Interface ProcessingResourceMetaData

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, MetaDataObject, ResourceMetaData, Serializable, XMLizable
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AnalysisEngineMetaData_impl, ProcessingResourceMetaData_impl

public interface ProcessingResourceMetaData extends ResourceMetaData
Metadata that describes a "Processing" Resource - that is, one that reads or writes to the CAS.

As with all MetaDataObjects, a ProcessingResourceMetaData may or may not be modifiable. An application can find out by calling the MetaDataObject.isModifiable() method.

  • Method Details

    • getTypeSystem

      TypeSystemDescription getTypeSystem()
      Retrieves the Type System used by this Processing Resource. The Type System contains TypeDescriptions and FeatureDescriptions that are the inputs and/or outputs of this Resource. Some Processing Resources, such as aggregate analysis engines, may not contain a type system and return null.
      a description of the type system used by this Resource
    • setTypeSystem

      void setTypeSystem(TypeSystemDescription aTypeSystem)
      Retrieves the Type System used by this Processing Resource. The Type System contains TypeDescriptions and FeatureDescriptions that are the inputs and/or outputs of this Resource.
      aTypeSystem - a description of the type system used by this Resource.
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this MetaDataObject is not modifiable.
    • getTypePriorities

      TypePriorities getTypePriorities()
      Retrieves the Type Priorites for this Processing Resource. Type Priorities may be used to determine the sort order of CAS indexes - see getFsIndexes().
      the Type Priorities for Resource
    • setTypePriorities

      void setTypePriorities(TypePriorities aTypePriorities)
      Retrieves the Type Priorites for this Processing Resource. Type Priorities may be used to determine the sort order of CAS indexes - see getFsIndexes().
      aTypePriorities - the Type Priorities for this Resource
    • getFsIndexCollection

      FsIndexCollection getFsIndexCollection()
      Retrieves the FS Index collection used by this Processing Resource. FS Indexes are used to iterate over annotations in the CAS.
      a description of the Feature Structure indexes used by this Resource.
    • setFsIndexCollection

      void setFsIndexCollection(FsIndexCollection aFsIndexCollection)
      Sets the Feature Structure Index collection used by this Processing Resource. FS Indexes are used to iterate over annotations in the CAS.
      aFsIndexCollection - a description of the Feature Structure indexes used by this Resource.
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this MetaDataObject is not modifiable.
    • getFsIndexes

      FsIndexDescription[] getFsIndexes()
      Retrieves the Feature Structure indexes by this Processing Resource. These are used to iterate over annotations in the CAS.

      NOTE: this method predates the FsIndexCollection object, which may define additional information (name, description, vendor, version) and import other FsIndexCollections, and provides direct access to the FsIndexDescription objects. To access the FsIndexCollection object, call getFsIndexCollection().

      a description of the Feature Structure indexes used by this Resource.
    • setFsIndexes

      void setFsIndexes(FsIndexDescription... aFSIndexes)
      Sets the Feature Structure indexes by this Processing Resource. These are used to iterate over annotations in the CAS.

      NOTE: this method predates the FsIndexCollection object, which may define additional information (name, description, vendor, version) and import other FsIndexCollections, and provides direct access to the FsIndexDescription objects. To access the FsIndexCollection object, call getFsIndexCollection().

      aFSIndexes - a description of the Feature Structure indexes used by this Resource.
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this MetaDataObject is not modifiable.
    • getCapabilities

      Capability[] getCapabilities()
      Retrieves this Processing Resource's Capabilities. Each capability consists of a set of features or types that this Resource inputs and outputs, along with the preconditions (e.g. language or mime type) on the input Entity.
      an array of Capabilities.
    • setCapabilities

      void setCapabilities(Capability... aCapabilities)
      Sets this Processing Resource's Capabilities. Each capability consists of a set of features or types that this Resource inputs and outputs, along with the preconditions (e.g. language or mime type) on the input Entity.
      aCapabilities - an array of Capabilities.
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this MetaDataObject is not modifiable.
    • getOperationalProperties

      OperationalProperties getOperationalProperties()
      Gets this Processing Resource's OperationalProperties. This includes information such as whether this component will modify the CAS, and whether multiple instances of this component can be run in parallel.
      operational properties for this component
    • setOperationalProperties

      void setOperationalProperties(OperationalProperties aOperationalProperties)
      Sets this Processing Resource's OperationalProperties. This includes information such as whether this component will modify the CAS, and whether multiple instances of this component can be run in parallel.
      aOperationalProperties - operational properties for this component
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this MetaDataObject is not modifiable.
    • resolveImports

      void resolveImports() throws InvalidXMLException
      Resolves any import declarations. This includes imports of type systems, type priorities, and FS index collections. The imported types, type priorities, and FS index collections are added directly onto their respective lists, and the import elements are deleted, so this results in a structure that is equivalent to the imported elements having been defined locally.
      Specified by:
      resolveImports in interface ResourceMetaData
      InvalidXMLException - if either the import target does not exist or is invalid
    • resolveImports

      void resolveImports(ResourceManager aResourceManager) throws InvalidXMLException
      Resolves any import declarations. This includes imports of type systems, type priorities, and FS index collections. The imported types, type priorities, and FS index collections are added directly onto their respective lists, and the import elements are deleted, so this results in a structure that is equivalent to the imported elements having been defined locally.
      Specified by:
      resolveImports in interface ResourceMetaData
      aResourceManager - the Resource Manager used to locate descriptors imported by name. For example, the path in which to locate these descriptors can be set via the ResourceManager.setDataPathElements(java.lang.String...) method.
      InvalidXMLException - if either the import target does not exist or is invalid
    • isSofaAware

      boolean isSofaAware()
      Gets whether this AE is sofa-aware. This is a derived property that cannot be set directly. An AE is sofa-aware if and only if it declares at least one input sofa or output sofa.
      true if this component is sofa-aware, false if it is sofa-unaware.