Class MetaDataObject_impl

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, MetaDataObject, XMLizable
Direct Known Subclasses:
AllowedValue_impl, Attribute_impl, Capability_impl, CapabilityLanguageFlow_impl, CasProcessorCpeObject, CasProcessorDeploymentParamImpl, CasProcessorDeploymentParamsImpl, CasProcessorErrorHandlingImpl, CasProcessorErrorRateThresholdImpl, CasProcessorExecArgImpl, CasProcessorExecutableImpl, CasProcessorFilterImpl, CasProcessorMaxRestartsImpl, CasProcessorRunInSeperateProcessImpl, CasProcessorRuntimeEnvParamImpl, CasProcessorTimeoutImpl, ConfigurableDataResourceSpecifier_impl, ConfigurationGroup_impl, ConfigurationParameter_impl, ConfigurationParameterDeclarations_impl, ConfigurationParameterSettings_impl, CpeCasProcessorsImpl, CpeCheckpointImpl, CpeCollectionReaderCasInitializerImpl, CpeCollectionReaderImpl, CpeCollectionReaderIteratorImpl, CpeComponentDescriptorImpl, CpeConfigurationImpl, CpeDescriptionImpl, CpeIncludeImpl, CpeResourceManagerConfigurationImpl, CpeSofaMappingImpl, CpeSofaMappingsImpl, CustomResourceSpecifier_impl, ExternalResourceBinding_impl, ExternalResourceDependency_impl, ExternalResourceDescription_impl, FeatureDescription_impl, FileLanguageResourceSpecifier_impl, FileResourceSpecifier_impl, Filter_impl, FixedFlow_impl, FlowControllerDeclaration_impl, FsIndexCollection_impl, FsIndexDescription_impl, FsIndexKeyDescription_impl, Import_impl, IndexBuildItem_impl, IndexBuildSpecification_impl, IndexRule_impl, Mapping_impl, NameValuePair_impl, OperationalProperties_impl, OutputQueue_impl, Parameter_impl, PearSpecifier_impl, ResourceCreationSpecifier_impl, ResourceManagerConfiguration_impl, ResourceMetaData_impl, ResultSpecification_impl, SimplePrecondition_impl, SofaMapping_impl, Style_impl, TypeDescription_impl, TypeOrFeature_impl, TypePriorities_impl, TypePriorityList_impl, TypeSystemDescription_impl, URISpecifier_impl

public abstract class MetaDataObject_impl extends Object implements MetaDataObject
Abstract base class for all MetaDataObjects in the reference implementation. Provides basic support for getting and setting property values given their names, using bean introspection and reflection.

Also provides the ability to write objects to XML and build objects from their DOM representation, as required to implement the XMLizable interface, which is a super-interface of MetaDataObject. In future versions, this could be replaced by a non-proprietary XML binding solution such as JAXB or EMF.

The implementation for getting and setting property values uses the JavaBeans introspection API. Therefore subclasses of this class must be valid JavaBeans and either use the standard naming conventions for getters and setters. BeanInfo augmentation is ignored; the implementation here uses the flag IGNORE_ALL_BEANINFO. See The Java Beans Tutorial for more information. To support XML Comments, which can occur between any sub-elements, including array values, the "data" for all objects is stored in a pair of ArrayLists; one holds the "name" of the slot, the other the value; comments are interspersed within this list where they occur. To the extent possible, this should be the *only* data storage used for the xml element. Subclasses should access these elements on demand. Data will be read into / written from this representation; Cloning will copy this information. For getters that need to do some special initial processing, a global flag will be set whenever this base code changes the underlying value.

See Also:
  • Field Details

    • serialContext

      public static final ThreadLocal<MetaDataObject_impl.SerialContext> serialContext
      Keeps the serialContext by thread set when starting to serialize cleared at the end (in finally clause) to prevent memory leaks Inherited by some custom impls, e.g. TypeOrFeature_impl
  • Constructor Details

    • MetaDataObject_impl

      public MetaDataObject_impl()
      Creates a new MetaDataObject_impl with null attribute values
  • Method Details

    • getSerialContext

      public static MetaDataObject_impl.SerialContext getSerialContext(ContentHandler ch)
    • setInfoset

      public void setInfoset(Node infoset)
    • getInfoset

      public Node getInfoset()
    • getAdditionalAttributes

      public List<MetaDataObject_impl.MetaDataAttr> getAdditionalAttributes()
      Override this method to include additional attributes
      additional attributes
    • listAttributes

      @Deprecated(since="3.3.0") public List<NameClassPair> listAttributes()
      - use getAttributes
      Returns a list of NameClassPair objects indicating the attributes of this object and the String names of the Classes of the attributes' values. For primitive types, the wrapper classes will be returned (e.g. java.lang.Integer instead of int). Several subclasses override this, to add additional items to the list.
      Specified by:
      listAttributes in interface MetaDataObject
      a List containing NameClassPair objects, each of which contains the name of a parameter and the Class of its value. For primitive types, the wrapper classes will be returned (e.g. java.lang.Integer instead of int).
      See Also:
    • getAttributeValue

      public Object getAttributeValue(String aName)
      Description copied from interface: MetaDataObject
      Retrieves the value of an attribute of this MetaDataObject.
      Specified by:
      getAttributeValue in interface MetaDataObject
      aName - the name of the parameter to get
      the value of the parameter named aName. Returns null if there is no attribute with that name.
    • getAttributeClass

      public Class getAttributeClass(String aName)
      Gets the Class of the given attribute's value. For primitive types, the wrapper classes will be returned (e.g. java.lang.Integer instead of int).
      aName - name of an attribute
      Class of value that may be assigned to the named attribute. Returns null if there is no attribute with the given name.
    • isModifiable

      public boolean isModifiable()
      Returns whether this object is modifiable. MetaDataObjects are modifiable by default.
      Specified by:
      isModifiable in interface MetaDataObject
      true if and only if this object's attributes may be modified.
      See Also:
    • setAttributeValue

      public void setAttributeValue(String aName, Object aValue)
      Description copied from interface: MetaDataObject
      Sets the value of an attribute of this MetaDataObject. Applications should first check the MetaDataObject.isModifiable() method; calling MetaDataObject.setAttributeValue(String, Object) on an unmodifiable MetaDataObject will result in an exception.
      Specified by:
      setAttributeValue in interface MetaDataObject
      aName - the name of the parameter to set
      aValue - the value to assign to the parameter
    • getRelativePathBase

      public URL getRelativePathBase()
      Gets the relative path base used to resolve imports. This is equal to the sourceUrl of this object, if known (i.e. if the object was parsed from an XML file or if setSourceUrl was explicitly called). If the source URL is not known, the value of the user.dir System property is returned.
      the base URL for resolving relative paths in this object
    • getSourceUrl

      public URL getSourceUrl()
      Gets the URL from which this object was parsed. When this object is parsed from an XML file, this is set by the parser to the URL of the source file XML file. If the object has been created by some other method, the source URL will not be known, and this method will return null.

      This setting is used to resolve imports and is also included in exception messages to indicate the source of the problem.

      Specified by:
      getSourceUrl in interface MetaDataObject
      the source URL from which this object was parsed
    • getSourceUrlString

      public String getSourceUrlString()
      If the sourceURL of this object is non-null, returns its string representation. If it is null, returns "<unknown>". Useful for error messages.
      Specified by:
      getSourceUrlString in interface MetaDataObject
      the source URL as a string, or "<unknown>"
    • setSourceUrlIfNull

      public void setSourceUrlIfNull(URL aUrl)
      Sets the source URL of this object, only if that URL is currently set to null. This is used internally to update null relative base paths before doing import resolution, without overriding user-specified settings.
      aUrl - the location of the XML file from which this object was parsed
    • setSourceUrl

      public void setSourceUrl(URL aUrl)
      Sets the URL from which this object was parsed. Typically only the XML parser sets this. This recursively sets the source URL of all descendants of this object. Recursion doesn't happen for sub arrays/maps of maps or arrays.
      Specified by:
      setSourceUrl in interface MetaDataObject
      aUrl - the location of the XML file from which this object was parsed
    • clone

      public Object clone()
      Description copied from interface: MetaDataObject
      Creates a clone of this MetaDataObject. This performs a "deep" copy by cloning all attribute values that are also MetaDataObjects.
      Specified by:
      clone in interface MetaDataObject
      clone in class Object
      a clone of this MetaDataObject
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Dump this metadata object's attributes and values to a String. This is useful for debugging.
      toString in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object aObj)
      Determines if this object is equal to another. Two MetaDataObjects are equivalent if they share the same attributes and the same values for those attributes.
      Specified by:
      equals in interface MetaDataObject
      equals in class Object
      aObj - object with which to compare this object
      true if and only if this object is equal to aObj
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Gets the hash code for this object. The hash codes of two NameClassPairs x and y must be equal if x.equals(y) returns true;
      hashCode in class Object
      the hash code for this object
    • toXML

      public void toXML(Writer aWriter) throws SAXException, IOException
      Writes out this object's XML representation.
      Specified by:
      toXML in interface XMLizable
      aWriter - a Writer to which the XML string will be written
      SAXException - passthru
      IOException - if an I/O failure occurs
    • toXML

      public void toXML(OutputStream aOutputStream) throws SAXException, IOException
      Writes out this object's XML representation.
      Specified by:
      toXML in interface XMLizable
      aOutputStream - an OutputStream to which the XML string will be written
      SAXException - pass thru
      IOException - if an I/O failure occurs
    • toXML

      public void toXML(ContentHandler aContentHandler) throws SAXException
      This is called internally, also for JSon serialization
      Specified by:
      toXML in interface XMLizable
      aContentHandler - the content handler to which this object will write events that describe its XML representation.
      SAXException - pass thru
      See Also:
    • toXML

      public void toXML(ContentHandler aContentHandler, boolean aWriteDefaultNamespaceAttribute) throws SAXException
      Description copied from interface: XMLizable
      Writes this object's XML representation by making calls on a SAX ContentHandler.
      Specified by:
      toXML in interface XMLizable
      aContentHandler - the content handler to which this object will write events that describe its XML representation.
      aWriteDefaultNamespaceAttribute - whether the namespace of this element should be written as the default namespace. This should be done only for the root element, and it defaults to false.
      SAXException - pass thru
      See Also:
    • getXMLAttributes

      protected AttributesImpl getXMLAttributes()
      Called by the toXML(ContentHandler, boolean) method to get the XML attributes that will be written as part of the element's tag. By default this method returns an empty Attributes object. Subclasses may override it in order to write attributes to the XML.
      an object defining the attributes to be written to the XML
    • getXmlizationInfo

      protected abstract XmlizationInfo getXmlizationInfo()
      To be implemented by subclasses to return information describing how to represent this object in XML.
      information defining this object's XML representation
    • getPropertyXmlInfo

      protected PropertyXmlInfo getPropertyXmlInfo(String aXmlElementName)
      Looks in this class's XmlizationInfo for a property with the given XML element name.
      aXmlElementName - the unqualified name of an XML element
      information on the property that corresponds to the given element name, null if none.
    • valueIsNullOrEmptyArray

      public boolean valueIsNullOrEmptyArray(Object val)
    • writePropertyAsElement

      protected void writePropertyAsElement(PropertyXmlInfo aPropInfo, String aNamespace) throws SAXException
      Utility method used to write a property out as an XML element.
      aPropInfo - information on how to represent the property in XML
      aNamespace - XML namespace URI for this object representation
      SAXException - -
    • writeArrayPropertyAsElement

      protected void writeArrayPropertyAsElement(String aPropName, Class aPropClass, Object aValue, String aArrayElementTagName, String aNamespace) throws SAXException
      Utility method used to write an array property out as an XML element.
      aPropName - name of the attribute
      aPropClass - class of the attribute
      aValue - value (guaranteed to be an array and non-null)
      aArrayElementTagName - name of tag to be assigned to each element of the array. May be null, in which case each element will be assigned a value appropriate to its class.
      aNamespace - the XML namespace URI for this object
      SAXException - -
    • writeMapPropertyToXml

      protected void writeMapPropertyToXml(String aPropName, String aXmlElementName, String aKeyXmlAttribute, String aValueTagName, boolean aOmitIfNull, String aNamespace) throws SAXException
      Utility method for writing to XML an property whose value is a Map with String keys and XMLizable values.
      aPropName - name of the property to write to XML
      aXmlElementName - name of the XML element for the property, null if none
      aKeyXmlAttribute - name of the XML attribute for the key
      aValueTagName - XML element tag name to use for each entry in the Map
      aOmitIfNull - if true, null or empty map will not be written at all, if false, null or empty map will be written as an empty element
      aNamespace - namespace for this object
      SAXException - passthru
    • buildFromXMLElement

      public final void buildFromXMLElement(Element aElement, XMLParser aParser) throws InvalidXMLException
      Initializes this object from its XML DOM representation. This method is typically called from the XMLParser.
      Specified by:
      buildFromXMLElement in interface XMLizable
      aElement - the XML element that represents this object.
      aParser - a reference to the UIMA XMLParser. The XMLParser.buildObject(Element) method can be used to construct sub-objects.
      InvalidXMLException - if the input XML element does not specify a valid object
    • buildFromXMLElement

      public void buildFromXMLElement(Element aElement, XMLParser aParser, XMLParser.ParsingOptions aOptions) throws InvalidXMLException
      Initializes this object from its XML DOM representation. This method is typically called from the XMLParser. It is overridden by specific Java impl classes to provide additional defaulting (e.g. see AnalysisEngineDescription_impl)
      Specified by:
      buildFromXMLElement in interface XMLizable
      aElement - the XML element that represents this object.
      aParser - a reference to the UIMA XMLParser. The XMLParser.buildObject(Element) method can be used to construct sub-objects.
      aOptions - option settings
      InvalidXMLException - if the input XML element does not specify a valid object
    • readPropertyValueFromXMLElement

      protected void readPropertyValueFromXMLElement(PropertyXmlInfo aPropXmlInfo, Element aElement, XMLParser aParser, XMLParser.ParsingOptions aOptions) throws InvalidXMLException
      Utility method to read an attribute's value from its DOM representation.
      aPropXmlInfo - information about the property to read
      aElement - DOM element to read from
      aParser - parser to use to construct complex values
      aOptions - option settings
      InvalidXMLException - -
    • readArrayPropertyValueFromXMLElement

      protected void readArrayPropertyValueFromXMLElement(PropertyXmlInfo aPropXmlInfo, Class aPropClass, Element aElement, XMLParser aParser, XMLParser.ParsingOptions aOptions) throws InvalidXMLException
      Utility method to read an array property's value from its DOM representation.
      aPropXmlInfo - information about the property to read
      aPropClass - class of the property's value
      aElement - DOM element representing the entire array
      aParser - parser to use to construct complex values
      aOptions - option settings
      InvalidXMLException - -
    • readUnknownPropertyValueFromXMLElement

      protected void readUnknownPropertyValueFromXMLElement(Element aElement, XMLParser aParser, XMLParser.ParsingOptions aOptions, List<String> aKnownPropertyNames) throws InvalidXMLException
      Utility method that attempts to read a property value from an XML element even though it is not known to which property the value should be assigned. If an object can be constructed from the XML element, it will be assigned to any unasigned property that can accept it.
      aElement - DOM element to read from
      aParser - parser to use to construct complex values
      aOptions - -
      aKnownPropertyNames - List of propertiees that we've already values for (these values will not be overwritten)
      InvalidXMLException - if no acceptable object is described by aElement
    • readMapPropertyFromXml

      protected void readMapPropertyFromXml(String aPropName, Element aElement, String aKeyXmlAttribute, String aValueTagName, XMLParser aParser, XMLParser.ParsingOptions aOptions, boolean aValueIsArray) throws InvalidXMLException
      Utility method for reading from XML an attribute whose value is a Map with String keys and XMLizable (or an array of these) values.
      aPropName - name of the property to read from XML
      aElement - element to read from
      aKeyXmlAttribute - XML attribute for the key
      aValueTagName - XML element tag name for each entry in the map
      aParser - parser to use to build sub-objects
      aOptions - parsing option settings
      aValueIsArray - true if the value of the map entires is an array. This method only supports homogeneous arrays.
      InvalidXMLException - -
    • getWrapperClass

      protected static Class getWrapperClass(Class aPrimitiveType)
      Gets the wrapper class corresponding to the given primitive type. For example, java.lang.Integer is the wrapper class for the primitive type int.
      aPrimitiveType - Class object representing a primitive type
      Class object representing the wrapper type for PrimitiveType. If aPrimitiveType is not a primitive type, it is itself returned.
    • getPropertyDescriptors

      @Deprecated(since="2.6.0") protected PropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors() throws IntrospectionException
      - use getAttributes instead
      Utility method that introspects this bean and returns a list of PropertyDescriptors for its properties.

      The JavaBeans introspector is used, with the IGNORE_ALL_BEANINFO flag. This saves on initialization time by preventing the introspector from searching for nonexistent BeanInfo classes for all the MetaDataObjects. Caching needed, this method is called for every access to a field, and introspection doesn't cache (from observation... although the javadocs say otherwise (as of Java6 10/2011 - both IBM and Sun)

      the PropertyDescriptors for all properties introduced by subclasses of MetaDataObject_impl.
      IntrospectionException - if introspection fails
      To be removed in version:
    • getMatchingNode

      protected Node getMatchingNode(MetaDataObject_impl.SerialContext serialContext, String name)
    • resolveSettings

      protected String resolveSettings(String text)