Interface JCas

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public interface JCas extends AbstractCas
Java Cover Classes based Object-oriented CAS (Common Analysis System) API.

A JCas object provides the starting point for working with the CAS using Java Cover Classes for each type, generated by the utility JCasGen.

This interface extends the CAS Interface, providing all the same functionality, plus some specific to the JCas.

It supports the creation of new instances of CAS types, using the normal Java "new" operator.

You can create a JCas object from a CAS object by calling the getJCas() method on the CAS object.

  • Field Details


      static final int INVALID_FEATURE_CODE
      (internal use)
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getFSIndexRepository

      FSIndexRepository getFSIndexRepository()
      the FSIndexRepository object for this Cas
    • getLowLevelIndexRepository

      LowLevelIndexRepository getLowLevelIndexRepository()
    • getCas

      CAS getCas()
      the CAS object for this JCas instantiation
    • getCasImpl

      CASImpl getCasImpl()
    • getLowLevelCas

      LowLevelCAS getLowLevelCas()
    • getType

      TOP_Type getType(int i)
      Backwards Compatibility only - throws unsupported operation exception In UIMA V2, this previously got the JCas _Type instance for a particular CAS type constant In UIMA V3, there is no _Type instance, so this throws an exception
      i - the CAS type constant, written as Foo.type
      none - throws an exception
    • getType

      @Deprecated TOP_Type getType(TOP instance)
      use instance.jcasType instead - faster
      get the JCas x_Type instance for a particular Java instance of a type
      instance - instance
      the associated xxx_Type instance
    • getCasType

      Type getCasType(int i)
      Given Foo.type, return the corresponding CAS Type object. This is useful in the methods which require a CAS Type, for instance iterator creation.
      i - - index returned by Foo.type
      the CAS Java Type object for this CAS Type.
    • getRequiredType

      Type getRequiredType(String s) throws CASException
    • getRequiredFeature

      Feature getRequiredFeature(Type t, String s) throws CASException
    • getRequiredFeatureDE

      @Deprecated default Feature getRequiredFeatureDE(Type t, String s, String rangeName, boolean featOkTst)
    • putJfsFromCaddr

      @Deprecated default void putJfsFromCaddr(int casAddr, FeatureStructure fs)
    • getJfsFromCaddr

      default <T extends TOP> T getJfsFromCaddr(int casAddr)
    • checkArrayBounds

      default void checkArrayBounds(int fsRef, int pos)
    • throwFeatMissing

      default void throwFeatMissing(String feat, String type)
    • getSofa

      @Deprecated(since="2.0.0") Sofa getSofa(SofaID sofaID)
      As of v2.0, use {#getView(String)}. From the view you can access the Sofa data, or call getSofa() if you truly need to access the SofaFS object.
      sofaID - -
      the Sofa
      To be removed in version:
    • getSofa

      Sofa getSofa()
      Get the Sofa feature structure associated with this JCas view.
      The SofaFS associated with this JCas view.
    • createView

      JCas createView(String sofaID) throws CASException
      Create a view and its underlying Sofa (subject of analysis). The view provides access to the Sofa data and the index repository that contains metadata (annotations and other feature structures) pertaining to that Sofa.

      This method creates the underlying Sofa feature structure, but does not set the Sofa data. Setting ths Sofa data must be done by calling setSofaDataArray(FeatureStructure, String), setSofaDataString(String, String) or setSofaDataURI(String, String) on the JCas view returned by this method.

      sofaID - the local view name, before any sofa name mapping is done, for this view (note: this is the same as the associated Sofa name).
      The view corresponding to this local name.
      CASException - - if a View with this name already exists in this CAS
    • getJCas

      JCas getJCas(Sofa sofa) throws CASException
      Create a JCas view for a Sofa.
      sofa - a Sofa feature structure in this CAS.
      The JCas view for the given Sofa.
      CASException - -
    • getJFSIndexRepository

      JFSIndexRepository getJFSIndexRepository()
      Gets the JCas-based interface to the Index Repository. Provides the same functionality as getFSIndexRepository() except that the methods that take a "type" argument take type arguments obtainable easily from the JCas type.
      the JCas-based interface to the index repository
    • getDocumentAnnotationFs

      TOP getDocumentAnnotationFs()
      Gets the document annotation. The object returned from this method can be typecast to org.apache.uima.jcas.tcas.DocumentAnnotation if that class is loaded (it may not be...)

      The reason that the return type of this method is not DocumentAnnotation is because that class may not be loaded, or it may be loaded under a different class loader when using the UIMA Extension ClassLoader to load annotator classes.

      The one instance of the DocumentAnnotation annotation.
      See Also:
    • getStringArray0L

      @Deprecated default StringArray getStringArray0L()
      renamed emptyXXXArray
      A constant for each cas which holds a 0-length instance. Since this can be a common value, we avoid creating multiple copies of it. All uses can use the same valuee because it is not updatable (it has no subfields). This is initialized lazily on first reference, and reset when the CAS is reset.
      0-length instance of a StringArray
    • emptyStringArray

      default StringArray emptyStringArray()
      Retrieve a lazily-created constant from the cas which holds a 0-length instance. Since this can be a common value, we avoid creating multiple copies of it. All uses can use the same value because it is not updatable (it has no subfields). This is initialized lazily on first reference, and reset when the CAS is reset.
      0-length instance of a StringArray
    • getIntegerArray0L

      @Deprecated default IntegerArray getIntegerArray0L()
      renamed emptyXXXArray
      Retrieve a lazily-created constant from the cas which holds a 0-length instance. Since this can be a common value, we avoid creating multiple copies of it. All uses can use the same value because it is not updatable (it has no subfields). This is initialized lazily on first reference, and reset when the CAS is reset.
      0-length instance of an IntegerArray
    • emptyIntegerArray

      default IntegerArray emptyIntegerArray()
      Retrieve a lazily-created constant from the cas which holds a 0-length instance. Since this can be a common value, we avoid creating multiple copies of it. All uses can use the same value because it is not updatable (it has no subfields). This is initialized lazily on first reference, and reset when the CAS is reset.
      0-length instance of an IntegerArray
    • getFloatArray0L

      @Deprecated default FloatArray getFloatArray0L()
      renamed emptyXXXArray
      Retrieve a lazily-created constant from the cas which holds a 0-length instance. Since this can be a common value, we avoid creating multiple copies of it. All uses can use the same value because it is not updatable (it has no subfields). This is initialized lazily on first reference, and reset when the CAS is reset.
      0-length instance of a FloatArray
    • emptyFloatArray

      default FloatArray emptyFloatArray()
      Retrieve a lazily-created constant from the cas which holds a 0-length instance. Since this can be a common value, we avoid creating multiple copies of it. All uses can use the same value because it is not updatable (it has no subfields). This is initialized lazily on first reference, and reset when the CAS is reset.
      0-length instance of a FloatArray
    • getFSArray0L

      @Deprecated default FSArray getFSArray0L()
      renamed emptyXXXArray
      Retrieve a lazily-created constant from the cas which holds a 0-length instance. Since this can be a common value, we avoid creating multiple copies of it. All uses can use the same value because it is not updatable (it has no subfields). This is initialized lazily on first reference, and reset when the CAS is reset. See also the CAS API
      0-length instance of a FSArray
    • emptyFSArray

      default FSArray emptyFSArray()
      Retrieve a lazily-created constant from the cas which holds a 0-length instance. Since this can be a common value, we avoid creating multiple copies of it. All uses can use the same value because it is not updatable (it has no subfields). This is initialized lazily on first reference, and reset when the CAS is reset. See also the CAS API
      0-length instance of a FSArray
    • emptyFSArray

      default <T extends TOP> FSArray<T> emptyFSArray(Class<T> clazz)
      Retrieve a lazily-created constant from the cas which holds a 0-length instance of a subtype of FSArray. Since this can be a common value, we avoid creating multiple copies of it. All uses can use the same value because it is not updatable (it has no subfields). This is initialized lazily on first reference, and reset when the CAS is reset. See also the CAS API
      Type Parameters:
      T - the particular FeatureStructure type
      clazz - the class of the component type the array is to contain
      0-length instance of a FSArray, which is associated with the element type T
    • emptyByteArray

      default ByteArray emptyByteArray()
      Retrieve a lazily-created constant from the cas which holds a 0-length instance. Since this can be a common value, we avoid creating multiple copies of it. All uses can use the same value because it is not updatable (it has no subfields). This is initialized lazily on first reference, and reset when the CAS is reset.
      0-length instance of a ByteArray
    • emptyShortArray

      default ShortArray emptyShortArray()
      Retrieve a lazily-created constant from the cas which holds a 0-length instance. Since this can be a common value, we avoid creating multiple copies of it. All uses can use the same value because it is not updatable (it has no subfields). This is initialized lazily on first reference, and reset when the CAS is reset.
      0-length instance of a ShortArray
    • emptyLongArray

      default LongArray emptyLongArray()
      Retrieve a lazily-created constant from the cas which holds a 0-length instance. Since this can be a common value, we avoid creating multiple copies of it. All uses can use the same value because it is not updatable (it has no subfields). This is initialized lazily on first reference, and reset when the CAS is reset.
      0-length instance of a LongArray
    • emptyDoubleArray

      default DoubleArray emptyDoubleArray()
      Retrieve a lazily-created constant from the cas which holds a 0-length instance. Since this can be a common value, we avoid creating multiple copies of it. All uses can use the same value because it is not updatable (it has no subfields). This is initialized lazily on first reference, and reset when the CAS is reset.
      0-length instance of a DoubleArray
    • emptyBooleanArray

      default BooleanArray emptyBooleanArray()
      Retrieve a lazily-created constant from the cas which holds a 0-length instance. Since this can be a common value, we avoid creating multiple copies of it. All uses can use the same value because it is not updatable (it has no subfields). This is initialized lazily on first reference, and reset when the CAS is reset.
      0-length instance of a DoubleArray
    • processInit

      @Deprecated void processInit()
      not required, does nothing
      initialize the JCas for new Cas content. Not used, does nothing.
    • getView

      JCas getView(String localViewName) throws CASException
      Get the view for a Sofa (subject of analysis). The view provides access to the Sofa data and the index repository that contains metadata (annotations and other feature structures) pertaining to that Sofa.
      localViewName - the local name, before any sofa name mapping is done, for this view (note: this is the same as the associated Sofa name).
      The view corresponding to this local name.
      CASException - passthru
    • getView

      JCas getView(SofaFS aSofa) throws CASException
      Get the view for a Sofa (subject of analysis). The view provides access to the Sofa data and the index repository that contains metadata (annotations and other feature structures) pertaining to that Sofa.
      aSofa - a Sofa feature structure in the CAS
      The view for the given Sofa
      CASException - passthru
    • getTypeSystem

      TypeSystem getTypeSystem() throws CASRuntimeException
      Return the type system of this CAS instance.
      The type system, or null if none is available.
      CASRuntimeException - If the type system has not been committed.
    • createSofa

      @Deprecated SofaFS createSofa(SofaID sofaID, String mimeType)
      As of v2.0, use createView(String) instead.
      Create a Subject of Analysis. The new sofaFS is automatically added to the SofaIndex.
      sofaID - the SofA ID
      mimeType - the mime type
      The sofaFS.
    • getSofaIterator

      FSIterator<SofaFS> getSofaIterator()
      Get iterator for all SofaFS in the CAS.
      an iterator over SofaFS.
    • createFilteredIterator

      <T extends FeatureStructure> FSIterator<T> createFilteredIterator(FSIterator<T> it, FSMatchConstraint cons)
      Create an iterator over structures satisfying a given constraint. Constraints are described in the javadocs for ConstraintFactory and related classes.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the particular FeatureStructure type
      it - The input iterator.
      cons - The constraint specifying what structures should be returned.
      An iterator over FSs.
    • getConstraintFactory

      ConstraintFactory getConstraintFactory()
      Get a constraint factory. A constraint factory is a simple way of creating FSMatchConstraints.
      A constraint factory to create new FS constraints.
    • createFeaturePath

      FeaturePath createFeaturePath()
      Create a feature path. This is mainly useful for creating FSMatchConstraints.
      A new, empty feature path.
    • getIndexRepository

      FSIndexRepository getIndexRepository()
      Get the index repository.
      The index repository, or null if none is available.
    • fs2listIterator

      <T extends FeatureStructure> ListIterator<T> fs2listIterator(FSIterator<T> it)
      Wrap a standard Java ListIterator around an FSListIterator. Use if you feel more comfortable with java style iterators.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The particular Feature Structure type
      it - The FSListIterator to be wrapped.
      An equivalent ListIterator.
    • reset

      void reset() throws CASAdminException
      Reset the CAS, emptying it of all content. Feature structures and iterators will no longer be valid. Note: this method may only be called from an application. Calling it from an annotator will trigger a runtime exception.
      CASRuntimeException - When called out of sequence.
      See Also:
    • getViewName

      String getViewName()
      Get the view name. The view name is the same as the name of the view's Sofa, retrieved by getSofa().getSofaID(), except for the initial View before its Sofa has been created.
      The name of the view
    • size

      int size()
      Estimate the memory consumption of this CAS instance (in bytes).
      The estimated memory used by this CAS instance.
    • createFeatureValuePath

      FeatureValuePath createFeatureValuePath(String featureValuePath) throws CASRuntimeException
      Create a feature-value path from a string.
      featureValuePath - String representation of the feature-value path.
      Feature-value path object.
      CASRuntimeException - If the input string is not well-formed.
    • setDocumentText

      void setDocumentText(String text) throws CASRuntimeException
      Set the document text. Once set, Sofa data is immutable, and cannot be set again until the CAS has been reset.
      text - The text to be analyzed.
      CASRuntimeException - If the Sofa data has already been set.
    • setSofaDataString

      void setSofaDataString(String text, String mimetype) throws CASRuntimeException
      Set the document text. Once set, Sofa data is immutable, and cannot be set again until the CAS has been reset.
      text - The text to be analyzed.
      mimetype - The mime type of the data
      CASRuntimeException - If the Sofa data has already been set.
    • getDocumentText

      String getDocumentText()
      Get the document text.
      The text being analyzed.
    • getSofaDataString

      String getSofaDataString()
      Get the Sofa Data String (a.k.a. the document text).
      The Sofa data string.
    • setDocumentLanguage

      void setDocumentLanguage(String languageCode) throws CASRuntimeException
      Sets the language for this document. This value sets the language feature of the special instance of DocumentAnnotation associated with this CAS.
      languageCode - the language code
      CASRuntimeException - passthru
    • getDocumentLanguage

      String getDocumentLanguage()
      Gets the language code for this document from the language feature of the special instance of the DocumentationAnnotation associated with this CAS.
      language identifier
    • setSofaDataArray

      void setSofaDataArray(FeatureStructure array, String mime) throws CASRuntimeException
      Set the Sofa data as an ArrayFS. Once set, Sofa data is immutable, and cannot be set again until the CAS has been reset.
      array - The ArrayFS to be analyzed.
      mime - The mime type of the data
      CASRuntimeException - If the Sofa data has already been set.
    • getSofaDataArray

      FeatureStructure getSofaDataArray()
      Get the Sofa data array.
      The Sofa Data being analyzed.
    • setSofaDataURI

      void setSofaDataURI(String uri, String mime) throws CASRuntimeException
      Set the Sofa data as a URI. Once set, Sofa data is immutable, and cannot be set again until the CAS has been reset.
      uri - The URI of the data to be analyzed.
      mime - The mime type of the data
      CASRuntimeException - If the Sofa data has already been set.
    • getSofaDataURI

      String getSofaDataURI()
      Get the Sofa data array.
      The Sofa Data being analyzed.
    • getSofaDataStream

      InputStream getSofaDataStream()
      Get the Sofa data as a byte stream.
      A stream handle to the Sofa Data.
    • getSofaMimeType

      String getSofaMimeType()
      Get the mime type of the Sofa data being analyzed.
      the mime type of the Sofa
    • addFsToIndexes

      void addFsToIndexes(FeatureStructure fs)
      Add a feature structure to all appropriate indexes in the repository associated with this CAS View.

      Important: after you have called addFsToIndexes(...) on a FS, do not change the values of any features used for indexing. If you do, the index will become corrupted and may be unusable. If you need to change an index feature value, first call removeFsFromIndexes(...) on the FS, change the feature values, then call addFsToIndexes(...) again.

      fs - The Feature Structure to be added.
      NullPointerException - If the fs parameter is null.
    • removeFsFromIndexes

      void removeFsFromIndexes(FeatureStructure fs)
      Remove a feature structure from all indexes in the repository associated with this CAS View.
      fs - The Feature Structure to be removed.
      NullPointerException - If the fs parameter is null.
    • removeAllIncludingSubtypes

      void removeAllIncludingSubtypes(int i)
      Remove all feature structures of a given type (including subtypes) from all indexes in the repository associated with this CAS View.
      i - the CAS type constant, written as Foo.type (for a given JCas Type) or anInstanceOfFoo.getTypeIndexID(), for an instance
    • removeAllIncludingSubtypes

      default <T extends TOP> void removeAllIncludingSubtypes(Class<T> clazz)
      Remove all instances of type, including all subtypes from all indexes in the repository view.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type to remove
      clazz - the JCas class of the type to remove. To remove all use TOP.class
      NullPointerException - if the clazz parameter is null.
    • removeAllExcludingSubtypes

      void removeAllExcludingSubtypes(int i)
      Remove all feature structures of a given type (excluding subtypes) from all indexes in the repository associated with this CAS View.
      i - the CAS type constant, written as Foo.type (for a given JCas Type) or anInstanceOfFoo.getTypeIndexID(), for an instance
    • removeAllExcludingSubtypes

      default <T extends TOP> void removeAllExcludingSubtypes(Class<T> clazz)
      Remove all instances of just this type, excluding subtypes, from all indexes in the repository view.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type to remove
      clazz - the JCas Class of the type to remove
      NullPointerException - if the type parameter is null.
    • getCasType

      Type getCasType(Class<? extends FeatureStructure> clazz)
      Return the UIMA Type object corresponding to this JCas's JCas cover class (Note: different JCas's, with different type systems, may share the same cover class impl)
      clazz - a JCas cover class
      the corresponding UIMA Type object
    • getAnnotationIndex

      AnnotationIndex<Annotation> getAnnotationIndex()
      Get the standard annotation index.
      The standard annotation index.
    • getAnnotationIndex

      <T extends Annotation> AnnotationIndex<T> getAnnotationIndex(Type type) throws CASRuntimeException
      Get the standard annotation index restricted to a specific annotation type.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the Java class corresponding to type
      type - The annotation type the index is restricted to.
      The standard annotation index, restricted to type.
    • getAnnotationIndex

      <T extends Annotation> AnnotationIndex<T> getAnnotationIndex(int type) throws CASRuntimeException
      Get the standard annotation index restricted to a specific annotation type.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the Java class corresponding to type
      type - The annotation type the index is restricted to, passed as an integer using the form MyAnnotationType.type
      The standard annotation index, restricted to type.
      CASRuntimeException - -
    • getAnnotationIndex

      <T extends Annotation> AnnotationIndex<T> getAnnotationIndex(Class<T> clazz) throws CASRuntimeException
      Get the standard annotation index restricted to a specific annotation type.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the Java class clazz
      clazz - The JCas cover class for the annotation type the index is restricted to,
      The standard annotation index, restricted to type.
      CASRuntimeException - -
    • getAllIndexedFS

      default <T extends TOP> FSIterator<T> getAllIndexedFS(Type type)
      Gets an iterator over all indexed FeatureStructures of the specified Type (and any of its subtypes). The elements are returned in arbitrary order, and duplicates (if they exist) are not removed.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the Java clazz of the returned types
      type - - the type specifying which type and subtypes are included
      An iterator that returns all indexed FeatureStructures of the JCas clazz and its subtypes, in no particular order.
    • getAllIndexedFS

      <T extends TOP> FSIterator<T> getAllIndexedFS(Class<T> clazz)
      Gets an iterator over all indexed FeatureStructures of the specified Type (and any of its subtypes). The elements are returned in arbitrary order, and duplicates (if they exist) are not removed.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the Java clazz
      clazz - - the JCas Java class specifing which type and subtypes are included
      An iterator that returns all indexed FeatureStructures of the JCas clazz and its subtypes, in no particular order.
    • getIndexedFSs

      default <T extends TOP> Collection<T> getIndexedFSs(Type type)
      Returns an unmodifiable collection of all the FSs that are indexed in this view, in an arbitrary order. Subsequent modifications to the indexes do not affect this collection.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The Java class associated with type
      type - the type of Feature Structures to include (including subtypes)
      an unmodifiable, unordered collection of all indexed (in this view) Feature Structures of the specified type (including subtypes)
    • getIndexedFSs

      default <T extends TOP> Collection<T> getIndexedFSs(Class<T> clazz)
      Returns an unmodifiable collection of all the FSs that are indexed in this view, in an arbitrary order. Subsequent modifications to the indexes do not affect this collection.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The Java class associated with type
      clazz - The JCas class corresponding to the type
      an unmodifiable, unordered collection of all indexed (in this view) Feature Structures of the specified type (including subtypes)
    • getIndexedFSs

      default Collection<TOP> getIndexedFSs()
      Returns an unmodifiable collection of all of the FSs that are indexed in this view, in an arbitrary order. Subsequent modifications to the indexes do not affect this collection.
      an unmodifiable, unordered collection of all indexed (in this view) Feature Structures of the specified type (including subtypes)
    • getViewIterator

      Iterator<JCas> getViewIterator() throws CASException
      Get iterator over all views in this JCas. Each view provides access to Sofa data and the index repository that contains metadata (annotations and other feature structures) pertaining to that Sofa.
      an iterator which returns all views. Each object returned by the iterator is of type JCas.
      CASException - -
    • getViewIterator

      Iterator<JCas> getViewIterator(String localViewNamePrefix) throws CASException
      Get iterator over all views with the given name prefix. Each view provides access to Sofa data and the index repository that contains metadata (annotations and other feature structures) pertaining to that Sofa.

      When passed the prefix namePrefix, the iterator will return all views who name is either exactly equal to namePrefix or is of the form namePrefix.suffix, where suffix can be any String.

      localViewNamePrefix - the local name prefix, before any sofa name mapping is done, for this view (note: this is the same as the associated Sofa name prefix).
      an iterator which returns all views with the given name prefix. Each object returned by the iterator is of type JCas.
      CASException - -
    • protectIndexes

      AutoCloseable protectIndexes()
      Call this method to set up a region, ended by a close() call on the returned object, You can use this or the protectIndexes(Runnable) method to protected the indexes.

      This approach allows arbitrary code between the protectIndexes and the associated close method.

      The close method is best done in a finally block, or using the try-with-resources statement in Java 8.

      an object used to record things that need adding back
    • protectIndexes

      void protectIndexes(Runnable runnable)
      Runs the code in the runnable inside a protection block, where any modifications to features done while in this block will be done in a way to protect any indexes which otherwise might become corrupted by the update action; the protection is achieved by temporarily removing the FS (if it is in the indexes), before the update happens. At the end of the block, affected indexes have any removed-under-the-covers FSs added back.
      runnable - code to execute while protecting the indexes.
    • getIndex

      <T extends TOP> FSIndex<T> getIndex(String label, Class<T> clazz)
      Retrieve an index according to a label and a type specified using a JCas class. The type is used to narrow down the index of a more general type to a more specific one. Generics: T is the associated Java cover class for the type.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the Java clazz
      label - The name of the index.
      clazz - The JCas class (mostly likely written as MyJCasClass.class), which must correspond to a subtype of the type of the index.
      The specified, or null if an index with that name doesn't exist.
      CASRuntimeException - When clazz doesn't correspond to a subtype of the index's type.
    • select

      default <T extends TOP> SelectFSs<T> select()
      Type Parameters:
      T - the Type of the elements being accessed
      a newly created selection object for accessing feature structures
    • select

      default <N extends TOP> SelectFSs<N> select(Type type)
      Type Parameters:
      N - the Type of the elements being accessed
      type - specifies the type (and subtypes of that type) to access
      a newly created selection object for accessing feature structures of that type and its subtypes
      IllegalArgumentException - if no type is specified.
    • select

      default <N extends TOP> SelectFSs<N> select(Class<N> clazz)
      Type Parameters:
      N - the Type of the elements being accessed
      clazz - a JCas class corresponding to the type (and subtypes of that type) to access
      a newly created selection object for accessing feature structures of that type and its subtypes
      IllegalArgumentException - if no type is specified.
    • select

      default <N extends TOP> SelectFSs<N> select(int jcasType)
      Type Parameters:
      N - the Type of the elements being accessed
      jcasType - the "type" field from the JCas class corresponding to the type (and subtypes of that type) to access
      a newly created selection object for accessing feature structures of that type and its subtypes
    • select

      default <N extends TOP> SelectFSs<N> select(String fullyQualifiedTypeName)
      Type Parameters:
      N - the Type of the elements being accessed
      fullyQualifiedTypeName - the string name of the type to access
      a newly created selection object for accessing feature structures of that type and its subtypes
      IllegalArgumentException - if no type is specified.
    • emptyList

      default <T extends TOP> EmptyList emptyList(Class<T> clazz)
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the list, e.g FloatList
      clazz - the JCas class of the list, e.g. FloatList.class
      - the shared (in this CAS) instance of the empty list (immutable)
    • emptyFloatList

      default EmptyFloatList emptyFloatList()
      a lazily created shared (for this CAS) empty list
    • emptyFSList

      default <T extends TOP> EmptyFSList<T> emptyFSList()
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the FeatureStructures in the FSList
      a lazily created shared (for this CAS) empty list
    • emptyIntegerList

      default EmptyIntegerList emptyIntegerList()
      a lazily created shared (for this CAS) empty list
    • emptyStringList

      default EmptyStringList emptyStringList()
      a lazily created shared (for this CAS) empty list
    • emptyArray

      default <T extends TOP> CommonArrayFS emptyArray(Class<T> clazz)
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the list, e.g FloatArray
      clazz - the JCas class of the Array, e.g. FloatArray.class
      a shared (in this CAS) instance of the empty array (immutable)