Class InstallationDescriptor

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class InstallationDescriptor extends Object implements Serializable
The InstallationDescriptor class encapsulates all elements and parameters included in the XML Installation Descriptor file.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • InstallationDescriptor

      public InstallationDescriptor()
      Default constructor.
    • InstallationDescriptor

      public InstallationDescriptor(File insdFile)
      Constructor that takes a given original InsD file as an argument.
      insdFile - The given original InsD file.
  • Method Details

    • addProperty

      protected static Properties addProperty(Properties props, String name, String value)
      Adds a property specified by given name and value to a given Properties object. If the given object already contains a property with the given name, adds a new value to this property using PROPERTY_DELIMITER as the delimiter, unless the existing property value list already contains the given new value.
      props - The given Properties object to be modified.
      name - The given property name.
      value - The given new value of the property.
      The modified Properties object.
    • deleteProperty

      protected static Properties deleteProperty(Properties props, String name, String value)
      Deletes a property specified by given name and value from a given Properties object. If the given object contains one or more PROPERTY_DELIMITER separated values under the given property name, removes the value that is equal to the specified value. If no values remain under the given name, removes the property associated with the specified name from the given object.
      props - The given Properties object to be modified.
      name - The given property name.
      value - The given new value of the property.
      The modified Properties object.
    • getRelativePathForComponentObject

      protected static String getRelativePathForComponentObject(String absolutePath, InstallationDescriptor.ComponentInfo component)
      Constructs a relative path of a given component object, based on its absolute path.
      absolutePath - The given absolute path of the object.
      component - The given component instance.
      The relative path of the given component object.
    • addDelegateComponent

      public void addDelegateComponent(String id, String name)
      Creates and adds a delegate component specification to the list (for aggregate component).
      id - The given delegate component ID.
      name - The given delegate component name.
    • addFrameworkSpec

      public void addFrameworkSpec(String specName, String specValue)
      Adds a specification defined by given name and value to the set of Framework specifications. If the Framework specifications already contain the given name, adds a new value using PROPERTY_DELIMITER as the delimiter.
      specName - The given specification name.
      specValue - The given specification value.
    • addInstallationAction

      public void addInstallationAction(InstallationDescriptor.ActionInfo action)
      Adds a specified 'installation action' to the list.
      action - The specified 'installation action' object.
    • addOSSpec

      public void addOSSpec(String specName, String specValue)
      Adds a specification defined by given name and value to the set of OS specifications. If the OS specifications already contain the given name, adds a new value using PROPERTY_DELIMITER as the delimiter.
      specName - The given specification name.
      specValue - The given specification value.
    • addToolkitsSpec

      public void addToolkitsSpec(String specName, String specValue)
      Adds a specification defined by given name and value to the set of Toolkits specifications. If the Toolkits specifications already contain the given name, adds a new value using PROPERTY_DELIMITER as the delimiter.
      specName - The given specification name.
      specValue - The given specification value.
    • clearDelegateComponents

      public void clearDelegateComponents()
      Removes all specified delegate components.
    • clearFrameworkSpecs

      public void clearFrameworkSpecs()
      Removes all Framework specifications.
    • clearInstallationActions

      public void clearInstallationActions()
      Removes all specified installation actions.
    • clearOSSpecs

      public void clearOSSpecs()
      Removes all OS specifications.
    • clearToolkitsSpecs

      public void clearToolkitsSpecs()
      Removes all Toolkits specifications.
    • deleteDelegateComponent

      public void deleteDelegateComponent(String id)
      Removes a specified delegate component associated with a given component ID.
      id - The given delegate component ID to be removed.
    • deleteFrameworkSpec

      public void deleteFrameworkSpec(String specName, String specValue)
      Removes a specification defined by given name and value from the set of Framework specifications.
      specName - The given specification name.
      specValue - The given specification value.
    • deleteInstallationActions

      public void deleteInstallationActions(String actionName)
      Removes all installation actions associated with a given action name (FIND_AND_REPLACE_PATH_ACT or SET_ENV_VARIABLE_ACT).
      actionName - The given action name.
    • deleteOSSpec

      public void deleteOSSpec(String specName, String specValue)
      Removes a specification defined by given name and value from the set of OS specifications.
      specName - The given specification name.
      specValue - The given specification value.
    • deleteToolkitsSpec

      public void deleteToolkitsSpec(String specName, String specValue)
      Removes a specification defined by given name and value from the set of Toolkits specifications.
      specName - The given specification name.
      specValue - The given specification value.
    • getDelegateComponents

      public Hashtable<String,InstallationDescriptor.ComponentInfo> getDelegateComponents()
      The list of the ComponentInfo objects that encapsulate specifications of the registered delegate components (for aggregate component).
    • getFrameworkSpecs

      public Properties getFrameworkSpecs()
      The specifications of the UIMA framework - (key, value) pairs. Value may contain one string or a list of strings, separated by PROPERTY_DELIMITER.
    • getInstallationActions

      public Collection<InstallationDescriptor.ActionInfo> getInstallationActions()
      The list of the ActionInfo objects that encapsulate specifications of all requested installation actions.
    • getInstallationActions

      public Collection<InstallationDescriptor.ActionInfo> getInstallationActions(String actionName)
      Returns the list of specified ActionInfo objects that have a given action name.
      actionName - The given action name.
      The list of the ActionInfo objects that have the given action name.
    • getInstallationDescriptorFile

      public File getInstallationDescriptorFile()
      The InsD file associated with this object.
    • getMainCasConsumerDesc

      public String getMainCasConsumerDesc()
      Absolute path to the specified CAS Consumer descriptor for the main (submitted) component, or null, if the main component was not specified.
    • getMainCasConsumerDesc

      public String getMainCasConsumerDesc(boolean relativePath)
      Returns absolute or relative path to the specified CAS Consumer descriptor for the main (submitted) component, or null, if the main component was not specified. If the relative path is requested, returns the path relative to the main component root dir.
      relativePath - If true, returns relative path, otherwise returns absolute path.
      Absolute or relative path to the specified CAS Consumer descriptor for the main (submitted) component, or null, if the main component was not specified.
    • getMainCasInitializerDesc

      public String getMainCasInitializerDesc()
      Absolute path to the specified CAS Initializer descriptor for the main (submitted) component, or null if the main component was not specified.
    • getMainCasInitializerDesc

      public String getMainCasInitializerDesc(boolean relativePath)
      Returns absolute or relative path to the specified CAS Initializer descriptor for the main (submitted) component, or null, if the main component was not specified. If the relative path is requested, returns the path relative to the main component root dir.
      relativePath - If true, returns relative path, otherwise returns absolute path.
      Absolute or relative path to the specified CAS Initializer descriptor for the main (submitted) component, or null, if the main component was not specified.
    • getMainCollIteratorDesc

      public String getMainCollIteratorDesc()
      Absolute path to the specified Collection Iterator descriptor for the main (submitted) component, or null if the main component was not specified.
    • getMainCollIteratorDesc

      public String getMainCollIteratorDesc(boolean relativePath)
      Returns absolute or relative path to the specified Collection Iterator descriptor for the main (submitted) component, or null, if the main component was not specified. If the relative path is requested, returns the path relative to the main component root dir.
      relativePath - If true, returns relative path, otherwise returns absolute path.
      Absolute or relative path to the specified Collection Iterator descriptor for the main (submitted) component, or null, if the main component was not specified.
    • getMainComponentDeployment

      public String getMainComponentDeployment()
      The specified main component deployment type, or default deployment type (standard), if no deployment type specified.
    • getMainComponentDesc

      public String getMainComponentDesc()
      Absolute path to the specified XML AE descriptor for the main (submitted) component, or null if the main component was not specified.
    • getMainComponentDesc

      public String getMainComponentDesc(boolean relativePath)
      Returns absolute or relative path to the specified XML AE descriptor for the main (submitted) component, or null, if the main component was not specified. If the relative path is requested, returns the path relative to the main component root dir.
      relativePath - If true, returns relative path, otherwise returns absolute path.
      Absolute or relative path to the specified XML AE descriptor for the main (submitted) component, or null, if the main component was not specified.
    • getMainComponentId

      public String getMainComponentId()
      The specified ID for the main (submitted) component, or null if the main component was not specified.
    • getMainComponentName

      public String getMainComponentName()
      The specified name for the main (submitted) component, or null if the main component was not specified.
    • getMainComponentNetworkParam

      public Properties getMainComponentNetworkParam(String paramName)
      paramName - The given network component parameter name.
      The specifications of the given network component parameter.
    • getMainComponentNetworkParamNames

      public Set<String> getMainComponentNetworkParamNames()
      The Set of the network component parameter names.
    • getMainComponentProps

      public Properties getMainComponentProps()
      The specified additional properties of the main (submitted) component, or null if the main component was not specified.
    • getMainComponentRoot

      public String getMainComponentRoot()
      The specified root directory path for the main (submitted) component, or null if the main component was not specified.
    • getMainComponentService

      public InstallationDescriptor.ServiceInfo getMainComponentService()
      Main component service specifications, if specified.
    • getOSSpecs

      public Properties getOSSpecs()
      The specified attributes of the OS environment - (name, value) pairs. Value may contain one string or a list of strings, separated by PROPERTY_DELIMITER.
    • getToolkitsSpecs

      public Properties getToolkitsSpecs()
      The specified attributes of the standard system toolkits - (name, value) pairs. Value may contain one string or a list of strings, separated by PROPERTY_DELIMITER.
    • setInstallationDescriptorFile

      public void setInstallationDescriptorFile(File insdFile)
      Assignes a given installation descriptor file to this object. This method does not perform parsing of the file.
      insdFile - The given installation descriptor file.
    • setDelegateComponentDesc

      public void setDelegateComponentDesc(String id, String descFilePath)
      Sets a given descriptor file path to a given delegate component.
      id - The given delegate component ID.
      descFilePath - The given descriptor file path.
    • setDelegateComponentName

      public void setDelegateComponentName(String id, String name)
      Assignes a given name to a given delegate component.
      id - The given delegate component ID.
      name - The given delegate component name.
    • setDelegateComponentProperty

      public void setDelegateComponentProperty(String id, String propName, String propValue)
      Assignes a given property to a given delegate component.
      id - The given delegate component ID.
      propName - The given property name.
      propValue - The given property value.
    • setDelegateComponentRoot

      public void setDelegateComponentRoot(String id, String rootDirPath)
      Sets a given directory path as the root path for a given delegate component.
      id - The given delegate component ID.
      rootDirPath - The given root directory path.
    • setMainCasConsumerDesc

      public void setMainCasConsumerDesc(String descFilePath)
      Sets a given main CAS consumer descriptor file.
      descFilePath - The given CAS consumer descriptor file path.
    • setMainCasInitializerDesc

      public void setMainCasInitializerDesc(String descFilePath)
      Sets a given main CAS initializer descriptor file.
      descFilePath - The given CAS initializer descriptor file path.
    • setMainCollIteratorDesc

      public void setMainCollIteratorDesc(String descFilePath)
      Sets a given main Collection iterator descriptor file.
      descFilePath - The given Collection iterator descriptor file path.
    • setMainComponent

      public void setMainComponent(String id)
      Sets a given main component using a given component ID. This method creates a new main component instance, overriding all previously set attributes of the main component.
      id - The given main component ID.
    • setMainComponent

      public void setMainComponent(String id, String name)
      Sets a given main component using given component ID and name. This method creates a new main component instance, overriding all previously set attributes of the main component.
      id - The given main component ID.
      name - The given main component name.
    • setMainComponentDeployment

      public void setMainComponentDeployment(String deplType)
      Sets a given main component deployment type: standard, service or network.
      deplType - The specified deployment type.
    • setMainComponentDesc

      public void setMainComponentDesc(String descFilePath)
      Sets a given main component descriptor file.
      descFilePath - The given main component descriptor file path.
    • setMainComponentId

      public void setMainComponentId(String id)
      Replaces existing main component ID with a given new ID.
      id - The given new ID of the main component.
    • setMainComponentName

      public void setMainComponentName(String name)
      Sets a given main component name.
      name - The given main component name.
    • setMainComponentNetworkParam

      public void setMainComponentNetworkParam(String paramName, Properties paramSpecs)
      Sets a specifications of a given network component parameter.
      paramName - The given network component parameter name.
      paramSpecs - The specifications of the given network component parameter.
    • setMainComponentProperty

      public void setMainComponentProperty(String propNname, String propValue)
      Sets a given main component property.
      propNname - The given property name.
      propValue - The given property value.
    • setMainComponentRoot

      public void setMainComponentRoot(String rootDirPath)
      Sets a given main component root directory.
      rootDirPath - The given main component root directory path.
    • setMainComponentService

      public void setMainComponentService(InstallationDescriptor.ServiceInfo serviceInfo)
      Sets a given main component service specifications. The service specifications are valid only for service deployment type.
      serviceInfo - The given main component service specifications.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
      String representation of the InsD object.
      See Also:
    • updateMainComponentId

      @Deprecated(since="2.3.1") public void updateMainComponentId(String id)
      Use setMainComponentId() method instead.
      Replaces existing main component ID with a given new ID.
      id - The given new ID of the main component.
      To be removed in version: