Uses of Interface

Packages that use ResultSpecification
org.apache.uima The main package for the Unstructured Information Management Middleware Architecture. 
org.apache.uima.analysis_engine The Analysis Engine interface, along with supporting interfaces and exception classes. 
org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.annotator The Annotator Interfaces, along with supporting interfaces and exception classes. 
org.apache.uima.util Utility classes and interfaces used by UIMA components. 

Uses of ResultSpecification in org.apache.uima

Methods in org.apache.uima that return ResultSpecification
 ResultSpecification ResourceSpecifierFactory.createResultSpecification()
          Creates a ResultSpecification.

Uses of ResultSpecification in org.apache.uima.analysis_component

Methods in org.apache.uima.analysis_component that return ResultSpecification
protected  ResultSpecification AnalysisComponent_ImplBase.getResultSpecification()
          Gets the ResultSpecification for this AnalysisComponent.

Methods in org.apache.uima.analysis_component with parameters of type ResultSpecification
 void AnalysisComponent.setResultSpecification(ResultSpecification aResultSpec)
          Sets the ResultSpecification that this AnalysisComponent should use.
 void AnalysisComponent_ImplBase.setResultSpecification(ResultSpecification aResultSpec)
          Sets the Result Specification for this Analysis Component.

Uses of ResultSpecification in org.apache.uima.analysis_engine

Methods in org.apache.uima.analysis_engine that return ResultSpecification
 ResultSpecification AnalysisEngine.createResultSpecification()
          A factory method used to create an instance of ResultSpecification for use with this AnalysisEngine.
 ResultSpecification AnalysisEngine.createResultSpecification(TypeSystem aTypeSystem)
          A factory method used to create an instance of ResultSpecification for use with this AnalysisEngine.

Methods in org.apache.uima.analysis_engine with parameters of type ResultSpecification
 void AnalysisEngine.process(AnalysisProcessData aProcessData, ResultSpecification aResultSpec)
          Deprecated. This is no longer used by the framework and was never intended for users to call. Use {#link #process(CAS)} instead.
 ProcessTrace AnalysisEngine.process(CAS aCAS, ResultSpecification aResultSpec)
          Invokes this AnalysisEngine's analysis logic.
 void AnalysisEngine.process(CAS aCAS, ResultSpecification aResultSpec, ProcessTrace aTrace)
          Invokes this AnalysisEngine's analysis logic.
 ProcessTrace AnalysisEngine.process(JCas aJCas, ResultSpecification aResultSpec)
          Similar to AnalysisEngine.process(CAS,ResultSpecification) but uses the Java-object-based JCas interface instead of the general CAS interface.
 void AnalysisEngine.process(JCas aJCas, ResultSpecification aResultSpec, ProcessTrace aTrace)
          Similar to AnalysisEngine.process(CAS, ResultSpecification, ProcessTrace) but uses the Java-object-based JCas interface instead of the general CAS interface.
 void AnalysisEngine.setResultSpecification(ResultSpecification aResultSpec)
          Sets the list of output types and features that the application wants this AnalysisEngine to produce.

Uses of ResultSpecification in org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.annotator

Methods in org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.annotator with parameters of type ResultSpecification
 void GenericAnnotator.process(CAS aCAS, ResultSpecification aResultSpec)
          Deprecated. Invokes this annotator's analysis logic.
 void TextAnnotator.process(CAS aCAS, ResultSpecification aResultSpec)
          Deprecated. Invokes this annotator's analysis logic.
 void JTextAnnotator.process(JCas aJCas, ResultSpecification aResultSpec)
          Deprecated. Invokes this annotator's analysis logic.

Uses of ResultSpecification in org.apache.uima.flow

Methods in org.apache.uima.flow that return ResultSpecification
 ResultSpecification SimpleStepWithResultSpec.getResultSpecification()
          Deprecated. Gets the key of the Analysis Engine to which the CAS should be routed.

Methods in org.apache.uima.flow with parameters of type ResultSpecification
 void SimpleStepWithResultSpec.setResultSpecification(ResultSpecification aResultSpec)
          Deprecated. Sets the key of the Analysis Engine to which the CAS should be routed.

Constructors in org.apache.uima.flow with parameters of type ResultSpecification
SimpleStepWithResultSpec(String aCasProcessorKey, ResultSpecification aResultSpec)

Uses of ResultSpecification in org.apache.uima.uimacpp

Methods in org.apache.uima.uimacpp with parameters of type ResultSpecification
 void UimacppAnalysisComponent.process(CAS cas, ResultSpecification aResultSpec)
 void UimacppEngine.process(ResultSpecification rs, CAS aCas, boolean casIsEmpty)
          process the document.

Uses of ResultSpecification in org.apache.uima.util

Methods in org.apache.uima.util that return ResultSpecification
 ResultSpecification XMLParser.parseResultSpecification(XMLInputSource aInput)
          Parses a ResultSpecification from an XML input stream.
 ResultSpecification XMLParser.parseResultSpecification(XMLInputSource aInput, XMLParser.ParsingOptions aOptions)
          Parses a ResultSpecification from an XML input stream.

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