Class CasSerializerSupport.CasDocSerializer

Enclosing class:

public class CasSerializerSupport.CasDocSerializer extends Object
Use an inner class to hold the data for serializing a CAS. Each call to serialize() creates its own instance. package private to allow a test case to access not static to share the logger and the initializing values (could be changed)
  • Field Details

    • cas

      public final CASImpl cas
    • tsi

      public final TypeSystemImpl tsi
    • visited_not_yet_written

      public final Set<TOP> visited_not_yet_written
      set of FSs that have been visited and enqueued to be serialized - exception: arrays and lists which are "inline" are put into this set, but are not enqueued to be serialized. - FSs added to this, during "enqueue" phase, prior to encoding uses: - for Arrays and Lists, used to detect multi-refs - for Lists, used to detect loops - during enqueuing phase, prevent multiple enqueuings - during encoding phase, to prevent multiple encodings Public for use by JsonCasSerializer
    • multiRefFSs

      public final Set<TOP> multiRefFSs
      Set of FSs that have multiple references Has an entry for each FS (not just array or list FSs) which is (from some point on) being serialized as a multi-ref, that is, is **not** being serialized (any more) using the special notation for arrays and lists or, for JSON, **not** being serialized using the embedded notation This is for JSON which is computing the multi-refs, not depending on the setting in a feature. This is also for xmi, to enable adding to "queue" (once) for each FSs of this kind. Used: - limit the number of times this is put onto the queue to 1. - skip encoding of items on "queue" if not in this Set (maybe not needed? 8/2017 mis) - serialize if not in indexed set, dynamic ref == true, and in this set (otherwise serialize only from ref)
    • isDynamicMultiRef

      public final boolean isDynamicMultiRef
      Set to true for JSON configuration of using dynamic multi-ref detection for arrays and lists
    • previouslySerializedFSs

      public List<TOP> previouslySerializedFSs
    • modifiedEmbeddedValueFSs

      public List<TOP> modifiedEmbeddedValueFSs
    • indexedFSs

      public final List<TOP>[] indexedFSs
      Array of Lists of all FS that are indexed in some view (other than sofas). Array indexed by view.
    • typeCode2namespaceNames

      public XmlElementName[] typeCode2namespaceNames
    • needNameSpaces

      public boolean needNameSpaces
    • nsUriToPrefixMap

      public final Map<String,String> nsUriToPrefixMap
      map from a namespace expanded form to the namespace prefix, to identify potential collisions when generating a namespace string
    • nsPrefixesUsed

      public final Set<String> nsPrefixesUsed
      the set of all namespace prefixes used, to disallow some if they are in use already in set-aside data (xmi serialization) being merged back in
    • marker

      public final MarkerImpl marker
      Used to tell if a FS was created before or after mark.
    • sharedData

      public final XmiSerializationSharedData sharedData
      for Delta serialization, holds the info gathered from deserialization needed for delta serialization and for handling out-of-type-system data for both plain and delta serialization
    • isDelta

      public final boolean isDelta
      Whether the serializer needs to serialize only the deltas, that is, new FSs created after mark represented by Marker object and preexisting FSs and Views that have been modified. Set to true if Marker object is not null and CASImpl object of this serialize matches the CASImpl in Marker object.
    • isFiltering

      public final boolean isFiltering
      Whether the serializer needs to check for filtered-out types/features. Set to true if type system of CAS does not match type system that was passed to constructor of serializer.
    • filterTypeSystem_inner

      public TypeSystemImpl filterTypeSystem_inner
    • isFormattedOutput_inner

      public final boolean isFormattedOutput_inner
    • sortFssByType

      public final Comparator<TOP> sortFssByType
      Called for JSon Serialization Sort a view, by type and then by begin/end asc/des for subtypes of Annotation, then by id
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • serialize

      public void serialize() throws Exception
      Starts serialization
      Exception - -
    • getSofa

      public Sofa getSofa(int sofaNum)
      sofaNum - - starts at 1
      the sofa FS, or null
    • writeViewsCommons

      public void writeViewsCommons() throws Exception
    • getSortedUsedTypes

      public TypeImpl[] getSortedUsedTypes()
    • encodeIndexed

      public void encodeIndexed() throws Exception
    • encodeQueued

      public void encodeQueued() throws Exception
    • encodeFS

      public void encodeFS(TOP fs) throws Exception
      Encode an individual FS. Json has 2 encodings For type: "typeName" : [ { "@id" : 123, feat : value .... }, { "@id" : 456, feat : value .... }, ... ], ... For id: "nnnn" : {"@type" : typeName ; feat : value ...} For cases where the top level type is an array or list, there is a generated feature name, "@collection" whose value is the list or array of values associated with that type.
      fs - the FS to be encoded.
      SAXException - passthru
    • getXmiId

      public String getXmiId(TOP fs)
      Get the XMI ID to use for an FS.
      fs - the FS
      XMI ID or null
    • getXmiIdAsInt

      public int getXmiIdAsInt(TOP fs)
    • getNameSpacePrefix

      public String getNameSpacePrefix(String uimaTypeName, String nsUri, int lastDotIndex)
    • getUniqueString

      public String getUniqueString(String s)
    • getTypeNameFromXmlElementName

      public String getTypeNameFromXmlElementName(XmlElementName xe)
    • isStaticMultiRef

      public boolean isStaticMultiRef(FeatureImpl fi)