Interface ConfigurationParameterDeclarations

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, MetaDataObject, Serializable, XMLizable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ConfigurationParameterDeclarations extends MetaDataObject
The declarations of configuration parameters in a Resource. A Resource can either declare a single list of ConfigurationParameters or a list of ConfigurationGroups, where each group can contain a list of parameters. When groups are used, the Resource can also declare a list of common parameters shared by all groups.
  • Field Details Link icon


      static final String SEARCH_STRATEGY_NONE
      A value for the searchStrategy property indicating that there is no fallback. If a request is made for the value of a parameter in a group and there is no such value in that exact group, null will be returned.
      See Also:

      A value for the searchStrategy property indicating that if there is no value declared in a group, look in the default group.
      See Also:

      A value for the searchStrategy property that is useful when ISO language and country codes are used as configuration group names. If there is no value declared in a group, look in more general groups. The fallback sequence is lang-country-region -%gt; lang-country -%gt; lang -%gt; default. For example, if a request is made for the value of a parameter in the "en-GB" group and no such group exists, the value from the "en" group will be used instead.
      See Also:
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getConfigurationParameters Link icon

      ConfigurationParameter[] getConfigurationParameters()
      Gets the configuration parameters for this Resource. This gets configuration parameters that are not defined within a group - see also getConfigurationGroups().
      an array containing ConfigurationParameter objects, each of which describes a configuration parameter for this Resource.
    • setConfigurationParameters Link icon

      void setConfigurationParameters(ConfigurationParameter... aParams)
      Sets the configuration parameters for this Resource. This sets the configuration parameters that are not defined within groups - see also setConfigurationGroups(ConfigurationGroup[]).
      aParams - an array containing ConfigurationParameter objects, each of which describes a configuration parameter for this Resource.
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this object is not modifiable
    • addConfigurationParameter Link icon

      void addConfigurationParameter(ConfigurationParameter aConfigurationParameter)
      Adds a Configuration Parameter that is not in any group.
      aConfigurationParameter - the Configuration Parameter to add
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this object is not modifiable
    • removeConfigurationParameter Link icon

      void removeConfigurationParameter(ConfigurationParameter aConfigurationParameter)
      Removes an Configuration Parameter that is not in any group.
      aConfigurationParameter - the Configuration Parameter to remove (must be == with an ConfigurationParameter in this collection, or this method will do nothing).
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this object is not modifiable
    • getConfigurationGroups Link icon

      ConfigurationGroup[] getConfigurationGroups()
      Gets the configuration parameter groups for this Resource.
      an array containing ConfigurationGroup objects, each of which describes a configuration parameter group for this Resource.
    • setConfigurationGroups Link icon

      void setConfigurationGroups(ConfigurationGroup... aGroups)
      Sets the configuration parameter groups for this Resource.
      aGroups - an array containing ConfigurationGroup objects, each of which describes a configuration parameter group for this Resource.
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this object is not modifiable
    • addConfigurationGroup Link icon

      void addConfigurationGroup(ConfigurationGroup aConfigurationGroup)
      Adds a Configuration Group.
      aConfigurationGroup - the Configuration Group to add
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this object is not modifiable
    • removeConfigurationGroup Link icon

      void removeConfigurationGroup(ConfigurationGroup aConfigurationGroup)
      Removes an Configuration Group
      aConfigurationGroup - the Configuration Group to remove (must be == with an ConfigurationGroup defined on this resource, or this method will do nothing).
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this object is not modifiable
    • getCommonParameters Link icon

      ConfigurationParameter[] getCommonParameters()
      Gets the configuration parameters that are common to all groups. This property is only meaningful if at least one group is defined.
      an array containing ConfigurationParameter objects, each of which describes a parameter common to all groups.
    • setCommonParameters Link icon

      void setCommonParameters(ConfigurationParameter... aParams)
      Sets the configuration parameters that are common to all groups. This property is only meaningful if at least one group is defined.
      aParams - an array containing ConfigurationParameter objects, each of which describes a parameter common to all groups.
    • addCommonParameter Link icon

      void addCommonParameter(ConfigurationParameter aConfigurationParameter)
      Adds a Configuration Parameter that is common to all groups.
      aConfigurationParameter - the Configuration Parameter to add
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this object is not modifiable
    • removeCommonParameter Link icon

      void removeCommonParameter(ConfigurationParameter aConfigurationParameter)
      Removes an Configuration Parameter that is common to all groups.
      aConfigurationParameter - the Configuration Parameter to remove (must be == with an ConfigurationParameter in this collection, or this method will do nothing).
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this object is not modifiable
    • getDefaultGroupName Link icon

      String getDefaultGroupName()
      Gets the name of the default configuration group. This must refer to the names of the configuration groups.
      the name of the default configuration group
    • setDefaultGroupName Link icon

      void setDefaultGroupName(String aGroupName)
      Sets the name of the default configuration group. This must refer to the names of the configuration groups.
      aGroupName - the name of the default configuration group
    • getSearchStrategy Link icon

      String getSearchStrategy()
      Gets the configuration parameter search strategy. Valid values for this property are defined by constants on this interface.
      the configuration parameter search strategy
    • setSearchStrategy Link icon

      void setSearchStrategy(String aStrategy)
      Sets the configuration parameter search strategy. Valid values for this property are defined by constants on this interface.
      aStrategy - the configuration parameter search strategy
    • getConfigurationParameter Link icon

      ConfigurationParameter getConfigurationParameter(String aGroupName, String aParamName)
      Gets a configuration parameter.
      aGroupName - the name of a group, or null for no group
      aParamName - the name of the parameter
      the specified parameter, null if it does not exist
    • getConfigurationGroupDeclarations Link icon

      ConfigurationGroup[] getConfigurationGroupDeclarations(String aGroupName)
      Gets the declarations of a named configuration group. There may be more than one declaration for a single group name; in this case, all parameters contained in each of these declarations are considered part of the named group.
      aGroupName - the name of a group
      an array of ConfigurationGroup declarations having the name aGroupName. If there are no such groups, an empty array is returned.