Package org.apache.uima.resource
Class ResourceInitializationException
- All Implemented Interfaces:
Thrown by
to indicate that a failure has
occurred during initialization.- See Also:
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The Analysis Engine Descriptor is invalid - a Type System may not be explicitly set for an aggregate Analysis Engine."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: The Sofa "{0}" in aggregate "{1}" is not mapped to any sofa of any component in that aggregate.static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: The String subtype {0} is declared twice, with different sets of allowed values: {1} and {2}.static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Type {0} specifies a list of allowed values but is not a subtype of uima.cas.String.static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Annotator class "{0}" was not found."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Initialization of annotator class "{0}" failed."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Annotator class {0} does not implement an Annotator interface that is supported by Analysis Engine implementation {1}."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Initialization of CAS Processor with name "{0}" failed.static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The Resource class {0} could not be found."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: Configuration setting for {0} is absentstatic final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Could not access the resource data at {0}."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Could not instantiate class {0}."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Could not instantiate Annotator class "{0}".static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The Resource Factory does not know how to create a resource of class {0} from the given ResourceSpecifier."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Duplicate configuration parameter name "{0}" in component "{1}"."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: Two different CAS FeatureStructure indexes with name "{0}" have been defined.static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The aggregate AnalysisEngine "{0}" declared an empty <flowController/> element.static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Error initializing "{0}" from descriptor {1}."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: Unexpected Exception thrown when initializing Custom Resource "{0}" from descriptor "{1}".static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: The aggregate "{0}" references a non-existent delegate "{1}" in it's Flow Controller's flow constraintsstatic final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: The Flow Controller "{0}" requires a flow constraints element of type "{1}" in the aggregate descriptorstatic final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The feature {0} is declared twice, with incompatible element range types {1} and {2}.static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The feature {0} is declared twice, with incompatible multipleReferencesAllowed specifications.static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The feature {0} is declared twice, with incompatible range types {1} and {2}.static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The Type {0} is declared twice, with incompatible supertypes {1} and {2}."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "This resource requires {0} parameter(s)."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The key Feature "{0}" declared for Index "{1}" was not found."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: The input Sofa "{0}" in component "{1}" is not an input of the containing aggregate, "{2}", nor is it an output of another component in the same aggregate.static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: The value "{0}" is an invalid value for the FixedFlowController's "ActionAfterCasMultiplier" configuration parameter.static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The descriptor for aggregate AnalysisEngine "{0}" declared modifiesCas == false, but its component "{1}" declared modifiesCas == true, which is inconsistent."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The descriptor for aggregate AnalysisEngine "{0}" declared multipleDeploymentAllowed == true, but its component "{1}" declared multipleDeploymentAllowed == false, which is inconsistent."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The descriptor for aggregate AnalysisEngine "{0}" declared outputsNewCASes == true, but all of its components declared outputsNewCASes == false, which is inconsistent."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: Configuration parameter "{0}" in aggregate Analysis Engine "{1}" does not declare any overrides.static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: Invalid configuration parameter override "{0}" in parameter "{1}" of Analysis Engine "{2}" -- delegate Analysis Engine "{3}" does not exist.static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: Invalid configuration parameter override "{0}" in parameter "{1}" of Analysis Engine "{2}" -- delegate Analysis Engine "{3}" does not declare parameter {4}.static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: Invalid configuration parameter override "{0}" in parameter "{1}" of Analysis Engine "{2}" -- delegate Analysis Engine "{3}" does not declare parameter {4} in group {5}.static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: Invalid configuration parameter override syntax "{0}" in parameter "{1}" of Analysis Engine "{2}".static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Invalid type priorities."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Malformed URL "{0}"."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Type {0} extends String and must specify a list of allowed values."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Annotator class name is required for a primitive Text Analysis Engine."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Component descriptor did not specify the required <frameworkImplementation> element."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: An implementation class name is missing from the descriptor.static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "No resource could be found for the parameters {0}."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Type "{0}" does not define a supertype."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "A CasConsumer descriptor specified implementation class "{0}", but this class does not implement the CasConsumer interface."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "A CasInitializer descriptor specified implementation class "{0}", but this class does not implement the CasInitializer interface."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Error creating CAS Processor with name "{0}".static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "A CollectionReader descriptor specified implementation class "{0}", but this class does not implement the CollectionReader interface."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "For resource "{0}", could not load data from class {1} into class {2}, because class {1} is not a Data Resource."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "An Aggregate Analysis Engine specified a Flow Controller descriptor {0} of an invalid type ({1})).static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The class {0} does not implement org.apache.uima.resource.SharedResourceObject."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The class {0} is not a valid Analysis Component.static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Class "{0}" is not an Annotator."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: The output Sofa "{0}" in component "{1}" is not mapped to any output Sofa in its containing aggregate, "{2}".static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: Configuration parameter "{0}" in primitive Analysis Engine "{1}" declares an override.static final String
static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The configuration data {0} for Configuraion parameter {1} in the resource is absent or not valid"static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "There is no resource satisfying the required resource dependency with key "{0}"."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The resource with name "{0}" does not implement the required interface {1}."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: The Sofa "{0}" in component "{1}" of aggregate "{2}" has conflicting mappings to aggregate sofas "{3}" and "{4}".static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: Undefined component key "{1}", referenced in Sofa mapping for Sofa "{2}" of aggregate "{3}".static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: Component "{0}" does not contain Sofa "{1}", referenced in Sofa mapping for Sofa "{2}" of aggregate "{3}".static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Sofa mappings were specified for the remote Analysis Engine {0}.static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The primitive AnalysisEngine "{0}" has an annotator of type {1} but its descriptor declares input or output Sofas.static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: Unexpected Throwable or Error thrown when initializing Custom Resource "{0}" from descriptor "{1}".static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: The descriptor for Aggregate Analysis Engine "{0}" specified an invalid flow.static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Undefined type "{0}", referenced in feature "{1}" declared on type "{2}"."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Undefined type "{0}", referenced as supertype of type "{1}"."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Undefined type "{0}", referenced in definition of index "{1}"."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Undefined type "{0}" in type priority list."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Unknown Protocol: "{0}"."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "No resource with name "{0}" has been declared in this Analysis Engine."static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "{0} is not a supported framework implementation"static final String
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The CasCreationUtils.createCas method was passed a collection containing an object of class {0}, which is not supported.Fields inherited from class org.apache.uima.UIMAException
Constructor Summary
ConstructorsConstructorDescriptionCreates a new exception with a null message.ResourceInitializationException
(String aMessageKey, Object[] aArguments) Creates a new exception with a message from theUIMAException.STANDARD_MESSAGE_CATALOG
(String aMessageKey, Object[] aArguments, Throwable aCause) Creates a new exception with the specified cause and a message from theUIMAException.STANDARD_MESSAGE_CATALOG
(String aResourceBundleName, String aMessageKey, Object[] aArguments) Creates a new exception with a the specified message.ResourceInitializationException
(String aResourceBundleName, String aMessageKey, Object[] aArguments, Throwable aCause) Creates a new exception with the specified message and cause.Creates a new exception with the specified cause and a null message. -
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class org.apache.uima.UIMAException
getArguments, getCause, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getMessageKey, getResourceBundleName, initCause
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Throwable
addSuppressed, fillInStackTrace, getStackTrace, getSuppressed, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setStackTrace, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.uima.I18nExceptionI
getLocalizedMessage, hasMessageKey
Field Details
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Error initializing "{0}" from descriptor {1}."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Annotator class name is required for a primitive Text Analysis Engine."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Annotator class "{0}" was not found."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Class "{0}" is not an Annotator."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Annotator class {0} does not implement an Annotator interface that is supported by Analysis Engine implementation {1}."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Could not instantiate Annotator class "{0}". Check that your annotator class is not abstract and has a zero-argument constructor."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Initialization of annotator class "{0}" failed."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The feature {0} is declared twice, with incompatible range types {1} and {2}. (Descriptor: {3})"- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The feature {0} is declared twice, with incompatible element range types {1} and {2}. (Descriptor: {3})."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The Type {0} is declared twice, with incompatible supertypes {1} and {2}."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The feature {0} is declared twice, with incompatible multipleReferencesAllowed specifications. (Descriptor: {1})"- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: The String subtype {0} is declared twice, with different sets of allowed values: {1} and {2}. (Descriptor: {3})- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Undefined type "{0}", referenced in feature "{1}" declared on type "{2}"."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Undefined type "{0}", referenced as supertype of type "{1}"."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Undefined type "{0}", referenced in definition of index "{1}"."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Undefined type "{0}" in type priority list."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The key Feature "{0}" declared for Index "{1}" was not found."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The Analysis Engine Descriptor is invalid - a Type System may not be explicitly set for an aggregate Analysis Engine."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Type {0} extends String and must specify a list of allowed values."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Type {0} specifies a list of allowed values but is not a subtype of uima.cas.String. You may only specify a list of allowed values for string subtypes."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Duplicate configuration parameter name "{0}" in component "{1}"."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "This resource requires {0} parameter(s)."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "No resource could be found for the parameters {0}."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Could not access the resource data at {0}."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The Resource class {0} could not be found."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Could not instantiate class {0}."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The Resource Factory does not know how to create a resource of class {0} from the given ResourceSpecifier."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The class {0} does not implement org.apache.uima.resource.SharedResourceObject."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "For resource "{0}", could not load data from class {1} into class {2}, because class {1} is not a Data Resource."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "No resource with name "{0}" has been declared in this Analysis Engine."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The resource with name "{0}" does not implement the required interface {1}."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "There is no resource satisfying the required resource dependency with key "{0}"."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Unknown Protocol: "{0}"."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Malformed URL "{0}"."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The configuration data {0} for Configuraion parameter {1} in the resource is absent or not valid"- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: Configuration setting for {0} is absent- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: Two different CAS FeatureStructure indexes with name "{0}" have been defined.- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: Configuration parameter "{0}" in primitive Analysis Engine "{1}" declares an override. Parameter overrides are allowed only in aggregate Analysis Engines.- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: Configuration parameter "{0}" in aggregate Analysis Engine "{1}" does not declare any overrides. Implicit overrides are no longer supported. (Descriptor: {2})- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: Invalid configuration parameter override syntax "{0}" in parameter "{1}" of Analysis Engine "{2}". Overrides must be of the form "<delegateKey>/<paramName>"- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: Invalid configuration parameter override "{0}" in parameter "{1}" of Analysis Engine "{2}" -- delegate Analysis Engine "{3}" does not exist.- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: Invalid configuration parameter override "{0}" in parameter "{1}" of Analysis Engine "{2}" -- delegate Analysis Engine "{3}" does not declare parameter {4}.- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: Invalid configuration parameter override "{0}" in parameter "{1}" of Analysis Engine "{2}" -- delegate Analysis Engine "{3}" does not declare parameter {4} in group {5}.- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: The output Sofa "{0}" in component "{1}" is not mapped to any output Sofa in its containing aggregate, "{2}".- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: The input Sofa "{0}" in component "{1}" is not an input of the containing aggregate, "{2}", nor is it an output of another component in the same aggregate.- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: The Sofa "{0}" in aggregate "{1}" is not mapped to any sofa of any component in that aggregate.- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: The Sofa "{0}" in component "{1}" of aggregate "{2}" has conflicting mappings to aggregate sofas "{3}" and "{4}".- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: An implementation class name is missing from the descriptor.- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Error creating CAS Processor with name "{0}". The descriptor type "{1}" is not allowed - you must specify an AnalysisEngine or CAS Consumer descriptor."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "A CollectionReader descriptor specified implementation class "{0}", but this class does not implement the CollectionReader interface."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "A CasConsumer descriptor specified implementation class "{0}", but this class does not implement the CasConsumer interface."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "A CasInitializer descriptor specified implementation class "{0}", but this class does not implement the CasInitializer interface."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Initialization of CAS Processor with name "{0}" failed.- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The descriptor for aggregate AnalysisEngine "{0}" declared multipleDeploymentAllowed == true, but its component "{1}" declared multipleDeploymentAllowed == false, which is inconsistent."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The descriptor for aggregate AnalysisEngine "{0}" declared modifiesCas == false, but its component "{1}" declared modifiesCas == true, which is inconsistent."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Invalid type priorities."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Type "{0}" does not define a supertype."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: Undefined component key "{1}", referenced in Sofa mapping for Sofa "{2}" of aggregate "{3}".- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: Component "{0}" does not contain Sofa "{1}", referenced in Sofa mapping for Sofa "{2}" of aggregate "{3}".- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The class {0} is not a valid Analysis Component. You must specify an Annotator, CAS Consumer, Collection Reader, or CAS Multiplier. "- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "An Aggregate Analysis Engine specified a Flow Controller descriptor {0} of an invalid type ({1})). A FlowControllerDescription is required."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "{0} is not a supported framework implementation"- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The descriptor for aggregate AnalysisEngine "{0}" declared outputsNewCASes == true, but all of its components declared outputsNewCASes == false, which is inconsistent."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The aggregate AnalysisEngine "{0}" declared an empty <flowController/> element. You must specify an import or a flowControllerDescription."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The primitive AnalysisEngine "{0}" has an annotator of type {1} but its descriptor declares input or output Sofas. Text annotators are not allowed to declare input or output Sofas. Consider extending CasAnnotator_ImplBase or JCasAnnotator_ImplBase instead."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Component descriptor did not specify the required <frameworkImplementation> element."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "The CasCreationUtils.createCas method was passed a collection containing an object of class {0}, which is not supported. Refer to the Javadoc for a list of types accepted by this method."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: "Sofa mappings were specified for the remote Analysis Engine {0}. Sofa mappings are not currently supported for remote Analysis Engines. A workaround is to wrap the remotely deployed AE in an Aggregate (on the remote side), and specify Sofa mappings in that aggregate."- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: The descriptor for Aggregate Analysis Engine "{0}" specified an invalid flow. The key "{1}" was used in the flow but is not defined as a key in the <delegateAnalysisEngineSpecifiers> element of the descriptor.- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: The value "{0}" is an invalid value for the FixedFlowController's "ActionAfterCasMultiplier" configuration parameter. Valid values are "continue", "stop", "drop", and "dropIfNewCasProduced".- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: The Flow Controller "{0}" requires a flow constraints element of type "{1}" in the aggregate descriptor- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: The aggregate "{0}" references a non-existent delegate "{1}" in it's Flow Controller's flow constraints- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: Unexpected Exception thrown when initializing Custom Resource "{0}" from descriptor "{1}".- See Also:
Message key for a standard UIMA exception message: Unexpected Throwable or Error thrown when initializing Custom Resource "{0}" from descriptor "{1}".- See Also:
- See Also:
Constructor Details
public ResourceInitializationException()Creates a new exception with a null message. -
Creates a new exception with the specified cause and a null message.- Parameters:
- the original exception that caused this exception to be thrown, if any
public ResourceInitializationException(String aResourceBundleName, String aMessageKey, Object[] aArguments) Creates a new exception with a the specified message.- Parameters:
- the base name of the resource bundle in which the message for this exception is located.aMessageKey
- an identifier that maps to the message for this exception. The message may contain placeholders for arguments as defined by theMessageFormat
- The arguments to the message.null
may be used if the message has no arguments.
public ResourceInitializationException(String aResourceBundleName, String aMessageKey, Object[] aArguments, Throwable aCause) Creates a new exception with the specified message and cause.- Parameters:
- the base name of the resource bundle in which the message for this exception is located.aMessageKey
- an identifier that maps to the message for this exception. The message may contain placeholders for arguments as defined by theMessageFormat
- The arguments to the message.null
may be used if the message has no arguments.aCause
- the original exception that caused this exception to be thrown, if any
Creates a new exception with a message from theUIMAException.STANDARD_MESSAGE_CATALOG
.- Parameters:
- an identifier that maps to the message for this exception. The message may contain placeholders for arguments as defined by theMessageFormat
- The arguments to the message.null
may be used if the message has no arguments.
Creates a new exception with the specified cause and a message from theUIMAException.STANDARD_MESSAGE_CATALOG
.- Parameters:
- an identifier that maps to the message for this exception. The message may contain placeholders for arguments as defined by theMessageFormat
- The arguments to the message.null
may be used if the message has no arguments.aCause
- the original exception that caused this exception to be thrown, if any