Interface ConfigurationGroup

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, MetaDataObject, Serializable, XMLizable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ConfigurationGroup extends MetaDataObject
A group of ConfigurationParameters. Actually, a single ConfigurationGroup object can have multiple group names, in which case it represents multiple groups that all share the same parameters.
  • Method Details

    • getNames

      String[] getNames()
      Gets the group names for this ConfigurationGroup object.
      an array of group names. Names are not allowed to contain whitespace.
    • setNames

      void setNames(String... aNames)
      Sets the group names for this ConfigurationGroup object.
      aNames - an array of group names. Names are not allowed to contain whitespace.
    • getConfigurationParameters

      ConfigurationParameter[] getConfigurationParameters()
      Gets the configuration parameters in this group.
      an array containing ConfigurationParameter objects, each of which describes a configuration parameter in this group.
    • setConfigurationParameters

      void setConfigurationParameters(ConfigurationParameter... aParams)
      Sets the configuration parameters in this group.
      aParams - an array containing ConfigurationParameter objects, each of which describes a configuration parameter in this group.
    • addConfigurationParameter

      void addConfigurationParameter(ConfigurationParameter aConfigurationParameter)
      Adds a Configuration Parameter to this group.
      aConfigurationParameter - the Configuration Parameter to add
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this object is not modifiable
    • removeConfigurationParameter

      void removeConfigurationParameter(ConfigurationParameter aConfigurationParameter)
      Removes an Configuration Parameter from this group.
      aConfigurationParameter - the Configuration Parameter to remove (must be == with an ConfigurationParameter in this group, or this method will do nothing).
      UIMA_UnsupportedOperationException - if this object is not modifiable