Uses of Interface

Packages that use Resource
org.apache.uima The main package for the Unstructured Information Management Middleware Architecture. 
org.apache.uima.analysis_engine The Analysis Engine interface, along with supporting interfaces and exception classes. 
org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.asb Contains the Analysis Structure Broker (ASB) interface, along with supporting interfaces and exception classes. 
org.apache.uima.collection Classes and interfaces for collection processing. 
org.apache.uima.resource Interfaces for Resources and ResourceSpecifiers
org.apache.uima.util Utility classes and interfaces used by UIMA components. 

Uses of Resource in org.apache.uima

Methods in org.apache.uima that return Resource
 Resource ResourceFactory.produceResource(Class<? extends Resource> aResourceClass, ResourceSpecifier aSpecifier, Map<String,Object> aAdditionalParams)
          Produces an appropriate Resource instance from a ResourceSpecifier.
static Resource UIMAFramework.produceResource(Class<? extends Resource> aResourceClass, ResourceSpecifier aSpecifier, Map<String,Object> aAdditionalParams)
          Produces an appropriate Resource instance of a specified class from a ResourceSpecifier.
static Resource UIMAFramework.produceResource(Class<? extends Resource> aResourceClass, ResourceSpecifier aSpecifier, ResourceManager aResourceManager, Map<String,Object> aAdditionalParams)
          Produces an appropriate Resource instance of a specified class from a ResourceSpecifier.
static Resource UIMAFramework.produceResource(ResourceSpecifier aSpecifier, Map<String,Object> aAdditionalParams)
          Produces an appropriate Resource instance from a ResourceSpecifier.

Method parameters in org.apache.uima with type arguments of type Resource
 Resource ResourceFactory.produceResource(Class<? extends Resource> aResourceClass, ResourceSpecifier aSpecifier, Map<String,Object> aAdditionalParams)
          Produces an appropriate Resource instance from a ResourceSpecifier.
static Resource UIMAFramework.produceResource(Class<? extends Resource> aResourceClass, ResourceSpecifier aSpecifier, Map<String,Object> aAdditionalParams)
          Produces an appropriate Resource instance of a specified class from a ResourceSpecifier.
static Resource UIMAFramework.produceResource(Class<? extends Resource> aResourceClass, ResourceSpecifier aSpecifier, ResourceManager aResourceManager, Map<String,Object> aAdditionalParams)
          Produces an appropriate Resource instance of a specified class from a ResourceSpecifier.

Uses of Resource in org.apache.uima.analysis_engine

Subinterfaces of Resource in org.apache.uima.analysis_engine
 interface AnalysisEngine
          An Analysis Engine is a component responsible for analyzing unstructured information, discovering and representing semantic content.
 interface TextAnalysisEngine
          Deprecated. As of v2.0, AnalysisEngine should be used instead. This interface no longer defines any additional methods beyond those in AnalysisEngine.

Uses of Resource in org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.asb

Subinterfaces of Resource in org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.asb
 interface ASB
          The Analysis Structure Broker (ASB) is the component responsible for the details of communicating with Analysis Engines that may potentially be distributed across different physical machines.

Uses of Resource in org.apache.uima.collection

Subinterfaces of Resource in org.apache.uima.collection
 interface CasConsumer
          Any component that operates on analysis results produced by a UIMA analysis engine.
 interface CasInitializer
          Deprecated. As of v2.0, CAS Initializers are deprecated. A component that performs an operation like HTML detagging should instead be implemented as a "multi-Sofa" annotator. See XmlDetagger for an example.
 interface CollectionReader
          A CollectionReader is used to iterate over the elements of a Collection.

Classes in org.apache.uima.collection that implement Resource
 class CasConsumer_ImplBase
          Base class for CAS Consumers in UIMA SDK v1.x, which developers should extend with their own CAS Consumer implementation classes.
 class CasInitializer_ImplBase
          Deprecated. As of v2.0, CAS Initializers are deprecated. A component that performs an operation like HTML detagging should instead be implemented as a "multi-Sofa" annotator. See XmlDetagger for an example.
 class CollectionReader_ImplBase
          Base class for Collection Readers, which developers should extend with their own Collection Reader implementation classes.

Uses of Resource in org.apache.uima.collection.base_cpm

Subinterfaces of Resource in org.apache.uima.collection.base_cpm
 interface BaseCollectionReader
          The Base CollectionReader interface.
 interface CasDataCollectionReader
          A CasDataCollectionReader is used to iterate over the elements of a Collection.
 interface CasDataConsumer
          Any component that operates on analysis results produced by a UIMA CasDataProcessor.
 interface CasDataInitializer
          Deprecated. As of v2.0, CAS Initializers are deprecated. A component that performs an operation like HTML detagging should instead be implemented as a "multi-Sofa" annotator. See XmlDetagger for an example.

Classes in org.apache.uima.collection.base_cpm that implement Resource
 class CasDataCollectionReader_ImplBase
          Base class from which to extend when writing Collection Readers that use the CasData interface to access the CAS.
 class CasDataConsumer_ImplBase
          Base class from which to extend when writing CAS Consumers that use the CasData interface to access the CAS.
 class CasDataInitializer_ImplBase
          Deprecated. As of v2.0, CAS Initializers are deprecated. A component that performs an operation like HTML detagging should instead be implemented as a "multi-Sofa" annotator. See XmlDetagger for an example.

Uses of Resource in org.apache.uima.resource

Subinterfaces of Resource in org.apache.uima.resource
 interface ConfigurableResource
          A Resource that has configuration parameters that can be changed after the Resource has been instantiated.
 interface DataResource
          DataResource is a simple resource that provides access to data.
 interface ParameterizedDataResource
          A resource that provides access to data, where the data can vary based on parameters.

Classes in org.apache.uima.resource that implement Resource
 class ConfigurableResource_ImplBase
          Implementation base class for ConfigurableResources.
 class Resource_ImplBase
          Implementation base class for Resources.

Methods in org.apache.uima.resource that return types with arguments of type Resource
 Class<? extends Resource> ResourceManager.getResourceClass(String aName)
          Gets the Class of the Resource that will be returned by a call to ResourceManager.getResource(String) or ResourceManager.getResource(String,String[]).

Uses of Resource in org.apache.uima.util

Fields in org.apache.uima.util with type parameters of type Resource
protected  Map<Class<? extends ResourceSpecifier>,List<Class<? extends Resource>>> SimpleResourceFactory.mClassMap
          Map from ResourceSpecifier Class to List of Resource Classes.

Methods in org.apache.uima.util that return Resource
 Resource SimpleResourceFactory.produceResource(Class<? extends Resource> aResourceClass, ResourceSpecifier aSpecifier, Map<String,Object> aAdditionalParams)
          Produces an appropriate Resource instance from a ResourceSpecifier.

Method parameters in org.apache.uima.util with type arguments of type Resource
 void SimpleResourceFactory.addMapping(Class<? extends ResourceSpecifier> aSpecifierInterface, Class<? extends Resource> aResourceClass)
          Configures this SimpleResourceFactory by adding a new mapping between a ResourceSpecifier class and a Resource class.
 Resource SimpleResourceFactory.produceResource(Class<? extends Resource> aResourceClass, ResourceSpecifier aSpecifier, Map<String,Object> aAdditionalParams)
          Produces an appropriate Resource instance from a ResourceSpecifier.

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