Uses of Interface

Packages that use Feature
org.apache.uima.cas Common Analysis System (CAS) Interfaces. 
org.apache.uima.jcas Interfaces for accessing the JCAS. 
org.apache.uima.jcas.cas JCAS model for built-in CAS types 
org.apache.uima.util Utility classes and interfaces used by UIMA components. 

Uses of Feature in org.apache.uima.cas

Methods in org.apache.uima.cas that return Feature
 Feature CAS.getBeginFeature()
          Get the feature object for the annotation begin feature.
 Feature CAS.getEndFeature()
          Get the feature object for the annotation end feature.
 Feature FeaturePath.getFeature(int i)
          Get feature at position.
 Feature Type.getFeatureByBaseName(String featureName)
          Retrieve a feature for this type.
 Feature TypeSystem.getFeatureByFullName(String featureName)
          Get a feature object for a given name.

Methods in org.apache.uima.cas that return types with arguments of type Feature
 Vector<Feature> Type.getAppropriateFeatures()
          Deprecated. Use getFeatures() instead.
 List<Feature> Type.getFeatures()
          Get a vector of the features for which this type is a subtype of the features' domain (i.e., inherited features are also returned).
 Iterator<Feature> TypeSystem.getFeatures()
          Get a list of features, in no particular order.

Methods in org.apache.uima.cas with parameters of type Feature
 void FeaturePath.addFeature(Feature feat)
          Add a new feature at the end of the path.
 boolean FeatureStructure.getBooleanValue(Feature feat)
          Get the boolean value of a feature.
 byte FeatureStructure.getByteValue(Feature feat)
          Get the byte value of a feature.
 double FeatureStructure.getDoubleValue(Feature feat)
          Get the double value of a feature.
 FeatureStructure FeatureStructure.getFeatureValue(Feature feat)
          Get a feature value.
 String FeatureStructure.getFeatureValueAsString(Feature feat)
          Get the value of the feature as a string if the type of the feature is one of the primitive type.
 float FeatureStructure.getFloatValue(Feature feat)
          Get the float value of a feature.
 int FeatureStructure.getIntValue(Feature feat)
          Get the int value of a feature.
 long FeatureStructure.getLongValue(Feature feat)
          Get the long value of a feature.
 short FeatureStructure.getShortValue(Feature feat)
          Get the short value of a feature.
 String FeatureStructure.getStringValue(Feature f)
          Get the string value under a feature.
 void FeatureStructure.setBooleanValue(Feature feat, boolean i)
          Set the boolean value of a feature.
 void FeatureStructure.setByteValue(Feature feat, byte i)
          Set the byte (8 bit) value of a feature.
 void FeatureStructure.setDoubleValue(Feature feat, double i)
          Set the double value of a feature.
 void FeatureStructure.setFeatureValue(Feature feat, FeatureStructure fs)
          Set a feature value to another FS.
 void FeatureStructure.setFeatureValueFromString(Feature feat, String s)
          Sets the value of a feature from a string input if the feature type is one of the primitive types.
 void FeatureStructure.setFloatValue(Feature feat, float f)
          Set the float value of a feature.
 void FeatureStructure.setIntValue(Feature feat, int i)
          Set the int value of a feature.
 void FeatureStructure.setLongValue(Feature feat, long i)
          Set the long (64 bit) value of a feature.
 void FeatureStructure.setShortValue(Feature feat, short i)
          Set the short (16 bit) value of a feature.
 void FeatureStructure.setStringValue(Feature feat, String s)
          Set the string value of a feature.

Uses of Feature in org.apache.uima.cas.admin

Methods in org.apache.uima.cas.admin that return Feature
 Feature TypeSystemMgr.addFeature(String featureName, Type domainType, Type rangeType)
          Add an feature to the type system.
 Feature TypeSystemMgr.addFeature(String featureName, Type domainType, Type rangeType, boolean multipleReferencesAllowed)
          Add an feature to the type system.
 Feature FSIndexComparator.getKeyFeature(int key)
          Get the feature for this key.

Methods in org.apache.uima.cas.admin with parameters of type Feature
 int FSIndexComparator.addKey(Feature feat, int compareKey)
          Add a new key.

Uses of Feature in org.apache.uima.jcas

Methods in org.apache.uima.jcas that return Feature
 Feature JCas.getRequiredFeature(Type t, String s)
          Internal use - look up a feature-name-string in the CAS type system and returns the Cas Feature object.
 Feature JCas.getRequiredFeatureDE(Type t, String s, String rangeName, boolean featOkTst)
          Internal Use - look up a feature-name-string in the CAS type system and returns the Cas Feature object.

Uses of Feature in org.apache.uima.jcas.cas

Methods in org.apache.uima.jcas.cas with parameters of type Feature
 void Sofa.setFeatureValue(Feature feat, FeatureStructure fs)
 void Sofa.setIntValue(Feature feat, Integer val)
 void Sofa.setStringValue(Feature feat, String val)

Uses of Feature in org.apache.uima.util

Methods in org.apache.uima.util with parameters of type Feature
static FeatureDescription TypeSystemUtil.feature2FeatureDescription(Feature aFeature)
          Convert a Feature to an equivalent FeatureDescription.

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