Interface JTextAnnotator

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@Deprecated(since="2.3.0") public interface JTextAnnotator extends BaseAnnotator
As of release 2.3.0, use JCasAnnotator_ImplBase instead
Interface for JCas annotators in UIMA SDK v1.x. As of v2.0, JCAS annotators should extend JCasAnnotator_ImplBase.
To be removed in version:
  • Method Details

    • process

      void process(JCas aJCas, ResultSpecification aResultSpec) throws AnnotatorProcessException
      Invokes this annotator's analysis logic. Prior to calling this method, the caller must ensure that the JCas has been populated with the document to be analyzed as well as any information that this annotator needs to do its processing. This annotator will access the data in the JCas and add new data to the JCas.

      The caller must also guarantee that the ResultSpecification falls within the scope of the Capabilities of this annotator (as published by its containing AnalysisEngine).

      The annotator will only produce the output types and features that are declared in the aResultSpec parameter.

      aJCas - contains the document to be analyzed and may contain other metadata about that document.
      aResultSpec - A list of output types and features that this annotator should produce.
      AnnotatorProcessException - if a failure occurs during processing.