Class CasConsumer_ImplBase

All Implemented Interfaces:
CasObjectProcessor, CasProcessor, CasConsumer, ConfigurableResource, Resource
Direct Known Subclasses:
AnnotationWriter, InlineXmlCasConsumer, XCasWriterCasConsumer, XmiWriterCasConsumer

public abstract class CasConsumer_ImplBase extends ConfigurableResource_ImplBase implements CasConsumer
Base class for CAS Consumers in UIMA SDK v1.x, which developers should extend with their own CAS Consumer implementation classes. As of v2.0, there is no difference in capability between CAS Consumers and ordinary Analysis Engines, except for the default setting of the XML parameters for multipleDeploymentAllowed and modifiesCas. We recommend for future work that users implement and use Analysis Engine components instead of CAS Consumers.