Class InternationalizedException

All Implemented Interfaces:
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public class InternationalizedException extends Exception
The InternationalizedException class adds internationalization support to the standard functionality provided by java.lang.Exception.

To support internationalization, the thrower of an exception must not specify a hardcoded message string. Instead, the thrower specifies a key that identifies the message. That key is then looked up in a locale-specific ResourceBundle to find the actual message associated with this exception.

This class also supports arguments to messages. The full message will be constructed using the MessageFormat class. For more information on internationalization, see the Java Internationalization Guide.

This version of this class works with JDK versions prior to 1.4, since it does not assume support for exception chaining. The file InternationalizedException.java_1_4 is a version that uses the exception chaining support built-in to JDK1.4.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • InternationalizedException

      public InternationalizedException()
      Creates a new InternationalizedException with a null message.
    • InternationalizedException

      public InternationalizedException(Throwable aCause)
      Creates a new InternationalizedException with the specified cause and a null message.
      aCause - the original exception that caused this exception to be thrown, if any
    • InternationalizedException

      public InternationalizedException(String aResourceBundleName, String aMessageKey, Object[] aArguments)
      Creates a new InternationalizedException with the specified message.
      aResourceBundleName - the base name of the resource bundle in which the message for this exception is located.
      aMessageKey - an identifier that maps to the message for this exception. The message may contain placeholders for arguments as defined by the MessageFormat class.
      aArguments - The arguments to the message. null may be used if the message has no arguments.
    • InternationalizedException

      public InternationalizedException(String aResourceBundleName, String aMessageKey, Object[] aArguments, Throwable aCause)
      Creates a new InternationalizedException with the specified message and cause.
      aResourceBundleName - the base name of the resource bundle in which the message for this exception is located.
      aMessageKey - an identifier that maps to the message for this exception. The message may contain placeholders for arguments as defined by the MessageFormat class.
      aArguments - The arguments to the message. null may be used if the message has no arguments.
      aCause - the original exception that caused this exception to be thrown, if any
  • Method Details

    • getResourceBundleName

      public String getResourceBundleName()
      Gets the base name of the resource bundle in which the message for this exception is located.
      the resource bundle base name. May return null if this exception has no message.
    • getMessageKey

      public String getMessageKey()
      Gets the identifier for this exception's message. This identifier can be looked up in this exception's ResourceBundle to get the locale-specific message for this exception.
      the resource identifier for this exception's message. May return null if this exception has no message.
    • getArguments

      public Object[] getArguments()
      Gets the arguments to this exception's message. Arguments allow a InternationalizedException to have a compound message, made up of multiple parts that are concatenated in a language-neutral way.
      the arguments to this exception's message.
    • getMessage

      public String getMessage()
      Gets the English detail message for this exception. For the localized message use getLocalizedMessage().
      getMessage in class Throwable
      the English detail message for this exception.
    • getLocalizedMessage

      public String getLocalizedMessage()
      Gets the localized detail message for this exception. This uses the default Locale for this JVM. A Locale may be specified using getLocalizedMessage(Locale).
      getLocalizedMessage in class Throwable
      this exception's detail message, localized for the default Locale.
    • getLocalizedMessage

      public String getLocalizedMessage(Locale aLocale)
      Gets the localized detail message for this exception using the specified Locale.
      aLocale - the locale to use for localizing the message
      this exception's detail message, localized for the specified Locale.
    • getCause

      public Throwable getCause()
      Gets the cause of this Exception.
      getCause in class Throwable
      the Throwable that caused this Exception to occur, if any. Returns null if there is no such cause.
    • hasMessageKey

      public boolean hasMessageKey(String messageKey)
      Checks if this exception, or any of its root causes, has a particular UIMA message key. This allows checking for particular error condition
      messageKey - to search for in the exception chain
      true if this exception or any of its root causes has a particular UIMA message key.
    • initCause

      public Throwable initCause(Throwable cause)
      initCause in class Throwable
    • setResourceBundle

      public void setResourceBundle(Locale aLocale)
      For the case where the default locale is not being used for getting messages, and the lookup path in the classpath for the resource bundle needs to be set at a specific point, call this method to set the resource bundle at that point in the call stack. Example: If in a Pear, and you are throwing an exception, which is defined in a bundle in the Pear context, but the catcher of the throw is up the stack above where the pear context exists (and therefore, is no longer present at "catch" time), and you don't want to use the default-locale for getting the message out of the message bundle, then do something like this:
       Exception e = new AnalysisEngineProcessException(MESSAGE_BUNDLE, "TEST_KEY", objects);
       e.setResourceBundle(my_locale); // call this method, pass in the needed locale object
       throw e; // or whatever should be done with it
      aLocale - the locale to use when getting the message from the message bundle at a later time