(Optional) Reset the branch to last commit before release:prepare
If you don't do this, when you do the release:prepare again, it will increment the SNAPSHOT and release numbers,
and you'll need to override those. It's fine to work this way, as long as you remember to override the release
and SNAPSHOT numbers.
The idea is to reset the branch being used to build, back to the commit just before the maven release:prepare
commit, which is identified with the message [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Do this by working in a checkout of the branch being used to build, typing git log ...
and finding the hash
for the commit right before the prepare commit.
Don't do this next step unless you know no one has fetched the previously pushed maven release changes.
This is typically true, because only you are working on the release, and you typically will be working in
a branch made just for this, which others are unlikely to access.
git log -5 --oneline
# shows the last 5 commits. Find the last commit before the maven prepare one.
git reset --hard hash-of-commit
where hash-of-commit is from the log
git push -f origin branch-name # force needed because removing history
Remove the previously created tag
Next, because the release:prepare created a tag, you need to remove it. Do this:
git tag
to list the tags
git tag -d name-of-tag
to delete, e.g. uimaj-3.1.1. This deletes it locally only.
git push origin :refs/tags/name-of-tag
to remove the tag in the remote.
Do any fixes, updates and then rerun the release