Class CASMgrSerializer

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CASMgrSerializer extends Object implements Serializable
Container for serialized CAS typing information. Contains information about the type system, as well as the index repository. If more than one CAS that use the same type system and index repository need to be serialized, this information needs to be serialized only once.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final int SOURCE_JEDI
      See Also:

      public static final int SOURCE_TAF
      See Also:
    • typeOrder

      public int[] typeOrder
    • indexNames

      public String[] indexNames
      The index identifiers. Note that more than one identifier can refer to the same index.
    • nameToIndexMap

      public int[] nameToIndexMap
      A mapping from index names to index IDs. We have that indexNames.length == nameToIndexMap.length and for each i in nameToIndexMap, 0 <= i < indexTypes.length.
    • indexingStrategy

      public int[] indexingStrategy
      For each index, the indexing strategy of that index. Current options are SORTED_INDEX, SET_INDEX and BAG_INDEX. indexingStrategy.length == indexTypes.length.
    • comparatorIndex

      public int[] comparatorIndex
      For each index, where the corresponding comparator starts in the comparators field. comparatorIndex.length == indexTypes.length.
    • comparators

      public int[] comparators
      Encodings of the actual comparators. Each comparator occupies an odd number of cells: one for the type, then feature/comparison pairs. The feature is encoded with its type system code, and comparison operations are encoded with STANDARD_COMPARE and REVERSE_STANDARD_COMPARE.
    • typeNames

      public String[] typeNames
      A list of type names (symbol table). fs-typed arrays have names XXXX[]. Note: numbering of types starts at 1, and we index the names according to their internal code. That means that typeNames[0] == null.
    • featureNames

      public String[] featureNames
      A list of feature names (symbol table). Note: numbering of features starts at 1, , and we index the names according to their internal code. That means that featureNames[0] == null.
    • typeInheritance

      public int[] typeInheritance
      Type inheritance information: for each type other than the top type, we provide the parent in the inheritance scheme. We use the internal type codes for indexing, which means that cells 0 (no type) and 1 (top type doesn't inherit from anything) are not used.
    • featDecls

      public int[] featDecls
      Feature declarations. For each feature code i (which is an integer ≥ 1), featDecls[(i-1)*3] is the domain type code, featDecls[(i-1)*3+1] is the range type code, and featDecls[(i-1)*3+2] is the multipleReferencesAllowed flag (0 or 1).
    • topTypeCode

      public int topTypeCode
      The internal code of the top type. Optional, used for sanity checks.
    • featureOffsets

      public int[] featureOffsets
      The offsets for features. Optional, used for sanity checks. Since feature numbering starts at 1, the length of the array is 1 + number of features.
    • stringSubtypes

      public int[] stringSubtypes
      A list of type codes for the string subtypes.
    • stringSubtypeValues

      public String[] stringSubtypeValues
      The string values for the string subtypes. Start and end postions for the values for the individual types are in stringSubtypeValuePos.
    • stringSubtypeValuePos

      public int[] stringSubtypeValuePos
      The start positions of the string value subarrays of stringSubtypeValues. stringSubtypeValuePos.length == stringSubtypes.length. For each i < stringSubtypes.length, stringSubtypeValuePos[i] is the start of the string values for stringSubtypes[i].
    • source

      public int source
      Set this appropriately.
  • Constructor Details

    • CASMgrSerializer

      public CASMgrSerializer()
      Constructor for CASMgrSerializer.
  • Method Details

    • addIndexRepository

      public void addIndexRepository(FSIndexRepositoryImpl ir)
      Serialize index repository.
      ir - The index repository to be serialized.
    • addTypeSystem

      public void addTypeSystem(TypeSystemImpl ts)
    • getTypeSystem

      public TypeSystemImpl getTypeSystem()
    • getIndexRepository

      public FSIndexRepositoryImpl getIndexRepository(CASImpl cas)
      Deserialize the index specification and type ordering information in this class instance into the index repository and cas and type system.
      cas - -
    • hasIndexRepository

      public boolean hasIndexRepository()