
  • Class
    Dialog that loads analyzed documents stored in XMI or XCAS format and allows them to be viewed using the Java-based CAS viewer or a web browser, in either an HTML/Javascript format or in the inline XML format.
    A simple GUI for the RunTextAnalysis application library.
    Composite component to allow file or directory input or selection.
    The listener interface for receiving fileSelector events.
    The Class PrefsMediator.
    * This class tells the Mediator to check the length of the 3 text fields and adjust whether the 3 buttons are enabeld or not. // * @see TfDocumentEvent
    * This class tells the Mediator to check the length of the 3 text fields and adjust whether the 3 buttons are enabeld or not. // * @see TfFileSelectorEvent
    This class tells the Mediator to check the lenght of the 3 text fields and adjust whether the 3 buttons are enabeld or not. // * @see TfFocusEvent