Interface CasDataInitializer

All Superinterfaces:
ConfigurableResource, Resource
All Known Implementing Classes:

@Deprecated public interface CasDataInitializer extends ConfigurableResource
As of v2.0, CAS Initializers are deprecated. A component that performs an operation like HTML detagging should instead be implemented as a "multi-Sofa" annotator. See org.apache.uima.examples.XmlDetagger for an example.
A component that takes an Object (for text analysis applications, this will often be a String) and creates a CasData.

An example of a CasDataInitializer would be a component that takes an HTML document and populates a CasData with the plain (detagged) text as well as document structure annotations that were inferred from the locations of certain HTML tags (paragraphs and headings, for example).

  • Method Details

    • initializeCas

      CasData initializeCas(Object aObj) throws CollectionException, IOException
      Reads content and metadata from an Object and creates a CasData.
      aObj - the Object to process
      CasData corresponding to the Object
      CollectionException - if an error occurs during initialization of the CAS
      IOException - if an I/O failure occurs
    • getCasInitializerMetaData

      ProcessingResourceMetaData getCasInitializerMetaData()
      Gets the metadata that describes this CasDataInitializer.
      an object containing all metadata for this CasDataInitializer