Class CASImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
AbstractCas, CASMgr, CAS, LowLevelCAS, TypeSystemConstants

public class CASImpl extends AbstractCas_ImplBase implements CAS, CASMgr, LowLevelCAS, TypeSystemConstants
Implements the CAS interfaces. This class must be public because we need to be able to create instance of it from outside the package. Use at your own risk. May change without notice.
  • Field Details

    • traceFSs

      public static final boolean traceFSs
    • traceCow

      public static final boolean traceCow
      See Also:
    • NULL

      public static final int NULL
      See Also:
    • TRUE

      public static final int TRUE
      See Also:
    • FALSE

      public static final int FALSE
      See Also:

      public static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_HEAP_SIZE
      See Also:

      public static final int DEFAULT_RESET_HEAP_SIZE
      See Also:

      public static final String THROW_EXCEPTION_FS_UPDATES_CORRUPTS
      The UIMA framework detects (unless disabled, for high performance) updates to indexed FS which update key values used as keys in indexes. Normally the framework will protect against index corruption by temporarily removing the FS from the indexes, then do the update to the feature value, and then addback the changed FS.

      Users can use the protectIndexes() methods to explicitly control this remove - add back cycle, for instance to "batch" together several updates to multiple features in a FS.

      Some build processes may want to FAIL if any unprotected updates of this kind occur, instead of having the framework silently recover them. This is enabled by having the framework throw an exception; this is controlled by this global JVM property, which, if defined, causes the framework to throw an exception rather than recover.

      See Also:

      @Deprecated(since="3.6.0") public static boolean IS_THROW_EXCEPTION_CORRUPT_INDEX
      Will become package private.
      To be removed in version:

      public static final String REPORT_FS_UPDATES_CORRUPTS
      Define this JVM property to enable checking for invalid updates to features which are used as keys by any index.
      • The following are the same: -Duima.check_invalid_fs_updates and -Duima.check_invalid_fs_updates=true
      See Also:

      public static final String DISABLE_PROTECT_INDEXES
      Set this JVM property to false for high performance, (no checking); insure you don't have the report flag (above) turned on - otherwise it will force this to "true".
      See Also:

      public static final String ALWAYS_HOLD_ONTO_FSS
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getDefaultV2IdRefs

      public static ThreadLocal<Boolean> getDefaultV2IdRefs()
    • setCasState

      public boolean setCasState(CasState state)
      state - to add to the set
      true if the set changed as a result of this operation
    • setCasState

      public boolean setCasState(CasState state, Thread thread)
      state - to add to the set
      thread - null or the thread to permit access to
      true if the set changed as a result of this operation
    • containsCasState

      public boolean containsCasState(CasState state)
      state - to see if it is among the items in this set
      true if the set contains that state
    • clearCasState

      public boolean clearCasState(CasState state)
      state - to be removed
      true if it was present, and is now removed
    • isCasLocked

      public boolean isCasLocked()
    • isId2Fs

      public boolean isId2Fs()
    • enableReset

      public void enableReset(boolean flag)
      Description copied from interface: CASMgr
      Enable/disable resetting the CAS with CAS.reset().
      Specified by:
      enableReset in interface CASMgr
      flag - true to enable reset
    • getTypeSystem

      public final TypeSystem getTypeSystem()
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Return the type system of this CAS instance.
      Specified by:
      getTypeSystem in interface CAS
      The type system, or null if none is available.
    • getTypeSystemImpl

      public final TypeSystemImpl getTypeSystemImpl()
    • getConstraintFactory

      public ConstraintFactory getConstraintFactory()
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Get a constraint factory. A constraint factory is a simple way of creating FSMatchConstraints.
      Specified by:
      getConstraintFactory in interface CAS
      A constraint factory to create new FS constraints.
    • createFS

      public <T extends FeatureStructure> T createFS(Type type)
      Create the appropriate Feature Structure Java instance - from whatever the generator for this type specifies.
      Specified by:
      createFS in interface CAS
      Type Parameters:
      T - the Java cover class for the FS being created
      type - the type to create
      a Java object representing the FeatureStructure impl in Java.
    • createArray

      public TOP createArray(TypeImpl array_type, int arrayLength)
    • createArrayFS

      public ArrayFS createArrayFS(int length)
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Create a new feature structure array.
      Specified by:
      createArrayFS in interface CAS
      length - The length of the array.
      The new array.
    • createIntArrayFS

      public IntArrayFS createIntArrayFS(int length)
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Create a new int array.
      Specified by:
      createIntArrayFS in interface CAS
      length - The length of the array.
      The new array.
    • createFloatArrayFS

      public FloatArrayFS createFloatArrayFS(int length)
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Create a new int array.
      Specified by:
      createFloatArrayFS in interface CAS
      length - The length of the array.
      The new array.
    • createStringArrayFS

      public StringArrayFS createStringArrayFS(int length)
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Create a new String array.
      Specified by:
      createStringArrayFS in interface CAS
      length - The length of the array.
      The new array.
    • isBackwardCompatibleCas

      public boolean isBackwardCompatibleCas()
    • createSofa

      @Deprecated(since="2.0.0") public SofaFS createSofa(SofaID sofaID, String mimeType)
      As of v2.0, use createView(String) instead.
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Create a Subject of Analysis. The new sofaFS is automatically added to the SofaIndex.
      Specified by:
      createSofa in interface CAS
      sofaID - -
      mimeType - -
      The sofaFS.
      To be removed in version:
    • getSofa

      @Deprecated(since="2.0.0") public SofaFS getSofa(SofaID sofaID)
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Get sofaFS for given Subject of Analysis ID.
      Specified by:
      getSofa in interface CAS
      sofaID - -
      The sofaFS.
      To be removed in version:
    • ll_getSofaNum

      public int ll_getSofaNum(int sofaRef)
    • ll_getSofaID

      public String ll_getSofaID(int sofaRef)
    • ll_getSofaDataString

      public String ll_getSofaDataString(int sofaAddr)
    • getBaseCAS

      public CASImpl getBaseCAS()
    • getSofaIterator

      public <T extends SofaFS> FSIterator<T> getSofaIterator()
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Get iterator for all SofaFS in the CAS.
      Specified by:
      getSofaIterator in interface CAS
      Type Parameters:
      T - generic type of sofa iterator
      an iterator over SofaFS.
    • getSofaRef

      public Sofa getSofaRef()
    • getSofaDataStream

      public InputStream getSofaDataStream(SofaFS aSofa)
    • createFilteredIterator

      public <T extends FeatureStructure> FSIterator<T> createFilteredIterator(FSIterator<T> it, FSMatchConstraint cons)
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Create an iterator over structures satisfying a given constraint. Constraints are described in the javadocs for ConstraintFactory and related classes.
      Specified by:
      createFilteredIterator in interface CAS
      Type Parameters:
      T - - the type of the Feature Structure
      it - The input iterator.
      cons - The constraint specifying what structures should be returned.
      An iterator over FSs.
    • commitTypeSystem

      public TypeSystemImpl commitTypeSystem(boolean skip_loading_user_jcas)
    • commitTypeSystem

      public TypeSystemImpl commitTypeSystem()
    • getIndexRepositoryMgr

      public FSIndexRepositoryMgr getIndexRepositoryMgr()
      Specified by:
      getIndexRepositoryMgr in interface CASMgr
      a writable version of the index repository. Note that the type system must be committed before this method can be called.
    • commitFS

      @Deprecated public void commitFS(FeatureStructure fs)
    • createFeaturePath

      public FeaturePath createFeaturePath()
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Create a feature path. This is mainly useful for creating FSMatchConstraints.
      Specified by:
      createFeaturePath in interface CAS
      A new, empty feature path.
    • getTypeSystemMgr

      public TypeSystemMgr getTypeSystemMgr()
      Description copied from interface: CASMgr
      Return a writable version of the type system. This may be used to add new types and features.
      Specified by:
      getTypeSystemMgr in interface CASMgr
      A writable version of the type system.
      See Also:
    • reset

      public void reset()
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Reset the CAS, emptying it of all content. Feature structures and iterators will no longer be valid. Note: this method may only be called from an application. Calling it from an annotator will trigger a runtime exception.
      Specified by:
      reset in interface CAS
      Specified by:
      reset in interface CASMgr
      See Also:
    • resetNoQuestions

      public void resetNoQuestions()
    • flush

      @Deprecated(since="2.3.1") public void flush()
      Use reset()instead.
      Description copied from interface: CASMgr
      Flush this CAS instance of all transient data. This will delete all feature structures, but not the type system, the indexes etc. Call before processing a new document.
      Specified by:
      flush in interface CASMgr
      To be removed in version:
    • getIndexRepository

      public FSIndexRepository getIndexRepository()
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Get the index repository.
      Specified by:
      getIndexRepository in interface CAS
      The index repository, or null if none is available.
    • fs2listIterator

      public <T extends FeatureStructure> ListIterator<T> fs2listIterator(FSIterator<T> it)
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Wrap a standard Java ListIterator around an FSListIterator. Use if you feel more comfortable with java style iterators.
      Specified by:
      fs2listIterator in interface CAS
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of FeatureStructure
      it - The FSListIterator to be wrapped.
      An equivalent ListIterator.
      See Also:
    • getCAS

      public CAS getCAS()
      Description copied from interface: CASMgr
      Return a non-admin version of the CAS.
      Specified by:
      getCAS in interface CASMgr
      The CAS corresponding to this CASMgr.
      See Also:
    • getFSClassRegistry

      public FSClassRegistry getFSClassRegistry()
    • createFS

      public <T extends TOP> T createFS(int id)
      This is your link from the low-level API to the high-level API. Use this method to create a FeatureStructure object from an address. Note that the reverse is not supported by public APIs (i.e., there is currently no way to get at the address of a FeatureStructure. Maybe we will need to change that. The "create" in "createFS" is a misnomer - the FS must already be created.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The Java class associated with this feature structure
      id - The id of the feature structure to be created.
      A FeatureStructure object.
    • getArraySize

      public int getArraySize(CommonArrayFS fs)
    • ll_getArraySize

      public int ll_getArraySize(int id)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Get the size of an array.
      Specified by:
      ll_getArraySize in interface LowLevelCAS
      id - The array reference.
      The size of the array.
    • setWithCheckAndJournal

      public final void setWithCheckAndJournal(TOP fs, int featCode, Runnable setter)
    • setWithJournal

      public final void setWithJournal(FeatureStructureImplC fs, FeatureImpl fi, Runnable setter)
      This method called by setters in JCas gen'd classes when the setter must check for journaling
      fs - -
      fi - -
      setter - -
    • isLoggingNeeded

      public final boolean isLoggingNeeded(FeatureStructureImplC fs)
    • maybeLogArrayUpdate

      public final void maybeLogArrayUpdate(FeatureStructureImplC fs, FeatureImpl feat, int i)
      fs - the Feature Structure being updated
      feat - the feature of fs being updated, or null if fs is a primitive array
      i - the index being updated
    • maybeLogArrayUpdates

      public final void maybeLogArrayUpdates(FeatureStructureImplC fs, PositiveIntSet indexesPlus1)
      fs - the Feature Structure being updated
      indexesPlus1 - - a set of indexes (plus 1) that have been update
    • maybeLogArrayUpdates

      public final void maybeLogArrayUpdates(FeatureStructureImplC fs, int startingIndex, int length)
      fs - a primitive array FS
      startingIndex - -
      length - number of consequtive items
    • maybeLogUpdate

      public final void maybeLogUpdate(FeatureStructureImplC fs, FeatureImpl feat)
    • maybeLogUpdate

      public final void maybeLogUpdate(FeatureStructureImplC fs, int featCode)
    • isLogging

      public final boolean isLogging()
    • setLongValue

      public void setLongValue(FeatureStructureImplC fsIn, FeatureImpl feat, long v)
      version for longs, uses two slots Only called from FeatureStructureImplC after determining there is no local field to use Is here because of 3 calls to things in this class
      fsIn - the feature structure
      feat - the feature to set
      v - -
    • setFeatureValueMaybeSofa

      public static void setFeatureValueMaybeSofa(TOP fs, FeatureImpl feat, TOP value)
      internal use - special setter for setting feature values, including special handling if the feature is for the sofaArray, when deserializing
      fs - -
      feat - -
      value - -
    • setFeatureValueFromStringNoDocAnnotUpdate

      public static void setFeatureValueFromStringNoDocAnnotUpdate(FeatureStructureImplC fs, FeatureImpl feat, String s)
      Internal use, for cases where deserializing - special case setting sofString to skip updating the document annotation
      fs - -
      feat - -
      s - -
    • setFeatureValueFromString

      public static void setFeatureValueFromString(FeatureStructureImplC fs, FeatureImpl feat, String s)
      Supports setting slots to "0" for null values
      fs - The feature structure to update
      feat - the feature to update-
      s - the string representation of the value, could be null
    • int2float

      public static final float int2float(int i)
    • float2int

      public static final int float2int(float f)
    • long2double

      public static final double long2double(long l)
    • double2long

      public static final long double2long(double d)
    • isStringType

      public final boolean isStringType(Type type)
    • isAbstractArrayType

      public final boolean isAbstractArrayType(Type type)
    • isArrayType

      public final boolean isArrayType(Type type)
    • isPrimitiveArrayType

      public final boolean isPrimitiveArrayType(Type type)
    • isIntArrayType

      public final boolean isIntArrayType(Type type)
    • isFloatArrayType

      public final boolean isFloatArrayType(Type type)
    • isStringArrayType

      public final boolean isStringArrayType(Type type)
    • isBooleanArrayType

      public final boolean isBooleanArrayType(Type type)
    • isByteArrayType

      public final boolean isByteArrayType(Type type)
    • isShortArrayType

      public final boolean isShortArrayType(Type type)
    • isLongArrayType

      public final boolean isLongArrayType(Type type)
    • isDoubleArrayType

      public final boolean isDoubleArrayType(Type type)
    • isFSArrayType

      public final boolean isFSArrayType(Type type)
    • isIntType

      public final boolean isIntType(Type type)
    • isFloatType

      public final boolean isFloatType(Type type)
    • isByteType

      public final boolean isByteType(Type type)
    • isBooleanType

      public final boolean isBooleanType(Type type)
    • isShortType

      public final boolean isShortType(Type type)
    • isLongType

      public final boolean isLongType(Type type)
    • isDoubleType

      public final boolean isDoubleType(Type type)
    • initCASIndexes

      public void initCASIndexes() throws CASException
      Description copied from interface: CASMgr
      Install the standard built-in indexes into the base CAS
      Specified by:
      initCASIndexes in interface CASMgr
      CASException - if an error occurs
      See Also:
    • getView

      public CAS getView(int sofaNum)
    • getCurrentView

      public CAS getCurrentView()
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Get the Cas view that the current component should use. This should only be used by single-view components.
      Specified by:
      getCurrentView in interface CAS
      the Cas view specified for the current component by Sofa mapping. Defaults to _InitialView if there is no Sofa mapping.
    • getJCas

      public JCas getJCas()
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Get the JCas view for this CAS view
      Specified by:
      getJCas in interface CAS
      The JCas view for this CAS view
    • getJCasImpl

      public JCasImpl getJCasImpl()
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Get the JCasImpl view for this CAS view
      Specified by:
      getJCasImpl in interface CAS
      the JCasImpl view for this CAS view
    • getJCas

      public JCas getJCas(SofaFS aSofa) throws CASException
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Create a JCas view for a Sofa. Note: as of UIMA v2.0, can be replaced with getView(sofaFS).getJCas().
      Specified by:
      getJCas in interface CAS
      aSofa - a Sofa feature structure in this CAS.
      The JCas view for the given Sofa.
      CASException - -
    • getJCas

      @Deprecated(since="2.0.0") public JCas getJCas(SofaID aSofaID) throws CASException
      As of v2.0, use getView(String) followed by getJCas().
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Create a JCas view for a Sofa. Note: this is provided for convenience. It is equivalent to getView(aSofaID).getJCas().
      Specified by:
      getJCas in interface CAS
      aSofaID - the ID of a Sofa defined in this CAS
      The view for the Sofa with ID aSofaID.
      CASException - if no Sofa with the given ID exists in this CAS
      To be removed in version:
    • createView

      public CAS createView(String aSofaID)
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Create a view and its underlying Sofa (subject of analysis). The view provides access to the Sofa data and the index repository that contains metadata (annotations and other feature structures) pertaining to that Sofa.

      This method creates the underlying Sofa feature structure, but does not set the Sofa data. Setting ths Sofa data must be done by calling CAS.setSofaDataArray(FeatureStructure, String), CAS.setSofaDataString(String, String) or CAS.setSofaDataURI(String, String) on the CAS view returned by this method.

      Specified by:
      createView in interface CAS
      aSofaID - the local name, before any sofa name mapping is done, for this view (note: this is the same as the associated Sofa name).
      The view corresponding to this local name.
    • getView

      public CAS getView(String aSofaID)
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Get the view for a Sofa (subject of analysis). The view provides access to the Sofa data and the index repository that contains metadata (annotations and other feature structures) pertaining to that Sofa.
      Specified by:
      getView in interface CAS
      aSofaID - the local name, before any sofa name mapping is done, for this view (note: this is the same as the associated Sofa name).
      The view corresponding to this local name.
    • getView

      public CASImpl getView(SofaFS aSofa)
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Get the view for a Sofa (subject of analysis). The view provides access to the Sofa data and the index repository that contains metadata (annotations and other feature structures) pertaining to that Sofa.
      Specified by:
      getView in interface CAS
      aSofa - a Sofa feature structure in the CAS
      The view for the given Sofa
    • ll_getTypeSystem

      public LowLevelTypeSystem ll_getTypeSystem()
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Get the low-level version of the type system object. It provides access to the low-level type and feature codes you need to use the data creation and access APIs.
      Specified by:
      ll_getTypeSystem in interface LowLevelCAS
      The low-level type system.
    • ll_getIndexRepository

      public LowLevelIndexRepository ll_getIndexRepository()
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Get the low-level version of the index repository. Use it to gain access to low-level indexes, and thus, low-level iterators.
      Specified by:
      ll_getIndexRepository in interface LowLevelCAS
      A low-level version of the index repository.
    • checkTypingConditions

      public final void checkTypingConditions(Type domType, Type ranType, Feature feat)
      Check the range is appropriate for this type/feature. Throws LowLevelException if it isn't.
      domType - domain type
      ranType - range type
      feat - feature
    • getFsFromId_checked

      public final <T extends TOP> T getFsFromId_checked(int fsRef)
    • ll_isRefType

      public final boolean ll_isRefType(int typeCode)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Checks if the type code is that of a reference type (anything that's not a basic type, currently Integer, String and Float).
      Specified by:
      ll_isRefType in interface LowLevelCAS
      typeCode - The type code to check.
      true iff typeCode is the type code of a reference type.
    • ll_getTypeClass

      public final int ll_getTypeClass(int typeCode)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Determine the type class of a type. This is useful for generic CAS exploiters to determine what kind of data they're looking at. The type classes currently defined are:
      • TYPE_CLASS_INVALID -- Not a valid type code.
      • TYPE_CLASS_INT -- Integer type.
      • TYPE_CLASS_FLOAT -- Float type.
      • TYPE_CLASS_STRING -- String type.
      • TYPE_CLASS_BOOLEAN -- Boolean type.
      • TYPE_CLASS_BYTE -- Byte type.
      • TYPE_CLASS_SHORT -- Short type.
      • TYPE_CLASS_LONG -- Long type.
      • TYPE_CLASS_DOUBLE -- Double type.
      • TYPE_CLASS_INTARRAY -- Integer array.
      • TYPE_CLASS_FLOATARRAY -- Float array.
      • TYPE_CLASS_STRINGARRAY -- String array.
      • TYPE_CLASS_BOOLEANARRAY -- Boolean array.
      • TYPE_CLASS_BYTEARRAY -- Byte array.
      • TYPE_CLASS_SHORTARRAY -- Short array.
      • TYPE_CLASS_LONGARRAY -- Long array.
      • TYPE_CLASS_DOUBLEARRAY -- Double array.
      • TYPE_CLASS_FSARRAY -- FS array.
      • TYPE_CLASS_FS -- FS type, i.e., all other types, including all user-defined types.
      This method is on the CAS, not the type system, since the specific properties of types are specific to the CAS. The type system does not know, for example, that the CAS treats arrays specially.
      Specified by:
      ll_getTypeClass in interface LowLevelCAS
      typeCode - The type code.
      A type class for the type code. TYPE_CLASS_INVALID if the type code argument does not represent a valid type code.
    • ll_createFS

      public final int ll_createFS(int typeCode)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Create a new FS on the heap.
      Specified by:
      ll_createFS in interface LowLevelCAS
      typeCode - The low-level code of the type of the FS that should be created. If the typeCode is not a valid type code, the results of this call are undefined.
      The reference of the newly created FS.
    • ll_createFS

      public final int ll_createFS(int typeCode, boolean doCheck)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Create a new FS on the heap.
      Specified by:
      ll_createFS in interface LowLevelCAS
      typeCode - The low-level code of the type of the FS that should be created. If the typeCode is not a valid type code and the type check flag is not set, the results of this call are undefined.
      doCheck - -
      The reference of the newly created FS.
    • ll_createArray

      public int ll_createArray(int typeCode, int arrayLength)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Create a new array.
      Specified by:
      ll_createArray in interface LowLevelCAS
      typeCode - The type code of the array type. If this is not a valid array type code, the behavior of this call is undefined. Only works for arrays where a value is kept in the main heap (use other ll_createXxxArray for boolean, byte, short, long, and double)
      arrayLength - The length of the array to be created.
      The address of the newly created array.
    • createTempArray

      public int createTempArray(int type, int len)
      (for backwards compatibility with V2 CASImpl) Create a temporary (i.e., per document) array FS on the heap.
      type - The type code of the array to be created.
      len - The length of the array to be created.
      ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - If type is not a type.
    • ll_createByteArray

      public int ll_createByteArray(int arrayLength)
      Specified by:
      ll_createByteArray in interface LowLevelCAS
      arrayLength - -
      the id of the created array
    • ll_createBooleanArray

      public int ll_createBooleanArray(int arrayLength)
      Specified by:
      ll_createBooleanArray in interface LowLevelCAS
      arrayLength - -
      the id of the created array
    • ll_createShortArray

      public int ll_createShortArray(int arrayLength)
      Specified by:
      ll_createShortArray in interface LowLevelCAS
      arrayLength - -
      the id of the created array
    • ll_createLongArray

      public int ll_createLongArray(int arrayLength)
      Specified by:
      ll_createLongArray in interface LowLevelCAS
      arrayLength - -
      the id of the created array
    • ll_createDoubleArray

      public int ll_createDoubleArray(int arrayLength)
      Specified by:
      ll_createDoubleArray in interface LowLevelCAS
      arrayLength - -
      the id of the created array
    • ll_createArray

      public int ll_createArray(int typeCode, int arrayLength, boolean doChecks)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Create a new array.
      Specified by:
      ll_createArray in interface LowLevelCAS
      typeCode - The type code of the array to be created.
      arrayLength - -
      doChecks - Switch to turn on various sanity checks.
      the id of the created array
    • validateArraySize

      public void validateArraySize(int length)
    • ll_getFSRef

      public final int ll_getFSRef(FeatureStructure fs)
      Safety - any time the low level API to a FS is requested, hold on to that FS until CAS reset to mimic how v2 works.
      Specified by:
      ll_getFSRef in interface LowLevelCAS
      fs - The FS object for which we want the reference.
      The low-level reference of the FS object parameter.
    • ll_getFSForRef

      public <T extends TOP> T ll_getFSForRef(int id)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS

      Return a FS object that corresponds to a low-level reference. Note that this must be a valid reference that has been obtained from the low-level APIs. If the input reference parameter does not represent a valid reference, an exception is thrown.

      In version 3, the map this API uses is not normally populated; it is populated only for Feature Structures created using the low-level APIs, and also when the ll_getFSRef API (above) is used, or the getAddress method is called on a Feature Structure

      Specified by:
      ll_getFSForRef in interface LowLevelCAS
      Type Parameters:
      T - the Java class for the Feature Structure
      id - The FS reference.
      A FS object corresponding to the input reference.
    • ll_getIntValue

      public final int ll_getIntValue(int fsRef, int featureCode)
      Handle some unusual backwards compatibility cases featureCode = 0 - implies getting the type code feature range is int - normal feature range is a fs reference, return the id feature range is a string: add the string if not already present to the string heap, return the int handle.
      Specified by:
      ll_getIntValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - -
      featureCode - -
    • ll_getFloatValue

      public final float ll_getFloatValue(int fsRef, int featureCode)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Get the value of a float valued feature.
      Specified by:
      ll_getFloatValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The reference to the FS from which to obtain the feature value.
      featureCode - The low-level code of the feature whose value is to be returned.
      The value of the feature.
    • ll_getStringValue

      public final String ll_getStringValue(int fsRef, int featureCode)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Get the value of a string valued feature.
      Specified by:
      ll_getStringValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The reference to the FS from which to obtain the feature value.
      featureCode - The low-level code of the feature whose value is to be returned.
      The value of the feature.
    • ll_getRefValue

      public final int ll_getRefValue(int fsRef, int featureCode)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Get the value of a FS reference valued feature.
      Specified by:
      ll_getRefValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The reference to the FS from which to obtain the feature value.
      featureCode - The low-level code of the feature whose value is to be returned.
      The value of the feature.
    • ll_getIntValue

      public final int ll_getIntValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Get the value of an integer valued feature.
      Specified by:
      ll_getIntValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The reference to the FS from which to obtain the feature value.
      featureCode - The low-level code of the feature whose value is to be returned.
      doTypeChecks - Switch to turn on type checking.
      The value of the feature.
    • ll_getFloatValue

      public final float ll_getFloatValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Get the value of a float valued feature.
      Specified by:
      ll_getFloatValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The reference to the FS from which to obtain the feature value.
      featureCode - The low-level code of the feature whose value is to be returned.
      doTypeChecks - Switch to turn on type checking.
      The value of the feature.
    • ll_getStringValue

      public final String ll_getStringValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Get the value of a string valued feature.
      Specified by:
      ll_getStringValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The reference to the FS from which to obtain the feature value.
      featureCode - The low-level code of the feature whose value is to be returned.
      doTypeChecks - Switch to turn on type checking.
      The value of the feature.
    • ll_getRefValue

      public final int ll_getRefValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Get the value of a FS reference valued feature.
      Specified by:
      ll_getRefValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The reference to the FS from which to obtain the feature value.
      featureCode - The low-level code of the feature whose value is to be returned.
      doTypeChecks - Switch to turn on type checking.
      The value of the feature.
    • maybeAddback

      public void maybeAddback(TOP fs)
      Only called if there was something removed that needs to be added back skip the addback (to defer it until later) if: - running in block mode (you can tell this if svd.fssTobeAddedback.size() > 0) or if running in block mode, the add back is delayed until the end of the block
      fs - the fs to add back
    • ll_setIntValue

      public final void ll_setIntValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, int value)
      Special considerations: Interface with corruption checking For backwards compatibility: handle cases where feature is: int - normal 0 - change type code a ref: treat int as FS "addr" not an int: handle like v2 where reasonable
      Specified by:
      ll_setIntValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The reference of the FS on which the feature should be set.
      featureCode - The low-level feature code for the feature that should be set.
      value - The value to be assigned to the feature.
    • ll_setFloatValue

      public final void ll_setFloatValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, float value)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Set the value of a float feature.
      Specified by:
      ll_setFloatValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The reference of the FS on which the feature should be set.
      featureCode - The low-level feature code for the feature that should be set.
      value - The value to be assigned to the feature.
    • ll_setStringValue

      public final void ll_setStringValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, String value)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Set the value of a string feature.
      Specified by:
      ll_setStringValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The reference of the FS on which the feature should be set.
      featureCode - The low-level feature code for the feature that should be set.
      value - The value to be assigned to the feature.
    • ll_setRefValue

      public final void ll_setRefValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, int value)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Set the value of a FS reference feature.
      Specified by:
      ll_setRefValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The reference of the FS on which the feature should be set.
      featureCode - The low-level feature code for the feature that should be set.
      value - The value to be assigned to the feature.
    • ll_setIntValue

      public final void ll_setIntValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, int value, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Set the value of an integer feature.
      Specified by:
      ll_setIntValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The reference of the FS on which the feature should be set.
      featureCode - The low-level feature code for the feature that should be set.
      value - The value to be assigned to the feature.
      doTypeChecks - Switch to turn on type checking.
    • ll_setFloatValue

      public final void ll_setFloatValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, float value, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Set the value of a float feature.
      Specified by:
      ll_setFloatValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The reference of the FS on which the feature should be set.
      featureCode - The low-level feature code for the feature that should be set.
      value - The value to be assigned to the feature.
      doTypeChecks - Switch to turn on type checking.
    • ll_setStringValue

      public final void ll_setStringValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, String value, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Set the value of a string feature.
      Specified by:
      ll_setStringValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The reference of the FS on which the feature should be set.
      featureCode - The low-level feature code for the feature that should be set.
      value - The value to be assigned to the feature.
      doTypeChecks - Switch to turn on type checking.
    • ll_setCharBufferValue

      public final void ll_setCharBufferValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, char[] buffer, int start, int length, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Specified by:
      ll_setCharBufferValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_setCharBufferValue

      public final void ll_setCharBufferValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, char[] buffer, int start, int length)
      Specified by:
      ll_setCharBufferValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_copyCharBufferValue

      public int ll_copyCharBufferValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, char[] buffer, int start)
      Specified by:
      ll_copyCharBufferValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_getCharBufferValueSize

      public int ll_getCharBufferValueSize(int fsRef, int featureCode)
      Specified by:
      ll_getCharBufferValueSize in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_setRefValue

      public final void ll_setRefValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, int value, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Set the value of a FS reference feature.
      Specified by:
      ll_setRefValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The reference of the FS on which the feature should be set.
      featureCode - The low-level feature code for the feature that should be set.
      value - The value to be assigned to the feature.
      doTypeChecks - Switch to turn on type checking.
    • getIntArrayValue

      public final int getIntArrayValue(IntegerArray array, int i)
    • getFloatArrayValue

      public final float getFloatArrayValue(FloatArray array, int i)
    • getStringArrayValue

      public final String getStringArrayValue(StringArray array, int i)
    • getRefArrayValue

      public final FeatureStructure getRefArrayValue(FSArray array, int i)
    • ll_getIntArrayValue

      public final int ll_getIntArrayValue(int fsRef, int position)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Get the value of an array at a certain position.
      Specified by:
      ll_getIntArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The reference to the array FS.
      position - The position whose value should be returned.
      The value at position.
    • ll_getFloatArrayValue

      public final float ll_getFloatArrayValue(int fsRef, int position)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Get the value of a float array at a certain position.
      Specified by:
      ll_getFloatArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The reference to the array FS.
      position - The position whose value should be returned.
      The value at position.
    • ll_getStringArrayValue

      public final String ll_getStringArrayValue(int fsRef, int position)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Get the value of a string array at a certain position.
      Specified by:
      ll_getStringArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The reference to the array FS.
      position - The position whose value should be returned.
      The value at position.
    • ll_getRefArrayValue

      public final int ll_getRefArrayValue(int fsRef, int position)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Get the value of a FS reference array at a certain position.
      Specified by:
      ll_getRefArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The reference to the array FS.
      position - The position whose value should be returned.
      The value at position.
    • checkArrayBounds

      public final void checkArrayBounds(int fsRef, int pos)
    • checkArrayBounds

      public final void checkArrayBounds(int arrayLength, int pos, int length)
    • ll_getIntArrayValue

      public final int ll_getIntArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Get the value of an integer array at a certain position.
      Specified by:
      ll_getIntArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The reference to the array FS.
      position - The position whose value should be returned.
      doTypeChecks - Switch to turn on type checking.
      The value at position.
    • ll_getFloatArrayValue

      public float ll_getFloatArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Get the value of a float array at a certain position.
      Specified by:
      ll_getFloatArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The reference to the array FS.
      position - The position whose value should be returned.
      doTypeChecks - Switch to turn on type checking.
      The value at position.
    • ll_getStringArrayValue

      public String ll_getStringArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Get the value of a string array at a certain position.
      Specified by:
      ll_getStringArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The reference to the array FS.
      position - The position whose value should be returned.
      doTypeChecks - Switch to turn on type checking.
      The value at position.
    • ll_getRefArrayValue

      public int ll_getRefArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Get the value of a FS reference array at a certain position.
      Specified by:
      ll_getRefArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The reference to the array FS.
      position - The position whose value should be returned.
      doTypeChecks - Switch to turn on type checking.
      The value at position.
    • ll_setIntArrayValue

      public void ll_setIntArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, int value, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Set the value of an integer array at a certain position.
      Specified by:
      ll_setIntArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The FS reference of the array.
      position - The position whose value will be changed.
      value - The new value.
      doTypeChecks - Switch to turn on type and bounds checking.
    • ll_setFloatArrayValue

      public void ll_setFloatArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, float value, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Set the value of an integer array at a certain position.
      Specified by:
      ll_setFloatArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The FS reference of the array.
      position - The position whose value will be changed.
      value - The new value.
      doTypeChecks - Switch to turn on type and bounds checking.
    • ll_setStringArrayValue

      public void ll_setStringArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, String value, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Set the value of an integer array at a certain position.
      Specified by:
      ll_setStringArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The FS reference of the array.
      position - The position whose value will be changed.
      value - The new value.
      doTypeChecks - Switch to turn on type and bounds checking.
    • ll_setRefArrayValue

      public void ll_setRefArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, int value, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Set the value of an integer array at a certain position.
      Specified by:
      ll_setRefArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The FS reference of the array.
      position - The position whose value will be changed.
      value - The new value.
      doTypeChecks - Switch to turn on type and bounds checking.
    • ll_setIntArrayValue

      public void ll_setIntArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, int value)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Set the value of an integer array at a certain position.
      Specified by:
      ll_setIntArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The FS reference of the array.
      position - The position whose value will be changed.
      value - The new value.
    • ll_setFloatArrayValue

      public void ll_setFloatArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, float value)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Set the value of an integer array at a certain position.
      Specified by:
      ll_setFloatArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The FS reference of the array.
      position - The position whose value will be changed.
      value - The new value.
    • ll_setStringArrayValue

      public void ll_setStringArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, String value)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Set the value of an integer array at a certain position.
      Specified by:
      ll_setStringArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The FS reference of the array.
      position - The position whose value will be changed.
      value - The new value.
    • ll_setRefArrayValue

      public void ll_setRefArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, int value)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Set the value of an integer array at a certain position.
      Specified by:
      ll_setRefArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The FS reference of the array.
      position - The position whose value will be changed.
      value - The new value.
    • ll_getFSRefType

      public int ll_getFSRefType(int fsRef)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Get the type code for a FS reference. No bounds checks are performed. If fsRef is not a fs reference, the results are undefined. There is also a checked version of this call, which will give better error messages in case of problems.
      Specified by:
      ll_getFSRefType in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - an id for a FS
      the type code for this FS
    • ll_getFSRefType

      public int ll_getFSRefType(int fsRef, boolean doChecks)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Get the type code for a FS reference.
      Specified by:
      ll_getFSRefType in interface LowLevelCAS
      fsRef - The FS reference.
      doChecks - Check fsRef for out-of-range errors. If this switch is not set, and the input reference is not a valid reference, the results are undefined.
      The type code for the FS reference; a return value of 0 means that the fsRef is invalid, i.e., NULL_FS_REF (but see remarks on bounds checking for this method).
    • getLowLevelCAS

      public LowLevelCAS getLowLevelCAS()
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Get an instance of the low-level CAS. Low-level and regular CAS can be used in parallel, all data is always contained in both.

      Note: This is for internal use.

      Specified by:
      getLowLevelCAS in interface CAS
      A low-level CAS.
      See Also:
    • size

      public int size()
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Estimate the memory consumption of this CAS instance (in bytes).
      Specified by:
      size in interface CAS
      The estimated memory used by this CAS instance.
    • getJCasClassLoader

      public ClassLoader getJCasClassLoader()
      Description copied from interface: CASMgr
      Gets the ClassLoader that should be used by the JCas to load the generated FS cover classes for this CAS.
      Specified by:
      getJCasClassLoader in interface CASMgr
      the JCas ClassLoder for this CAS
    • setJCasClassLoader

      public void setJCasClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader)
      Description copied from interface: CASMgr
      Sets the ClassLoader that should be used by the JCas to load the generated FS cover classes for this CAS.
      Specified by:
      setJCasClassLoader in interface CASMgr
      classLoader - the JCas ClassLoder for this CAS
    • switchClassLoader

      public void switchClassLoader(ClassLoader newClassLoader, boolean wasLocked)
    • switchClassLoaderLockCas

      public void switchClassLoaderLockCas(Object userCode)
    • switchClassLoaderLockCasCL

      public void switchClassLoaderLockCasCL(ClassLoader newClassLoader)
    • restoreClassLoaderUnlockCas

      public void restoreClassLoaderUnlockCas()
    • createFeatureValuePath

      @Deprecated(since="3.6.0") public FeatureValuePath createFeatureValuePath(String featureValuePath) throws CASRuntimeException
      Use createFeaturePath() instead.
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Create a feature-value path from a string.
      Specified by:
      createFeatureValuePath in interface CAS
      featureValuePath - String representation of the feature-value path.
      Feature-value path object.
      CASRuntimeException - If the input string is not well-formed.
      To be removed in version:
    • setOwner

      public void setOwner(CasOwner aCasOwner)
      Description copied from class: AbstractCas_ImplBase
      Provides this CAS with a handle to the CASOwner that owns it. This is called by the framework when a CAS instance is created. This handle is used to implement the release() method by returning the CAS to its CasOwner.
      setOwner in class AbstractCas_ImplBase
      aCasOwner - -
    • release

      public void release()
      Description copied from class: AbstractCas_ImplBase
      Default implementation that returns this CAS to its CasManager by calling CasOwner.releaseCas(AbstractCas).
      Specified by:
      release in interface AbstractCas
      release in class AbstractCas_ImplBase
    • createByteArrayFS

      public ByteArrayFS createByteArrayFS(int length) throws CASRuntimeException
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Create a new Byte array.
      Specified by:
      createByteArrayFS in interface CAS
      length - The length of the array.
      The new array.
    • createBooleanArrayFS

      public BooleanArrayFS createBooleanArrayFS(int length) throws CASRuntimeException
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Create a new Boolean array.
      Specified by:
      createBooleanArrayFS in interface CAS
      length - The length of the array.
      The new array.
    • createShortArrayFS

      public ShortArrayFS createShortArrayFS(int length) throws CASRuntimeException
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Create a new Short array.
      Specified by:
      createShortArrayFS in interface CAS
      length - The length of the array.
      The new array.
    • createLongArrayFS

      public LongArrayFS createLongArrayFS(int length) throws CASRuntimeException
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Create a new Long array.
      Specified by:
      createLongArrayFS in interface CAS
      length - The length of the array.
      The new array.
    • createDoubleArrayFS

      public DoubleArrayFS createDoubleArrayFS(int length) throws CASRuntimeException
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Create a new Double array.
      Specified by:
      createDoubleArrayFS in interface CAS
      length - The length of the array.
      The new array.
    • ll_getByteValue

      public byte ll_getByteValue(int fsRef, int featureCode)
      Specified by:
      ll_getByteValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_getByteValue

      public byte ll_getByteValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Specified by:
      ll_getByteValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_getBooleanValue

      public boolean ll_getBooleanValue(int fsRef, int featureCode)
      Specified by:
      ll_getBooleanValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_getBooleanValue

      public boolean ll_getBooleanValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Specified by:
      ll_getBooleanValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_getShortValue

      public short ll_getShortValue(int fsRef, int featureCode)
      Specified by:
      ll_getShortValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_getShortValue

      public short ll_getShortValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Specified by:
      ll_getShortValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_getLongValue

      public long ll_getLongValue(int fsRef, int featureCode)
      Specified by:
      ll_getLongValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_getLongValue

      public long ll_getLongValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Specified by:
      ll_getLongValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_getDoubleValue

      public double ll_getDoubleValue(int fsRef, int featureCode)
      Specified by:
      ll_getDoubleValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_getDoubleValue

      public double ll_getDoubleValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Specified by:
      ll_getDoubleValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_setBooleanValue

      public void ll_setBooleanValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, boolean value)
      Specified by:
      ll_setBooleanValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_setBooleanValue

      public void ll_setBooleanValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, boolean value, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Specified by:
      ll_setBooleanValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_setByteValue

      public final void ll_setByteValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, byte value)
      Specified by:
      ll_setByteValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_setByteValue

      public void ll_setByteValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, byte value, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Specified by:
      ll_setByteValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_setShortValue

      public final void ll_setShortValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, short value)
      Specified by:
      ll_setShortValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_setShortValue

      public void ll_setShortValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, short value, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Specified by:
      ll_setShortValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_setLongValue

      public void ll_setLongValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, long value)
      Specified by:
      ll_setLongValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_setLongValue

      public void ll_setLongValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, long value, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Specified by:
      ll_setLongValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_setDoubleValue

      public void ll_setDoubleValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, double value)
      Specified by:
      ll_setDoubleValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_setDoubleValue

      public void ll_setDoubleValue(int fsRef, int featureCode, double value, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Specified by:
      ll_setDoubleValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_getByteArrayValue

      public byte ll_getByteArrayValue(int fsRef, int position)
      Specified by:
      ll_getByteArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_getByteArrayValue

      public byte ll_getByteArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Specified by:
      ll_getByteArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_getBooleanArrayValue

      public boolean ll_getBooleanArrayValue(int fsRef, int position)
      Specified by:
      ll_getBooleanArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_getBooleanArrayValue

      public boolean ll_getBooleanArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Specified by:
      ll_getBooleanArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_getShortArrayValue

      public short ll_getShortArrayValue(int fsRef, int position)
      Specified by:
      ll_getShortArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_getShortArrayValue

      public short ll_getShortArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Specified by:
      ll_getShortArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_getLongArrayValue

      public long ll_getLongArrayValue(int fsRef, int position)
      Specified by:
      ll_getLongArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_getLongArrayValue

      public long ll_getLongArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Specified by:
      ll_getLongArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_getDoubleArrayValue

      public double ll_getDoubleArrayValue(int fsRef, int position)
      Specified by:
      ll_getDoubleArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_getDoubleArrayValue

      public double ll_getDoubleArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Specified by:
      ll_getDoubleArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_setByteArrayValue

      public void ll_setByteArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, byte value)
      Specified by:
      ll_setByteArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_setByteArrayValue

      public void ll_setByteArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, byte value, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Specified by:
      ll_setByteArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_setBooleanArrayValue

      public void ll_setBooleanArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, boolean b)
      Specified by:
      ll_setBooleanArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_setBooleanArrayValue

      public void ll_setBooleanArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, boolean value, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Specified by:
      ll_setBooleanArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_setShortArrayValue

      public void ll_setShortArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, short value)
      Specified by:
      ll_setShortArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_setShortArrayValue

      public void ll_setShortArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, short value, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Specified by:
      ll_setShortArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_setLongArrayValue

      public void ll_setLongArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, long value)
      Specified by:
      ll_setLongArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_setLongArrayValue

      public void ll_setLongArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, long value, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Specified by:
      ll_setLongArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_setDoubleArrayValue

      public void ll_setDoubleArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, double d)
      Specified by:
      ll_setDoubleArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • ll_setDoubleArrayValue

      public void ll_setDoubleArrayValue(int fsRef, int position, double value, boolean doTypeChecks)
      Specified by:
      ll_setDoubleArrayValue in interface LowLevelCAS
    • isAnnotationType

      public boolean isAnnotationType(Type t)
    • isSubtypeOfAnnotationBaseType

      public boolean isSubtypeOfAnnotationBaseType(int t)
      t - the type code to test
      true if that type is subsumed by AnnotationBase type
    • isBaseCas

      public boolean isBaseCas()
    • createAnnotation

      public Annotation createAnnotation(Type type, int begin, int end)
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Create a new annotation. Note that you still need to insert the annotation into the index repository yourself.
      Specified by:
      createAnnotation in interface CAS
      type - The type of the annotation.
      begin - The start of the annotation.
      end - The end of the annotation.
      A new annotation object.
    • ll_createAnnotation

      public int ll_createAnnotation(int typeCode, int begin, int end)
    • getAnnotationIndex

      public <T extends AnnotationFS> AnnotationIndex<T> getAnnotationIndex()
      The generic spec T extends AnnotationFS (rather than AnnotationFS) allows the method JCasImpl getAnnotationIndex to return Annotation instead of AnnotationFS
      Specified by:
      getAnnotationIndex in interface CAS
      Type Parameters:
      T - the Java class associated with the annotation index
      the annotation index
    • getAnnotationIndex

      public <T extends AnnotationFS> AnnotationIndex<T> getAnnotationIndex(Type type) throws CASRuntimeException
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Get the standard annotation index restricted to a specific annotation type.
      Specified by:
      getAnnotationIndex in interface CAS
      Type Parameters:
      T - the topmost Java class corresponding to the type
      type - The annotation type the index is restricted to.
      The standard annotation index, restricted to type.
      CASRuntimeException - When type is not an annotation type.
    • getAnnotationType

      public Type getAnnotationType()
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Get the type object for the annotation type.
      Specified by:
      getAnnotationType in interface CAS
      The annotation type.
      See Also:
    • getEndFeature

      public Feature getEndFeature()
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Get the feature object for the annotation end feature.
      Specified by:
      getEndFeature in interface CAS
      The annotation end feature.
      See Also:
    • getBeginFeature

      public Feature getBeginFeature()
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Get the feature object for the annotation begin feature.
      Specified by:
      getBeginFeature in interface CAS
      The annotation begin feature.
      See Also:
    • createDocumentAnnotationNoRemoveNoIndex

      public <T extends Annotation> T createDocumentAnnotationNoRemoveNoIndex(int length)
    • ll_createDocumentAnnotation

      public int ll_createDocumentAnnotation(int length)
    • ll_createDocumentAnnotationNoIndex

      public int ll_createDocumentAnnotationNoIndex(int begin, int end)
    • updateDocumentAnnotation

      public void updateDocumentAnnotation()
      updates the document annotation (only if the sofa's local string data != null) setting the end feature to be the length of the sofa string, if any. creates the document annotation if not present only works if not in the base cas
    • getDocumentAnnotation

      public <T extends AnnotationFS> T getDocumentAnnotation()
      Generic issue: The returned document annotation could be either an instance of DocumentAnnotation or a subclass of it, or an instance of Annotation - the Java cover class used for annotations when JCas is not being used.
      Specified by:
      getDocumentAnnotation in interface CAS
      Type Parameters:
      T - the Java class for the document annotation. Could be the JCas cover class or FeatureStructure
      The document annotation. If it doesn't exist, one is created. The return value is the JCas cover class or the plain Java cover class for FeatureStructures if there is no JCas cover class for this type.
    • getDocumentAnnotationNoCreate

      public <T extends AnnotationFS> T getDocumentAnnotationNoCreate()
    • ll_getDocumentAnnotation

      public int ll_getDocumentAnnotation()
      the fs addr of the document annotation found via the index, or 0 if not there
    • getDocumentLanguage

      public String getDocumentLanguage()
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Gets the language code for this document from the language feature of the special instance of the DocumentationAnnotation associated with this CAS.
      Specified by:
      getDocumentLanguage in interface CAS
      language identifier
    • getDocumentText

      public String getDocumentText()
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Get the document text.
      Specified by:
      getDocumentText in interface CAS
      The text being analyzed, or null if not set.
    • getSofaDataString

      public String getSofaDataString()
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Get the Sofa Data String (a.k.a. the document text).
      Specified by:
      getSofaDataString in interface CAS
      The Sofa data string, or null if not set.
    • getSofaDataArray

      public FeatureStructure getSofaDataArray()
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Get the Sofa data array.
      Specified by:
      getSofaDataArray in interface CAS
      The Sofa Data being analyzed, or null if not set.
    • getSofaDataURI

      public String getSofaDataURI()
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Get the Sofa data array.
      Specified by:
      getSofaDataURI in interface CAS
      The Sofa URI being analyzed, or null if not set.
    • getSofaDataStream

      public InputStream getSofaDataStream()
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Get the Sofa data as a byte stream.
      Specified by:
      getSofaDataStream in interface CAS
      A stream handle to the Sofa Data, or null if not set.
    • getSofaMimeType

      public String getSofaMimeType()
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Get the mime type of the Sofa data being analyzed.
      Specified by:
      getSofaMimeType in interface CAS
      the mime type of the Sofa
    • getSofa

      public Sofa getSofa()
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Get the Sofa feature structure associated with this CAS view.
      Specified by:
      getSofa in interface CAS
      The SofaFS associated with this CAS view.
    • ll_getSofa

      public int ll_getSofa()
      Specified by:
      ll_getSofa in interface LowLevelCAS
      the addr of the sofaFS associated with this view, or 0
    • getViewName

      public String getViewName()
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Get the view name. The view name is the same as the name of the view's Sofa, retrieved by getSofa().getSofaID(), except for the initial View before its Sofa has been created.
      Specified by:
      getViewName in interface CAS
      The name of the view
    • setDocumentLanguage

      public void setDocumentLanguage(String languageCode)
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Sets the language for this document. This value sets the language feature of the special instance of DocumentAnnotation associated with this CAS.
      Specified by:
      setDocumentLanguage in interface CAS
      languageCode - -
    • setDocumentText

      public void setDocumentText(String text)
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Set the document text. Once set, Sofa data is immutable, and cannot be set again until the CAS has been reset.
      Specified by:
      setDocumentText in interface CAS
      text - The text to be analyzed.
    • setSofaDataString

      public void setSofaDataString(String text, String mime) throws CASRuntimeException
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Set the document text. Once set, Sofa data is immutable, and cannot be set again until the CAS has been reset.
      Specified by:
      setSofaDataString in interface CAS
      text - The text to be analyzed.
      mime - The mime type of the data
      CASRuntimeException - If the Sofa data has already been set.
    • setSofaDataArray

      public void setSofaDataArray(FeatureStructure array, String mime)
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Set the Sofa data as an ArrayFS. Once set, Sofa data is immutable, and cannot be set again until the CAS has been reset.
      Specified by:
      setSofaDataArray in interface CAS
      array - The ArrayFS to be analyzed.
      mime - The mime type of the data
    • setSofaDataURI

      public void setSofaDataURI(String uri, String mime) throws CASRuntimeException
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Set the Sofa data as a URI. Once set, Sofa data is immutable, and cannot be set again until the CAS has been reset.
      Specified by:
      setSofaDataURI in interface CAS
      uri - The URI of the data to be analyzed.
      mime - The mime type of the data
      CASRuntimeException - If the Sofa data has already been set.
    • setCurrentComponentInfo

      public void setCurrentComponentInfo(ComponentInfo info)
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Informs the CAS of relevant information about the component that is currently processing it. This is called by the framework automatically; users do not need to call it.
      Specified by:
      setCurrentComponentInfo in interface CAS
      info - information about the component that is currently processing this CAS.
    • addFsToIndexes

      public void addFsToIndexes(FeatureStructure fs)
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Add a feature structure to all appropriate indexes in the repository associated with this CAS View. If no indexes exist for the type of FS that you are adding, then a bag (unsorted) index will be automatically created.

      Important: after you have called addFsToIndexes(...) on a FS, do not change the values of any features used for indexing. If you do, the index will become corrupted and may be unusable. If you need to change an index feature value, first call removeFsFromIndexes(...) on the FS, change the feature values, then call addFsToIndexes(...) again.

      Specified by:
      addFsToIndexes in interface CAS
      fs - The Feature Structure to be added.
      See Also:
    • removeFsFromIndexes

      public void removeFsFromIndexes(FeatureStructure fs)
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Remove a feature structure from all indexes in the repository associated with this CAS View. The remove operation removes the exact fs from the indexes, unlike operations such as moveTo which use the fs argument as a template. It is not an error if the FS is not present in the indexes.
      Specified by:
      removeFsFromIndexes in interface CAS
      fs - The Feature Structure to be removed.
      See Also:
    • getSofaCasView

      public CASImpl getSofaCasView(AnnotationBase fs)
      fs - the AnnotationBase instance
      the view associated with this FS where it could be indexed
    • ll_getSofaCasView

      public CASImpl ll_getSofaCasView(int id)
      Specified by:
      ll_getSofaCasView in interface LowLevelCAS
    • getNumberOfViews

      public int getNumberOfViews()
      Creates the initial view (without a sofa) if not present
      the number of views, excluding the base view, including the initial view (even if not initially present or no sofa)
    • getNumberOfSofas

      public int getNumberOfSofas()
    • getViewIterator

      public <T extends CAS> Iterator<T> getViewIterator()
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Get iterator over all views in this CAS. Each view provides access to Sofa data and the index repository that contains metadata (annotations and other feature structures) pertaining to that Sofa.
      Specified by:
      getViewIterator in interface CAS
      Type Parameters:
      T - generic type of returned view
      an iterator which returns all views. Each object returned by the iterator is of type CAS or a subtype.
    • getViewImplIterator

      public Iterator<CASImpl> getViewImplIterator()
      excludes initial view if its sofa is not valid
      iterator over all views except the base view
    • forAllViews

      public void forAllViews(Consumer<CASImpl> processViews)
      iterate over all views in view order (by view number)
      processViews - action to perform on the views.
    • getViewIterator

      public Iterator<CAS> getViewIterator(String localViewNamePrefix)
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Get iterator over all views with the given name prefix. Each view provides access to Sofa data and the index repository that contains metadata (annotations and other feature structures) pertaining to that Sofa.

      When passed the prefix namePrefix, the iterator will return all views who name is either exactly equal to namePrefix or is of the form namePrefix.suffix, where suffix can be any String.

      Specified by:
      getViewIterator in interface CAS
      localViewNamePrefix - the local name prefix, before any sofa name mapping is done, for this view (note: this is the same as the associated Sofa name prefix).
      an iterator which returns all views with the given name prefix. Each object returned by the iterator is of type CAS.
    • protectIndexes

      public AutoCloseableNoException protectIndexes()
      protectIndexes Within the scope of protectIndexes, feature updates are checked, and if found to be a key, and the FS is in a corruptible index, then the FS is removed from the indexes (in all necessary views) (perhaps multiple times if the FS was added to the indexes multiple times), and this removal is recorded on an new instance of FSsTobeReindexed appended to fssTobeAddedback. Later, when the protectIndexes is closed, the tobe items are added back to the indexes.
      Specified by:
      protectIndexes in interface CAS
      an object used to record things that need adding back
    • protectIndexes

      public void protectIndexes(Runnable r)
      Description copied from interface: CAS
      Runs the code in the runnable inside a protection block, where any modifications to features done while in this block will be done in a way to protect any indexes which otherwise might become corrupted by the update action; the protection is achieved by temporarily removing the FS (if it is in the indexes), before the update happens. At the end of the block, affected indexes have any removed-under-the-covers FSs added back.
      Specified by:
      protectIndexes in interface CAS
      r - an inner block of code to be run with
    • createMarker

      public Marker createMarker()
      The current implementation only supports 1 marker call per CAS. Subsequent calls will throw an error. The design is intended to support (at some future point) multiple markers; for this to work, the intent is to extend the MarkerImpl to keep track of indexes into these IntVectors specifying where that marker starts/ends.
      Specified by:
      createMarker in interface CAS
      a marker object.
    • getCurrentMark

      public MarkerImpl getCurrentMark()
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getCasResets

      public int getCasResets()
    • getCasId

      public String getCasId()
      an identifier for this CAS, globally unique within the classloader
    • getNextFsId

      public final int getNextFsId(TOP fs)
    • adjustLastFsV2Size_arrays

      public void adjustLastFsV2Size_arrays(int arrayLength)
    • adjustLastFsV2size_nonHeapStoredArrays

      public void adjustLastFsV2size_nonHeapStoredArrays()
    • setId2FSsMaybeUnconditionally

      public void setId2FSsMaybeUnconditionally(FeatureStructure... fss)
      Test case use
      fss - the FSs to include in the id 2 fs map
    • getLastUsedFsId

      public final int getLastUsedFsId()
    • peekNextFsId

      public final int peekNextFsId()
    • lastV2IdIncr

      public final int lastV2IdIncr()
    • captureLastFsIdForOtherThread

      public final void captureLastFsIdForOtherThread()
      Call this to capture the current value of fsIdGenerator and make it available to other threads.

      Must be called on a thread that has been synchronized with the thread used for creating FSs for this CAS.

    • getFsFromId

      public <T extends TOP> T getFsFromId(int id)
    • walkReachablePlusFSsSorted

      public List<TOP> walkReachablePlusFSsSorted(Consumer<TOP> action_filtered, MarkerImpl mark, Predicate<TOP> includeFilter, CasTypeSystemMapper typeMapper)
      find all of the FSs via the indexes plus what's reachable. sort into order by id, Apply the action to those Return the list of sorted FSs
      action_filtered - action to perform on each item after filtering
      mark - null or the mark
      includeFilter - null or a filter (exclude items not in other type system)
      typeMapper - null or how to map to other type system, used to skip things missing in other type system
      sorted list of all found items (ignoring mark)
    • isSameCAS

      public static final boolean isSameCAS(CAS c1, CAS c2)
    • isInCAS

      public boolean isInCAS(FeatureStructure fs)
    • checkArrayPreconditions

      public final void checkArrayPreconditions(int len) throws CASRuntimeException
    • emptyFSList

      public <T extends TOP> EmptyFSList<T> emptyFSList()
      Specified by:
      emptyFSList in interface CAS
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the elements of the FSList
      a lazily created shared (for this CAS) empty list
    • emptyFloatList

      public EmptyFloatList emptyFloatList()
      Specified by:
      emptyFloatList in interface CAS
      a lazily created shared (for this CAS) empty list
    • emptyIntegerList

      public EmptyIntegerList emptyIntegerList()
      Specified by:
      emptyIntegerList in interface CAS
      a lazily created shared (for this CAS) empty list
    • emptyStringList

      public EmptyStringList emptyStringList()
      Specified by:
      emptyStringList in interface CAS
      a lazily created shared (for this CAS) empty list
    • emptyArray

      public CommonArrayFS emptyArray(Type type)
    • emptyFloatArray

      public FloatArray emptyFloatArray()
      Specified by:
      emptyFloatArray in interface CAS
      a lazily created shared (for this CAS) 0-length array
    • emptyFSArray

      public <T extends FeatureStructure> FSArray<T> emptyFSArray()
      Specified by:
      emptyFSArray in interface CAS
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the elements of the FSArray
      a lazily created shared (for this CAS) 0-length FSarray
    • emptyFSArray

      public <T extends FeatureStructure> FSArray<T> emptyFSArray(Type type)
      Specified by:
      emptyFSArray in interface CAS
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the elements of the FSArray
      type - the type of the elements of the FSArray
      a lazily created shared (for this CAS) 0-length subtype of FSarray holding elements of type element-type
    • emptyIntegerArray

      public IntegerArray emptyIntegerArray()
      Specified by:
      emptyIntegerArray in interface CAS
      a lazily created shared (for this CAS) 0-length array
    • emptyStringArray

      public StringArray emptyStringArray()
      Specified by:
      emptyStringArray in interface CAS
      a lazily created shared (for this CAS) 0-length array
    • emptyDoubleArray

      public DoubleArray emptyDoubleArray()
      Specified by:
      emptyDoubleArray in interface CAS
      a lazily created shared (for this CAS) 0-length array
    • emptyLongArray

      public LongArray emptyLongArray()
      Specified by:
      emptyLongArray in interface CAS
      a lazily created shared (for this CAS) 0-length array
    • emptyShortArray

      public ShortArray emptyShortArray()
      Specified by:
      emptyShortArray in interface CAS
      a lazily created shared (for this CAS) 0-length array
    • emptyByteArray

      public ByteArray emptyByteArray()
      Specified by:
      emptyByteArray in interface CAS
      a lazily created shared (for this CAS) 0-length array
    • emptyBooleanArray

      public BooleanArray emptyBooleanArray()
      Specified by:
      emptyBooleanArray in interface CAS
      a lazily created shared (for this CAS) 0-length array
    • emptyList

      public EmptyList emptyList(int rangeCode)
      rangeCode - special codes for serialization use only
      the empty list (shared) corresponding to the type
    • emptyListFromTypeCode

      public EmptyList emptyListFromTypeCode(int typeCode)
      Get an empty list from the type code of a list
      typeCode - -
    • copyFeatureExceptFsRef

      public static boolean copyFeatureExceptFsRef(TOP fsSrc, FeatureImpl fiSrc, TOP fsTgt, FeatureImpl fiTgt)
      Copies a feature from one fs to another FSs may be in different type systems Doesn't copy a feature ref, but instead returns false. This is because feature refs can't cross CASes
      fsSrc - source FS
      fiSrc - feature in source to copy
      fsTgt - target FS
      fiTgt - feature in target to set
      false if feature is an fsRef
    • copyArray

      public static CommonArrayFS copyArray(TOP srcArray)
    • getBinaryCasSerDes

      public BinaryCasSerDes getBinaryCasSerDes()
    • deltaMergesComplete

      public void deltaMergesComplete()
      A space-freeing optimization for use cases where (multiple) delta CASes are being deserialized into this CAS and merged.
    • traceFSCreate

      public void traceFSCreate(FeatureStructureImplC fs)
    • traceFSflush

      public StringBuilder traceFSflush()
    • setCAS

      @Deprecated(since="3.0.0") public void setCAS(CAS cas)
      Does nothing, kept only for backwards compatibility
      Specified by:
      setCAS in interface CASMgr
      cas - -
      To be removed in version:
    • getInitialHeapSize

      public int getInitialHeapSize()
      the initial heap size specified or defaulted
    • reinit

      public void reinit(CASSerializer ser)
      Deserializer for Java-object serialized instance of CASSerializer.
      ser - - The instance to convert back to a CAS
    • reinit

      public void reinit(CASCompleteSerializer casCompSer)
      Deserializer for CASCompleteSerializer instances - includes type system and index definitions Never delta
      casCompSer - -
    • reinit

      public SerialFormat reinit(InputStream istream) throws CASRuntimeException
      --------------------------------------------------------------------- see Blob Format in CASSerializer This reads in and deserializes CAS data from a stream. Byte swapping may be needed if the blob is from C++ -- C++ blob serialization writes data in native byte order. Supports delta deserialization. For that, the the csds from the serialization event must be used.
      istream - -
      - the format of the input stream detected
      CASRuntimeException - wraps IOException
    • swapInPearVersion

      public void swapInPearVersion(Object[] a)
    • collectNonPearVersions

      public Collection<?> collectNonPearVersions(Collection<?> c)
    • makePearAware

      public <T> Spliterator<T> makePearAware(Spliterator<T> baseSi)
    • is_ll_enableV2IdRefs

      public boolean is_ll_enableV2IdRefs()
      Specified by:
      is_ll_enableV2IdRefs in interface LowLevelCAS
      true if the id_to_fs_map mode is enabled
    • ll_enableV2IdRefs

      public AutoCloseableNoException ll_enableV2IdRefs(boolean enable)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelCAS
      Enables or disables the id_to_fs_map mode.
      Specified by:
      ll_enableV2IdRefs in interface LowLevelCAS
      enable - true to enable, false to disable
      an AutoClosable whose close method doesn't throw an exception that will reset the mode to what it was when it was changed
    • set_deserialized_doc_annot_not_indexed

      public void set_deserialized_doc_annot_not_indexed(Annotation doc_annot)