Class NonEmptyIntegerList

All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Iterable<Integer>, FeatureStructure, FeatureStructureImpl, CommonList, NonEmptyList

public class NonEmptyIntegerList extends IntegerList implements NonEmptyList
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • NonEmptyIntegerList

      protected NonEmptyIntegerList()
    • NonEmptyIntegerList

      public NonEmptyIntegerList(JCas jcas)
    • NonEmptyIntegerList

      public NonEmptyIntegerList(TypeImpl t, CASImpl c)
      used by generator Make a new AnnotationBase
      t - -
      c - -
    • NonEmptyIntegerList

      public NonEmptyIntegerList(JCas jcas, int v, IntegerList tail)
      Generate a NonEmpty node with the specified head and tail
      jcas - -
      v - -
      tail - -
    • NonEmptyIntegerList

      public NonEmptyIntegerList(JCas jcas, int v)
      Generate a NonEmpty node with the specified head with the empty node as the tail
      jcas - -
      v - -
  • Method Details

    • getTypeIndexID

      public int getTypeIndexID()
      getTypeIndexID in class TOP
      the type array index
    • getHead

      public int getHead()
    • setHead

      public void setHead(int v)
    • getTail

      public IntegerList getTail()
    • setTail

      public void setTail(IntegerList v)
    • setTail

      public void setTail(CommonList v)
      Description copied from interface: CommonList
      sets the tail of this node
      Specified by:
      setTail in interface CommonList
      v - the tail
    • setHead

      public void setHead(List<String> stringValues, int i)
    • get_headAsString

      public String get_headAsString()
      Description copied from interface: CommonList
      Internal use overridden in nonempty nodes Return the head value of a list as a string suitable for serialization. For FeatureStructure values, return the _id.
      Specified by:
      get_headAsString in interface CommonList
      value suitable for serialization
    • set_headFromString

      public void set_headFromString(String v)
      Description copied from interface: CommonList
      Internal use overridden in nonempty nodes used when deserializing
      Specified by:
      set_headFromString in interface CommonList
      v - value to set, as a string
    • iterator

      public PrimitiveIterator.OfInt iterator()
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Iterable<Integer>
      iterator in class IntegerList