Class ResultSpecification_impl

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, ResultSpecification, MetaDataObject, XMLizable

public final class ResultSpecification_impl extends MetaDataObject_impl implements ResultSpecification
Reference implementation of ResultSpecification. Notes on the implementation Result Specifications (result specs, rs) are closely tied to capability specifications. They consist of instances of TypeOrFeatures and associated languages for which they are set. This impl supports removing previously added types and features for particular languages. There are two forms of the data kept: The data as it was provided to set the items in the result spec This form is used when removing previously added things The data after a type system has been provided, expanded to cover the various implied settings, due to either all Features flag on a type or the type/subtype hierarchy in the type system TypesOrFeatures are: typeXXX:FeatureYYY - specifying a particular feature of a type (Corner case: typeXXX:FeatureYYY doesn't imply there's a typeXXX allFeat nor a typeXXX w/o allFeat. typeXXX with allFeatures - a shorthand for specifying typeXXX and typeXXX:FeatureYYY for all features YYY defined for typeXXX (Corner case: excludes features ZZZ defined only in subtype of typeXXX) typeXXX without allFeatures (w/o allFeat) - specifies a type, but says nothing about the features This is specifiable in the XML. It means: The type is produced/needed but there's no information about the features that are to be produced or used containsType typeXXX returns true if typeXXX is in the RS, with or without the allFeats flag returns false if only features involving typeXXX are specified Intersection is done on fully expanded representations. There are two kinds of inheritance used Assuming there's a type system (which must be present when intersection is used), there's type/subtype This means that if a resultSpec is set for typeXXX, then the containsType(typeYYY) returns true if typeYYY is a subtype of typeXXX. This also needs to work for typeXXX:featZZZ; containsFeature(typeYYY:featZZZ) returns true if type YYY is a subtype of typeXXX. Languages have a 3 level hierarchy: x-unspecified - the same as no language being specified. If the resultSpec contains typeXXX for language x-unspecified, containsType(typeXXX, languageLLL) returns true, for any languageLLL a "base" language, without a '-', e.g. "en" a sub-language, with one or more '-', e.g., "en-us" The rules for matching languages only handle these three levels of inheritance. (Corner case: 3 or more level language hierarchy are treated as 3 level hierarchies eg. zh-Hant-HK (Traditional Chinese as used in Hong Kong) See ) Design considerations and assumptions Many instances of this class are made, sometimes via cloning. Most uses only use types, not type:features Most don't use languages A small subset of the possible types and type:features is specified explicitly Sometimes types and/or features are deleted. (language capability flow deletes types and/or features) Types and Features are kept on a per-language basis. Language can include a special value, x-unspecified, which "matches" any other language. Set operations among different result specs: Union: done in aggregates over result-specs derived from input capabilities of delegates Intersection: done for primitive components, over result-spec derived from output capability of the primitive remove: one type or feature (used by language capability flow) (Corner cases removing typeXXX doesn't remove typeXXX:featureYYY removing typeXXX allFeat doesn't remove typeXXX w/o allFeat (may have different languages) removing typeXXX w/o allFeat doesn't remove typeXXX allFeat The compiled version is used in containsType, containsFeature testing, and is used when computing intersection.
See Also:
  • Field Details Link icon

    • EMPTY_TYPE_LIST Link icon

      public static final List<Type> EMPTY_TYPE_LIST
      used for empty type subsumption lists in subtype iterator
  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • ResultSpecification_impl Link icon

      public ResultSpecification_impl()
    • ResultSpecification_impl Link icon

      public ResultSpecification_impl(TypeSystem aTypeSystem)
      Constructor specifying the type system this should always be used in preference to the 0 argument version if the type system is available. Otherwise, the type system *must* be set via a method call prior to querying the result spec, with the one exception of the method getResultTypesAndFeaturesWithoutCompiling
      aTypeSystem - -
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getResultTypesAndFeatures Link icon

      public TypeOrFeature[] getResultTypesAndFeatures()
      Description copied from interface: ResultSpecification
      Retrieves the Types and Features that the AnalysisEngine or Annotator is requested to produce, for all languages.

      The set of types and features returned are just the ones that have been explicitly set or added to the ResultSpecification, and doesn't include any derived subtypes, even if this ResultSpecification has been compiled.

      Specified by:
      getResultTypesAndFeatures in interface ResultSpecification
      an array of TypeOrFeature objects that define the result types and features for all languages.
      See Also:
    • getResultTypesAndFeatures Link icon

      public TypeOrFeature[] getResultTypesAndFeatures(String language)
      Description copied from interface: ResultSpecification
      Retrieves the Types and Features that the AnalysisEngine or Annotator is requested to produce for the specified language. See the class comment for how languages are compared.

      The set of types and features returned are just the ones that have been explicitly set or added to the ResultSpecification, and doesn't include any derived subtypes, even if this ResultSpecification has been compiled.

      Specified by:
      getResultTypesAndFeatures in interface ResultSpecification
      language - the language specifier
      an array of TypeOrFeature objects that define the result types and features for the specified language.
      See Also:
    • setResultTypesAndFeatures Link icon

      public void setResultTypesAndFeatures(TypeOrFeature[] aTypesAndFeatures)
      Description copied from interface: ResultSpecification
      Sets the Types and Features that the AnalysisEngine or Annotator is requested to produce for the language x-unspecified, and removes all other type or feature information, that may be previously present (e.g., for other languages)
      Specified by:
      setResultTypesAndFeatures in interface ResultSpecification
      aTypesAndFeatures - an array of TypeOrFeature objects that define the result types and features for the language x-unspecified.
      See Also:
    • setResultTypesAndFeatures Link icon

      public void setResultTypesAndFeatures(TypeOrFeature[] aTypesAndFeatures, String[] aLanguageIDs)
      Description copied from interface: ResultSpecification
      Sets the Types and Features that the AnalysisEngine or Annotator is requested to produce for the specified languages, and removes all other type or feature information, that may be previously present (e.g., for other languages).
      Specified by:
      setResultTypesAndFeatures in interface ResultSpecification
      aTypesAndFeatures - an array of TypeOrFeature objects that define the result types and features for the specified languages.
      aLanguageIDs - an array of ISO language identifiers.
      See Also:
    • addResultTypeOrFeature Link icon

      public void addResultTypeOrFeature(TypeOrFeature aTypeOrFeature)
      Description copied from interface: ResultSpecification
      Adds a Result Type or Feature to this ResultSpecification for the language x-unspecified. If there is already a same-named TypeOrFeature object contained in the result spec, its language specification for this ToF will be replaced with x-unspecified, and its allAnnotatorFeatures flag will be replaced with the parameter's.
      Specified by:
      addResultTypeOrFeature in interface ResultSpecification
      aTypeOrFeature - the Type or Feature to add for the language x-unspecified
      See Also:
    • addResultTypeOrFeature Link icon

      public void addResultTypeOrFeature(TypeOrFeature tof, String[] languages)
      Description copied from interface: ResultSpecification
      Adds a Result Type or Feature to this ResultSpecification for the specified languages. If there is already a same-named TypeOrFeature object contained in the result spec, the language specification for this ToF will be replaced with the specified languages, and its allAnnotatorFeatures flag will be replaced with the parameter's. If null is passed in for the aLanguageIDs, this is treated as if one language, x-unspecified, was given.
      Specified by:
      addResultTypeOrFeature in interface ResultSpecification
      tof - the Type or Feature to add for the specified languages
      languages - an array of ISO language identifiers.
      See Also:
    • addResultType Link icon

      public void addResultType(String aTypeName, boolean aAllAnnotatorFeatures)
      Description copied from interface: ResultSpecification
      Adds an Type to this ResultSpecification for the language x-unspecified. If the current Type is already contained in the result spec, the language specification for this Type will be replaced with x-unspecified, and its allAnnotatorFeatures flag will be replaced with the parameter's.
      Specified by:
      addResultType in interface ResultSpecification
      aTypeName - the name of the Type to add for the language x-unspecified
      aAllAnnotatorFeatures - whether all features of this type should also be produced
      See Also:
    • addResultType Link icon

      public void addResultType(String aTypeName, boolean aAllAnnotatorFeatures, String[] aLanguageIDs)
      Description copied from interface: ResultSpecification
      Adds an Type to this ResultSpecification for the specified languages. If the given Type is already contained in the result spec, the languages specified will be added to those already associated with the Type in this ResultSpec. The given type's allAnnotatorFeatures is logically "or"ed with any existing value. If null is passed in for the aLanguageIDs, this is treated as if one language, x-unspecified, was given.
      Specified by:
      addResultType in interface ResultSpecification
      aTypeName - the name of the Type to add for the specified languages
      aAllAnnotatorFeatures - whether all features of this type should also be produced
      aLanguageIDs - an array of ISO language identifiers.
      See Also:
    • addResultFeature Link icon

      public void addResultFeature(String aFullFeatureName)
      Description copied from interface: ResultSpecification
      Adds a Feature to this ResultSpecification for the language x-unspecified. If the given Type is already contained in the result spec, the languages associated with that type will be replaced by x-unspecified.
      Specified by:
      addResultFeature in interface ResultSpecification
      aFullFeatureName - the fully-qualified name of the Feature to add for the language x-unspecified
      See Also:
    • addResultFeature Link icon

      public void addResultFeature(String aFullFeatureName, String[] aLanguageIDs)
      Description copied from interface: ResultSpecification
      Adds a Feature to this ResultSpecification for the specified languages. If the current Feature is already contained in the result spec, the language specification for this Feature will be augmented (added to) with the specified languages. If null is passed in for the aLanguageIDs, this is treated as if one language, x-unspecified, was given.
      Specified by:
      addResultFeature in interface ResultSpecification
      aFullFeatureName - the fully-qualified name of the Feature to add for the specified languages
      aLanguageIDs - an array of ISO language identifiers.
      See Also:
    • compile Link icon

      @Deprecated public void compile(TypeSystem aTypeSystem)
      no longer needed, remove call to this
      Description copied from interface: ResultSpecification
      Compiles this ResultSpecification using a specific TypeSystem. The result is cached and used by the ResultSpecification.containsType(String) and ResultSpecification.containsFeature(String) methods to properly consider the inheritance of types and to restrict allAnnotatorFeatures to just those features defined in the type system when this ResultSpecification contains Types with allAnnotatorFeatures set to true.

      This method is called automatically internally when needed. Framework code, Annotators and Applications do not need to call it.

      Specified by:
      compile in interface ResultSpecification
      aTypeSystem - the Type System used to determine which features belong to each Type
      See Also:
    • containsType Link icon

      public boolean containsType(String aTypeName)
      Description copied from interface: ResultSpecification
      Determines whether this ResultSpecification contains the specified Type for the language x-unspecified. If a type system is available to the result specification, a type will be considered to be contained in the result spec, also, if it is a subtype of the types originally specified to be in the result specification.
      Specified by:
      containsType in interface ResultSpecification
      aTypeName - the name of the type
      true if and only if this ResultSpecification contains the type with name aTypeName.
      See Also:
    • containsType Link icon

      public boolean containsType(String aTypeName, String aLanguage)
      Description copied from interface: ResultSpecification
      Determines whether this ResultSpecification contains the specified Type for the specified language. A type is considered to be contained in the result spec, also, if it is a subtype of the types originally specified to be in the result specification for this language.
      Specified by:
      containsType in interface ResultSpecification
      aTypeName - the name of the type
      aLanguage - the language to search for. A null value or the value x-unspecified for this argument only matches ResultSpecifications having x-unspecified as their type. A language value that is contained within a language in the ResultSpecification is considered to match. In particular: Language ResultSpecification Result x-unspecified x-unspecified match x-unspecified en no match en x-unspecified match en en-us no match en-us en match
      true if and only if this ResultSpecification contains the type with name aTypeName for a matching language.
      See Also:
    • containsFeature Link icon

      public boolean containsFeature(String aFullFeatureName)
      Description copied from interface: ResultSpecification
      Determines whether this ResultSpecification contains the specified Feature for the language x-unspecified. Feature names are fully qualified, consisting of the type name plus the feature-of-that-type name. A feature ttt:fff is contained in the result spec if that fff is specified for type ttt or any supertype of ttt in the result spec. A feature can be specified in the result spec explicitly or by specifying a type or supertype of the feature's type having the allAnnotatorFeatures flag set.
      Specified by:
      containsFeature in interface ResultSpecification
      aFullFeatureName - the fully-qualified name of the feature, in the form MyTypeName:MyFeatureName.
      true if and only if this ResultSpecification contains the feature with name aFullFeatureName.
      See Also:
    • containsFeature Link icon

      public boolean containsFeature(String aFullFeatureName, String aLanguage)
      Description copied from interface: ResultSpecification
      Determines whether this ResultSpecification contains the specified Feature for the specified language. Feature names are fully qualified, consisting of the type name plus the feature-of-that-type name. A feature ttt:fff is contained in the result spec if that fff is specified for type ttt or any supertype of ttt in the result spec. A feature can be specified in the result spec explicitly or by specifying a type or supertype of the feature's type having the allAnnotatorFeatures flag set.
      Specified by:
      containsFeature in interface ResultSpecification
      aFullFeatureName - the fully-qualified name of the feature, in the form MyTypeName:MyFeatureName.
      aLanguage - the language to search for. A null value or the value x-unspecified for this argument only matches ResultSpecifications having x-unspecified as their type. A language value that is contained within a language in the ResultSpecification is considered to match. In particular: Language ResultSpecification Result x-unspecified x-unspecified match x-unspecified en no match en x-unspecified match en en-us no match en-us en match
      true if and only if this ResultSpecification contains the feature with name aFullFeatureName for a matching language.
      See Also:
    • getXmlizationInfo Link icon

      protected XmlizationInfo getXmlizationInfo()
      Description copied from class: MetaDataObject_impl
      To be implemented by subclasses to return information describing how to represent this object in XML.
      Specified by:
      getXmlizationInfo in class MetaDataObject_impl
      information defining this object's XML representation
      See Also:
    • addCapabilities Link icon

      public void addCapabilities(Capability[] capabilities)
      Description copied from interface: ResultSpecification
      Adds the output types and features from the specified capabilities to this ResultSpecification.

      If a Type being added is already contained in the ResultSpecification, the languages from the Capabilities entry for this type will be added to those already associated with the Type in this ResultSpec. The given capability instance's allAnnotatorFeatures is logically "or"ed with any existing value.

      Specified by:
      addCapabilities in interface ResultSpecification
      capabilities - capabilities to add
      See Also:
    • addCapabilities Link icon

      public void addCapabilities(Capability[] capabilities, boolean outputs)
      Description copied from interface: ResultSpecification
      Adds either outputs or inputs from the specified capabilities to this ResultSpecification.

      If a Type being added is already contained in the ResultSpecification, the languages from the Capabilities entry for this type will be added to those already associated with the Type in this ResultSpec. The given capability instance's allAnnotatorFeatures is logically "or"ed with any existing value.

      Specified by:
      addCapabilities in interface ResultSpecification
      capabilities - capabilities to add
      outputs - true to add the output types/features to this ResultSpecification, false to add the input types/features to this ResultSpecification.
      See Also:
    • removeTypeOrFeature Link icon

      public void removeTypeOrFeature(TypeOrFeature tof)
      Description copied from interface: ResultSpecification
      removes the specified TypeOrFeature from this ResultSpecification.
      Specified by:
      removeTypeOrFeature in interface ResultSpecification
      tof - the Type or Feature to remove
      See Also:
    • clone Link icon

      public Object clone()
      returns a clone of the ResultSpecification object.
      Specified by:
      clone in interface MetaDataObject
      Specified by:
      clone in interface ResultSpecification
      clone in class MetaDataObject_impl
      Object copy of the current object
    • setTypeSystem Link icon

      public void setTypeSystem(TypeSystem ts)
      Description copied from interface: ResultSpecification
      set the type system associated with this result specification. It is used to augment any types with their subtypes
      Specified by:
      setTypeSystem in interface ResultSpecification
      ts - the CAS Type System
    • getTypeSystem Link icon

      public TypeSystem getTypeSystem()
      Description copied from interface: ResultSpecification
      get the type system associated with this result specification.
      Specified by:
      getTypeSystem in interface ResultSpecification
      the type system
    • toString Link icon

      public String toString()
      Description copied from class: MetaDataObject_impl
      Dump this metadata object's attributes and values to a String. This is useful for debugging.
      toString in class MetaDataObject_impl
    • equals Link icon

      public boolean equals(Object aObj)
      Description copied from class: MetaDataObject_impl
      Determines if this object is equal to another. Two MetaDataObjects are equivalent if they share the same attributes and the same values for those attributes.
      Specified by:
      equals in interface MetaDataObject
      equals in class MetaDataObject_impl
      aObj - object with which to compare this object
      true if and only if this object is equal to aObj
    • hashCode Link icon

      public int hashCode()
      Description copied from class: MetaDataObject_impl
      Gets the hash code for this object. The hash codes of two NameClassPairs x and y must be equal if x.equals(y) returns true;
      hashCode in class MetaDataObject_impl
      the hash code for this object