Uses of Interface

Packages that use ProcessTrace
org.apache.uima The main package for the Unstructured Information Management Middleware Architecture. 
org.apache.uima.analysis_engine The Analysis Engine interface, along with supporting interfaces and exception classes. 
org.apache.uima.collection Classes and interfaces for collection processing. 
org.apache.uima.util Utility classes and interfaces used by UIMA components. 

Uses of ProcessTrace in org.apache.uima

Methods in org.apache.uima with parameters of type ProcessTrace
 void UimaContextAdmin.setProcessTrace(ProcessTrace aProcessTrace)
          Sets the current ProcessTrace object, which will receive trace events generated by the InstrumentationFacility.

Uses of ProcessTrace in org.apache.uima.analysis_engine

Methods in org.apache.uima.analysis_engine that return ProcessTrace
 ProcessTrace AnalysisProcessData.getProcessTrace()
          Deprecated. Gets the ProcessTrace object, which is used to record which AnalysisEngine components have executed and information, such as timing, about that execution.
 ProcessTrace AnalysisEngine.process(CAS aCAS)
          Invokes this AnalysisEngine's analysis logic.
 ProcessTrace AnalysisEngine.process(CAS aCAS, ResultSpecification aResultSpec)
          Invokes this AnalysisEngine's analysis logic.
 ProcessTrace AnalysisEngine.process(JCas aJCas)
          Similar to AnalysisEngine.process(CAS) but uses the Java-object-based JCas interface instead of the general CAS interface.
 ProcessTrace AnalysisEngine.process(JCas aJCas, ResultSpecification aResultSpec)
          Similar to AnalysisEngine.process(CAS,ResultSpecification) but uses the Java-object-based JCas interface instead of the general CAS interface.

Methods in org.apache.uima.analysis_engine with parameters of type ProcessTrace
 void AnalysisEngine.process(CAS aCAS, ResultSpecification aResultSpec, ProcessTrace aTrace)
          Invokes this AnalysisEngine's analysis logic.
 void AnalysisEngine.process(JCas aJCas, ResultSpecification aResultSpec, ProcessTrace aTrace)
          Similar to AnalysisEngine.process(CAS, ResultSpecification, ProcessTrace) but uses the Java-object-based JCas interface instead of the general CAS interface.

Uses of ProcessTrace in org.apache.uima.collection

Methods in org.apache.uima.collection that return ProcessTrace
 ProcessTrace CollectionProcessingEngine.getPerformanceReport()
          Gets a performance report for the processing that is currently occurring or has just completed.
 ProcessTrace CollectionProcessingManager.getPerformanceReport()
          Gets a performance report for the processing that is currently occurring or has just completed.
 ProcessTrace EntityProcessStatus.getProcessTrace()
          Gets the ProcessTrace object for the Entity's processing.

Methods in org.apache.uima.collection with parameters of type ProcessTrace
 void CasConsumer_ImplBase.batchProcessComplete(ProcessTrace arg0)
 void CasConsumer_ImplBase.collectionProcessComplete(ProcessTrace arg0)

Uses of ProcessTrace in org.apache.uima.collection.base_cpm

Methods in org.apache.uima.collection.base_cpm that return ProcessTrace
 ProcessTrace BaseCPM.getPerformanceReport()
          Gets a performance report for the processing that is currently occurring or has just completed.

Methods in org.apache.uima.collection.base_cpm with parameters of type ProcessTrace
 void CasDataConsumer.batchProcessComplete(ProcessTrace aTrace)
          Completes the processing of a batch.
 void CasProcessor.batchProcessComplete(ProcessTrace aTrace)
          Completes the processing of a batch.
 void CasDataConsumer.collectionProcessComplete(ProcessTrace aTrace)
          Completes the processing of an entire collection.
 void CasProcessor.collectionProcessComplete(ProcessTrace aTrace)
          Completes the processing of an entire collection.

Uses of ProcessTrace in org.apache.uima.util

Methods in org.apache.uima.util with parameters of type ProcessTrace
 void ProcessTrace.aggregate(ProcessTrace aProcessTrace)
          Aggregates the information in another ProcessTrace with this one.

Constructors in org.apache.uima.util with parameters of type ProcessTrace
AnalysisEnginePerformanceReports(ProcessTrace aProcessTrace)

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