Interface Resource

All Known Subinterfaces:
AnalysisEngine, ASB, BaseCollectionReader, CasConsumer, CasDataCollectionReader, CasDataConsumer, CasDataInitializer, CasInitializer, CollectionReader, ConfigurableResource, DataResource, ExternalResourceLocator, ParameterizedDataResource, TextAnalysisEngine
All Known Implementing Classes:
AggregateAnalysisEngine_impl, AnalysisEngineImplBase, AnalysisEngineProcessorAdapter, AnalysisEngineServiceAdapter, AnnotationWriter, ASB_impl, CasCollectionReader_ImplBase, CasConsumer_ImplBase, CasDataCollectionReader_ImplBase, CasDataConsumer_ImplBase, CasDataInitializer_ImplBase, CasInitializer_ImplBase, CasProcessorAnnotator, CollectionReader_ImplBase, ConfigurableDataResource_impl, ConfigurableResource_ImplBase, DataResource_impl, ExternalResourceExample3.ChainableResource, FileLanguageResource_impl, FileSystemCollectionReader, FlowControllerContainer, InlineXmlCasConsumer, JCasCollectionReader_ImplBase, JCasProcessorAnnotator, JndiResourceLocator, LineReader, MultiprocessingAnalysisEngine_impl, PearAnalysisEngineWrapper, PrimitiveAnalysisEngine_impl, ProcessingContainer, ProcessingContainer_Impl, Resource_ImplBase, Resource_ImplBase, ResourceList, ResourceServiceAdapter, UimacppAnalysisEngineImpl, VinciAnalysisEngineServiceAdapter, XCasWriterCasConsumer, XmiWriterCasConsumer

public interface Resource
Resource is the general term for all UIMA components that can be acquired and used by an application (or by other resources).

Resources may be co-located with their client or distributed as services. This is made transparent to the client.

A ResourceSpecifier contains information that can be used acquire a reference to a Resource, whether that is done by instantiating the resource locally or locating an existing resource available as a service.

The ResourceFactory takes a ResourceSpecifier and returns an instance of the specified Resource. Again, this can be done by creating the instance or by locating an existing instance.

Most applications will not need to deal with this abstract Resource interface. UIMA Developers who need to introduce new types of Resources, however, will need to implement this interface.

  • Field Details


      static final String PARAM_UIMA_CONTEXT
      Key for the initialization parameter whose value is a reference to the UimaContext that is to be used by this Resource to access its external resource and configuration parameters. This value is used as a key in the aAdditionalParams Map that is passed to the initialize(ResourceSpecifier,Map) method.
      See Also:

      static final String PARAM_RESOURCE_MANAGER
      Key for the initialization parameter whose value is a reference to the ResourceManager that this Resource should use to locate and access other Resources. This value is used as a key in the aAdditionalParams Map that is passed to the initialize(ResourceSpecifier,Map) method.
      See Also:

      static final String PARAM_CONFIG_PARAM_SETTINGS
      Key for the initialization parameter whose value is a ConfigurationParameterSettings object that holds configuration settings that will be used to configure this Resource, overriding any conflicting settings specified in this Resource's Descriptor. This value is used as a key in the aAdditionalParams Map that is passed to the initialize(ResourceSpecifier,Map) method.
      See Also:

      Key for the initialization parameter whose value is a Settings object that holds the external override settings. This will replace any prior settings. If omitted the value in the parent UIMA Context is inherited. If there is no parent (i.e. at the root or top-level context) then the files in the system property UimaExternalOverrides are used. This value is used as a key in the aAdditionalParams Map that is passed to the initialize(ResourceSpecifier,Map) method.
      See Also:

      Key for the initialization parameter whose value is a Properties object that holds settings that tune the performance of the framework. This value is used as a key in the aAdditionalParams Map that is passed to the initialize(ResourceSpecifier,Map) method.
      See Also:

      static final String PARAM_AGGREGATE_SOFA_MAPPINGS
      Used to pass the sofa mappings to the ASB
      See Also:

      static final String PARAM_CONFIG_MANAGER
      Key to specify a pre-existing ConfigurationManager object. If specified, this object is used when initializing the UimaContext associated with this Resource, instead of creating a new instance. This value is used as a key in the aAdditionalParams Map that is passed to the initialize(ResourceSpecifier,Map) method.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • initialize

      boolean initialize(ResourceSpecifier aSpecifier, Map<String,Object> aAdditionalParams) throws ResourceInitializationException
      Initializes this Resource from a ResourceSpecifier. Applications do not need to call this method. It is called automatically by the ResourceFactory and cannot be called a second time.
      aSpecifier - specifies how to create a resource or locate an existing resource service.
      aAdditionalParams - a Map containing additional parameters. May be null if there are no parameters. Each class that implements this interface can decide what additional parameters it supports.
      true if and only if initialization completed successfully. Returns false if the given ResourceSpecifier is not of an appropriate type for this Resource. If the ResourceSpecifier is of an appropriate type but is invalid or if some other failure occurs, an exception should be thrown.
      ResourceInitializationException - if a failure occurs during initialization.
      UIMA_IllegalStateException - if this method is called more than once on a single Resource instance.
    • getMetaData

      ResourceMetaData getMetaData()
      Gets the metadata that describes this Resource.
      an object containing all metadata for this resource.
    • getResourceManager

      ResourceManager getResourceManager()
      Gets the ResourceManager that this Resource uses to locate other Resources.
      the ResourceManager
    • getLogger

      Logger getLogger()
      Gets the Logger that this Resource is currently using.
      this Resource's logger
    • setLogger

      void setLogger(Logger aLogger)
      Sets the Logger that this Resource will use. If this method is not called, the default logger (UIMAFramework.getLogger()) will be used.
      aLogger - the logger for this Resource to use
    • destroy

      void destroy()
      Releases all resources held by this Resource.
    • getUimaContext

      UimaContext getUimaContext()
      Gets the UIMA Context for this Resource. This can be used to access external resources or facilities such as the Logger.
      the UimaContext for use by this Resource
    • getUimaContextAdmin

      UimaContextAdmin getUimaContextAdmin()
      Gets the Administrative interface to the UIMA Context. This can be used by deployment wrappers to modify the UimaContext (for example, by setting the Session object).
      the administrative interface to this Resource's UimaContext