in UIMA.
    This interface is implemented by JCas classes that need to be called by the framework when a serialization is about to happen.
    This interface is implemented by JCas classes that need to be called by the framework when a serialization is about to happen where the _save_to_cas_data() method update Features which have references to Feature Structures