Class Logger_impl

All Implemented Interfaces:
Logger, org.slf4j.Logger

public class Logger_impl extends Logger_common_impl
UIMA Logging interface implementation without using an logging toolkit Logger names are not used The call getInstance() returns a common shared instance. The call getInstance(String) ignores its argument but returns a new instance of this logger class. Each instance of this logger class can have a level set via the setAPI call - that is the only configuration possible. If not set, the level is INFO.
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static Logger getInstance(Class<?> component)
      creates a new Logger instance for the specified source class
      component - current source class
      Logger - returns the Logger object for the specified class
    • getInstance

      public static Logger getInstance()
      creates a new Logger instance for the specified source class
      Logger - returns a new Logger object
    • getLimitedLogger

      public Logger_impl getLimitedLogger(int aLimit)
      aLimit - the limit
      a copy of the logger with the throttling limit set, or the same logger if no change
    • setOutputStream

      @Deprecated(since="2.3.1") public void setOutputStream(OutputStream out)
      use external configuration possibility
      Description copied from interface: Logger
      Sets the output stream to which log messages will go. Setting the output stream to null will disable the logger.
      Specified by:
      setOutputStream in interface Logger
      setOutputStream in class Logger_common_impl
      out - OutputStream to which log messages will be printed
      See Also:
    • setOutputStream

      @Deprecated(since="2.3.1") public void setOutputStream(PrintStream out)
      use external configuration possibility
      Description copied from interface: Logger
      Sets the output stream to which log messages will go. Setting the output stream to null will disable the logger.
      Specified by:
      setOutputStream in interface Logger
      setOutputStream in class Logger_common_impl
      out - PrintStream to which log messages will be printed
      See Also:
    • isLoggable

      public boolean isLoggable(Level level)
      Description copied from interface: Logger
      Checks if the argument level is greater or equal to the specified level
      level - message level
      boolean - true if the argument level is greater or equal to the specified level
    • isLoggable

      public boolean isLoggable(Level level, org.slf4j.Marker marker)
      Description copied from interface: Logger
      Checks if this logger is enabled for this level and this marker
      level - the level to test
      marker - null or the marker to test
      true if the level is greater or equal to the specified level and the marker matches
    • log

      public void log(org.slf4j.Marker m, String aFqcn, Level level, String message, Object[] args, Throwable thrown)
      Description copied from class: Logger_common_impl
      The main log call implemented by subclasses
      Specified by:
      log in class Logger_common_impl
      m - the marker
      aFqcn - the fully qualified class name of the top-most logging class used to filter the stack trace to get the caller class / method info
      level - the UIMA level
      message - -
      args - - arguments to be substituted into the message
      thrown - - can be null
    • log

      public void log(org.slf4j.Marker m, String aFqcn, Level level, String message, Throwable thrown)
      Description copied from class: Logger_common_impl
      The version of the main log call implemented by subclasses that skips the substitution because it already was done by rb()
      Specified by:
      log in class Logger_common_impl
      m - the marker
      aFqcn - the fully qualified class name of the top-most logging class used to filter the stack trace to get the caller class / method info
      level - the UIMA level
      message - -
      thrown - - can be null
    • log2

      public void log2(org.slf4j.Marker m, String aFqcn, Level level, String message, Object[] args, Throwable thrown)
      Description copied from class: Logger_common_impl
      The version of the main log call implemented by subclasses that uses {}, not {n} as the substitutable syntax. This syntax is used by log4j, slf4j, and others. But not used by uimaj logger basic syntax, or Java Util Logger. This version is called by all new logging statments that don't need to be backwards compatible. e.g., logger.error, logger.warn, etc.
      Specified by:
      log2 in class Logger_common_impl
      m - the marker
      aFqcn - the fully qualified class name of the top-most logging class used to filter the stack trace to get the caller class / method info
      level - the UIMA level
      message - -
      args - - arguments to be substituted into the message
      thrown - - can be null
    • setLevel

      public void setLevel(Level level)
      Description copied from interface: Logger
      Sets the level of messages that will be logged by this logger. Note that if you call UIMAFramework.getLogger().setLevel(level), this will only change the logging level for messages produced by the UIMA framework. It will NOT change the logging level for messages produced by annotators. To change the logging level for an annotator, use UIMAFramework.getLogger(YourAnnotatorClass.class).setLevel(level).

      If you need more flexibility it configuring the logger, consider using the standard Java logger properties file or the java.util.logging APIs.

      level - message level
    • getName

      public String getName()
    • isDebugEnabled

      public boolean isDebugEnabled()
    • isDebugEnabled

      public boolean isDebugEnabled(org.slf4j.Marker arg0)
    • isErrorEnabled

      public boolean isErrorEnabled()
    • isErrorEnabled

      public boolean isErrorEnabled(org.slf4j.Marker arg0)
    • isInfoEnabled

      public boolean isInfoEnabled()
    • isInfoEnabled

      public boolean isInfoEnabled(org.slf4j.Marker arg0)
    • isTraceEnabled

      public boolean isTraceEnabled()
    • isTraceEnabled

      public boolean isTraceEnabled(org.slf4j.Marker arg0)
    • isWarnEnabled

      public boolean isWarnEnabled()
    • isWarnEnabled

      public boolean isWarnEnabled(org.slf4j.Marker arg0)