Interface ResourceMetaData

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, MetaDataObject, Serializable, XMLizable
All Known Subinterfaces:
AnalysisEngineMetaData, ProcessingResourceMetaData
All Known Implementing Classes:
AnalysisEngineMetaData_impl, ProcessingResourceMetaData_impl, ResourceMetaData_impl

public interface ResourceMetaData extends MetaDataObject
Encapsulates all metadata for a Resource. As with all MetaDataObjects, a ResourceMetaData may or may not be modifiable. An application can find out by calling the MetaDataObject.isModifiable() method.
  • Method Details

    • getUUID

      String getUUID()
      Gets the UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) for this Resource.
      the UUID for this Resource
    • setUUID

      void setUUID(String aUUID)
      Sets the UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) for this Resource.
      aUUID - the UUID for this Resource
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this object is not modifiable
    • getName

      String getName()
      Gets the name of this Resource.
      the name of this Resource
    • setName

      void setName(String aName)
      Sets the name of this Resource.
      aName - the name of this Resource
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this object is not modifiable
    • getVersion

      String getVersion()
      Gets the version number of this Resource.
      the version number of this Resource, as a String
    • setVersion

      void setVersion(String aVersion)
      Sets the version number of this Resource.
      aVersion - the version number of this Resource, as a String
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this object is not modifiable
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Gets the description of this Resource.
      the description of this Resource
    • setDescription

      void setDescription(String aDescription)
      Sets the description of this Resource.
      aDescription - the description of this Resource
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this object is not modifiable
    • getVendor

      String getVendor()
      Gets the vendor of this Resource.
      the vendor of this Resource, as a String
    • setVendor

      void setVendor(String aVendor)
      Sets the vendor of this Resource.
      aVendor - the vendor of this Resource, as a String
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this object is not modifiable
    • getCopyright

      String getCopyright()
      Gets the copyright notice for this Resource.
      the copyright notice for this Resource
    • setCopyright

      void setCopyright(String aCopyright)
      Sets the copyright notice for this Resource.
      aCopyright - the copyright notice for this Resource
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this object is not modifiable
    • getConfigurationParameterDeclarations

      ConfigurationParameterDeclarations getConfigurationParameterDeclarations()
      Gets the configuration parameter declarations for this Resource.
      an object containing the configuration parameter declarations
    • setConfigurationParameterDeclarations

      void setConfigurationParameterDeclarations(ConfigurationParameterDeclarations aDeclarations)
      Gets the configuration parameter declarations for this Resource.
      aDeclarations - an object containing the configuration parameter declarations
    • getConfigurationParameterSettings

      ConfigurationParameterSettings getConfigurationParameterSettings()
      Gets the configuration parameter settings for this Resource.
      an object containing the settings for this Resource's configuration parameters.
    • setConfigurationParameterSettings

      void setConfigurationParameterSettings(ConfigurationParameterSettings aSettings)
      Sets the configuration parameter settings for this Resource.
      aSettings - an object containing the settings for this Resource's configuration parameters.
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this object is not modifiable
    • validateConfigurationParameterSettings

      void validateConfigurationParameterSettings() throws ResourceConfigurationException
      Validates configuration parameter settings within this Resource MetaData, and throws an exception if they are not valid.

      This method checks to make sure that each configuration parameter setting corresponds to an declared configuration parameter, and that the data types are compatible. It does NOT check that all mandatory parameters have been assigned values - this should be done at resource initialization time and not before.

      ResourceConfigurationException - if the configuration parameter settings are invalid
    • resolveImports

      void resolveImports() throws InvalidXMLException
      Resolves any import declarations throughout this metadata. This base interface cannot contain any interfaces, but subinterfaces may introduce new properties that can have imports that need to be resolved.
      InvalidXMLException - if either the import target does not exist or is invalid
    • resolveImports

      void resolveImports(ResourceManager aResourceManager) throws InvalidXMLException
      Resolves any import declarations throughout this metadata. This base interface cannot contain any interfaces, but subinterfaces may introduce new properties that can have imports that need to be resolved.
      aResourceManager - the Resource Manager used to locate descriptors imported by name. For example, the path in which to locate these descriptors can be set via the ResourceManager.setDataPathElements(java.lang.String...) method.
      InvalidXMLException - if either the import target does not exist or is invalid