Interface UimaContextAdmin

All Superinterfaces:

public interface UimaContextAdmin
extends UimaContext

Admin interface to the UIMA Context. Developer code should only use the UimaContext interface. The methods on this interface are for the framework's use only. *

Method Summary
 UimaContextAdmin createChild(String aContextName, Map<String,String> aSofaMappings)
          Creates a UimaContext that is a child of this UimaContext.
 void defineCasPool(int aSize, Properties aPerformanceTuningSettings, boolean aSofaAware)
          Defines the CAS pool that this UimaContext must support.
 ComponentInfo getComponentInfo()
          Gets the ComponentInfo object for this component, which can be passed to CAS.setCurrentComponentInfo(ComponentInfo).
 ConfigurationManager getConfigurationManager()
          Gets the ConfigurationManager instance used by this UimaContext to resolve configuration parameter resource accesses.
 AnalysisEngineManagement getManagementInterface()
          Gets an object that can be used to do monitoring or management of this AnalysisEngine.
 String getQualifiedContextName()
          Gets the fully-qualified name of this context.
 ResourceManager getResourceManager()
          Gets the ResourceManager instance used by this UimaContext to resolve external resource accesses.
 UimaContextAdmin getRootContext()
          Gets the Root Context for this Resource.
 Map<String,String> getSofaMap()
          Gets an unmodifiable Map containing the mapping of component sofa name to absolute sofa ID.
 String getUniqueName()
          Returns a UUID-like unique name of this component.
 void initializeRoot(Logger aLogger, ResourceManager aResourceManager, ConfigurationManager aConfigurationManager)
          Initializes a root UimaContext.
 void returnedCAS(AbstractCas aCAS)
          Called internally by the framework whenever the AnalysisComponent returns a CAS from its next() method or calls cas.release().
 void setLogger(Logger aLogger)
          Sets the Logger for this UimaContext.
 void setProcessTrace(ProcessTrace aProcessTrace)
          Sets the current ProcessTrace object, which will receive trace events generated by the InstrumentationFacility.
 void setSession(Session aSession)
          Sets the current session object.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.uima.UimaContext
getConfigParameterNames, getConfigParameterNames, getConfigParameterValue, getConfigParameterValue, getConfigurationGroupNames, getDataPath, getEmptyCas, getInstrumentationFacility, getLogger, getResourceAsStream, getResourceAsStream, getResourceFilePath, getResourceFilePath, getResourceObject, getResourceObject, getResourceURI, getResourceURI, getResourceURL, getResourceURL, getSession, getSofaMappings, mapSofaIDToComponentSofaName, mapToSofaID

Method Detail


void initializeRoot(Logger aLogger,
                    ResourceManager aResourceManager,
                    ConfigurationManager aConfigurationManager)
Initializes a root UimaContext.

aLogger - the logger that will be returned by this UimaContext's UimaContext.getLogger() method.
aResourceManager - the ResourceManager that will be used by this UimaContext to locate and access external resource.
aConfigurationManager - the ConfigurationManager that will be used by this UimaContext to access its configuration parameter settings.


UimaContextAdmin createChild(String aContextName,
                             Map<String,String> aSofaMappings)
Creates a UimaContext that is a child of this UimaContext.

aContextName - a name for the new context, which must be unique with respect to all children of the parent context.
aSofaMappings - mappings from child's sofa name to parent's sofa name. May be null.


void setLogger(Logger aLogger)
Sets the Logger for this UimaContext. If this method is not called, the default logger (UIMAFramework.getLogger()) will be used.

aLogger - the logger that will be returned by this UimaContext's UimaContext.getLogger() method.


void setProcessTrace(ProcessTrace aProcessTrace)
Sets the current ProcessTrace object, which will receive trace events generated by the InstrumentationFacility.

aProcessTrace - the ProcessTrace object to receive trace events


ResourceManager getResourceManager()
Gets the ResourceManager instance used by this UimaContext to resolve external resource accesses.

the ResourceManager instance for this UimaContext


ConfigurationManager getConfigurationManager()
Gets the ConfigurationManager instance used by this UimaContext to resolve configuration parameter resource accesses.

the ConfigurationManager instance for this UimaContext


String getQualifiedContextName()
Gets the fully-qualified name of this context. This is a slash-separated name consisting of each containing context name back to the root. It always begins and ends with a slash. For example, the context name for an annotator nested within two AnalysisEngines might look like: /MyTopLevelAnalysisEngine/MyComponentAnalysisEngine/MyAnnotator/.

the qualified context name


void setSession(Session aSession)
Sets the current session object. A default Session object is created when the UimaContext is created. In a multi-client deployment, the deployment wrapper is responsible for ensuring that an appropriate Session object is installed here prior to invoking components that use this UimaContext.


UimaContextAdmin getRootContext()
Gets the Root Context for this Resource. This is the top-level context for the outermost aggregate component (AnalysisEngine or CollectionProcessingEngine).

root context


void defineCasPool(int aSize,
                   Properties aPerformanceTuningSettings,
                   boolean aSofaAware)
                   throws ResourceInitializationException
Defines the CAS pool that this UimaContext must support. This method must be called before UimaContext.getEmptyCas(Class) may be called.

aSize - the minimum CAS pool size required
aPerformanceTuningSettings - settings, including initial CAS heap size, for the AE
aSofaAware - whether the component that will receive these CASes is sofa aware. This is needed to determine which view to get. Sofa-aware components get the base view; sofa-unaware components get the default text sofa view (or whatever is mapped to it).
ResourceInitializationException - if a CAS could not be created.


AnalysisEngineManagement getManagementInterface()
Gets an object that can be used to do monitoring or management of this AnalysisEngine.

an object exposing a management interface to this AE


ComponentInfo getComponentInfo()
Gets the ComponentInfo object for this component, which can be passed to CAS.setCurrentComponentInfo(ComponentInfo).

the component info


Map<String,String> getSofaMap()
Gets an unmodifiable Map containing the mapping of component sofa name to absolute sofa ID.

the Sofa map for this component


void returnedCAS(AbstractCas aCAS)
Called internally by the framework whenever the AnalysisComponent returns a CAS from its next() method or calls cas.release(). Used to monitor the number of CASes that the AnalysisComponent is using at any one time.

aCAS - the CAS that was returned or released


String getUniqueName()
Returns a UUID-like unique name of this component.

- unique name of this component

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