Uses of Class

Packages that use CASRuntimeException
org.apache.uima.cas Common Analysis System (CAS) Interfaces. 
org.apache.uima.cas.text Text Common Annotation System (TCAS) Interfaces. 
org.apache.uima.jcas Interfaces for accessing the JCAS. 

Uses of CASRuntimeException in org.apache.uima.cas

Methods in org.apache.uima.cas that throw CASRuntimeException
 Object FeatureStructure.clone()
          Creates a copy of this feature structure.
 ArrayFS CAS.createArrayFS(int length)
          Create a new feature structure array.
 BooleanArrayFS CAS.createBooleanArrayFS(int length)
          Create a new Boolean array.
 ByteArrayFS CAS.createByteArrayFS(int length)
          Create a new Byte array.
 DoubleArrayFS CAS.createDoubleArrayFS(int length)
          Create a new Double array.
 FeatureValuePath CAS.createFeatureValuePath(String featureValuePath)
          Create a feature-value path from a string.
 FloatArrayFS CAS.createFloatArrayFS(int length)
          Create a new int array.
 FeatureStructure CAS.createFS(Type type)
          Create a new FeatureStructure.
 IntArrayFS CAS.createIntArrayFS(int length)
          Create a new int array.
 LongArrayFS CAS.createLongArrayFS(int length)
          Create a new Long array.
 ShortArrayFS CAS.createShortArrayFS(int length)
          Create a new Short array.
 StringArrayFS CAS.createStringArrayFS(int length)
          Create a new String array.
 AnnotationIndex<AnnotationFS> CAS.getAnnotationIndex(Type type)
          Get the standard annotation index restricted to a specific annotation type.
 boolean FeatureStructure.getBooleanValue(Feature feat)
          Get the boolean value of a feature.
 byte FeatureStructure.getByteValue(Feature feat)
          Get the byte value of a feature.
 double FeatureStructure.getDoubleValue(Feature feat)
          Get the double value of a feature.
 FeatureStructure FeatureStructure.getFeatureValue(Feature feat)
          Get a feature value.
 String FeatureStructure.getFeatureValueAsString(Feature feat)
          Get the value of the feature as a string if the type of the feature is one of the primitive type.
 float FeatureStructure.getFloatValue(Feature feat)
          Get the float value of a feature.
 FSIndex<FeatureStructure> FSIndexRepository.getIndex(String label, Type type)
          Retrieve an index according to a label and a type.
 int FeatureStructure.getIntValue(Feature feat)
          Get the int value of a feature.
 long FeatureStructure.getLongValue(Feature feat)
          Get the long value of a feature.
 short FeatureStructure.getShortValue(Feature feat)
          Get the short value of a feature.
 String FeatureStructure.getStringValue(Feature f)
          Get the string value under a feature.
 TypeSystem CAS.getTypeSystem()
          Return the type system of this CAS instance.
 void FeatureStructure.setBooleanValue(Feature feat, boolean i)
          Set the boolean value of a feature.
 void FeatureStructure.setByteValue(Feature feat, byte i)
          Set the byte (8 bit) value of a feature.
 void CAS.setDocumentLanguage(String languageCode)
          Sets the language for this document.
 void CAS.setDocumentText(String text)
          Set the document text.
 void FeatureStructure.setDoubleValue(Feature feat, double i)
          Set the double value of a feature.
 void FeatureStructure.setFeatureValue(Feature feat, FeatureStructure fs)
          Set a feature value to another FS.
 void FeatureStructure.setFeatureValueFromString(Feature feat, String s)
          Sets the value of a feature from a string input if the feature type is one of the primitive types.
 void FeatureStructure.setFloatValue(Feature feat, float f)
          Set the float value of a feature.
 void FeatureStructure.setIntValue(Feature feat, int i)
          Set the int value of a feature.
 void SofaFS.setLocalSofaData(FeatureStructure aFS)
          Set the Local Subject of Analysis to be a predefined ArrayFS.
 void SofaFS.setLocalSofaData(String aString)
          Set the Local Subject of Analysis to be a String.
 void FeatureStructure.setLongValue(Feature feat, long i)
          Set the long (64 bit) value of a feature.
 void SofaFS.setRemoteSofaURI(String aURI)
          Set the URI for a Remote Subject of Analysis.
 void FeatureStructure.setShortValue(Feature feat, short i)
          Set the short (16 bit) value of a feature.
 void CAS.setSofaDataArray(FeatureStructure array, String mime)
          Set the Sofa data as an ArrayFS.
 void CAS.setSofaDataString(String text, String mimetype)
          Set the document text.
 void CAS.setSofaDataURI(String uri, String mime)
          Set the Sofa data as a URI.
 void FeatureStructure.setStringValue(Feature feat, String s)
          Set the string value of a feature.
 void FeatureValuePath.typeSystemInit(int fsType, org.apache.uima.cas.impl.LowLevelTypeSystem ts)

Uses of CASRuntimeException in org.apache.uima.cas.text

Methods in org.apache.uima.cas.text that throw CASRuntimeException
 AnnotationTreeNode<T> AnnotationTreeNode.getChild(int i)
          Get the i-th child of this node.

Uses of CASRuntimeException in org.apache.uima.jcas

Methods in org.apache.uima.jcas that throw CASRuntimeException
 FeatureValuePath JCas.createFeatureValuePath(String featureValuePath)
          Create a feature-value path from a string.
 AnnotationIndex<Annotation> JCas.getAnnotationIndex(int type)
          Get the standard annotation index restricted to a specific annotation type.
 AnnotationIndex<Annotation> JCas.getAnnotationIndex(Type type)
          Get the standard annotation index restricted to a specific annotation type.
 TypeSystem JCas.getTypeSystem()
          Return the type system of this CAS instance.
 void JCas.setDocumentLanguage(String languageCode)
          Sets the language for this document.
 void JCas.setDocumentText(String text)
          Set the document text.
 void JCas.setSofaDataArray(FeatureStructure array, String mime)
          Set the Sofa data as an ArrayFS.
 void JCas.setSofaDataString(String text, String mimetype)
          Set the document text.
 void JCas.setSofaDataURI(String uri, String mime)
          Set the Sofa data as a URI.

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