ClassDescriptionDialog that loads analyzed documents stored in XMI or XCAS format and allows them to be viewed using the Java-based CAS viewer or a web browser, in either an HTML/Javascript format or in the inline XML format.A simple GUI for the RunTextAnalysis application library.Composite component to allow file or directory input or selection.The listener interface for receiving fileSelector events.The Class PrefsMediator.* This class tells the Mediator to check the length of the 3 text fields and adjust whether the 3 buttons are enabeld or not. // * @see TfDocumentEvent* This class tells the Mediator to check the length of the 3 text fields and adjust whether the 3 buttons are enabeld or not. // * @see TfFileSelectorEventThis class tells the Mediator to check the lenght of the 3 text fields and adjust whether the 3 buttons are enabeld or not. // * @see TfFocusEvent