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Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
annotator_abase.hpp. Contains Annotator a abstract base class four the Annotator object
annotator_context.hpp. Contains class uima::AnnotatorContext Description: The AnnotatorContext object provides access to the configuration parameters for the Annotator. It also provides access to the framework log facility. Use uima::Annotator::getAnnotatorContext() to instantiate a CAS
arrayfs.hpp. Declares all ArrayFS classes (IntArrayFS, FloatArrayFS etc)
assertmsg.h. An extension of the assert routine to print a message on failure
capability.hpp. Contains class uima::Capability
cas.hpp. Contains class uima::CAS
casdefinition.hpp. Class holding type system and index definitions
casexception.hpp. Contains class CASException NotYetImplementedException
caswriter_abase.hpp. An abstract base class for CAS writers
ccsid.hpp. Contains CCSID a class to represent a CCSID (Coded Character Set Identifiers)
comp_ids.h. Component Ids for UIMACPP trace facility
config_param.hpp. MetaDataObjects for configuration parameters and values
configure.h. Contains compiler dependent configuration defines
consoleui.hpp. A Console User Interface class
cp2ucnvrt.hpp. Contains CodePage2UnicodeConverter a class to convert from different codepages to UNICODE
dirwalk.hpp. a classs to iterate the entries of a directory in the file system
dllfile.hpp. the class DllProcLoaderFile is used to maintain dynamic link libraries
dottypesystemwriter.hpp. Contains class DotTypeSystemWriter
endian.h. Macros to convert endianess
engine.hpp. Contains Engine the central UIMACPP Engine object
engine_state.hpp. Contains EngineState a class to maintain the state of the egine, i.e. what is next
envvar.hpp. a class to access (but not modify) environment variables
envvars.h. All UIMACPP Environment Variables
err_ids.h. Contains all UIMACPP error Ids
exceptions.hpp. This file contains the base class for all exceptions used in UIMACPP
featurestructure.hpp. Contains class uima::FeatureStructure
filename.hpp. A filename class
fsindex.hpp. Contains classes uima::FSFilter and uima::FSIndex
fsindexrepository.hpp. Contains FSIndexRepository
fsiterator.hpp. Contains class FSIterator
ftools.hpp. Assorted tools for file manipulation/management
importdescription.hpp. Contains class uima::ImportDescription
language.hpp. Contains the Language class
listfs.hpp. Contains the family of ListFS classes (IntListFS, FloatListFS etc.)
location.hpp. A filename class
log.hpp. Contains LogFacility a logging facility for (Annotator) users
macros.h. Common Macros
pragmas.hpp. Contains pragmas to be included in each file
res_abase.hpp. Contains ResourceABase
res_annotator.hpp. Contains ResourceAnnotatorFile
resmgr.hpp. UIMACPP Resource Manager ResourceManager
result_specification.hpp. Contains uima::ResultSpecification
sofaid.hpp. Class to support sofaMapping
sofamapping.hpp. Contains class uima::SofaMapping
sofastream.hpp. Contains class uima::CASIterator Contains class uima::CasIterator --------------------------------------------------------------------------
sofastreamhandler.hpp. Functions that a stream handler must implement in order to support remote Sofa access
strconvert.hpp. Contains various string conversion routines (e.g. string2Long)
taemetadata.hpp. Contains uima::MetaDataObject
taespecifier.hpp. Contains uima::FSIndexKeyDescription, uima::FSIndexDescription, uima::AnalysisEngineMetaData uima::AnalysisEngineDescription etc
taespecifierbuilder.hpp. Contains uima::TextAnalysisEngineSpecifierBuilder
text.h. Types and operations for text C strings (Support for UNICODE, SBCS and DBCS)
timedatetools.hpp. Contains Timer and timing tool functions/macros
token_properties.hpp. Contains TokenProperties a class encapsulting information about the characters occuring in a token
trace.hpp. A Trace class
type_or_feature.hpp. Contains uima::ResultSpecification
typenamespace.hpp. Contains class uima::TypeNameSpace and uima::TypeNameSpaceImport
types.h. Contains types definitions used throughout UIMACPP
typesystem.hpp. Contains class uima::Type uima::Feature and uima::TypeSystem
typesystemdescription.hpp. Contains classes uima::TypeDescription uima::FeatureDescription and uima::TypeSystemDescription
u2cpcnvrt.hpp. Contains Unicode2CodePageConverter a class to convert from UNICODE to several other codepages
unistrref.hpp. Shallow string object consisting of a pair of string pointer and a length
xcasdeserializer.hpp. Deserializes cas data from XCAS format into a CAS
xcasdeserializer_handler.hpp. SAX2 handler for reading XCAS into a CAS
xmlerror_handler.hpp. Handler for XML error interface mapping XML to UIMACPP exceptions
xmlwriter.hpp. Used to output the CAS in XCAS format

Generated on Mon Oct 1 16:04:12 2012 for UIMACPP API by  doxygen