Package org.apache.uima.cas.impl
Class FSClassRegistry
There is one **class** instance of this per UIMA core class loader.
The class loader is the loader for the UIMA core classes, not any UIMA extension class loader
- **Builtin** JCas Types are loaded and shared among all type systems, once, when this class is loaded.
There are no instances of this class.
- The type system impl instances at commit time initialize parts of their Impl from data in this class
- Some of the data kept in this class in static values, is constructed when the type system is committed
The class instance is shared
- by multiple type systems
- by multiple CASes (in a CAS pool, for instance, when these CASes are sharing the same type system).
- by all views of those CASes.
- by multiple different pipelines, built using the same merged type system instance
- by non-built-in JCas classes, loaded under possibly different extension class loaders
PEAR support
Multiple PEAR contexts can be used.
- hierarchy (each is parent of kind below
-- UIMA core class loader (built-ins, not redefinable by user JCas classes)
--- a new limitation of UIMA V3 to allow sharing of built-in JCas classes, which also
have custom impl, and don't fit the model used for PEAR Trampolines
-- outer (non Pear) class loader (optional, known as base extension class loader)
--- possible multiple, for different AE pipelines
-- Within PEAR class loader
- when running within a PEAR, operations which return Feature Structures potentially return
JCas instances of classes loaded from the Pear's class loader.
- These instances share the same int[] and Object[] and _typeImpl and _casView refs with the outer class loader's FS
Timing / life cycle
Built-in classes loaded and initialized at first type system commit time.
non-pear classes loaded and initialized at type system commit time (if not already loaded)
- special checks for conformability if some types loaded later, due to requirements for computing feature offsets at load time
pear classes loaded and initialized at first entry to Pear, for a given type system and class loader.
At typeSystemCommit time, this class is created and initialized:
- The built-in JCas types are loaded
- The user-defined non-PEAR JCas classes are loaded (not lazy, but eager), provided the type system is a new one.
(If the type system is "equal" to an existing committed one, that one is used instead).
-- User classes defined with the name of UIMA types, but which are not JCas definitions, are not used as
JCas types. This permits uses cases where users define a class which (perhaps at a later integration time)
has the same name as a UIMA type, but is not a JCas class.
-- These classes, once loaded, remain loaded because of Java's design, unless the ClassLoader
used to load them is Garbage Collected.
--- The ClassLoader used is the CAS's JCasClassLoader, set from the UIMA Extension class loader if specified.
Assigning slots for features:
- each type being loaded runs static final initializers to set for (a subset of) all features the offset
in the int or ref storage arrays for those values.
- These call a static method in JCasRegistry: register[Int/Ref]Feature, which assigns the next available slot
via accessing/updating a thread local instance of TypeSystemImpl.SlotAllocate.
Nested Class Summary
Nested ClassesModifier and TypeClassDescriptionstatic class
One instance per JCas class defined for it, per class loader - per class loader, because different JCas class definitions for the same name are possible, per class loader Kept in maps, per class loader. -
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptioncreateJCasClassInfo
(TypeImpl aTypeInfo, ClassLoader aClassLoader, MethodHandles.Lookup aUnusedLookup) Deprecated.This will be removed without replacement.getOrCreateJCasClassInfo
(TypeImpl aTypeInfo, ClassLoader aClassLoader, Map<String, FSClassRegistry.JCasClassInfo> aType2Jcci, MethodHandles.Lookup aUnusedLookup) Deprecated.This will be removed without replacementstatic void
(Level aLogLevel) Deprecated.Should be made package privatestatic void
For internal use only!
Constructor Details
public FSClassRegistry()
Method Details
@Deprecated(since="3.5.1") public static FSClassRegistry.JCasClassInfo getOrCreateJCasClassInfo(TypeImpl aTypeInfo, ClassLoader aClassLoader, Map<String, FSClassRegistry.JCasClassInfo> aType2Jcci, MethodHandles.Lookup aUnusedLookup) Deprecated.This will be removed without replacementFor a particular type name, get the JCasClassInfo- by fetching the cached value
- by loading the class
- return null if no JCas class for this name
- Returns:
- jcci or null, if no JCas class for this type was able to be loaded
- To be removed in version:
- 4.0.0
@Deprecated(since="3.5.1") public static FSClassRegistry.JCasClassInfo createJCasClassInfo(TypeImpl aTypeInfo, ClassLoader aClassLoader, MethodHandles.Lookup aUnusedLookup) Deprecated.This will be removed without replacement.- To be removed in version:
- 4.0.0
For internal use only! -
Deprecated.Should be made package privateFor internal use only!- To be removed in version:
- 4.0.0