Uses of Interface

Packages that use FeatureStructure
org.apache.uima.cas Common Analysis System (CAS) Interfaces. 
org.apache.uima.cas.impl Implementation and Low-Level API for the CAS Interfaces. 
org.apache.uima.cas.text Text Common Annotation System (TCAS) Interfaces. 
org.apache.uima.jcas Interfaces for accessing the JCAS. 
org.apache.uima.jcas.cas JCAS model for built-in CAS types 
org.apache.uima.jcas.tcas JCAS model for built-in TCAS types 
org.apache.uima.util Utility classes and interfaces used by UIMA components. 

Uses of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.cas

Classes in org.apache.uima.cas with type parameters of type FeatureStructure
 interface FSIndex<T extends FeatureStructure>
          Feature structure index access interface.
 interface FSIterator<T extends FeatureStructure>
          Iterator over feature structures.

Subinterfaces of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.cas
 interface AnnotationBaseFS
          Annotation Base API.
 interface ArrayFS
          Feature structure array interface.
 interface BooleanArrayFS
          Boolean array interface.
 interface ByteArrayFS
          Byte array interface.
 interface CommonArrayFS
          Common parts of the Array interfaces.
 interface DoubleArrayFS
          Double array interface.
 interface FloatArrayFS
          Interface for CAS float arrays.
 interface IntArrayFS
          Interface for CAS int arrays.
 interface LongArrayFS
          Long array interface.
 interface ShortArrayFS
          Short array interface.
 interface SofaFS
          Interface for "Subject of Analysis" (Sofa) feature structures.
 interface StringArrayFS
          String array interface.

Methods in org.apache.uima.cas with type parameters of type FeatureStructure
<T extends FeatureStructure>
CAS.createFilteredIterator(FSIterator<T> it, FSMatchConstraint cons)
          Create an iterator over structures satisfying a given constraint.
<T extends FeatureStructure>
CAS.fs2listIterator(FSIterator<T> it)
          Wrap a standard Java ListIterator around an FSListIterator.

Methods in org.apache.uima.cas that return FeatureStructure
 FeatureStructure CAS.createFS(Type type)
          Create a new FeatureStructure.
 FeatureStructure FSIndex.find(FeatureStructure fs)
          Find an entry in the index equal to the given feature structure according to the ordering of the index.
 FeatureStructure ArrayFS.get(int i)
          Get the i-th feature structure from the array.
 FeatureStructure FeatureStructure.getFeatureValue(Feature feat)
          Get a feature value.
 FeatureStructure FeaturePath.getFSValue(FeatureStructure fs)
          Returns the FeatureStructure of a FeatureStructure valued feature path.
 FeatureStructure SofaFS.getLocalFSData()
          Get the Local Subject of Analysis returns null if not previously set.
 FeatureStructure CAS.getSofaDataArray()
          Get the Sofa data array.
 FeatureStructure[] ArrayFS.toArray()
          Creates a new array the this array is copied to.

Methods in org.apache.uima.cas that return types with arguments of type FeatureStructure
 FSIterator<FeatureStructure> FSIndexRepository.getAllIndexedFS(Type aType)
          Gets an iterator over all indexed FeatureStructures of the specified Type (and any of its subtypes).
 FSIndex<FeatureStructure> FSIndexRepository.getIndex(String label)
          Retrieve an index according to a label.
 FSIndex<FeatureStructure> FSIndexRepository.getIndex(String label, Type type)
          Retrieve an index according to a label and a type.
 Iterator<FSIndex<FeatureStructure>> FSIndexRepository.getIndexes()
          Get all indexes in this repository.

Methods in org.apache.uima.cas with parameters of type FeatureStructure
 void FSIndexRepository.addFS(FeatureStructure fs)
          Add a feature structure to all appropriate indexes in the repository.
 void CAS.addFsToIndexes(FeatureStructure fs)
          Add a feature structure to all appropriate indexes in the repository associated with this CAS View.
 int fs1, FeatureStructure fs2)
          Compare two feature structures according to the ordering relation of the index.
 boolean FSIndex.contains(FeatureStructure fs)
          Check if the index contains an element equal to the given feature structure according to the ordering of the index.
 void ArrayFS.copyFromArray(FeatureStructure[] src, int srcOffset, int destOffset, int length)
          Copy the contents of an external array into this array.
 void ArrayFS.copyToArray(int srcOffset, FeatureStructure[] dest, int destOffset, int length)
          Copy the contents of the array from start to end to the destination destArray with destination offset destOffset.
 FeatureStructure FSIndex.find(FeatureStructure fs)
          Find an entry in the index equal to the given feature structure according to the ordering of the index.
 Boolean FeaturePath.getBooleanValue(FeatureStructure fs)
          Returns the Boolean value of a boolean valued feature path.
 Byte FeaturePath.getByteValue(FeatureStructure fs)
          Returns the Byte value of a byte valued feature path.
 Double FeaturePath.getDoubleValue(FeatureStructure fs)
          Returns the Double value of a double valued feature path.
 Float FeaturePath.getFloatValue(FeatureStructure fs)
          Returns the Float value of a float valued feature path.
 FeatureStructure FeaturePath.getFSValue(FeatureStructure fs)
          Returns the FeatureStructure of a FeatureStructure valued feature path.
 Integer FeaturePath.getIntValue(FeatureStructure fs)
          Returns the Integer value of an integer valued feature path.
 Long FeaturePath.getLongValue(FeatureStructure fs)
          Returns the Long value of a long valued feature path.
 Short FeaturePath.getShortValue(FeatureStructure fs)
          Returns the Short value of a short valued feature path.
 String FeaturePath.getStringValue(FeatureStructure fs)
          Returns the String value of a string valued feature path.
 TypeClass FeaturePath.getTypClass(FeatureStructure fs)
          Returns the type class of the feature path.
 Type FeaturePath.getType(FeatureStructure fs)
          Returns the type of the feature path.
 String FeaturePath.getValueAsString(FeatureStructure fs)
          Returns the feature path value as string for the given FeatureStructure.
 boolean Marker.isModified(FeatureStructure fs)
          Returns true if a FeatureStructure that existed prior to the mark represented by this Markere is modified.
 boolean Marker.isNew(FeatureStructure fs)
          Returns true if a FeatureStructure was created after the mark represented by this Marker object.
 FSIterator<T> FSIndex.iterator(FeatureStructure fs)
          Return an iterator over the index.
 boolean FSMatchConstraint.match(FeatureStructure fs)
          Match against feature structures.
 void FSIterator.moveTo(FeatureStructure fs)
          Move the iterator to the first features structure that is equal to fs.
 void FSIndexRepository.removeFS(FeatureStructure fs)
          Remove a feature structure from all indexes in the repository.
 void CAS.removeFsFromIndexes(FeatureStructure fs)
          Remove a feature structure from all indexes in the repository associated with this CAS View.
 void ArrayFS.set(int i, FeatureStructure fs)
          Set the i-th value.
 void FeatureStructure.setFeatureValue(Feature feat, FeatureStructure fs)
          Set a feature value to another FS.
 void SofaFS.setLocalSofaData(FeatureStructure aFS)
          Set the Local Subject of Analysis to be a predefined ArrayFS.
 void CAS.setSofaDataArray(FeatureStructure array, String mime)
          Set the Sofa data as an ArrayFS.

Uses of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.cas.impl

Classes in org.apache.uima.cas.impl that implement FeatureStructure
 class org.apache.uima.cas.impl.FeatureStructureImpl

Uses of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.cas.text

Subinterfaces of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.cas.text
 interface AnnotationFS
          Interface for Annotation Feature Structures.

Uses of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.examples

Classes in org.apache.uima.examples that implement FeatureStructure
 class SourceDocumentInformation
          Stores detailed information about the original source document from which the current CAS was initialized.

Uses of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.jcas

Methods in org.apache.uima.jcas with type parameters of type FeatureStructure
<T extends FeatureStructure>
JCas.createFilteredIterator(FSIterator<T> it, FSMatchConstraint cons)
          Create an iterator over structures satisfying a given constraint.
<T extends FeatureStructure>
JCas.fs2listIterator(FSIterator<T> it)
          Wrap a standard Java ListIterator around an FSListIterator.

Methods in org.apache.uima.jcas that return FeatureStructure
 FeatureStructure JCas.getSofaDataArray()
          Get the Sofa data array.

Methods in org.apache.uima.jcas with parameters of type FeatureStructure
 void JCas.addFsToIndexes(FeatureStructure fs)
          Add a feature structure to all appropriate indexes in the repository associated with this CAS View.
 void JCas.putJfsFromCaddr(int casAddr, FeatureStructure fs)
          Internal Use - sets the corresponding Java instance for a Cas instance
 void JCas.removeFsFromIndexes(FeatureStructure fs)
          Remove a feature structure from all indexes in the repository associated with this CAS View.
 void JCas.setSofaDataArray(FeatureStructure array, String mime)
          Set the Sofa data as an ArrayFS.

Uses of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.jcas.cas

Classes in org.apache.uima.jcas.cas that implement FeatureStructure
 class AnnotationBase
          the JCas class model for the CAS type uima.cas.Annotation.
 class BooleanArray
          JCas class model for BooleanArray
 class ByteArray
          JCas class model for ByteArray
 class DoubleArray
          JCas class model for DoubleArray
 class EmptyFloatList
 class EmptyFSList
 class EmptyIntegerList
 class EmptyStringList
 class FloatArray
          Java Cas model for Cas FloatArray.
 class FloatList
 class FSArray
          Java Class model for Cas FSArray type
 class FSList
 class IntegerArray
          The Java Class model corresponding to the Cas IntegerArray_JCasImpl type.
 class IntegerList
 class LongArray
          JCas class model for LongArray
 class NonEmptyFloatList
 class NonEmptyFSList
 class NonEmptyIntegerList
 class NonEmptyStringList
 class ShortArray
          JCas class model for ShortArray
 class Sofa
          Updated by JCasGen Fri Apr 29 16:05:04 EDT 2005
 class StringArray
          JCas class model for StringArray
 class StringList
 class TOP
          The Java Class model corresponding to the Cas TOP type.

Methods in org.apache.uima.jcas.cas that return FeatureStructure
 FeatureStructure FSArray.get(int i)
          return the indexed value from the corresponding Cas FSArray as a Java Model object.
 FeatureStructure FSArray_Type.get(int addr, int i)
          return the indexed value from the corresponding Cas FSArray as a JCas object.
 FeatureStructure Sofa.getLocalFSData()
 FeatureStructure[] FSArray.toArray()
 FeatureStructure[] FSArray_Type.toArray(int addr)

Methods in org.apache.uima.jcas.cas with parameters of type FeatureStructure
 void FSArray.copyFromArray(FeatureStructure[] src, int srcOffset, int destOffset, int length)
 void FSArray_Type.copyFromArray(int addr, FeatureStructure[] src, int srcOffset, int destOffset, int length)
 void FSArray.copyToArray(int srcOffset, FeatureStructure[] dest, int destOffset, int length)
 void FSArray_Type.copyToArray(int addr, int srcOffset, FeatureStructure[] dest, int destOffset, int length)
 void FSArray.set(int i, FeatureStructure v)
          updates the Cas, setting the indexed value with the corresponding Cas FeatureStructure.
 void FSArray_Type.set(int addr, int i, FeatureStructure v)
          updates the Cas, setting the indexed value to the passed in FeatureStructure value.
 void Sofa.setFeatureValue(Feature feat, FeatureStructure fs)
 void Sofa.setLocalSofaData(FeatureStructure aFS)

Uses of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.jcas.tcas

Classes in org.apache.uima.jcas.tcas that implement FeatureStructure
 class Annotation
          the JCas class model for the CAS type uima.cas.Annotation.
 class DocumentAnnotation
          The JCas class definition for the CAS DocumentAnnotation type.

Uses of FeatureStructure in org.apache.uima.util

Methods in org.apache.uima.util that return FeatureStructure
 FeatureStructure CasCopier.copyFs(FeatureStructure aFS)
          Copies an FS from the source CAS to the destination CAS.
static FeatureStructure ConsumerCasUtils.getTcasFS(CAS aCasView, String aTypeS)

Methods in org.apache.uima.util with parameters of type FeatureStructure
 boolean CasCopier.alreadyCopied(FeatureStructure aFS)
          Returns whether the given FS has already been copied using this CasCopier.
 FeatureStructure CasCopier.copyFs(FeatureStructure aFS)
          Copies an FS from the source CAS to the destination CAS.

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