Interface ProcessTraceEvent

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public interface ProcessTraceEvent extends Serializable
Captures information, including timing, about an event that occurred during processing. Events may have sub-events that further break down the steps involved in a complex process.
  • Field Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
    Constant for the ANALYSIS event type.
    static final String
    Constant for the ANALYSIS_ENGINE event type.
    static final String
    Constant for the SERVICE event type.
    static final String
    Constant for the SERVICE_CALL event type.
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    Retrieves the name of the component that is performing this event.
    Retrieves the description of this event.
    Gets the duration of this event.
    Gets the duration of this event, minus the sum of the durations of its direct sub-events.
    Retrieves the result message of this event.
    Gets the sub-events of this event.
    Gets the type of event.
    Generates a user-readable representation of this event and its sub-events.
    toString(StringBuffer aBuf, int aIndentLevel)
    Generates a user-readable representation of this event and its subevents, using the given indentation level and writing to a StringBuffer.
    toString(StringBuffer aBuf, int aIndentLevel, int aTotalTime)
    Generates a user-readable representation of this event and its subevents, using the given indentation level and writing to a StringBuffer.
  • Field Details Link icon

    • ANALYSIS_ENGINE Link icon

      static final String ANALYSIS_ENGINE
      Constant for the ANALYSIS_ENGINE event type. This represents the time spent in the Analysis Engine, including the annotator's analysis and framework overhead.
      See Also:
    • ANALYSIS Link icon

      static final String ANALYSIS
      Constant for the ANALYSIS event type. This represents the actual analysis performed by an annotator.
      See Also:
    • SERVICE Link icon

      static final String SERVICE
      Constant for the SERVICE event type. This represents the total time spent in execution of a remote service (not including communication and marshalling/unmarshalling overhead).
      See Also:
    • SERVICE_CALL Link icon

      static final String SERVICE_CALL
      Constant for the SERVICE_CALL event type. This represents the total time spent making a call on a remote service, including marshalling and unmarshalling.
      See Also:
  • Method Details Link icon

    • getComponentName Link icon

      String getComponentName()
      Retrieves the name of the component that is performing this event.
      the component name
    • getType Link icon

      String getType()
      Gets the type of event. Standard values for this property are defined as constants on this interface, but any String is allowed.
      the event type
    • getDescription Link icon

      String getDescription()
      Retrieves the description of this event.
      the event Description
    • getDuration Link icon

      int getDuration()
      Gets the duration of this event.
      the duration of this event, in milliseconds.
    • getResultMessage Link icon

      String getResultMessage()
      Retrieves the result message of this event.
      the event's result message
    • getSubEvents Link icon

      List<ProcessTraceEvent> getSubEvents()
      Gets the sub-events of this event.
      a List containing other ProcessTraceEvent objects
    • getDurationExcludingSubEvents Link icon

      int getDurationExcludingSubEvents()
      Gets the duration of this event, minus the sum of the durations of its direct sub-events.
      the duration of this event in milliseconds, excluding the time spent in its sub-events
    • toString Link icon

      String toString()
      Generates a user-readable representation of this event and its sub-events.
      toString in class Object
      the String representation of this event and its sub-events
    • toString Link icon

      void toString(StringBuffer aBuf, int aIndentLevel)
      Generates a user-readable representation of this event and its subevents, using the given indentation level and writing to a StringBuffer. This is useful for writing nested events.
      aBuf - string buffer to add to
      aIndentLevel - indentation level
    • toString Link icon

      void toString(StringBuffer aBuf, int aIndentLevel, int aTotalTime)
      Generates a user-readable representation of this event and its subevents, using the given indentation level and writing to a StringBuffer. Also, if the total time for all events is known, this method will print the percentage of time used by this event and its subevents.
      aBuf - string buffer to add to
      aIndentLevel - indentation level
      aTotalTime - total time, used to calculate percentags. If not known, pass 0.