Interface FsIndexCollection

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, MetaDataObject, Serializable, XMLizable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface FsIndexCollection extends MetaDataObject
Description of a collection of CAS feature structure indexes. This implements MetaDataObject, which implements XMLizable, so it can be serialized to and deserialized from an XML element.

FS Index Collections can declare that they import other FS Index Collections. At runtime, these imports will be resolved to create a single logical FS Index Collection.

Note that imports are not automatically resolved when an FsIndexCollection is deserialized from XML. To resolve the imports, call the resolveImports() method. Import resolution is done automatically when a CAS is created using a FsIndexCollection.

FS Index Collections can optionally be assigned a name, description, vendor, and version. It is recommended that these properties be set on any FS Index Collection that is meant to be shared by (imported by) multiple components.

  • Method Details

    • getName

      String getName()
      the name of this FS Index Collection, null if none has been specified.
    • setName

      void setName(String aName)
      Sets the name of this FS Index Collection.
      aName - the name of this FS Index Collection
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this object is not modifiable
    • getVersion

      String getVersion()
      the version number of this FS Index Collection, as a String, null if none has been specified.
    • setVersion

      void setVersion(String aVersion)
      Sets the version number of this FS Index Collection.
      aVersion - the version number of this FS Index Collection, as a String
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this object is not modifiable
    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      Gets the description of this FS Index Collection.
      the description of this FS Index Collection, null if none has been specified.
    • setDescription

      void setDescription(String aDescription)
      Sets the description of this FS Index Collection.
      aDescription - the description of this FS Index Collection
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this object is not modifiable
    • getVendor

      String getVendor()
      Gets the vendor of this FS Index Collection.
      the vendor of this FS Index Collection, as a String
    • setVendor

      void setVendor(String aVendor)
      Sets the vendor of this FS Index Collection.
      aVendor - the vendor of this FS Index Collection, as a String, null if none has been specified.
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this object is not modifiable
    • getImports

      Import[] getImports()
      Gets the imports declared by this FS Index Collection.
      an array of imports declared by this FS Index Collection.
    • setImports

      void setImports(Import... aImports)
      Sets the imports declared by this FS Index Collection.
      aImports - an array of imports declared by this FS Index Collection.
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this object is not modifiable
    • getFsIndexes

      FsIndexDescription[] getFsIndexes()
      Retrieves the FS Index descriptions that are part of this collection. These define the indexes that are used to iterate over annotations in the CAS.
      a description of the FS Indexes that comprise this FS Index Collection
    • setFsIndexes

      void setFsIndexes(FsIndexDescription... aFSIndexes)
      Retrieves the FS Index descriptions that are part of this collection. These define the indexes that are used to iterate over annotations in the CAS.
      aFSIndexes - a description of the FS Indexes that comprise this FS Index Collection
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this object is not modifiable
    • addFsIndex

      void addFsIndex(FsIndexDescription aFsIndexDescription)
      Adds an FS Index description to this collection.
      aFsIndexDescription - the FS Index description to add
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this object is not modifiable
    • removeFsIndex

      void removeFsIndex(FsIndexDescription aFsIndexDescription)
      Removes an FS Index description from this collection.
      aFsIndexDescription - the FS Index description to remove (must be == with an FsIndexDescription in this collection, or this method will do nothing).
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this object is not modifiable
    • resolveImports

      void resolveImports() throws InvalidXMLException
      Resolves any import declarations in this FS Index Collection, adding the imported FsIndexDescriptions directly onto this FsIndexCollection's fsIndexes list. The import elements are then deleted, so this results in a structure that is equivalent to the imported elements having been defined locally.
      InvalidXMLException - if either the import target does not exist or is invalid
    • resolveImports

      void resolveImports(ResourceManager aResourceManager) throws InvalidXMLException
      Resolves any import declarations in this FS Index Collection, adding the imported FsIndexDescriptions directly onto this FsIndexCollection's fsIndexes list. The import elements are then deleted, so this results in a structure that is equivalent to the imported elements having been defined locally.
      aResourceManager - the Resource Manager used to locate FS Index Collections imported by name. For example, the path in which to locate these FS Index Collections can be set via the ResourceManager.setDataPath(String) method.
      InvalidXMLException - if either the import target does not exist or is invalid
    • resolveImports

      @Deprecated void resolveImports(Collection<String> aAlreadyImportedFsIndexCollectionURLs, ResourceManager aResourceManager) throws InvalidXMLException
      Method is deprecated because it should only be used internally. Scheduled for removal in UIMA 4.0.
      Resolves any import declarations in this FS Index Collection, adding the imported FsIndexDescriptions directly onto this FsIndexCollection's fsIndexes list. The import elements are then deleted, so this results in a structure that is equivalent to the imported elements having been defined locally.

      This version is used internally to resolve nested imports.

      aAlreadyImportedFsIndexCollectionURLs - URLs of already imported FS Index Collections, so we don't import them again.
      aResourceManager - the Resource Manager used to locate FS Index Collections imported by name. For example, the path in which to locate these FS Index Collections can be set via the ResourceManager.setDataPath(String) method.
      InvalidXMLException - if either the import target does not exist or is invalid