Class IntRedBlackTree


public class IntRedBlackTree extends Object
map<int, int%gt; uses separate objects (IntRBTNode) as nodes See the RedBlackTree class. This is a specialized instance with ints as elements.
  • Constructor Details

    • IntRedBlackTree

      public IntRedBlackTree()
      Default constructor, does nothing.
  • Method Details

    • size

      public final int size()
    • clear

      public final void clear()
    • containsKey

      public final boolean containsKey(int key)
    • containsValue

      public final boolean containsValue(int o)
    • put

      public final boolean put(int key, int el)
      Insert an object with a given key into the tree.
      key - The key under which the int is to be inserted.
      el - The int to be inserted.
      true, if the key was not in the tree; false, if an element with that key was already in the tree. The old element is overwritten with the new one.
    • remove

      public final int remove(int key) throws NoSuchElementException
      Delete the node with the given key from the tree, if it exists.
      key - The key to be deleted.
    • get

      public final int get(int key) throws NoSuchElementException
    • isEmpty

      public final boolean isEmpty()
    • keySet

      public final int[] keySet()
    • getFirst

      public final int getFirst()
    • iterator

      public IntRedBlackTree.IntRBTIterator iterator()
    • printKeys

      public void printKeys()
      Debugging aid.
    • toArray

      public int[] toArray(int offset)
      Provides an array representation of the IntRedBlackTree. See IntRBTArray for the memory layout of the array. Note that the red-black information is lost in the translation. The resulting array is only meant to be read, not grown. The array is meant as input to construct an IntRBTArray object.
      offset - An offset for internal addressing. If offset > 0, the addresses generated for right daughters in two-daughter nodes are shifted to the right. This is useful if the resulting array will be copied to a certain offset position in a different array.
      The resulting array representation.
    • copy

      public IntRedBlackTree copy()