Uses of Interface

Packages that use CpeCasProcessor
org.apache.uima.collection.metadata Java object representation of a CPE Descriptor. 

Uses of CpeCasProcessor in org.apache.uima.collection.metadata

Subinterfaces of CpeCasProcessor in org.apache.uima.collection.metadata
 interface CpeIntegratedCasProcessor
          An object that holds configuration that is part of the CPE descriptor.
 interface CpeLocalCasProcessor
          An object that holds configuration that is part of the CPE descriptor.
 interface CpeRemoteCasProcessor
          An object that holds configuration that is part of the CPE descriptor.

Methods in org.apache.uima.collection.metadata that return CpeCasProcessor
 CpeCasProcessor[] CpeCasProcessors.getAllCpeCasProcessors()
          Returns ALL CpeCasProcessor objects in processing pipeline.
 CpeCasProcessor CpeCasProcessors.getCpeCasProcessor(int aPosition)
          Returns CpeCasProcessor found at given position.

Methods in org.apache.uima.collection.metadata with parameters of type CpeCasProcessor
 void CpeDescription.addCasProcessor(CpeCasProcessor aCasProcessor)
          Appends a instance of CpeCasProcessor to the end of the list containing CPE CasProcessors.
 void CpeDescription.addCasProcessor(int index, CpeCasProcessor aCasProcessor)
          Adds a instance of CpeCasProcessor at a specified location in the list of CPE CasProcessors.
 void CpeCasProcessors.addCpeCasProcessor(CpeCasProcessor aCasProcessor)
          Appends new CasProcessor to existing list of CasProcessors
 void CpeCasProcessors.addCpeCasProcessor(CpeCasProcessor aCasProcessor, int aInsertPosition)
          Inserts a new CasProcessor at an indicated position.

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