Class XmiSerializationSharedData


public class XmiSerializationSharedData extends Object
A container for data that is shared between the XmiCasSerializer and the XmiCasDeserializer. This has a number of uses:
  • Consistency of xmi:id values across serializations. If you pass an XmiSerializationSharedData instance to the deserializer, the deserializer will store information about the incoming xmi:id values. If you then pass the same XmiSerializationSharedData object to the serializer when you attempt to serialize the same CAS, all of the incoming FS will be serialized using the same xmi:id value that they had when they were deserialized.
  • Support for "out-of-typesystem data". If you call the XMI deserializer with the lenient parameter set to true, whenever it encounters an XMI element that doesn't correspond to a type in the type system, it will populate the XmiSerializationSharedData with information about these elements. If you then pass the same XmiSerializationSharedData object to the serializer when you attempt to serialize the same CAS, these out-of-typesystem FS will be reserialized without loss of information. References between in-typesystem and out-of-typesystem FS (in either direction) are maintained as well.
  • After calling the XmiCasSerializer and passing an XmiSerializationSharedData, you can call the getMaxXmiId() method to get the maximum xmi:id value in the serialized CAS. This feature, along with the consistency of xmi:id values, allows merging multiple XMI documents into a single CAS. See TODO.

Inner classes are used to hold information about Feature Structure elements, both for out-of-typesystem data, and also when deserializing pre V3 xmi serializations where the Sofa FS are not guaranteed to come before other Feature Structures that depend on them.

  • Constructor Details

    • XmiSerializationSharedData

      public XmiSerializationSharedData()
  • Method Details

    • getXmiId

      public String getXmiId(TOP fs)
    • getFsForXmiId

      public TOP getFsForXmiId(int xmiId)
      Gets the FS address that corresponds to the given xmi:id, in the most recent serialization or deserialization.
      xmiId - an xmi:id from the most recent XMI CAS that was serialized or deserialized.
      the FeatureStructure corresponding to that xmi:id, null if none.
    • getMaxXmiId

      public int getMaxXmiId()
      Gets the maximum xmi:id that has been generated or read so far.
      the maximum xmi:id
    • clearIdMap

      public void clearIdMap()
      Clears the ID mapping information that was populated in previous serializations or deserializations. TODO: maybe a more general reset that resets other things?
    • addOutOfTypeSystemElement

      public void addOutOfTypeSystemElement(XmiSerializationSharedData.OotsElementData elemData)
      Records information about an XMI element that was not an instance of any type in the type system.
      elemData - information about the out-of-typesystem XMI element
    • getOutOfTypeSystemElements

      public List<XmiSerializationSharedData.OotsElementData> getOutOfTypeSystemElements()
      Gets a List of XmiSerializationSharedData.OotsElementData objects, each of which describes an incoming XMI element that did not correspond to a Type in the TypeSystem.
      List of XmiSerializationSharedData.OotsElementData objects
    • addOutOfTypeSystemViewMember

      public void addOutOfTypeSystemViewMember(String sofaXmiId, String memberXmiId)
      Records that an out-of-typesystem XMI element should be a member of the specified view.
      sofaXmiId - xmi:id of a Sofa
      memberXmiId - xmi:id of an out-of-typesystem element that should be a member of the view for the given Sofa
    • getOutOfTypeSystemViewMembers

      public List<String> getOutOfTypeSystemViewMembers(String sofaXmiId)
      Gets a List of xmi:id's (Strings) of all out-of-typesystem XMI elements that are members of the view with the given id.
      sofaXmiId - xmi:id of a Sofa
      List of xmi:id's of members of the view for the given Sofa.
    • addOutOfTypeSystemAttribute

      public void addOutOfTypeSystemAttribute(TOP fs, String featName, String featVal)
      Records an out-of-typesystem attribute that belongs to an in-typesystem FS. This will be added to the attributes when that FS is reserialized.
      fs - the FS
      featName - name of the feature
      featVal - value of the feature, as a string
    • addOutOfTypeSystemChildElements

      public void addOutOfTypeSystemChildElements(TOP fs, String featName, ArrayList<String> featVals)
      Records out-of-typesystem child elements that belong to an in-typesystem FS. These will be added to the child elements when that FS is reserialized.
      fs - the FS
      featName - name of the feature (element tag name)
      featVals - values of the feature, as a List of strings
    • addOutOfTypeSystemFeature

      public static void addOutOfTypeSystemFeature(XmiSerializationSharedData.OotsElementData oed, String featName, ArrayList<String> featVals)
    • getOutOfTypeSystemFeatures

      public XmiSerializationSharedData.OotsElementData getOutOfTypeSystemFeatures(TOP fs)
      Gets information about out-of-typesystem features that belong to an in-typesystem FS.
      fs - the FS
      object containing information about out-of-typesystem features (both attributes and child elements)
    • getAndSortByIdAllFSsInIdMap

      public TOP[] getAndSortByIdAllFSsInIdMap()
      Get all FS Addresses that have been added to the id map.
      an array containing all the FS addresses
    • getOutOfTypeSystemArrayElements

      public List<XmiSerializationSharedData.XmiArrayElement> getOutOfTypeSystemArrayElements(FSArray fsarray)
      Gets information about out-of-typesystem array elements.
      fsarray - an FSArray
      a List of XmiSerializationSharedData.XmiArrayElement objects, each of which holds the index and xmi:id of an array element that is a reference to an out-of-typesystem FS.
    • hasOutOfTypeSystemArrayElements

      public boolean hasOutOfTypeSystemArrayElements()
    • addOutOfTypeSystemArrayElement

      public void addOutOfTypeSystemArrayElement(FSArray fsarray, int index, int xmiId)
      Records an out-of-typesystem array element in the XmiSerializationSharedData.
      fsarray - The FSArray
      index - index into array
      xmiId - xmi:id of the out-of-typesystem element that is the value at the given index
    • addNonsharedRefToFSMapping

      public void addNonsharedRefToFSMapping(TOP nonsharedFS, TOP fs)
      Add mapping between the address of FS that is the value of a non-shared multi-valued feature of a FeatureStructure.
      nonsharedFS - - The non-shared Feature Structure having a multi-valued feature value
      fs - - the encompassing Feature Structure
    • getNonsharedMulitValuedFSs

      public TOP[] getNonsharedMulitValuedFSs()
      the non-shared featureId to FS Id key set
    • getEncompassingFS

      public TOP getEncompassingFS(TOP nonsharedFS)
      nonsharedFS - a nonsharedFS
      the encompassing FS or null if not found
    • toString

      public String toString()
      For debugging purposes only.
      toString in class Object