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uima::util::DirectoryWalk Class Reference

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Detailed Description

The class DirectoryWalk is used to iterate the entries of a directory in the file system.

       foo(const Location & crclLocation, bool bRecurseSubdirs)
          DirectoryWalk  clDirWalk(crclLocation);

                cout << "Directory entry: " << clDirWalk.getNameWithoutPath();
                   cout << "File: " << clDirWalk.getNameWithoutPath();
                   cout << "Weird? " << clDirWalk.getNameWithoutPath();
                cout << " C++ source file;";
             cout << endl

Public Member Functions

 ~DirectoryWalk (void)
 DirectoryWalk (const char *crclDirectory)
 create a new instance of a directory walker based on a directory
bool isValid (void) const
 return TRUE if the current entry is a valid directory entry
bool isFile (void) const
 return TRUE if the current entry represents a regular file entry
bool isDirectory (void) const
 return TRUE if the current entry represents a directory entry
const char * getNameWithoutPath (void) const
 return the name part of the filename of the current entry
bool matchesWildcardPattern (const char *cpszPattern) const
 return TRUE if the current entry matches the specified wildcard pattern
bool setToNext (void)
 walk to the next directory entry and return TRUE if there is one

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

uima::util::DirectoryWalk::DirectoryWalk const char *  crclDirectory  )  [inline]

create a new instance of a directory walker based on a directory

uima::util::DirectoryWalk::~DirectoryWalk void   )  [inline]

Member Function Documentation

bool uima::util::DirectoryWalk::isValid void   )  const [inline]

return TRUE if the current entry is a valid directory entry

bool uima::util::DirectoryWalk::isFile void   )  const [inline]

return TRUE if the current entry represents a regular file entry

bool uima::util::DirectoryWalk::isDirectory void   )  const [inline]

return TRUE if the current entry represents a directory entry

const char * uima::util::DirectoryWalk::getNameWithoutPath void   )  const [inline]

return the name part of the filename of the current entry

bool uima::util::DirectoryWalk::matchesWildcardPattern const char *  cpszPattern  )  const [inline]

return TRUE if the current entry matches the specified wildcard pattern

bool uima::util::DirectoryWalk::setToNext void   )  [inline]

walk to the next directory entry and return TRUE if there is one

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