Class FsIndex_annotation<T extends AnnotationFS>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Comparable<org.apache.uima.cas.impl.FsIndex_iicp<? extends FeatureStructure>>, Iterable<T>, Collection<T>, Comparator<FeatureStructure>, FSIndex<T>, LowLevelIndex<T>, AnnotationIndex<T>

public class FsIndex_annotation<T extends AnnotationFS> extends AbstractCollection<T> implements AnnotationIndex<T>
Implementation of annotation indexes. Implements AnnotationIndex replaces AnnotationIndexImpl in v2
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • iterator

      public LowLevelIterator<T> iterator(boolean ambiguous)
      Description copied from interface: AnnotationIndex
      Return an iterator over annotations that can be constrained to be unambiguous.

      A disambiguated iterator is defined as follows. The first annotation returned is the same as would be returned by the corresponding ambiguous iterator. If the unambiguous iterator has returned a previously, it will next return the smallest b s.t. a < b and a.getEnd() <= b.getBegin(). In other words, the b annotation's start will be large enough to not overlap the span of a.

      An unambiguous iterator makes a snapshot copy of the index containing just the disambiguated items, and iterates over that. It doesn't check for concurrent index modifications (the ambiguous iterator does check for this).

      Specified by:
      iterator in interface AnnotationIndex<T extends AnnotationFS>
      ambiguous - If set to false, iterator will be unambiguous.
      A annotation iterator.
    • iterator

      public LowLevelIterator<T> iterator(boolean ambiguous, boolean strict, boolean orderNotNeeded, boolean ignoreType)
      ambiguous - false for unambiguous
      strict - true for strict
      orderNotNeeded - true for unordered
      ignoreType - -
    • subiterator

      public FSIterator<T> subiterator(AnnotationFS annot)
      Description copied from interface: AnnotationIndex
      Return a subiterator whose bounds are defined by the input annotation.

      The annot is used for 3 purposes:

      • It is used to compute the position in the index where the iteration starts.
      • It is used to compute end point where the iterator stops when moving forward.
      • It is used to specify which annotations will be skipped while iterating.

      The starting position is computed by first finding a position whose annotation compares equal with the annot (this might be one of several), and then advancing until reaching a position where the annotation there is not equal to the annot. If no item in the index is equal (meaning it has the same begin, the same end, and is the same type as the annot) then the iterator is positioned to the first annotation which is greater than the annot, or if there are no annotations greater than the annot, the iterator is marked invalid.

      The iterator will stop (become invalid) when

      • it runs out of items in the index going forward or backwards, or
      • while moving forward, it reaches a point where the annotation at that position has a start is beyond the annot's end position, or
      • while moving backwards, it reaches a position in front of its original starting position.

      While iterating, it operates like a strict iterator; annotations whose end positions are > the end position of annot are skipped.

      This is equivalent to returning annotations b such that

      • annot < b, and
      • annot.getEnd() >= b.getBegin(), skipping b's whose end position is > annot.getEnd().

      For annotations x, y, x < y here is to be interpreted as "x comes before y in the index", according to the rules defined in the description of this class.

      This definition implies that annotations b that have the same span as annot may or may not be returned by the subiterator. This is determined by the type priorities; the subiterator will only return such an annotation b if the type of annot precedes the type of b in the type priorities definition. If you have not specified the priority, or if annot and b are of the same type, then the behavior is undefined.

      For example, if you have an annotation S of type Sentence and an annotation P of type Paragraph that have the same span, and you have defined Paragraph before Sentence in your type priorities, then subiterator(P) will give you an iterator that will return S, but subiterator(S) will give you an iterator that will NOT return P. The intuition is that a Paragraph is conceptually larger than a Sentence, as defined by the type priorities.

      Calling subiterator(a) is equivalent to calling subiterator(a, true, true).. See subiterator(AnnotationFS, boolean, boolean).

      Specified by:
      subiterator in interface AnnotationIndex<T extends AnnotationFS>
      annot - Defines the boundaries of the subiterator.
      A subiterator.
    • subiterator

      public FSIterator<T> subiterator(AnnotationFS annot, boolean ambiguous, boolean strict)
      Description copied from interface: AnnotationIndex
      Return a subiterator whose bounds are defined by the annot.

      The annot is used in 2 or 3 ways.

      • It specifies the left-most position in the index where the iteration starts.
      • It specifies an end point where the iterator stops.
      • If strict is specified, the end point also specifies which annotations will be skipped while iterating.

      The starting position is computed by first finding the position whose annotation compares equal with the annot, and then advancing until reaching a position where the annotation there is not equal to the annot. If no item in the index is equal (meaning it has the same begin, the same end, and is the same type as the annot) then the iterator is positioned to the first annotation which is greater than the annot, or if there are no annotations greater than the annot, the iterator is marked invalid.

      The iterator will stop (become invalid) when

      • it runs out of items in the index going forward or backwards, or
      • while moving forward, it reaches a point where the annotation at that position has a start is beyond the annot's end position, or
      • while moving backwards, it reaches a position in front of its original starting position

      Ignoring strict and ambiguous for a moment, this is equivalent to returning annotations b such that

      • annot < b using the standard annotation comparator, and
      • annot.getEnd() >= b.getBegin(), and also bounded by the index itself.

      A strict subiterator skips annotations where annot.getEnd() < b.getEnd().

      A ambiguous = false specification produces an unambigouse iterator, which computes a subset of the annotations, going forward, such that annotations whose begin is contained within the previous returned annotation's span, are skipped.

      For annotations x,y, x < y here is to be interpreted as "x comes before y in the index", according to the rules defined in the description of this class.

      If strict = true then annotations whose end is > annot.getEnd() are skipped.

      These definitions imply that annotations b that have the same span as annot may or may not be returned by the subiterator. This is determined by the type priorities; the subiterator will only return such an annotation b if the type of annot precedes the type of b in the type priorities definition. If you have not specified the priority, or if annot and b are of the same type, then the behavior is undefined.

      For example, if you have an annotation S of type Sentence and an annotation P of type Paragraph that have the same span, and you have defined Paragraph before Sentence in your type priorities, then subiterator(P) will give you an iterator that will return S, but subiterator(S) will give you an iterator that will NOT return P. The intuition is that a Paragraph is conceptually larger than a Sentence, as defined by the type priorities.

      Specified by:
      subiterator in interface AnnotationIndex<T extends AnnotationFS>
      annot - Annotation setting boundary conditions for subiterator.
      ambiguous - If set to false, resulting iterator will be unambiguous.
      strict - Controls if annotations that overlap to the right are considered in or out.
      A subiterator.
    • tree

      public AnnotationTree<T> tree(T annot)
      Description copied from interface: AnnotationIndex
      Create an annotation tree with annot as root node. The tree is defined as follows: for each node in the tree, the children are the sequence of annotations that would be obtained from a strict, unambiguous subiterator of the node's annotation.
      Specified by:
      tree in interface AnnotationIndex<T extends AnnotationFS>
      annot - The annotation at the root of the tree. This must be of type T or a subtype
      The annotation tree rooted at annot.
    • withSnapshotIterators

      public FSIndex<T> withSnapshotIterators()
      Description copied from interface: FSIndex
      Creates a shared copy of this FSIndex configured to produce snapshot iterators that don't throw ConcurrentModificationExceptions.
      Specified by:
      withSnapshotIterators in interface FSIndex<T extends AnnotationFS>
      a light-weight copy of this FSIndex, configured such that any iterator created using it will be a snapshot iterator - one where a snapshot is made of the state of the index at the time the iterator is created, and where subsequent modifications to the underlying index are allowed, but don't affect the iterator (which iterates over the read-only snapshot). Iterators produced with this won't throw ConcurrentModificationExceptions.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class AbstractCollection<T extends FeatureStructure>
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      Two iicps are equal if and only if: - the types they index are the same, and - the comparators are equal, and - the indexing stragtegy (bag/set/sorted) are the same Used when creating the index iterator cache to select from the set of all instances of these the one that goes with the same index definition Used by CasComplete serialization to merge multiple index names referring to the same index
      Specified by:
      equals in interface Collection<T extends FeatureStructure>
      Specified by:
      equals in interface Comparator<T extends FeatureStructure>
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Specified by:
      hashCode in interface Collection<T extends FeatureStructure>
      hashCode in class Object
    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(org.apache.uima.cas.impl.FsIndex_iicp<? extends FeatureStructure> cp)
      Maybe not used 3/2015 Compares two instances of FsIndex_iicp, for ordering. Compares first using the type code of the main types If those are equal, Compares using the comparatorForIndexSpecs objects
      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable<T extends FeatureStructure>
      See Also:
    • size

      public int size()
      Description copied from interface: FSIndex
      Return the number of feature structures in this index.
      Specified by:
      size in interface Collection<T extends FeatureStructure>
      Specified by:
      size in interface FSIndex<T extends FeatureStructure>
      Specified by:
      size in class AbstractCollection<T extends FeatureStructure>
      the sum of the sizes of the indexes of the type + all subtypes
    • ll_maxAnnotSpan

      public int ll_maxAnnotSpan()
      Specified by:
      ll_maxAnnotSpan in interface LowLevelIndex<T extends FeatureStructure>
      for annotation indexes, an conservative estimate the maximum span between begin and end The value may be larger than actual.
    • isEmpty

      public boolean isEmpty()
      Specified by:
      isEmpty in interface Collection<T extends FeatureStructure>
      isEmpty in class AbstractCollection<T extends FeatureStructure>
    • ll_compare

      public int ll_compare(int ref1, int ref2)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelIndex
      Compare two Feature structures, referred to by IDs
      Specified by:
      ll_compare in interface LowLevelIndex<T extends FeatureStructure>
      ref1 - -
      ref2 - -
    • getIndexingStrategy

      public int getIndexingStrategy()
      Description copied from interface: FSIndex
      Return the indexing strategy.
      Specified by:
      getIndexingStrategy in interface FSIndex<T extends FeatureStructure>
    • getComparator

      public Comparator<TOP> getComparator()
      Specified by:
      getComparator in interface LowLevelIndex<T extends FeatureStructure>
      a comparator used by this index to compare Feature Structures For sets, the equal is used to determine set membership For sorted, the comparator is the sort order (this comparator is without the ID)
    • getComparatorForIndexSpecs

      public FSIndexComparator getComparatorForIndexSpecs()
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelIndex
      This is **NOT** a comparator for Feature Structures, but rather something that compares two comparator specifications
      Specified by:
      getComparatorForIndexSpecs in interface LowLevelIndex<T extends FeatureStructure>
    • getComparatorImplForIndexSpecs

      public FSIndexComparatorImpl getComparatorImplForIndexSpecs()
    • compare

      public int compare(FeatureStructure fs1, FeatureStructure fs2)
      Description copied from interface: FSIndex
      Compare two feature structures according to the ordering relation of the index. If the input feature structures are not of the type of the index or a supertype, the result is undefined. Because the indexes compare might use only features defined in supertypes, the arguments being compared could be supertypes of the indexed type.
      Specified by:
      compare in interface Comparator<T extends FeatureStructure>
      Specified by:
      compare in interface FSIndex<T extends FeatureStructure>
      fs1 - the first Feature Structure to compare
      fs2 - the second Feature Structure to compare
      -1 if fs1 < fs2; 0 if fs1 = fs2; 1 else.
    • contains

      public boolean contains(FeatureStructure fs)
      Description copied from interface: FSIndex

      Check if the index contains an element equal to the given feature structure according to the comparators defined for this index. For bag indexes (which have no comparators), the equality test means the identical feature structure. Note that this is in general not the same as feature structure identity.

      The element is used as a template, and may be a supertype of the type of the index, as long as the keys specified for this index can be accessed.

      Specified by:
      contains in interface FSIndex<T extends FeatureStructure>
      fs - A Feature Structure used a template to match for equality with the FSs in the index.
      true if the index contains such an element.
    • find

      public T find(FeatureStructure fs)
      Description copied from interface: FSIndex
      Find an entry in the index "equal to" the given feature structure according to the comparators specified for this index. Note that this is in general not the same as feature structure identity. For BAG indexes, it is identity, for others it means the found feature structure compares equal with the parameter in terms of the defined comparators for the index. If there are multiple different FSs in the index which compare equal with the given feature structure, an arbitrary one is returned. This differs from the moveTo(fs) operation which guarantees to move to the first feature structure occurring in the index in this case.
      Specified by:
      find in interface FSIndex<T extends FeatureStructure>
      fs - A Feature Structure used a template to match with the Feature Structures in the index. It must have the keys needed to do the compare as specified for the index that it's in.
      A FS equal to the template argument, or null if no such FS exists.
      See Also:
    • getType

      public Type getType()
      Description copied from interface: FSIndex
      Return the type of feature structures this index contains.
      Specified by:
      getType in interface FSIndex<T extends FeatureStructure>
      The type of feature structures in this index.
    • getCasImpl

      public CASImpl getCasImpl()
      Specified by:
      getCasImpl in interface LowLevelIndex<T extends FeatureStructure>
      a CAS View associated with this iterator
    • isSorted

      public boolean isSorted()
      Specified by:
      isSorted in interface LowLevelIndex<T extends FeatureStructure>
      true if the index is sorted
    • iterator

      public LowLevelIterator<T> iterator()
      Iterator varieties All iterators are over a Type + subtypes (because that's the purpose of this class) - ambiguous / unambiguous (for AnnotationIndex) - not strict / strict (for AnnotationIndex) - ignoring type priorities or not (for any index) - "unordered" - no need to preserve order These may be combined.
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Collection<T extends FeatureStructure>
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface FSIndex<T extends FeatureStructure>
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Iterable<T extends FeatureStructure>
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface LowLevelIndex<T extends FeatureStructure>
      Specified by:
      iterator in class AbstractCollection<T extends FeatureStructure>
      An FSIterator positioned at the beginning, or an invalid iterator.
    • iterator

      public LowLevelIterator<T> iterator(boolean orderNotNeeded, boolean ignoreType)
      Description copied from interface: LowLevelIndex
      Internal use, used by select framework. Return an iterator over the index. The position of the iterator will be set to return the first item in the index. If the index is empty, the iterator position will be marked as invalid.
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface LowLevelIndex<T extends FeatureStructure>
      orderNotNeeded - if true, skips work while iterating to keep iterators over multiple types in sync.
      ignoreType - if true, the comparator used for moveTo leftmost operations will ignore typeOrder keys, if the index happens to define these
      An FSIterator positioned at the beginning, or an invalid iterator.
    • ll_iterator

      public LowLevelIterator<T> ll_iterator(boolean ambiguous)
      Iterator over arbitrary Feature Structures, but also filters out non-AnnotationFS FeatureStructures
      Specified by:
      ll_iterator in interface LowLevelIndex<T extends FeatureStructure>
      ambiguous - true for normal iteration, false to do unambiguous iteration
      the iterator
    • getFsRepositoryImpl

      public FSIndexRepositoryImpl getFsRepositoryImpl()
    • streamNonEmptyIndexes

      public Stream<FsIndex_singletype<TOP>> streamNonEmptyIndexes()
      a stream of FSIndex_singletype, for all non-empty indexes