Class PackageBrowser


public class PackageBrowser extends Object
The PackageBrowser class allows browsing both archived and unarchived PEAR packages, finding package files and directories, loading installation descriptor files and returning run-time environment settings required for installed components.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final String BINARY_DIR

      public static final String CONFIGURATION_DIR
    • DATA_DIR

      public static final String DATA_DIR

      public static final String DESCRIPTORS_DIR

      public static final String DOCUMENTATION_DIR

      public static final String LIBRARY_DIR

      public static final String METADATA_DIR

      public static final String RESOURCES_DIR

      public static final String SOURCES_DIR

      public static final String INSTALLATION_DESCRIPTOR_FILE

      public static final String PEAR_PROPERTIES_FILE

      public static final String SUBMISSION_PROPERTIES_FILE

      public static final String SETENV_TXT_FILE
  • Constructor Details

    • PackageBrowser

      public PackageBrowser(JarFile pearPackage) throws IOException
      Constructor that allows browsing a given PEAR package without unarchiving it.
      pearPackage - The given archived PEAR package to browse.
      IOException - if a problem with IO
    • PackageBrowser

      public PackageBrowser(File pearPackageDir) throws IOException
      Constructor that allows browsing a given unacrhived PEAR package before or after its installation.
      pearPackageDir - The root directory where the PEAR package was unarchived.
      IOException - if a problem with IO
  • Method Details

    • buildComponentClassPath

      public String buildComponentClassPath() throws IOException
      Creates a string that should be added to the CLASSPATH to run the given installed component, based on its installation descriptor specifications, as well as the contents of its lib directory. The output string includes absolute path expressions for all relevant objects containing in the component PEAR package. If the component package is archived, returns null.
      The string that needs to be added to the CLASSPATH to run the given installed component.
      IOException - If any I/O exception occurred.
    • buildComponentRuntimeClassPath

      public String buildComponentRuntimeClassPath() throws IOException
      Like buildComponentClassPath(), but without all jars from the lib dir.
      The runtime classpath for the component.
      IOException - if there was an IO problem
    • buildComponentClassPath

      public String buildComponentClassPath(boolean relativePath, boolean addLibDir) throws IOException
      Creates a string that should be added to the CLASSPATH to run the given installed component, based on its installation descriptor specifications, as well as the contents of its lib directory. The output string includes absolute or relative path expressions for all relevant objects containing in the component PEAR package, depending on the value of a given boolean argument. If the component package is archived, returns null.
      relativePath - If true, the output string will include relative path expressions for all relevant objects containing in the component PEAR package, otherwise it will contain absolute path expressions for these objects.
      addLibDir - Whether to add jars from the lib dir to the classpath (true at packaging time, false at runtime).
      The string that should be added to the CLASSPATH to run the given installed component.
      IOException - If any I/O exception occurred.
    • buildComponentPath

      public String buildComponentPath() throws IOException
      Creates a string that should be added to the PATH to run the given installed component, based on the PEAR package defaults and its installation descriptor specifications. The output string includes absolute path expressions for all relevant objects containing in the component PEAR package. If the component package is archived, returns null.
      The string that needs to be added to the PATH to run the given installed component.
      IOException - If any I/O exception occurred.
    • buildComponentPath

      public String buildComponentPath(boolean relativePath) throws IOException
      Creates a string that should be added to the PATH to run the given installed component, based on the PEAR package defaults and its installation descriptor specifications. The output string includes absolute or relative path expressions for all relevant objects containing in the component PEAR package, depending on the value of a given boolean argument. If the component package is archived, returns null.
      relativePath - If true, the output string will include relative path expressions for all relevant objects containing in the component PEAR package, otherwise it will contain absolute path expressions for these objects.
      The string that needs to be added to the PATH to run the given installed component.
      IOException - If any I/O exception occurred.
    • findDirectory

      public File[] findDirectory(String dirNamePattern)
      Looks for package directories matching a given directory name pattern in the PEAR package. If the given directory name pattern starts with '/' or '\', the method looks for directory names that start with the given name pattern, otherwise it looks for directory names that contain the given name pattern as a substring. The method does not support wild cards.
      dirNamePattern - The given directory name pattern to look for.
      The array of matching package directories.
    • findFile

      public File[] findFile(String fileNamePattern)
      Looks for package files matching a given file name pattern in the PEAR package. If the given file name pattern starts with '/' or '\', the method looks for file names that start from the given name pattern, otherwise it looks for file names that contain the given name pattern as a substring. The method does not support wild cards.
      fileNamePattern - The given file name pattern to look for.
      The array of matching package files.
    • findStandardDirectory

      public File findStandardDirectory(String stdDirName)
      Looks for a given standard package directory. This method assumes that the given standard directory name is the full name of the directory in the package root directory.
      stdDirName - The given full standard package directory name.
      The specified standard package directory, if this directory exists in the package, null otherwise.
    • findStandardFile

      public File findStandardFile(String stdFileName)
      Looks for a given standard package file. This method assumes that the given standard file name is the full name of the file in the package root directory.
      stdFileName - The given full standard package file name.
      The specified standard package file, if this file exists in the package, null otherwise.
    • getAllDirectories

      public File[] getAllDirectories()
      Array of File objects representing all directories existing in the package.
    • getAllFiles

      public File[] getAllFiles()
      Array of File objects representing all files existing in the package.
    • getInstallationDescriptor

      public InstallationDescriptor getInstallationDescriptor() throws IOException
      Loads the INSTALLATION_DESCRIPTOR_FILE file, and creates the InstallationDescriptor (InsD) object.

      Note: if the component package has been installed, the InsD object contains real specifications of package directories, otherwise it may contain macros like $main_root.

      The InsD object corresponding the installation descriptor file.
      IOException - If any I/O exception occurred.
    • getRootDirectory

      public File getRootDirectory()
      The package root directory, where the package was unarchived, or the directory corresponding to the package file path without its extension, if the archived package was specified.
    • isArchived

      public boolean isArchived()
      true, if the archived package was specified, false otherwise.
    • getComponentPearDescPath

      public String getComponentPearDescPath() throws IOException
      returns the pear component pearSpecifier file path.
      returns the pear component pearSpecifier file path or null if an archived package was used.
      IOException - if there was an IO problem
    • getComponentDataPath

      public String getComponentDataPath() throws IOException
      Returns the UIMA datapath setting for the component. The datapath of the component must be specified as environment variable with the key uima.datapath.
      the datapath setting for the component or null if the datapath is not specified.
      IOException - If any I/O exception occurred while reading the component meta data.
    • getComponentEnvVars

      public Properties getComponentEnvVars() throws IOException
      Returns the environment variable settings for the component. The variable settings does not contain the classpath and uima.datapath settings for the component.
      returns the environment variable settings for the component
      IOException - If any I/O exception occurred while reading the component meta data.