Interface Capability

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, MetaDataObject, Serializable, XMLizable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Capability extends MetaDataObject
A Capability defines an operation that an Resource can carry out. Each Capability consists of the following information:
  • The output types and features that the Resource can produce in the CAS
  • The input types and features that are required
  • The Sofa names of input Sofas that are required
  • The Sofa names of output Sofas that the resource can produce
  • Preconditions that must be satisfied in order for processing to begin. In a text analysis engine, the most common precondition is a check on the language of the document.
As with all MetaDataObjects, a Capability may or may not be modifiable. An application can find out by calling the MetaDataObject.isModifiable() method.
  • Field Details


      static final Capability[] EMPTY_CAPABILITIES
  • Method Details

    • getDescription

      String getDescription()
      the description of this Capability.
    • setDescription

      void setDescription(String aDescription)
      Sets the description of this Capability.
      aDescription - aDescription the description of this Capability.
    • getInputs

      TypeOrFeature[] getInputs()
      the inputs of this Capability as an array of references to Types or Features in this Resource's Type System.
    • getOutputs

      TypeOrFeature[] getOutputs()
      the outputs of this Capability as an array of references to Types or Features in this Resource's TypeSystem.
    • getInputSofas

      String[] getInputSofas()
      the inputs Sofa names of this Capability as an array of strings representing the SofAName
    • getOutputSofas

      String[] getOutputSofas()
      the output Sofa names of this Capability as an array of strings representing output SofA names
    • getPreconditions

      Precondition[] getPreconditions()
      Retrieves the preconditions that must be satisfied in order for the Resource to begin processing.
      an unmodifiable list of Preconditions.
    • getLanguagesSupported

      String[] getLanguagesSupported()
      A convenience method that analyzes the preconditions of this Capability and returns the ISO language identifiers that the Resource supports. This is only meaningful when analyzing text documents.
      an array of ISO language identifiers. An empty array means that the Resource claims to be language-independent.
    • getMimeTypesSupported

      String[] getMimeTypesSupported()
      A convenience method that analyzes the preconditions of this Capability and returns the MIME types that the Resource can take as input.
      an array of MIME types. This may be empty if the Resource does not declare MIME type preconditions.
    • setInputs

      void setInputs(TypeOrFeature... aInputs)
      Sets the inputs of this Capability.
      aInputs - an array of references to Types or Features in this Resource's TypeSystem.
    • setOutputs

      void setOutputs(TypeOrFeature... aOutputs)
      Sets the outputs of this Capability.
      aOutputs - an array of references to Types or Features in this Resource's TypeSystem.
    • setInputSofas

      void setInputSofas(String... aInputSofas)
      Sets the input Sofa names.
      aInputSofas - an array of strings containing SofA names
    • setOutputSofas

      void setOutputSofas(String... aOutputSofas)
      Sets the output Sofa names of this capability
      aOutputSofas - an array of strings containing SoFA name
    • setPreconditions

      void setPreconditions(Precondition... aPreconditions)
      Sets the Preconditions of this Capability.
      aPreconditions - an array of Precondition objects
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this MetaDataObject is not modifiable.
    • setLanguagesSupported

      void setLanguagesSupported(String... aLanguageIDs)
      A convenience method that sets the languages that this Resource supports. This is only meaningful when text documents are analyzed.

      Calling this method affects the preconditions of this Capability. All other language support preconditions will be removed, but non-language related preconditions will be unaffected.

      aLanguageIDs - an array of ISO language identifiers. An empty array means that the Resource claims to be language-independent.
    • setMimeTypesSupported

      void setMimeTypesSupported(String... aMimeTypes)
      A convenience method that sets the MIME types that this Resource can take as input.

      Calling this method affects the preconditions of this Capability. All other MIME type preconditions will be removed, but other preconditions will be unaffected.

      aMimeTypes - an array of MIME types. This may be empty if the Resource does not declare MIME type preconditions.
    • addInputType

      void addInputType(String aTypeName, boolean aAllAnnotatorFeatures)
      A convenience method that adds an input Type to this Capability.
      aTypeName - the fully qualified type name
      aAllAnnotatorFeatures - if true, indicates that this Capability requires as input all features of this type that are specified in the same AnalysisEngine descriptor. If false, features must be explicitly declared by calling addInputFeature(String).
    • addInputFeature

      void addInputFeature(String aFeatureName)
      A convenience method that adds an input Feature to this Capability.
      aFeatureName - the fully qualified feature name
    • addOutputType

      void addOutputType(String aTypeName, boolean aAllAnnotatorFeatures)
      A convenience method that adds an output Type to this Capability.
      aTypeName - the fully qualified type name
      aAllAnnotatorFeatures - if true, indicates that this Capability declares as output all features of this type that are specified in the same AnalysisEngine descriptor. If false, features must be explicitly declared by calling addOutputFeature(String).
    • addOutputFeature

      void addOutputFeature(String aFeatureName)
      A convenience method that adds an output Feature to this Capability.
      aFeatureName - the fully qualified feature name
    • addInputSofa

      void addInputSofa(String aSofaName)
      A convenience method that adds an input Sofa name to this Capability.
      aSofaName - the sofa to add to the inputs
    • addOutputSofa

      void addOutputSofa(String aSofaName)
      A convenience method that adds an output Sofa name to this Capability.
      aSofaName - the sofa to add as an output
    • addSupportedLanguage

      void addSupportedLanguage(String aLanguage)
      A convenience method that adds a supported language to this Capability.
      aLanguage - the ISO language identifier
    • removeSupportedLanguage

      void removeSupportedLanguage(String aLanguage)
      A convenience method that removes a supported language from this Capability.
      aLanguage - the ISO language identifier