Class CasSerializerSupport


public class CasSerializerSupport extends Object
CAS serializer support for XMI and JSON formats. There are multiple use cases. 1) normal - the consumer is independent of UIMA - (maybe) support for delta serialization 2) service calls: - support deserialization with out-of-type-system set-aside, and subsequent serialization with re-merging - guarantee of using same xmi:id's as were deserialized when serializing - support for delta serialization There is an outer class (one instance per "configuration" - reusable after configuration, and an inner class - one per serialize call. These classes are the common parts of serialization between XMI and JSON, mainly having to do with 1) enqueueing the FS to be serialized 2) serializing according to their types and features Methods marked public are not for public use but are that way to permit other users of this class in other packages to "see" these methods. XmiCasSerializer JsonCasSerializer Instance Instance css ref -------> CasSerializerSupport <------ css ref XmiDocSerializer JsonDocSerializer Instance Instance (1 per serialize action) (1 per serialize action) cds ref -------> CasDocSerializer <------- cds ref csss points back Construction: new Xmi/JsonCasSerializer initializes css with new CasSerializerSupport serialize method creates a new Xmi/JsonDocSerializer inner class constructor creates a new CasDocSerializer, Use Cases and Algorithms Support set-aside for out-of-type-system FS on deserialization (record in shareData) implies can't determine sharing status of things ref'd by features; need to depend on multiple-refs-allowed flag. If multiple-refs found during serialization for feat marked non-shared, unshare these (make 2 serializations, one or more inplace, for example. Perhaps not considered an error. implies need (for non-delta case) to send all FSs that were deserialized - some may be ref'd by oots elements ** Could ** not do this if no oots elements, but could break some assumptions and this only would apply to non-delta - not worth doing Enqueuing: There are two styles - enqueueCommon: does **NOT** recursively enqueue features - enqueue: calls enqueueCommon and then recursively enqueues features enqueueCommon is called (bypassing enqueue) to defer scanning references Order and target of enqueuing: - things in the index -- put on "queue" -- first, the sofa's (which are the only things indexed in base view) -- next, for each view, for each item, the FSs, but **NOT** following any feature/array refs - things not in the index, but deserialized (incoming) -- put on previouslySerializedFSs, no recursive descent for features - (delta) enqueueNonsharedMultivaluedFS (lists and arrays) -- put on modifiedEmbeddedValueFSs, no recursive descent for features - recursive descent for -- things in previouslySerializedFSs, -- things in modifiedEmbeddedValueFSs -- things in the index The recursive descent is recursive, and an arbitrary long chain can get stack overflow error. TODO Probably should fix this someday. See *
  • Field Details


      public static final int TYPE_CLASS_INTLIST
      See Also:

      public static final int TYPE_CLASS_FLOATLIST
      See Also:

      public static final int TYPE_CLASS_STRINGLIST
      See Also:

      public static final int TYPE_CLASS_FSLIST
      See Also:

      public static int PP_LINE_LENGTH

      public static int PP_ELEMENTS
    • errorCount

      public static AtomicInteger errorCount

      public static final Comparator<TypeImpl> COMPARATOR_SHORT_TYPENAME
      Comparator that just uses short name Public for access by JsonCasSerializer where it's needed for a binary search
    • isFormattedOutput

      public boolean isFormattedOutput
  • Constructor Details

    • CasSerializerSupport

      public CasSerializerSupport()
      C O N S T R U C T O R S *
  • Method Details

    • setPrettyPrint

      public CasSerializerSupport setPrettyPrint(boolean pp)
      set or reset the pretty print flag (default is false)
      pp - true to do pretty printing of output
      the original instance, possibly updated
    • setFilterTypes

      public CasSerializerSupport setFilterTypes(TypeSystemImpl ts)
      pass in a type system to use for filtering what gets serialized; only those types and features which are defined this type system are included.
      ts - the filter
      the original instance, possibly updated
    • getFilterTypes

      public TypeSystemImpl getFilterTypes()
    • setErrorHandler

      public CasSerializerSupport setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler eh)
      set an error handler to receive information about errors
      eh - the error handler
      the original instance, possibly updated
    • classifyType

      public static final int classifyType(TypeImpl ti)
      Classifies a type. This returns an integer code identifying the type as one of the primitive types, one of the array types, one of the list types, or a generic FS type (anything else).

      The LowLevelCAS.ll_getTypeClass(int) method classifies primitives and array types, but does not have a special classification for list types, which we need for XMI serialization. Therefore, in addition to the type codes defined on LowLevelCAS, this method can return one of the type codes TYPE_CLASS_INTLIST, TYPE_CLASS_FLOATLIST, TYPE_CLASS_STRINGLIST, or TYPE_CLASS_FSLIST.

      ti - the type to classify
      one of the TYPE_CLASS codes defined on LowLevelCAS or on this interface.