The only exception to this are defines which due to restrictions of the C++ language can not be put in namespaces (to make up for the missing namespace all defines are prefixed with UIMA
Classes |
class | uima::Annotator |
| The class Annotator defines the API methods an annotator must implement. More...
class | uima::TextAnnotator |
class | uima::AnnotatorContext |
| The AnnotatorContext is the interface to the configuration settings and other metadata of an AnalysisEngine. More...
class | uima::BasicArrayFS |
| A on object representing an array of CAS elements. More...
class | uima::ArrayFS |
| A ArrayFS object implements an array of FeatureStructure values. More...
class | uima::FloatArrayFS |
| A FloatArrayFS object implements an array of float values. More...
class | uima::IntArrayFS |
| A IntArrayFS object implements an array of int values. More...
class | uima::StringArrayFS |
| A StringArrayFS object implements an array of string values. More...
class | uima::BooleanArrayFS |
| A ByteArrayFS object implements an array of byte values. More...
class | uima::ByteArrayFS |
| A ByteArrayFS object implements an array of byte values. More...
class | uima::ShortArrayFS |
| A ShortArrayFS object implements an array of short values. More...
class | uima::LongArrayFS |
| A ShortArrayFS object implements an array of short values. More...
class | uima::DoubleArrayFS |
| A StringArrayFS object implements an array of string values. More...
class | uima::Capability |
| Defines the capability of a TextAnalysisEngine in terms of the required input and output types and features and the supported languages. More...
class | uima::CAS |
| The CAS (Common Analysis System) is the container where all feature structures are stored and maintained. More...
class | uima::SofaFS |
| The Sofa is implemented as a feature structure of type uima.cas.Sofa. More...
class | uima::AnnotationFS |
| Class AnnotationFS derives from a standard FeatureStrucure and extends with convenience functions specific for feature structures of type annotation. More...
class | uima::ANIterator |
| Iterator over AnnotationFS objects in a CAS annotation index (ANIndex). More...
class | uima::ANIndex |
| This class represents a single index over feature structures of type annotation. More...
class | uima::DocumentFS |
| Class DocumentFS derives from AnnotationFS and extends with convenience functions specific for the single feature structures of type Document-Annotation that is present for each input document. More...
class | uima::CASIterator |
class | uima::CASWriterABase |
| This is an abstract base class for CAS writers, i.e., a class which can write a CAS to an ostrema. More...
class | uima::XMLWriterABase |
class | uima::CCSID |
| The class CCSID used to represent a CCSID, now a char* encoding string. More...
class | uima::ConfigurationParameter |
| Contains the definition of a configuration parameter, for example its name and its type. More...
class | uima::NameValuePair |
| Contains the value for a certain parameter. More...
class | uima::ConfigurationGroup |
| Contains allConfigurationParameter objects for a certain configuration group. More...
class | uima::SettingsForGroup |
| Contains allNameValuePair objects for a certain configuration group. More...
class | uima::CodePage2UnicodeConverter |
| The class CodePage2UnicodeConverter converts all characters in a specified buffer into UNICODE (CCSID: CCSID::EnCCSID_UCS2). More...
class | uima::DotTypeSystemWriter |
| A class which outputs the type system in the dot graphical language. More...
class | uima::AnalysisEngine |
| An AnalysisEngine can be used for analyzing all kinds of unstructured information. More...
class | uima::TextAnalysisEngine |
class | uima::Framework |
class | uima::EngineState |
| The class EngineState maintains the state of the engine. More...
class | uima::ErrorMessage |
| Class ErrorMessage: this is a helper class for main class ErrorInfo and ErrorContext . More...
class | uima::ErrorContext |
| Class ErrorContext: this is a helper class for main class Exception . More...
class | uima::ErrorInfo |
| Class ErrorInfo : This is the base class for all error information used in UIMACPP. More...
class | uima::Exception |
| Class Exception: This is the base class for all exceptions used in UIMACPP group projects. More...
class | uima::FeatureStructure |
| Our feature structure. More...
class | uima::FSIndex |
| This class represents a single index over feature structures of some type. More...
class | uima::FSIndexRepository |
| Repository of indexes over feature structures. More...
class | uima::FSIterator |
| Iterator over FeatureStructure objects in a CAS Index. More...
class | uima::ImportDescription |
| A Import object represents a pointer to a descriptor file to be imported. More...
class | uima::Language |
| The class Language models languages in UIMACPP. More...
class | uima::BasicListFS |
| A on object representing a list of elements from the CAS. More...
class | uima::ListFS |
| A ListFS object implements a list of FeatureStructure objects It is derived from the BasicListFS template interface so all interesting member functions are derived from BasicListFS. More...
class | uima::FloatListFS |
| A FloatListFS object implements a list of float values. More...
class | uima::IntListFS |
| A IntListFS object implements a list of int values. More...
class | uima::StringListFS |
| A StringListFS object implements a list of string values. More...
class | uima::LogStream |
| The class LogStream logs user-related information which would otherwise be hard to concatenate into a single string. More...
class | uima::Logger |
| This defines the interface for Loggers. More...
class | uima::FileLogger |
| This class is the built in Logger that writes log message to a file. More...
class | uima::LogFacility |
| The class LogFacility logs user-related information for debugging or error recording purposes. More...
class | uima::ResourceABase |
| This class is the abstract base class for all resources handled by the resource manager (uima::ResourceManager). More...
class | uima::FileResource |
| File resources are resources of the form "key.kind" (e.g. More...
class | uima::LanguageKindFileResource |
| LanguageKindFileResources are a special case of FileResources in that the key always denotes a language (e.g. More...
class | uima::ResourceFactoryABase |
| The resource manager creates resources through an instance of this class. More...
class | uima::LanguageKindFileResourceFactory |
| A special factory for LanguageKindFileResources. More...
class | uima::ResourceManager |
| The class ResourceManager is used to manage the UIMACPP resources. More...
class | uima::ResultSpecification |
| An engine/annotator gets a set like this passed in its process() function and is required to check this set to see which kind of output types and features it is supposed to create. More...
class | uima::SofaID |
| A SofaID object contains the handle to a particular Sofa in the CAS. More...
class | uima::SofaMapping |
| A SofaMapping object represents mapping of a Sofa name assigned by a component to a Sofa name assigned by an aggregate which could be either an aggregate TAE or a CPE. More...
class | uima::SofaDataStream |
| The SofaDataStream class provides stream access to Sofa data in a Sofa feature strucure in the CAS. More...
class | uima::LocalSofaDataStream |
| This class implements stream access to Sofa data for a Local Sofa. More...
class | uima::RemoteSofaDataStream |
| This class implements stream access to Sofa data for a remote Sofa. More...
class | uima::SofaStreamHandler |
| The class SofaStreamHandler defines the API methods that must be implemented to support reading custom URI schemes for reading. More...
class | uima::MetaDataObject |
| The base class of all configuration objects. More...
class | uima::OperationalProperties |
| Specifies operational properties of a UIMA component. More...
class | uima::FSIndexKeyDescription |
| Contains the description of an index key, i.e. More...
class | uima::FSIndexDescription |
| Defines an index for a specific type. More...
class | uima::FlowConstraints |
| Specifies the order in which Annotators are invoked. More...
class | uima::FixedFlow |
| Specifies the order in which Annotators are invoked. More...
class | uima::CapabilityLanguageFlow |
class | uima::AnalysisEngineMetaData |
| Contains the MetaDataObject s that are defined for both delegate and aggregate TextAnalysisEngine s, for example the description of the types used and the capabilities of the TAE. More...
class | uima::AnalysisEngineDescription |
| Contains all MetaDataObject s for a particular TextAnalysisEngine that are found in a TextAnalysisEngine Resource Specifier XML file. More...
class | uima::TextAnalysisEngineSpecifier |
class | uima::XMLParser |
| A UIMA XMLParser parses XML documents and generates UIMA component descriptor object represented in the XML. More...
class | uima::TextAnalysisEngineSpecifierBuilder |
class | uima::Timer |
| Class ClTimer is a tool class to help with timing. More...
class | uima::TokenProperties |
| The class TokenProperties is used to encapsulate information about the characters occuring in a token (for example, upper and lower). More...
class | uima::TypeOrFeature |
| Wrapper class to encapsulate either a uima::Type or a uima::Feature object since both types and features can be used as parts of a result specification. More...
class | uima::TypeNameSpace |
| An accessor object that gives access to all types that share a common namespace. More...
class | uima::TypeNameSpaceImport |
| This class is usefull to bundle several TypeNameSpace objects into a lookup sequence that can be used to lookup unqualified type names. More...
class | uima::Feature |
| This class represents a feature in the type hierarchy of the type system. More...
class | uima::Type |
| This class represents a type in the type hierarchy of the type system. More...
class | uima::TypeSystem |
| Class TypeSystem represents all knowledge about types in the FeatureStructure system. More...
class | uima::AllowedValue |
| If a type can only contain an enumeration of values, there is an AllowedValue object for each value. More...
class | uima::FeatureDescription |
| Defines a feature by its name and the range type that its values can assume. More...
class | uima::TypeDescription |
| Defines a type by its name and the name of its super type. More...
class | uima::TypePriority |
| Contains an ordered list of type names. More...
class | uima::TypeSystemDescription |
| Contains all TypeDescription and TypePriority objects for a TextAnalysisEngine . More...
class | uima::Unicode2CodePageConverter |
| The class Unicode2CodePageConverter is used to convert all characters in a specified buffer from UNICODE (CCSID: CCSID::EnCCSID_UCS2), to another buffer with specified CCSID. More...
class | uima::UnicodeStringRef |
| The class UnicodeStringRef provides support for non zero-terminated strings that are presented as pointers to Unicode character arrays with an associated length. More...
class | uima::XCASDeserializer |
| The XCASDeserializer class provides static methods to deserializes cas data in XCAS format into a CAS. More...
class | uima::FSInfo |
class | uima::XCASDeserializerHandler |
class | uima::XMLErrorHandler |
| The class XMLErrorHandler is used as a generic Handler for the XML4C SAX error interface mapping XML to UIMACPP exceptions. More...
class | uima::XMLDumpWriter |
| class UIMA_LINK_IMPORTSPEC XMLWriterABase : public CASWriterABase { protected: void normalize(UnicodeStringRef const & in, icu::UnicodeString& out) const; public: XMLWriterABase(CAS const & crCAS, bool bAddDocBuffer); virtual ~XMLWriterABase(); More...
class | uima::XCASWriter |
Predefined Exceptions (beginning of an error hierarchy). |
The following predefined exceptions are supposed to structure the use of exceptions, help with avoiding multiple definitions of common exceptions (e.g.
file not found) and provide a start for an exception hierarchy.
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (Uima_logic_error, Exception) |
| logic error
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (Uima_runtime_error, Exception) |
| runtime error
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (Uima_domain_error, Uima_logic_error) |
| domain error
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (Uima_invalid_argument, Uima_logic_error) |
| invalid argument
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (Uima_length_error, Uima_logic_error) |
| length error
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (Uima_out_of_range, Uima_logic_error) |
| out of range
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (Uima_range_error, Uima_runtime_error) |
| range error
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (Uima_overflow_error, Uima_runtime_error) |
| overflow error
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (Uima_underflow_error, Uima_runtime_error) |
| underflow error
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (ConsoleAbortExc, Exception) |
| The following exceptions are used by helper test classes that are no longer in the UIMACPP library: CommandLineDriver DocBuffer ParseHandlers.
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (ExcDocBuffer, Uima_out_of_range) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (ParseHandlerExc, Exception) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (ExcIllFormedInputError, Uima_runtime_error) |
| Ill formed input.
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (ExcInvalidParameter, Uima_invalid_argument) |
| Invalid Parameter.
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (ExcIndexOutOfRange, Uima_out_of_range) |
| Index out of Range.
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (ExcInvalidRequest, Uima_runtime_error) |
| Invalid Request.
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (ExcResourceExhausted, Uima_runtime_error) |
| Resource Exhausted.
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (ExcOutOfMemory, ExcResourceExhausted) |
| Out of Memory.
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (ExcFileNotFoundError, Uima_runtime_error) |
| File not Found.
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (ExcWinCException, Uima_runtime_error) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (CodePageConversionException, Exception) |
| Used to report code page conversion errors.
Conventional conversion functions: POD to/from string. |
| Converts a long to a string.
long | string2Long (const BASIC_STRING_TEMPLATE &s) |
| Converts a string to a long.
| Converts a double to a string.
BASIC_STRING_TEMPLATE | double2String (double d, size_t uiDigitsAfterPeriod, BASIC_STRING_TEMPLATE &s) |
| Converts a double to a string with a specified number of digits after the period.
double | string2Double (const BASIC_STRING_TEMPLATE &s) |
| Converts a string to a double.
| Converts a bool to a string, either "true" or "false".
bool | string2Bool (const BASIC_STRING_TEMPLATE &s) |
| Converts a string ("true", "ON", "YES", "T", "Y", "+", "1" = true else false) to a bool.
Template function for conversion <EM>to</EM> string. |
template<class T> |
void | convertToString (const T &crtSource, std::string &rstrTarget) |
| Generic template function (assumes T to be integral numeric type).
void | convertToString (const icu::UnicodeString &crtSource, std::string &rstrTarget) |
| Explicit specialization for UString.
void | convertToString (const std::string &crtSource, std::string &rstrTarget) |
| Explicit specialization for string.
void | convertToString (const double &crtSource, std::string &rstrTarget) |
| Explicit specialization for double.
void | convertToString (bool const &crtSource, std::string &rstrTarget) |
| Explicit specialization for bool.
void | convertToString (const float &crtSource, std::string &rstrTarget) |
| Explicit specialization for float.
Template function for conversion <EM>from</EM> string. |
template<class T> |
void | convertFromString (const std::string &crstrSource, T &crtTarget) |
| Generic template function (assumes T to be integral numeric type).
void | convertFromString (const std::string &crstrSource, icu::UnicodeString &crTarget) |
| Explicit specialization for UString.
void | convertFromString (const std::string &crstrSource, std::string &crtTarget) |
| Explicit specialization for string.
void | convertFromString (const std::string &crstrSource, double &crtTarget) |
| Explicit specialization for double.
void | convertFromString (const std::string &crstrSource, float &crtTarget) |
| Explicit specialization for float.
void | convertFromString (const std::string &crstrSource, bool &crtTarget) |
| Explicit specialization for boole.
vector to/from delimited string conversion routines |
UnicodeStringRef | strtrim (const UnicodeStringRef &s) |
| Removes whitespace from both ends of a string.
int32_t | delimitedUnicodeStringRef2Vector (std::vector< uima::UnicodeStringRef > &rveclstrOutput, const UChar *pcInput, int32_t uiInputLength, const UChar *cpszDelimiters, bool bTrimString, bool bInsertEmptyStrings) |
| Splits a delimited string into pieces and stores the results in a vector of strings.
int32_t | delimitedUnicodeStringRef2Vector (std::vector< UnicodeStringRef > &veclstrOutput, const UChar *pcInput, const UChar *cpszDelimiters, bool bTrimString, bool bInsertEmptyStrings) |
Typedefs |
typedef BasicArrayFS< FeatureStructure,
internal::gs_tyFSArrayType > | BasicFSArrayFS |
typedef BasicArrayFS< float,
internal::gs_tyFloatArrayType > | BasicFloatArrayFS |
typedef BasicArrayFS< int,
internal::gs_tyIntArrayType > | BasicIntArrayFS |
typedef BasicArrayFS< UnicodeStringRef,
internal::gs_tyStringArrayType > | BasicStringArrayFS |
typedef BasicArrayFS< bool,
internal::gs_tyBooleanArrayType > | BasicBooleanArrayFS |
typedef BasicArrayFS< char,
internal::gs_tyByteArrayType > | BasicByteArrayFS |
typedef BasicArrayFS< short,
internal::gs_tyShortArrayType > | BasicShortArrayFS |
typedef BasicArrayFS< INT64,
internal::gs_tyLongArrayType > | BasicLongArrayFS |
typedef BasicArrayFS< double,
internal::gs_tyDoubleArrayType > | BasicDoubleArrayFS |
typedef enum uima::EnIteratorAmbiguity_ | EnIteratorAmbiguity |
| This enum is used for annotation iterators to determine there iteration behaviour.
typedef apr_dso_handle_sym_t | TyProcedure |
typedef signed long | TyErrorId |
| A type for all UIMACPP error ids.
typedef BasicListFS< FeatureStructure,
internal::gs_tyTailFeature > | BasicListFS |
typedef void * | TySofaDataPointer |
typedef SofaStreamHandler *(* | TyMakeStreamHandler )(void) |
typedef long | TyDocTextDistance |
typedef unsigned long | TyMessageId |
typedef size_t | TyDocIndex |
typedef void * | TyHandle |
typedef unsigned short | TyComponentId |
Enumerations |
enum | EnIteratorAmbiguity_ { enAmbiguous,
} |
| This enum is used for annotation iterators to determine there iteration behaviour. More...
Functions |
Annotator * | makeAE () |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (FSIsNotArrayException, CASException) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (FSArrayOutOfBoundsException, CASException) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (CouldNotCreateFSOfFinalTypeException, CASException) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (DuplicateSofaNameException, CASException) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (InvalidBaseCasMethod, CASException) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (CASIteratorException, uima::Exception) |
| ------------------------------------------------ CASIterator
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (CASException, Exception) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (NotYetImplementedException, CASException) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (SofaDataStreamException, CASException) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (ConfigException, Exception) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (ConfigParamException, ConfigException) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (UnknownTypeException, Exception) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (UnknownFeatureException, Exception) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (UnknownRangeTypeException, Exception) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (IncompatibleRangeTypeException, Exception) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (AllowedStringValuesIncompatibleException, Exception) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (TypePriorityConflictException, Exception) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (IncompatibleIndexDefinitionsException, Exception) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (IncompatibleParentTypesException, Exception) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (CASIncompatibilityException, Exception) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (UimaAnalysisComponentException, Exception) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &rclOStream, const ErrorMessage &crclExceptionMessage) |
| ErrorMessage output support for streams.
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &rclOStream, const ErrorContext &crclExceptionContext) |
| ErrorContext output support for streams.
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &rclOStream, const ErrorInfo &crclErrorInfo) |
| ErrorInfo output support for streams.
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &rclOStream, const Exception &crclException) |
| Exception output support for streams.
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (AprFailureException, Exception) |
| The following exception is used to report failures from APR functions.
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (InvalidFSObjectException, CASException) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (FeatureNotAppropriateException, CASException) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (IncompatibleValueTypeException, CASException) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (FSIsNotStringException, CASException) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (WrongStringValueException, CASException) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (InvalidIndexObjectException, CASException) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (WrongFSTypeForIndexException, CASException) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (InvalidIndexIDException, CASException) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (FSIsNotListException, CASException) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (ListIsEmptyException, CASException) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (ListIsCircularException, CASException) |
SofaStreamHandler * | makeHandler () |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (DuplicateConfigElemException, uima::Exception) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (ValidationException, uima::Exception) |
template<class InputIterator, class T> |
size_t | countValues (InputIterator it1, InputIterator it2, T val) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (ConfigParamLookupException, ConfigException) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (InvalidXMLException, uima::Exception) |
std::string | tafCurrTimeDateString () |
| Function currTimeString is a help function to return the current time/data as a string.
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (TypeSystemAlreadyCommittedException, CASException) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (InvalidFSFeatureObjectException, CASException) |
| UIMA_EXC_CLASSDECLARE (InvalidFSTypeObjectException, CASException) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &outStream, const uima::UnicodeStringRef &crUStrRef) |
| Output stream support for UnicodeStringRef (Note: inside namespace).
Variables |
const char | TYPENAMESPACE_SEP = '.' |
| The constant we use to seperate namespace parts: A period.